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Wanhainen, C., Kontturi, M., Martinsson, O. (2003) Copper and gold distribution at the Aitik Deposit, Gällivare Area, Northern Sweden. Applied Earth Science, 112 (3) 260-267 doi:10.1179/037174503225011289 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and gold distribution at the Aitik Deposit, Gällivare Area, Northern Sweden C. Wanhainen, M. Kontturi and...and O. Martinsson Aitik is a disseminated Cu–Au deposit with an annual production of 18 Mt of ore containing...copper and 0·22 ppm gold. It is situated in northern Sweden in 1·9 Ga Svecofennian, metamorphosed volcanic...rocks formed in a volcanic arc environment. The Aitik Deposit entered production in 1968. All geological...and the host rocks are strongly sericite altered, _pyrite_-rich schists. A ‘gold-rich’ area (> 0·6 ppm Au)
Wanhainen, C., Broman, C., Martinsson, O., Magnor, B. (2012) Modification of a Palaeoproterozoic porphyry-like system: Integration of structural, geochemical, petrographic, and fluid inclusion data from the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit, northern Sweden. Ore Geology Reviews, 48. 306-331 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.05.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and fluid inclusion data from the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit, northern Sweden C. Wanhainen a,⁎, C. Broman b,...Luleå, Sweden Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Vattenfall...Consultant AB, Timmermansgatan 25, SE 971 77 Luleå, Sweden a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received...Available online 9 May 2012 Keywords: Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit Northern Sweden Porphyry copper IOCG High salinity...b s t r a c t The Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit in the Gällivare area in northern Sweden is Sweden's largest
Wanhainen, Christina, Nigatu, Wondowossen, Selby, David, McLeod, Claire, Nordin, Roger, Bolin, Nils-Johan (2014) The Distribution, Character, and Rhenium Content of Molybdenite in the Aitik Cu-Au-Ag-(Mo) Deposit and Its Southern Extension in the Northern Norrbotten Ore District, Northern Sweden. Minerals, 4 (4) 788-814 doi:10.3390/min4040788 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Molybdenite in the Aitik Cu-Au-Ag-(Mo) Deposit and Its Southern Extension in the Northern Norrbotten Ore District...District, Northern Sweden Christina Wanhainen 1,*, Wondowossen Nigatu 2, David Selby 3, Claire L. McLeod 4...87 Luleå, Sweden Gunnarn Exploration AB, Blåvagen 207 Box 149, SE 923 23 Storuman, Sweden; E-Mail: w...Department, Boliden Mineral AB, SE 936 81 Boliden, Sweden; E-Mail: roger.nordin@boliden.com Division of Process...Technology, Boliden Mineral AB, SE 936 81 Boliden, Sweden; E-Mail: nils-johan.bolin@boliden.com * Author
(2020) Chapter 3 Archean (>2.6 Ga) and Paleoproterozoic (2.5–1.8 Ga), pre- and syn-orogenic magmatism, sedimentation and mineralization in the Norrbotten and Överkalix lithotectonic units, Svecokarelian orogen. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 50. Geological Society of London. 27-81 doi:10.1144/m50-2016-29 Report (chapter)
magmatism, sedimentation and mineralization in the Norrbotten and Överkalix lithotectonic units, Svecokarelian...WEIHED2‡ 1 Geological Survey of Sweden, Box 670, SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden 2 Division of Geosciences and...Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden ‡ Pro Vice-Chancellor, Luleå University of Technology...bergman@sgu.se Abstract: Two lithotectonic units (the Norrbotten and Överkalix units) occur inside the Paleoproterozoic...0–1.8 Ga) Svecokarelian orogen in northernmost Sweden. Archean (2.8–2.6 Ga and possibly older) basement
Melcher, F., Prochaska, W., Raith, J., Thalhammer, O., Mali, H., AlHakim, A., Altenberger, F., Berger, M., Grafinger, S., Hampl, F., Lamprecht, C., Layr, K., Pupp, M., Steiner, T. (2018) Mineral deposits of Lapland: excursion guide of the Montanuniversität Leoben. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 164. Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Leoben took place in Lapland, northern Finland & Sweden. Thanks to the organisation of Prof. Melcher and...alike. We The biggest operating mines, Kemi (Cr), Aitik (Cu, Au), Kiruna (Fe) and Kittilä (Au) have been...Fennoscandia in Finland, NW Russia, Norway and Sweden (Figure 2). Archean crust occurs in the east and...Palaeoproterozoic components. The Archaean part of the Norrbotten province is dominantly covered by younger rocks...the formation of major deposits in North Finland/Sweden (e.g. BERGMAN et al., 2008). Although the majority
