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(2003) Mexico [II]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mexico ineralogical Record September-October 2003 ❖ Volume 34 Number 5 ❖ $20 Wayne & Dona Leicht,...Van Pelt, Los Angles Mexico Special Issue II The Ojuela Mine Preface to _Mexico_-II1............................................................... 24 Mapimí District Geology .................................... 32 Sidebar: First Discovery of Adamite at Ojuela................................ 43 Sidebar: Purple...find in the San Judas chimney, Level 6, of the Ojuela mine. Houston Museum of Natural Science collection;
Moore, Thomas P. (2011, November 25th) What's New in the Mineral World? 30. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Report (issue)
Room” to admire his several superb miniatures of torbernite (all right, metatorbernite—but the pine-green...crisp despite partial dehydration) from the Margabal mine, Entraygues, Aveyron Department, France. 1 ==...========================== Torbernite, 5.3 cm, from the Margabal mine, Entraygues, Aveyron, France...Minerals specimen and photo. This small uranium mine, in a small deposit discovered during a survey by...in the late 1950s, produced some world-class torbernite crystal groups in the early 1960s. By 1968, when
(1995, November) November/December 1995. Mineral List. Nick Carruth Catalog/List
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1995 1. ADAMITE. Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. V-shaped cavity in limonitic gossan...40x40x15mm. £10. 4. APATITE. Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico. Several light lemon yellow transparent gemmy...5. APATITE (VAR FRANCOLITE). Simms Lode, Geevor Mine, St Just, Cornwall. Cellular matrix lined with lustrous...60x50x45mm. £22. 7. AURICHALCITE AND HEMIMORPHITE. 79 Mine, Hayden, Arizona, USA. A 50x20nan cavity in veinstone...U.V. 70x60x25mm. £12. 9. AZURITE. West Caradon Mine, St Clear, Cornwall, in veinstone matrix. 30x2Qx20mm
(2013, October 19th) The Hoppel Collection of Fine Minerals Auction 2. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5141. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
museum-quality Tourmalines, including the 2nd largest Sapo Mine “shaving brush” and an exceptional Elbaite on Feldspar...Auction 2 53001 CALEDONITE Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine, Tiger, Pinal Co., Arizona, USA Named by the Romans...This example hails from the Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine: a legendary Arizona locality. Unlike the vast majority...Caledonite and a dash of azure blue Linarite. The mine is now collapsed and only a memory for the lucky... 53002 CHALCOCITE Lucky Friday Pocket, Flambeau Mine, Ladysmith, Rusk Co., Wisconsin, USA This is one
(2014, May 4th) The Hoppel Collection of Fine Minerals & Gems Auction 3. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5168. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
directly from the miners at the Elmwood Mine in Tennessee, when the mine was actively producing twenty years...bygone era. • Amethyst from Las Vigas, Veracruz, Mexico that has exceptional aesthetics, color, and composition... 52002 SZENICSITE with POWELLITE Jardinera No. 1 Mine, Inca de Oro, Chañaral Province, Atacama Region...mineral came from one pocket in the Jardinera No. 1 Mine. That find was roughly one cubic meter in volume...000-$3,000 52006 MIMETITE Var. CAMPYLITE Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, North and Western Region (Cumberland)
Metropolis, William C. (1999) Highlights of Mexican Minerals at Harvard University. Rocks & Minerals, 74 (1) 56-61 doi:10.1080/00357529909602515 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Scovil M ining began in Mexico more than four hundred years ago! As a result, Mexico has been a prolific...1960s. European museums received specimens from Mexico as early as the late sixteenth century, but it...American museums began to acquire specimens from Mexico. The Harvard collection is probably typical of...no strong connection to Mexico and its mines. A precious opal from the Iris mine in Queretaro (fig. 1)...offered as a general introduction to the minerals of Mexico, the theme of the 1999 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show
