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Hyršl, Jaroslav, Petrov, Alfredo (2009) Bolivia - The Height of Mineral Collecting. Mineral Monograph 12. Lithographie, LLC Report (issue)
ophyllite; 5. 2 cm tall Cerro Rico, Potosi, B,atillo province, Potosi Andy Seibel col/action Jejf-SC,m/.plwto...wp11�. Yaalte: 12.5 cm wide Siglo XX Mine, ,U� Bustillo province, Potosi Malty Zinn colkdknt (ex Marv...Minerals from the San Jose and Itos Mines in Oruro ... 26 BY ROBERT B. COOK The Morococala Mine .............Deposit: A Pre-Columbian Gem Mine ........... 80 BY ALFREDO PETROV The Anahi Mine ..........................(Chacaltaya, about 5,100 meters), the highest metallic ore mine (Chorolque, up to 5,450 meters), and so on. But
U.S. Geological Survey and Servicio Geologico de Bolivia, (compiler) (1991) Mineral deposits and occurrences of the Bolivian Altiplano and Cordillera Occidental. Open-File Report Vol. 1991 (91-286) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr91286 Report (issue)
geographical area to which the deposit belongs. 11 PROVINCE The Republic of Bolivia is divided into 9 departments...list the name of the province in which a deposit occurs. PHYSIOGRAPHIC PROVINCE The physiographic provinces...which a mine first produced. YEAR OF LAST PRODUCTION Year in which an inactive producing mine last operated...(PRESENT/LAST) Person or corporation which owns the mine or mining claims. The most recent owner is listed...OPERATOR Person or corporation which operates the mine. This may be a subsidiary or a lessee. TOTAL INVESTMENT
(2001) November - December 2001. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 32 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Articles Famous mineral localities: The Bristol copper mine, Connecticut......................................in the U.S.A. notesfrom th r EDITORS OLD YUMA MINE Another great mineral locality has now been closed...longfamous Old Yuma mine near Tucson (see R. L. Jones, “Famous mineral localities: the Old Yuma mine,” in vol....period of activity, access to the mine was cut off in 1984. In 1996 the mine area was absorbed into the Saguaro...and Mining Company for the sum of $558,000. The mine is now owned outright by the Federal Government
Eakle, Arthur S. (1914) Minerals of California. Bulletin 67. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
sxuth of ]\Ionterey. San Bernardino County Large deposits are said to exist in San Bernardino mountains...and good specimens have come from the Manzanita mine. Imperial County: The mud volcanoes near Volcano...have been found in the Defiance mine. Kern County On both sides of the San Joaquin Valley impure beds of...district. Lake County: At the Sulphur Bank quicksilver mine, situated on Clear Lake, a very interesting deposit...cinnabar on Horseshoe Bend Mountain, near Coulterville. San Bernardino County: Occurs at Searles Borax Lake as
Pampeyan, Earl Haig (1963) Geology and mineral deposits of Mount Diablo, Contra Costa County, California. Special Report 80. California Division of Mines & Geology Report (issue)
Division of Mines and Geology Ferry Building, San Francisco, 1963 NS! ^ r<* * ^^-^v OF Kv - ...setting 24 Ore deposits 24 Ryne mine 25 Mount Diablo mine 26 Prospects 26 Prospect near Sunshine...Composite geologic map of the underground workings, Ryne mine In pocket Plate 5. Composite and geologic maps...maps of the underground workings, Mount Diablo mine 6 Figure 1. 1 Figure 2. Photomicrographs of...J. A. Taff (1935) Mount Diablo and Ryne mines San Francisco Bay region showing the Mount Diablo area
Simons, F.S., Mapes, E. (1956) Geology and ore deposits of the Zimapan mining district, State of Hidalgo, Mexico. Professional Paper 284. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp284 Report (issue)
Gorgonia-San Pascual mining area. _________ El Arcabuz prospect________________________ Buenavista mine _ __________...Resquicio mine __________________________ La Salvadora prospect _ ____________________ San Jos6 Maravillas-Poder...Maravillas-Poder de Dios mine_______ San Pablo mine___-__________________________ San Pascual mine__ _________________________...___________ La Luz mine_______________________________ San Fernando mine_________________________ -Page 49...Chiquihuites mine.____________________ Concepci6n mine_____-__.:____--__-__-Concordia mine.__ __________________
(2014, May 4th) The Hoppel Collection of Fine Minerals & Gems Auction 3. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5168. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
directly from the miners at the Elmwood Mine in Tennessee, when the mine was actively producing twenty years...Auction 3 52001 HEMATITE Elba Island, Livorno Province, Tuscany, Italy If there was ever a specimen that...POWELLITE Jardinera No. 1 Mine, Inca de Oro, Chañaral Province, Atacama Region, Chile Terry Szenics has been...mineral came from one pocket in the Jardinera No. 1 Mine. That find was roughly one cubic meter in volume...MANGANOCALCITE Pachapaqui District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department, Peru It is difficult to believe