Bauer, Tobias E., Andersson, Joel B.H., Sarlus, Zmar, Lund, Cecilia, Kearney, Thomas (2018) Structural Controls on the Setting, Shape, and Hydrothermal Alteration of the Malmberget Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit, Northern Sweden. Economic Geology, 113 (2) 377-395 doi:10.5382/econgeo.2018.4554 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Malmberget Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit, Northern Sweden Tobias E. Bauer,1,† Joel B.H. Andersson,1,2 Zmar...Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden 2 LKAB, 3 Minerals SE-983 81 Malmberget, Sweden and Metallurgical Engineering...87 Luleå, Sweden Abstract The Malmberget iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposit in northern Sweden is one of...of the largest underground iron ore mine operations in the world with estimated ore reserves in 2015 of...IOCG overprint. Introduction The Norrbotten region in northern Sweden is one of the most active mining
Frietsch, Rudyard (1980) The ore deposits of Sweden. Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande Vol. 306. Geological Survey of Finland Journal (volume)
Survey of Finland Bulletin 306 The ore deposits of Sweden by Rudyard Frietsch Geologinen tutkimuslaitos...Survey of Finland, Bulletin 306 THE ORE DEPOSITS OF SWEDEN by RUDYARD FRIETS CH with one figure in the text...ESPOO 1980 Frietsch, R. 1980. The ore deposits of Sweden. Geological SlIrvey Bulletin 306. 20 pages and...figure. 0/ Finland, The metallogenie provinces of Sweden are reviewed. The Precambrian deposits include...the iron, sulphide and tungsten ores of Central Sweden, the sulphide ores of the Skellefte district, the
Wanhainen, Christina, Billström, Kjell, Martinsson, Olof, Stein, Holly, Nordin, Roger (2005) 160 Ma of magmatic/hydrothermal and metamorphic activity in the Gällivare area: Re–Os dating of molybdenite and U–Pb dating of titanite from the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit, northern Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 40 (4) 435-447 doi:10.1007/s00126-005-0006-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
U–Pb dating of titanite from the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit, northern Sweden Received: 25 May 2005 / Accepted:...2005 Abstract Host rocks to the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit in northern Sweden are strongly altered and deformed...history following primary ore deposition in the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit. Samples represent dyke, vein and...Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden E-mail: christina.wanhainen@ltu.se Tel.: +46-920-492401...of Natural History, Box 50007, 10405 Stockholm, Sweden H. Stein AIRIE Program, Department of Geosciences
Korkiakoski, Esko, Sorjonen-Ward, Peter - Eds. (1997) Research and exploration - where do they meet? 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, August 11-13, 1997, Turku, Finland. Excursion guidebook B1: Ore deposits of Lapland in northern Finland and Sweden. Geological Survey of Finland Guide (Geologian Tutkimuskeskus Opas) 43 Report (issue)
Ore Deposits of Lapland in Northern Finland and Sweden edited by Esko Korkiakoski and Peter Sorjonen-...ORE DEPOSITS OF LAPLAND IN NORTHERN FINLAND AND SWEDEN edited by Esko Korkiakoski and Peter Sorjonen-Ward...Ore deposits of Lapland in northern Finland and Sweden. Research and exploration — where do they meet... in the northernmost parts of both Finland and Sweden. The most significant mining and processing operations...huge Kiruna apatite iron mine in Swedish Lapland and the Kemi chromium mine, with its associated steel
