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Wight, Quintin (2019) The Where of Mineral Names: Poudretteite, Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu Regional County Municipality, Montérégie, Québec, Canada. Rocks & Minerals, 94 (4) 376-379 doi:10.1080/00357529.2019.1595956 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Saint-Hilaire La Vallée-du-Richelieu Regional County Municipality Montérégie Québec, Canada A s Bruce Cairncross...Saint-Hilaire (La Vallée-du-Richelieu Regional County Municipality [RCM], Québec, Canada), one of the Quintin Wight...Figure 3. Subhedral poudretteite with spicules of pectolite. Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) specimen No. M52359...Hills. Frank D. Adams of McGill Unioped cores of pectolite and apophyllite with minor aegirine versity first...collection, and in the _pectolite_-rich marble xenoliths, associated with the pectolite and apophyllite, they
(2003) Mexico [II]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mexico ineralogical Record September-October 2003 ❖ Volume 34 Number 5 ❖ $20 Wayne & Dona Leicht,...Van Pelt, Los Angles Mexico Special Issue II The Ojuela Mine Preface to _Mexico_-II1............................................................... 24 Mapimí District Geology .................................... 32 Sidebar: First Discovery of Adamite at Ojuela................................ 43 Sidebar: Purple...find in the San Judas chimney, Level 6, of the Ojuela mine. Houston Museum of Natural Science collection;
Moore, Thomas P. (2018, December 5th) What's New in the Mineral World? 51. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Report (issue)
#50. His style differs in several respects from mine, but everyone—writers and readers alike—needs a...rhodochrosite crystal group from the N’Chwaning I mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province...$1680. Rhodochrosite, 2 cm, from the N’Chwaning I mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province...classic localities for the species: the San Andres mine, Espiel, Comarca Valle del Guadiato, Córdoba Province...anyway. Pyromorphite, 3.1 cm, from the San Andres mine, Espiel, Comarca Valle del Guadiato, Córdoba Province
Pohwat, Paul W. (2014) Connoisseur's Choice: Grossular, Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Les Sources Municipalité Régional de Comté Estrie, Québec, Canada. Rocks & Minerals, 89 (5) 424-436 doi:10.1080/00357529.2014.926178 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Washington, DC 20013 pohwatp@si.edu GROSSULAR Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Les Sources Municipalité Régional de...Figure 1. Grossular, 7 × 8 cm, from the Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Les Sources Municipalité, Régional de...grossular dodecahedra is commonly observed on Jeffrey mine specimens. This particular specimen is one of the...modified single crystal of grossular from the Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Québec, Canada. The Arkenstone specimen...12-cm-high group of grossular crystals from the Jeffrey mine, Québec, Canada. Formerly in the Charles Key collection
Hoffmann, Victor Joseph (1968) The mineralogy of the Mapimí mining district, Durango, Mexico, University of Arizona. Thesis/Dissertation
The mineralogy of the Mapimí mining district, Durango, Mexico Item Type text; Dissertation-Reproduction...MINERALOGY OF THE MAPIMl' MINING DISTRICT, DURANGO, MEXICO by Victor Joseph Hoffmann A Dissertation...Mineralogy of the Mapimi Mining District,______ Durango, Mexico______________________________ be accepted...samples from the mines and offered information on the mine locations and their access. Mr. Salvador Davila...Smithsonian Institution from both the collections of Ojuela mine specimens obtained by Foshag in 1934 and from
(1967, April 27th) Price List. Mineralogical Research Co. Catalog/List