(2008, July) July/August 2008. Mineral List. Nick Carruth Catalog/List
beforehand. JULY/AUGUST 2008 1) ADAMITE. Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. A shallow cavity in limonitic gossan...40x45c30mm. £75. 2) ANGLESITE on CERUSSITE. Broken Hill Mine, New South Wales, Australia. A good six rayed stellate...70x60x40mm. £85. 4) AURICHALCITE. Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Cavities in gossan matrix lined with lovely...colour. 70x50x40mm. £12. 7) BARYTOCALCITE. Lunehead Mine, Brough, Cumbria. A 50x30mm cavity in matrix lined...60x50x30mm. £30. -• 8) BOLEITE. Amelia Mine, Baja, California, Mexico. Nice large thumbnail showing about
(1974, February) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
FEBRUlIRY 1974 1. ADAMITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Small, sharp, transparent lightish...2tx2t". 75p. 7. hURICHhLCITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Fine, delicate turquoise blue needly...Limonite mmtrix. 3x2". £8. 10. BARYTES. Haile Moor Mine, Nr. Egremont, W. Cumberland. Superb, intergrown...association. 2~xlt". £2. 16. CaSSITERITE. Dolcoath Mine, Camborne, Cornwall. h mass of light brown fine...from the deep levels of Cormla II's richest tin mine. 3x2~xli". £2. =. 17. C",-SSITThITE variety "TOr
Kleinkauf, John H. (1975) Theft of Mineral Specimens at Union College Schenectady, N. Y. Rocks & Minerals, 50 (1) 34-36 doi:10.1080/00357529.1975.11762182 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Landes, France Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico A t a c a m a...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Chessy, France with Uranophane and Mangan-Apatite, Ruggles Mine, Grafton...America Conception del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico Herodsfoot Mine, Cornwall, England Franklin, New Jersey
(1974, March) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
times. MA,l.CH 1974 1. ADAMITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Specimen A Sharp, light yellowish... 7. APATITE variety FRANCOLITE. Fowey ';onsols Mine, Tywardreath, Cornwall. Small, sharp, ttansparent...2xlt". £1.50. 9. BAYLDONITE. Penberthy Crofts Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall. Rich, apple green crusts...Itxlt". 75p. -2- 10. BEUDANTITE. Penberthy Cro~ts Mine, st. Hilary, Cornwall. Transparent, well formed...'1ssociation. 3x2x2". £3. 15. C SSITEnITE. Giew Mine, Nr. st. Ives, Cornwall. Unusual, vein section consisting
(1976, November) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
£14.00. AZURITE. Concepcion del Oro, ,Zacatecas, Mexico. Lustrous, deep blue, crystals and crystal rosettes...attractivli r or display. 11. BARYTES. Hilton Mine, Scordale, Westmoreland. Lustrous, transparent to...matrix. 3x3x2". £6.50. 12. BARYTES. Ale & Cakes Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall. unusual, lustrous, translucent...veinstuff. 2tx2xl". £6.50. 13. BARYTOCALCITE. Blagill Mine, Nr. Alston, Cumberland. Choice, transparent, slightly...century. ltxltxlt". £6.50. 16. BORNITE. DolcCQth Mine, Camborne, Cornwall. unusual, 'arnished, bot ryoidal
(1977, April) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
best APRIL 1977 1. ADAMITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. select, lustrous, transparent sharp...2~-x2xl". £3.50. 6. 7. 8. APATITE. Great Work Mine, 8reage, Cornwall. Small sharp transparent colourless...rix. 3b<4x2t". £33.00. ARSENOPVRITE. Hingston Down Mine, Gunnislake, Cornwall. Specimen A - well " .•. ·formed...matrix. 2tx2xlt". £3.50. BARVTES. settlingstones Mine, Hexham, Northumberland. Sharp, lustrous, creamy...£2B.00. BARVTOCALCITE. Admiralty Flats, Nentsberry Mine, AlstJn Moor, Cumberland. Specimen A - Lustrous
(2017) N'Chwaning!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 48 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
crystals on matrix, 17.2 cm, from the N’Chwaning I mine, collected in 1978. Private collection and photographer...Show and Riverpark Inn Rhodochrosite, Sweet Home Mine, USA, 10 cm Photo: Malte Sickinger MARCUS BUDIL...budil-minerals.com Chrysocolla on Malachite Mashamba West Mine Democratic Republic of Congo 26 cm - Joe Budd Photo...mineral shows worldwide! Rhodochrosite - Sweet Home Mine, Colorado - 13cm | Brazilianite - Minas Gerais,...from the Hotazel mine emerged onto the international market. The N’Chwaning I mine, opened in 1972, yielded