Wanhainen, Christina, Broman, Curt, Martinsson, Olof (2003) The Aitik Cu?Au?Ag deposit in northern Sweden: a product of high salinity fluids. Mineralium Deposita, 38 (6) 715-726 doi:10.1007/s00126-003-0363-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Broman Æ Olof Martinsson The Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit in northern Sweden: a product of high salinity fluids...Springer-Verlag 2003 Abstract The Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit is located in northern Sweden and is hosted by strongly...copper-rich system during a post-ore event. The Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit shares some features with both...Luleå University of Technology, SE 971 87 Luleå, Sweden E-mail: chwa@sb.luth.se Tel.: +46-920-492401 Fax:...geochemistry, Stockholm University, SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden O. Martinsson Centre for applied ore studies (CTMG)
Frietsch, R., Billstr�m, K., Perdahl, J. A. (1995) Sulphur isotopes in Lower Proterozoic iron and sulphide ores in northern Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 30 (3) 275-284 doi:10.1007/bf00196363 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Proterozoic iron and sulphide ores in northern Sweden R. Frietsch ~, K. Billstr6m 2, J.A. PerdahP 1Division...Lule~t University of Technology, S-971 87 Lule~t, Sweden 2 Laboratory for Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum...Museum of Natural History, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Received: 5 November 1993/Accepted: 20 June 1994 Abstract...Proterozoic iron and sulphide mineralizations in northern Sweden. The contrastmg sulphur isotope patterns are indicative...different genesis. Some 267 sulphur isotope analyses of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and
Lundmark, Christina, Stein, Holly, Weihed, Pär (2005) The geology and Re–Os geochronology of the Palaeoproterozoic Vaikijaur Cu–Au–(Mo) porphyry-style deposit in the Jokkmokk granitoid, northern Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 40 (4) 396-408 doi:10.1007/s00126-005-0003-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
porphyry-style deposit in the Jokkmokk granitoid, northern Sweden Received: 1 May 2005 / Accepted: 7 June 2005 /...northern Sweden. The Skellefte VMS district lies immediately to the south and the northern Norrbotten Fe-oxide–Cu–Au...quartz-sulphide veinlets and disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrite, gold, molybdenite, magnetite, and pyrrhotite....also present. A _pyrite_-rich inner core is surrounded by a concentric zone with pyrite, chalcopyrite, and...Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden E-mail: christina.lundmark@ltu.se H. Stein AIRIE
Smith, M.P., Gleeson, S.A., Yardley, B.W.D. (2013) Hydrothermal fluid evolution and metal transport in the Kiruna District, Sweden: Contrasting metal behaviour in aqueous and aqueous–carbonic brines. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 102. 89-112 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.015 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
evolution and metal transport in the Kiruna District, Sweden: Contrasting metal behaviour in aqueous and aqueous–carbonic...deposits and Fe oxide-apatite deposits from Norrbotten, Sweden, formed in similar settings, and in some...the Kiruna and Malmberget ore districts, northern Sweden (Fig. 1) with the aims of examining the formation...The detailed geology and metallogeny of Norrbotten County, Sweden, have been reviewed by Carlon (2000) and...ac- o 70 N Main map Kiruna o 65 Lule 50Km Sweden o 60 Per Geiger Ores Luossavaara/ Kirunavaara
Frietsch, Rudyard, Tuisku, Pekka, Martinsson, Olof, Perdahl, Jan-Anders (1997) Early proterozoic Cu(Au) and Fe ore deposits associated with regional NaCl metasomatism in northern Fennoscandia. Ore Geology Reviews, 12 (1) 1-34 doi:10.1016/s0169-1368(96)00013-3 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Oulu, SF-905 S-971 87 Luleii, 70 Oulu, Finland Sweden Received 19 October 1995; accepted 29 August 1996...kilometres in northern Fennoscandia, comprising northern Sweden, northern Finland and adjacent parts of Norway...contain tourmaline of the schorl-dravite series. _Aitik_-Nautanen Cu-(Au) style deposits and in particular...from western Sweden to eastern Finland, with occurrences in Norway and Russia. In Sweden, tourmaline ... Cu-(Au) sulphide ore. Norway: (1) Bidjovagge. Sweden: (2) Kopparisen, (3) Sjangeli, (5) Tjavelk, (10)