larger sizes. Item 100 ADAMITE - Mapimi, Dgo., Mexico -Botryoidal or crystali7.ed w'.riite to.lemon yellow...3 2,1013X42, 101 3 X 4 2,1013X43.75 -Santa Eulalia, Chi., Mexico -White coral-like cave groups, all fine 2 X 2 1...X41031...X4 103 1...X41033.25 ?4 AUSTINITE - M::ipimi, I)go., Mexico -Light green end-member of the ConichalciteAustinite...$2.25, 2 X 3 2.75,1042.75, 104 2.75,1043.50 Mapimi, I)go., Mexico ~ Turquoise blue feathery sprays of xl§. on 2 X...50, CRYSTAL LIST (Continued) Frapimi, Dgo.,.Mexico -Bright green nodules and xls. covering brown _
Wilensky, Stuart, Wilensky, Donna (2017) Wilensky Fine Minerals Vol. 6. Wilensky Fine Minerals. Book (volume)
Cata Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico, 10 Adamite (Manganoadamite) Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, 28 Aegirine..., Morocco, 48-49 Apatite (with Bikitaite) Foote Mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland Co., North Carolina,... 22 Aphthitalite PCA Intrepid Potash Mine, Carlsbad, New Mexico, 22 Axinite (Magnesio-Axinite) Char Band...Pakistan, 7 Azurite (& Malachite) "Sams Pocket", Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia, 20-21 Bastnaesite (on Calcite)...Tourmaline) Paprok Mine, Nuristan Prov., Afghanistan, 33 Bismuthinite Biggenden Mine, Mount Biggenden,
Kleinkauf, John H. (1975) Theft of Mineral Specimens at Union College Schenectady, N. Y. Rocks & Minerals, 50 (1) 34-36 doi:10.1080/00357529.1975.11762182 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Landes, France Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico A t a c a m a...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Chessy, France with Uranophane and Mangan-Apatite, Ruggles Mine, Grafton...America Conception del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico Herodsfoot Mine, Cornwall, England Franklin, New Jersey
(2000) Museum Notes & Announcement. Rocks & Minerals, 75 (1) 70-76 doi:10.1080/00357520009602581 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
JanuaryFebruary: Wulfenite and mimetite. San Francisco mine, Sonora. Mexico. Shirley Fiske specimen, Jeff Scovil photo...photo. March/April: Gold, Mystery wind mine, California. Pacific Mineral Museum specimen, Mark Mauthner...Silver with calcite, Southwest orebody, White Pine mine, Ontonagon County, Michigan. Lance Hampel specimen...July/August: Sphalerite with pyrite and calcite, Portland mine, Ouray County, Colorado. Barbara Muntyan specimen...SeptemberlOctober: Calcite with hematite inclusions, Lei Ping mine, Guiyang, Hunan Province, China. Werner Lieber specimen
(2017) N'Chwaning!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 48 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
crystals on matrix, 17.2 cm, from the N’Chwaning I mine, collected in 1978. Private collection and photographer...Show and Riverpark Inn Rhodochrosite, Sweet Home Mine, USA, 10 cm Photo: Malte Sickinger MARCUS BUDIL...budil-minerals.com Chrysocolla on Malachite Mashamba West Mine Democratic Republic of Congo 26 cm - Joe Budd Photo...mineral shows worldwide! Rhodochrosite - Sweet Home Mine, Colorado - 13cm | Brazilianite - Minas Gerais,...from the Hotazel mine emerged onto the international market. The N’Chwaning I mine, opened in 1972, yielded
(2008) American Mineral Treasures Issue. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 39 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
p. 258 COVER: COPPER, 8.3 cm, from the Central mine, Keweenaw County, Michigan—considered by some to...fine minerals on DVD wilensky Fluorite, Huanzala mine, Dos de Mayo Province, Peru. Wilensky Fine Minerals...and Other Minerals from the Mammoth-St. Anthony mine, Tiger, Pinal County, Arizona Chapter authors: Les...Presmyk and Tony Potucek The Mammoth-St. Anthony mine at Tiger has produced not only large amounts of...Frank Schultz staked the first claims in 1879. The mine began as several separate workings that ultimately
(1996, Summer) World Display - Reference. Mineral Lists. Paul A. Lowe Catalog/List
SPC. D or RF £12 4. N AT I V E COPPER.Wolserine Mine,Keweenaugh Peninsula-Michigan-USA Pure flattish...PECTOL/TE,JefTrey Mine,Asbestos,Quebec.Canada. Exquisite milky white acicular pectolite NUS to 14mm forming...forming a rich druse on a massive pectolite matrix. Exquisite D or RF SPC M I to C. £10 27. BORNITE.San...Interesting RF SPC C 42 MIMETITEDOLONIITE.Nlina Ojuela,Nlapiini,Durango.Nlexico Gorgeous lemon yellow...druse. Pretty D or RF Ml. £6 66 LINARITE,Bingam,New Mexico,USA. Azure blue druse of linarite xtls on a flecked