(1990) Stratabound Ore Deposits in the Andes. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-88282-1 Book
Av. Jose Galvez Barrenechea 218, Urb. Corpac Lima-San Isidro, Peru Prof. Dr. ESTEBAN CEDILW Facultad de...Geologia, Universidad de Guanajuato Ex-Hacienda de San Matias s/n Apartado Postal 347 Guanajuato, Gto. 36020...Universidad de Concepci6n Casilla 4107 Concepci6n, Chile ISBN 978-3-642-88284-5 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-88282-1.... . . . 37 The Metalliferous Ore Deposits of Chile and Argentina, and Their Geologic Framework J. Oyarzun... . . . . . . . . 147 X Contents El Aguilar Mine: An Ordovician Sediment-Hosted Stratiform Lead-Zinc
Beste, Bob (2014) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (4th ed.) Vol. 1 - Part I - Alabama through Florida. province of Sierra Madre Occidental. (Modified from Berstein...Mexicali Show & Nensengdo Figure 4. The mineral province of Sonora. (Mod ors ified from Berstein, 1964...University of New York, Albany) Provinces / 5 The province of Sonora, located in the northwest corner of...4) is an extension of both the basin and range province, and the copper porphyry belt of the western UnitedPanczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
produced specimens from such places as the La Fe Mine in the state of Chiapas and Santa Rosalia in the...CALl[NTCS ... I MI ( Figure 3. The mineral province of Sierra Madre Occidental. (Modified from Berstein...University of New York, Albany) Figure 4. The mineral province of Sonora. (Modified from Berstein, 1964, back...Ttcolote • S 0 R A Sor • Provinces I 5 The province of Sonora, located in the northwest corner of...4) is an extension of both the basin and range province, and the copper porphyry belt of the western United
Beste, Bob (1996) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (2nd ed.) Vol. 1 - Part I - Alabama to Idaho. Book (volume)
Not a county in Alabama but a tradition of a “lead _Mine_” worked by Indians.) PELL CITY, NE 3 mi., area quarries⎯black...Copper, Gold and Pyrite; (b) Franklin or Jemison Mine, in NW¼SE¼Sec. 8, on tributary of Mulberry Cr.,...Muscovite mica, Quartz, etc. ASHLAND: c area: (a) M & G _Mine_⎯Apatite, Garnet and Smoky Quartz; (b) Gibson prospect⎯Garnets;...mines⎯Muscovite mica. (A line drawn from the Delta Mica Mine in the NE corner of the county with a bearing 45º...old Delta Mine, on dumps⎯Beryl, Kyanite and Tourmaline; d NW 2.6 mi., the Smith No. 1 _Mine_⎯gem Beryl
Beste, Bob (2005) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (3rd ed.) Vol. 1 - Part I - Alabama through Idaho. Book (volume)
Not a county in Alabama but a tradition of a “lead _Mine_” worked by Indians.) PELL CITY, NE 3 mi., area quarries⎯black...Copper, Gold and Pyrite; (b) Franklin or Jemison Mine, in NW¼SE¼Sec. 8, on tributary of Mulberry Cr.,...Muscovite mica, Quartz, etc. ASHLAND: c area: (a) M & G _Mine_⎯Apatite, Garnet and Smoky Quartz; (b) Gibson prospect⎯Garnets;...mines⎯Muscovite mica. (A line drawn from the Delta Mica Mine in the NE corner of the county with a bearing 45º...old Delta Mine, on dumps⎯Beryl, Kyanite and Tourmaline; d NW 2.6 mi., the Smith No. 1 _Mine_⎯gem Beryl
Hovey, E. O. (1913) Abstracts of papers presented at the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Society, but not published in full in the preceding pages of this volume, together with discussions of papers as far as preserved. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 24 (1) 669-719 doi:10.1130/gsab-24-669 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Pottsville-Allegheny boundary in the Interior Province [abstract] ; by David W hite....................zone are th e follow in g, in ascending o r d e r : san d y sc h ist w ith squeezed q u artzite pebbles,...the base of the Triassic in the Colorado Plateau Province, and is separated from the underlying Per­ mian...form a particularly well defined petrographic province. Their lavas are clearly comagmatle. A review...This was at first thought to be melanterite and chalcanthite, but a few tests and analyses have shown that
(2003) The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (4). The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Thirty-four, Number Four Articles The El Desierto sulfur mine, Potosí, Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...of the Mazarrón-Águilas mining district, Murcia Province, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Famous mineral localities: The Pacajake selenium mine, Potosí, Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1980 when he paid me a visit at the Jacupiranga mine; somehow he had learned of my mineralogical researches...studies of the mineralogy of the now-famous Brumado mine in Bahia, recovering countless superb crystal specimens