Malinovsky, Dmitry, Hammarlund, Dan, Ilyashuk, Boris, Martinsson, Olof, Gelting, Johan (2007) Variations in the isotopic composition of molybdenum in freshwater lake systems. Chemical Geology, 236 (3) 181-198 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.09.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Luleå, Sweden GeoBiosphire Science Centre, Quaternary Sciences, Lund University, 22362 Lund, Sweden Institute...Geology, Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden b c Received 30 January 2006; received in revised...in sediment cores from three lakes in northern Sweden and north-western Russia. These variations have...molybdenites collected from a limited area in northern Sweden and at testing the hypothesis that Mo isotopic...of the lakes. The lakes are located in northern Sweden in the close vicinity to the largest Scandinavian
Logan, Leslie, Andersson, Joel B. H., Whitehouse, Martin J., Martinsson, Olof, Bauer, Tobias E. (2022) Energy Drive for the Kiruna Mining District Mineral System(s): Insights from U-Pb Zircon Geochronology. Minerals, 12 (7) 875 doi:10.3390/min12070875 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden; joel.bh.andersson@ltu.se (J.B.H.A.); olof.martinsson@ltu...Museum of Natural History, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden; martin.whitehouse@nrm.se Correspondence: leslie...+46-920-491855 Abstract: The Kiruna mining district, Sweden, known for the type locality of Kiruna-type iron...0/). 1. Introduction The northern Norrbotten ore province, Sweden, is broadly described as an iron oxide–...and complicated tectonic histories, such as the Norrbotten province, which has experienced several phases
Billström, Kjell, Frietsch, Rudyard, Perdahl, Jan-Anders (1997) Regional variations in the Pb isotopic compositions of ore galena across the Archaean-Proterozoic border in northern Sweden. Precambrian Research, 81 (1) 83-99 doi:10.1016/s0301-9268(96)00027-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
across the Archaean-Proterozoic border in northern Sweden Kjell "Blllstrom'"a*,, Rudyard Frietsch b Jan-Anders...Stockholm, Sweden b Department of Applied Geology; Luled University of Technology, S-951 87 Lule~, Sweden Received...Palaeoproterozic mineralizations in northernmost Sweden. In the present work Pb isotope data from galena...inferred Proterozoic-Archaean border in northern Sweden. Radiogenic lead is generally found in galena of...Cu-Zn-Pb ores in the Porphyry group in southern Norrbotten, and in similar deposits near the Caledonides
Smith, M., Coppard, J., Herrington, R., Stein, H. (2007) The Geology of the Rakkurijarvi Cu-(Au) Prospect, Norrbotten: A New Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposit in Northern Sweden. Economic Geology, 102 (3) 393-414 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.102.3.393 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Cu-(Au) Prospect, Norrbotten: A New Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposit in Northern Sweden M. SMITH,† School...Exploration B.V., Filial Sverige, Box 14, 930-70 Malå, Sweden R. HERRINGTON, Department of Mineralogy, Natural...supracrustal sequence of the Kiruna district, northern Sweden. Potentially economic grades of Cu and Au, largely...alteration in many IOCG deposits, the association of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and gold with massive magnetite...data from the Rakkurijärvi IOCG deposit in Norrbotten, Sweden. The Rakkurijärvi magnetite breccias are
Edfelt, Åsa, Armstrong, Robin N., Smith, Martin, Martinsson, Olof (2005) Alteration paragenesis and mineral chemistry of the Tjårrojåkka apatite–iron and Cu (-Au) occurrences, Kiruna area, northern Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 40 (4) 409-434 doi:10.1007/s00126-005-0005-y Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and Cu (-Au) occurrences, Kiruna area, northern Sweden Received: 25 May 2005 / Accepted: 10 June 2005...Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract The northern Norrbotten area in northern Sweden, is an important mining district...characteristics as most other epigenetic deposits in Norrbotten. The host rock has been affected by strong albite...Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden E-mail: Asa.Edfelt@ltu.se R. N. Armstrong Department...representing a slightly later product. Keywords Sweden Æ Proterozoic Æ IOCG Æ Hydrothermal alteration