(1975, June) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
display. ltx2i". £11. 7. ARSENOPYRITE. New Rosewarne Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall. Rich, bright, silvery mass composed...ist matrix. 2x2xlt". £3.50. BUST ITE. Zinc Corp. Mine, Broken Hill, N.S. ales, ustralia. Large, slightly...veinstuff. 2tx2". £5.50. CASSITE1i.ITE. Poldi e Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall. Small, bright, brmmish black...veinstuff. 2-tx2xlt". £4.75. CASSITE1i.ITE. Cligga Mine, crranzabuloe, Cornwall. Select, Vlell formed, large...Dufti te. 2ixlt", £6.50. CThUSSITE. Pentire G13ze Mine", St. Minver, Cormlall. Rich, creamy ,lhite, elongated
(2005, October) Richard Tayler Individual Minerals Catalogue 98. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
sunbust effect , cut and polished slab 2.5 xl .5 Mine de L' Etoile Congo £20 3. LEPIDOLITE, choice display...sheet about lxl.5 inches La Noria mine, San Martin, Zacatecas Mexico £15 , 16. NATIVE COPPER coppery looking...nice Ix 2.5 inch exposed cleavage surface. Mission Mine, Pima County, Arizona USA £25 17. GRAPHITE, pure...up well for display. interesting location Niobec Mine, Quebec, Canada £25 19. PYRITE a very sharp 2cm...ofUyea, North Roe Shetland ,Scotland £30 24. PECTOLITE rich pale pink fibrous vein-section about 4x2
(2002) Index Volume 76 (2001) Rocks & Minerals, 77 (1) 68-74 doi:10.1080/00357529.2002.9926660 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
JanuaryFebruary: Ferro-axinite on calcite, Dodo mine, Puiva Mountain, KhantyMansi Avt. Okrug, Tyumen’...MarcNApril: Pyromorphite on quartz, Manhan River mine, Easthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Marvin...shaft, South Hecla branch of the Calumet and Hecla mine, Houghton County, Michigan. A. E. Seaman Mineral...JulyIAugust: Vanadinite and wulfenite, Old Yuma mine, Pima County, Arizona. Les Presmyk specimen, Jeff...November/December: Rhodochrosite, area 28, level 20, Eagle mine, Gilman County, Colorado. Dave Bunk specimen on
(2004, December) Geonieuws Vol. 29 (10) Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen Journal (issue)
Treasure of the Rockies The Story of the Sweet Home Mine Silver Mountain Productions, speeltijd +/- 80 minuten...de Sweet Home Mine". Dat verhaal begon in feite reeds in 1870, toen de Sweet Home Mine "geboren werd"...MKA-bib). Dit werk gaat uitsluitend over de Sweet Home Mine en bevat niet minder dan 153 pagina's en 221 kleurenfoto's...Dillen Adamiet-kristallen van de Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Verzameling en foto Fabre Minerals...heeft opgeleverd, is ongetwijfeld de Ojuela mijn, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Hier werden centimetersgrote prismatische
(2009, March) March/April 2009. Mineral Lists. Nick Carruth Catalog/List
35x30x20mm. £ 12. ..._ 5) ARGYRODITE. Himmelsfurst Mine, Saxony, Gennany. Several lead grey metallic fragments...there. 45x30xl5mm. £25. 8) BAYLDONITE. Brandy Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria. Cellular quartz matrix...60x50x30mm. £165. (b) JO) CALCITE (Co). Masl1amba West Mine, Kolwezi, Zaire. An approximate 50xl5mm crust of...coated QUARTZ. 1400' level, Hanging Wall Vein, Geevor Mine, St Just, Cornwall. An intergrown group of"stacked"...£22. _ '.. _. 13) CASSITERITE on QUARTZ. Zab}1oe Mine, Daloegorsk, Russia. Two colourless translucent
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
anc MINERALS OF MEXICO 7 | : = Pras #0 AaprTTARE ; MINERALS OF MEXICO William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy— Collectors and collecting— Mexico. 2. Mines and...and mineral resources— Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This book...Jalisco; D. Santiago Ramirez’s La Riqueza Minera de Mexico, and his translation of Dana’s Tratado de Mineralogia...a. ie = Maes Lie Auadado = ae MINERALS OF MEXICO Vv Oona tA. IMPORTANT MINING DISTRICTS
(1990, December 1st) Mineral List. David H. Garske Catalog/List