(1977, November) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
green crystals. 2ix2t". 3 ".s. ANTHOINITE. Bjordal Mine, Uganda. Specimen A - Rich whitish earthy masses...quartz. 2tx2xl". £3.25. 5. AZURITE; Copper queen Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co. Arizona, U.S.A. Choice, bright...cavities. 4x2xl-t'.'. £23.00. 6. AZURITE. Buckingham Mine, Doddington, Nether Stowey, Somerset. Small bright...*2~-x1~-", £4.50p. { 9. 10. BREWSTERITE. Whitesmith Mine, Strontian, Argyllshire, Scotland. Choice lustrous...Llmestone matrix. 3xl~1". £4.50. CALCITE. Levant Mine Pendeen, CornulalL Creamy white saddle shaped crystal
Johnson, Paul Willard (1965) A Field Guide to the Gems and Minerals of Mexico. Gembooks, Mentone, CA. Book
K FIELD GUIDE to the GEMS and MINERALS of MEXICO (Exclusive of Baja California) A guide to the...Information............ Driving in Mexico................... Trailcring in Mexico ............. 5 6 6 7 8 8........ A Word to the Wise ............. Jade in Mexico......................... Manto and Chimney Deposits...Eulalia District....... El Potosi Mine............. San Antonio Mine....... Cusihuiriachic District....... Minerals of Ojuela Mine .... . Velardena District........................ Durango ...............
(1977, June) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
Limonitic matrix. 2x2xlt" .£2.75. ARGENTITE. Valenciana Mine, Guana,;uato, Me~ico,. Fine, bright, silvery grey... 5. 6. 7. ARSENOPVRITE. Parrall, Chihuahua, Mexico. Sharp, very bright, silvery crystals to .,." in... 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. AURICHALCITE. 79 Mine Gila Co., Arizona, U.S.A. Select turquoise blue...matrix. l~xltxl". £3.25. AZURITE. Duke of Cornwall Mine, Kadina, 5. Australia. Pure bright blue crystaline...crystalised Calcite. 3x~1". £r,.50. BARYTE~. Mowbray Mine, ;'rizington, west Cumberland. A select group composed
(1976, February) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
times. FEBRUARY 197 6 1. ADAMITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, ~lexico. Specimen A - Very choice lustrQus...40. 41. 42. 43. NATIVE COPPER. Fowey Consols Mine, Tywardreath, Cornwall. Rich, dark. coppery, h3Ckly...attached. 2-t;-x2xl-!:-". £4.50. CoRNWALLITE. Phoenix Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall-. Rich, deep.green, slightly...C - As Specimen A - 2xlt". £1.25. CRoCOITE. Kapi Mine, Dundas, Tas~enio, ~ustralia. Choice, bright, orangev...specimen. 3x2-i;-". £16.50. CUPRITE. Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall. Bright, deep red, sharp
(1989, Spring) Spring 1989 Reference Minerals List. David New Minerals Catalog/List
REFERENCEMINERALSLIST ADAMITE Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Select golden-yellow to blue-green...Amelia mine, Boleo, Baja California, Choice bright blue single cubic crystals. covering Mexico 1 to 2...to lxl-1/2" 5 Specimens $ 10.00 CROCOITE Red Lead mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia Bright orange-red crystalline...minor black $ 15.00 FLUORITE Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico Superb pale green lustrous intergrown stepped 1/2"...crystals HEMIMORPHITE Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico Superb lustrous milky white 3 to 6 mm terminated
(1965, March) Mineral Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
ADAMITE A basic arsenate of zinc Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela ~enish-gray to reddish-brown crystalled...limonit'e ...................... . Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela White to very pale yellow sheave-like...on limonite .................. . Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela ~lliant lime-yellow prismatic orthorhombic....... . Utah Toelle County, Gold Hill, Gold Hill mine --=.rransparent micro crystals on limonite gossen...silicate' Arizona Pima County, Ajo, New Cornelia mine Sky blue micro xls and coatings on monzonite .