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert Wallace (1966) Minerals of California - Centennial Volume (1866-1866) Bulletin 187. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
and Geology mineral exhibit in in the Cali- San Francisco MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA CENTENNIAL VOLUME...BULLETIN California Division of Ferry Building, San 189 Mines and Geology Francisco, 1966 CA 94111...represented by specimens in the exhibit of the CDMG at San Francisco carry the letters CDMG and the specimen...to the California Division of Mines and Geology, San Francisco. It would be impracticable to acknowledge...account of his visit aboard the vessel Rurik to San Francisco Bay in 1816. Blake's "Annotated Catalog"
Lewis, Richard Wheatley (1964) The geology, mineralogy and paragenesis of the Castrovirreyna lead-zinc-silver deposits, Peru. Open-File Report Vol. 1964 (64-103) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr64103 Report (issue)
striking 8. 55° 2. They are, front east to vest: San Gaanro, Caudslosa, and la Virreyna. A less liaportant...commonest oro minerals, and at the eastern end, around San Gcnaro and Astohunrac^, silvor sulfosalts predominate*...found at shallow depths in all deposits. Silver at San Genaro, however, was concentrated towards the surface...the deposition of silver sulfide and sulfosalts at San Genaro* Maslnajn tcoporaturaa, indicated by tha wurtaite-sphalerita...area * » «« -» * - lUSpida area »»* . . >.«. «... San Genaro mina » --«. .. . -.-- Tho Hsdona area -. «
(1917) Useful minerals of the United States. Bulletin Vol. 624. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b624 Report (volume)
Nashville, Tenn. California____.Mr. William H. Storms, San Francisco. Prof. A. F. Rogers, Stanford University...portion of coarse-grained granite veins in Piedmont Province from alteration of feldspar. In Calhoun County...STATES ALABAMA. H ing in pure white clay at Eureka mine, 4 miles northeast of Valley Head. Etowah County...was mined with other copper ores at Woods' copper mine. Mica (muscovite). Chilton County, mined in T. 22...also. Randolph County, small quantity at Pinetucky mine; carries gold; also at other gold mines. Pyrolusite
Ransom, Jay Ellis (1964) A Range Guide to Mines and Minerals - How and Where to Find Valuable Ores and Minerals in the United States. Harper & Row, New York. Book
61 232 PART The Making 43 II 5 7 3 III Mine PART 267 IV Glossary 279 Bibliography 291...minerals which make lovely cabinet specimens. old mine western states, to kick up and oxidation, ...abandoned cially in the dumps not unusual for mine dumps, espe- a solid gold or silver nugget, simply...glossary and Part III is devoted to a section on small-mine development. The proper use of a geologic map...for profitable hunting or for developing your own mine are as great as ever. America needs strategic minerals
(1903) Contributions to economic geology, 1902. Bulletin Vol. 213. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b213 Report (volume)
the first object, since general laws are useful to mine owners the world over and are not confined in their...economic geologists are detailed to study the various mine developments of the area with a view to the determination...to make a complete or exhaustive examination of a mine or district, but such a characterization as may...a geo­ logical study of the whole region of the San Juan Mountains in south­ western Colorado. Under...paper in the Eighteenth Annual Report. The whole San Juan region is rich in ore deposits, occurring to
(1989) September - October 1989. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 20 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Moore Phosphate minerals from the Leveaniemi iron mine, Svappavaara, Sweden .............................Hollabaugh Laueite from Hagendorf-Siid andthe Palermo mine ................. 363 by L. C. Pitman New data...image of a crack hidden in the back (roof) of a mine adit (from A. P. Annan etal. (1988) Radar sounding...distribution of diamond crystal forms from the Romaria mine (formerly Agua Suja, Minas Gerais): Rhombic dodecahedron...that year Bernardino da Fonseca Lobo, a Portuguese mine owner (gold mines), discovered diamonds in the Corregos
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert W. (1956, December) Minerals of California. Bulletin 173. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
DIVISION Director OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO OLAF San Francisco P. 11 JENKINS, Chief BULLETIN...specimens in the exhibit of the Division of Mines at San Francisco carry the letters S.M.B., and the specimen...either of the authors or to the Division of Mines in San Francisco. It would be impracticable to acknowledge...by aboriginal tribes in the northeast corner of San Bernardino County in pre-historic times. The old...claim the Stone Hammer mine. This find aroused so much interest that the San Francisco Call, in 1898