at very low pricesl 1 ADAMITE Mexico,Durango,Mapimi, Ojuela Mine Lustroussharp transparentcolor!essxls...00236-$5.00 AllA~\HTE Canada, Quebec, Sandy Creek,Yates Mine Portion of a crude xl showing broad faces Co/I.by...3x2 Allan Inge/son 00162-$20.00 ARSENOPYRITE Mexico,Chihuahua,Parral Fairly sharp striated single xl...00_ U.S.A., Arizona, Tiger, Mammoth-St. Anthony Mine T/N 23xl.5xl.l Group of dark, rather crude xls...00117- $5.00 f8ERVl Beryl, Minas Gerais, Taquari Mine MUSEUMQUALITYsingle xl, transparentpale sea green
(1962) Catalogue. Scott Williams Mineral Company, Inc. Catalog/List
Back Cover COVER PHOTOGRAPH: _ VANADINITE Apache mine, near Globe, Gila County, Arizona. Sharp hexagonal...ADAMITE A basic arsenate of zinc. Mexico Durango, Mapimi, mina Ojuela. Green-gray to red-brown crystalled...rich ................. 1.50 . 25 Mexico Durango, Mapimi, mina Ojuela. White-to-pale yellow sheave-like...groups on limonite ................ Mexico Durango, Mapimi, mina Ojuela. Brilliant lime-yellow prismatic...Gold Hill mine. .50 2.50 Transparent xls on limonite with austinite CUPROADAMITE Mexico Durango, Mapimi
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
"'<' ~/ BOUNDARIES U A Mo<'« u~ o V :¾ MEXICO r - ·•-.. ·-··-··-··-·· < •• ....... V S TATES...org/details/mineralsofmexico0000panc MINERALS OF MEXICO • ERALS OF ~XICO M ______ William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy-Collectors and collecting-Mexico. 2. Mines and mineral...mineral resources-Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This boo i...i.. is deJicated tu the people of Mexico and to the three people who directly affected me and this project
(1978) May - June 1978. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 9 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Science (Rochester, NY) Miguel Romero (Tehuacan, Mexico) Abraham Rosenzweig (Tampa, FL) Randolph S. Rothschild...on the Benitoite Gem mine, it was stated that the Mina Numero Uno, a nearby mine having a similar mineralogy...Another rope-climbing strahler who had France’s “Mine Des Farges,” now known worked the high altitudes...ranged from rel­ from Mina La Farola (the Farola mine) atively clear to opaque white to yellow- some 500... gemmy, white barite crystals, mak­ El Salvador mine, was one, and volborthite, ing them very attractive
(1966, December) Earth Science Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
ADAMITE A basic arsenate of zinc Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela ~lliant lime-yellow prismatic orthorhombic......... Utah Toelle County, Gold Hill, Gold Hill mine ~ransparent micro crystals on gossen with minor...Cornelia mine Sky blue micro xls and coatings on monzonite ... ALABANDITE Mar.ganese sulfide Mexico Puebla...Derby mine White xlline lamellar mass with minor lepidolite . Virginia Amelia, Rutherford mine !r2 Lustrous...Lead telluride Colorado Saguache County, Klondike mine Cleavage plates in quartz with pyrite .........
Tennissen, Anthony C. (1973) Colorful Mineral Identifier (2nd ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Book (edition)
crystals at New Cornelia, Arizona and Santa Rita, New Mexico. Also found as cavity fillings in basalts and...silver is found at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Mexico has been a big producer, particularly in Batopilas...of Chihuahua; also at Guanajuato, and Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas. 16 x 2 Silver 17 ELEMENTS NAME:...Homestake Mine, South Dakota; in Montana and Arizona. Also in Ural Mts., U.S.S.R.; and at Waihi Mine, Mine...and Cuprite in Nevada; at Sulphur Bank mercury mine and at Lassen Peak, California. Sharp well-shaped
crystals at New Cornelia, Arizona and Santa Rita, New Mexico. Also found as cavity fillings in basalts and in...silver is found at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Mexico has been a big producer, particularly in Batopilas...of Chihuahua; also at Guanajuato, and Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas. 16 10 X Silver 17 ELEMENTS ...Homestake Mine, South Dakota; in Montana and Arizona. Also in Ural Mts., U.S.S.R.; and at Waihi Mine, New...New Zealand. In Australia, at Mount Morgan Mine, from Chartres Towers district, from Hillgrove, from Hill