(1995, March) March/April 1995. Mineral List. Nick Carruth Catalog/List
140x90x20mm. £18. 3. ANTIMONITE. Xikuangshan Mine, Hunan, China. A single lead grey lustrous xl 110x9x7mn...4. APATITE AND SIDERITE ON QUARTZ. Panasqueria Mine, Beira-Beixa, Portugal, An impressive display specimen... 5. AURICHALCITE AND HEMIMORPHITE. Tecoma Hill Mine, Lucin District, Box Elder Co., Utah, USA. Beautiful...70x5Ox15mm; £24. 6. AURICHALCITE. Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. A 30x25mm cavity in gossan matrix showing...50x50x40ram. £28. 7., BARITE. Wilsons Stope, Hilton Mine, Scordale, Cumbria. An interesting "hedgehog" group
Wilensky, Stuart, Wilensky, Donna (2009) Wilensky Fine Minerals Vol. 3. Wilensky Fine Minerals. Book (volume)
La Sirena Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico, 18 Adamite (Manganoadamite) Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, 51 Amethyst...Malachite) Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, 60 (on Malachite) Milipilas Mine, Sonora, Mexico, 56 (with Malachite)...Malachite) Morenci Mine, Greenlee Co., Arizona, 31 Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia, 46 Beryl (see also Aquamarine...Linopolis Dist., Minas Gerais, Brazil, 37 Calcite 884 Mine, Huangpolong, near Leiping, Guangxi Prov., Prov...Prov., China, 8 (on Barite with Fluorite) Elmwood Mine, Elmwood, Tennessee, 29, (on Barite) 55 (Manganocalcite)
(1978, March) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
axinite. 2x1~x1t", £1•• 5~ 11. AZURITE. HEnderson Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A. Choice bright blue ball-like...association. 3x2~x1~", £16.5~ 12. BARYTES. Dalmellington Mine, Frizington, Cumberland. Fine lustrous transparent...matrix. 2~x17", £33.00 15. NATIVE BISMUTH. Botallack Mine, St. Just, Cornwall. Bright metallic silvery masses...matrix. 25x15 mm. £6.50p 17. BOTALLACKITE. Levant Mine, Pendeen, Cornwall. apecimen A: Small bright green...matrix. 2tx1tx1", £2.25p 18. BOURNONITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Cornwall. Specimen A: Select silvery-grey
(1984, Winter) Clearance Sale Winter 84. Sam Weller Minerals. Sam Weller Minerals Catalog/List
<.Sanv We(ftuMineraG Mineral Dealer & Mine Agent Levanl Gallery, Lower Boscaswe/1, Pendeen, Nr. Penzance... I" ' 2. 3. 4. AD.AMITE.Mina Ojuela ,Mapimi,Durango, Mexico. Brilli.e.nt ( not recent!) green coloured...- ✓...,· -~Xc ,d, 12. APATITE.Panesquira xtls Mine,Beira i3eixa,PortugaL (to about 1ri in size) .....D2~5.OO. r ' \ 20. lURICBJ.ICITE. Golconda Mine,Brassington,Derbyshire. Silky blue-green xtl aggregRtee...Specimen B. 1~1"(very gemmy) ~2.00. AZURITE. Tsumcorp Mine,Otavi,S.W.Africa~ Brilliant,sharp,striated 'Roman-sword'
(1997, May) May/June 1997. Mineral List. Nick Carruth Catalog/List
7Qx30x30,m. £25. APATITE (VAR IRANOXITE) , '.I?.!- _rs Mine, Gunn' . . "■nrnwall. An interesting cellular mass...antimony. 35x20x7mm. £28. 4. ATACAMITE. Mount Gunson Mine, South Australia. A nice hemispherical mass of intergrown...£18. c) 30x20x10mm. £6. 6. BORNITE. Carn Brea Mine, Illogan, Cornwall. A dark chalcocite/chalcopyrite...120x70x25mm. £135. 7. BOULANGERITE. Zacatecas, Mexico. Pyrite/quartz veinstone, the top of which has... 100x80x50itm. £45. 8. BOURNONITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Cornwall. A fine small museum, specimen
(2019) Almaden!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 50 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
level of the underground mine was refurbished to accommodate visitors, showing mine workings dating from...village of Almadenejos we find: The Vieja Concepción mine. Here it is possible to visit part of the historic...(dating from 1755 to 1757). The Nueva Concepción mine. The Baritel de San Carlos (San Carlos shaft house)... Also included is the Refugio shaft and various mine buildings. HISTORY AND MINING Archeological remains...area where the Almadén mines are located (Sisapo 5 “_mine_” in the Celtic language). Most of the 17 books of