Frietsch, R., Papunen, H., Vokes, F. M. (1979) The ore deposits in Finland, Norway, and Sweden; a review. Economic Geology, 74 (5) 975-1001 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.74.5.975 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
nickel-coppermine at four countries: Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the Vammala was increasedand the first planswere...thoseof Norway by Vokesand Gale (1976) metric tons of pyrite concentrate,0.13 million metric and Vokes (1976)... (65.8% Fe on average), 494,000 metric tons of pyrite concentrate(47.3% S), 414,000 metric tons of chromite...FINLAND, AND NORWAY, VOKES AND _SWEDEN_--A REVIEW Fit;. 1. The Vuonos mine in the Outokumpu district Finland...operativein 1976, 30 were extractingiron ores. The Sweden productionof iron ore was30.526 million metric
Eilu, Pasi - Ed. (2012) Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Fennoscandia. Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper 53 Report (volume)
deposits and all metallogenic domains in Norway, Sweden, Finland and NW Russia. Deposits and metallogenic...Finland, Norway, Russia (VSEGEI and SC Mineral) and Sweden. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND Special Paper 53...Fe Russia Vittangi Au Fe U Kittilä Fe Gällivare REE Cr Fe Kovdor Ni REE Sodankylä Fe Fe...Alakurtti Korpilombolo Cu Salla Jokkmokk 68° N Sweden Co REE Kemijärvi Fe ISBN 978-952-217-174-0...Finland, 40 in Norway, 40 in Russia, and 41 in Sweden. These include 24 areas that cross international
Eilu, Pasi (2003) Exploration for orogenic gold deposits. Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining. Rovaniemi. Corporate Document
Rantasalmi 4. SWEDEN 4.1 Aitik 4.2 Pahtohavare 4.3 Björkdal 4.4 Åkerberg 4.5 Nautanen, Gällivare 4.6 Jälketkurkkio...described in this paper. In addition, some samples from Sweden, Czech Republic, Russian Far East, Ukraine, and...dominance of pyrrhotite and calcite instead of pyrite and dolomite in the deposits, suggest that the... epidote - pyrrhotite. Other ore minerals present are: pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena...hosts to the ore. Abundant biotite with idioblastic pyrite characterise the alteration related to gold mineralisation
Westhues, Anne, Hanchar, John M., Whitehouse, Martin J., Martinsson, Olof (2016) New Constraints on the Timing of Host-Rock Emplacement, Hydrothermal Alteration, and Iron Oxide-Apatite Mineralization in the Kiruna District, Norrbotten, Sweden. Economic Geology, 111 (7) 1595-1618 doi:10.2113/econgeo.111.7.1595 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Oxide-Apatite Mineralization in the Kiruna District, Norrbotten, Sweden* Anne Westhues,1,† John M. Hanchar,1 Martin...Museum of Natural History, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources...Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden Abstract High spatial resolution zircon U-Pb geochronological...are economically important in the Norrbotten region of northern Sweden (e.g., Bergman et al., 2001). Several...2014). About 40 IOA deposits are known in the Norrbotten region, having average Fe and P contents of 30
Bernal, Nelson F., Gleeson, Sarah A., Smith, Martin P., Barnes, Jaime D., Pan, Yuanming (2017) Evidence of multiple halogen sources in scapolites from iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits and regional Na Cl metasomatic alteration, Norrbotten County, Sweden. Chemical Geology, 451. 90-103 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.01.005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
name=”sbnd”/¿Cl metasomatic alteration, Norrbotten County, Sweden Nelson F. Bernal, Sarah A. Gleeson, Martin...name=”sbnd”/¿Cl metasomatic alteration, Norrbotten County, Sweden, Chemical Geology (2017), doi:10.1016/j...regional Na-Cl metasomatic alteration, Norrbotten County, Sweden SC RI Nelson F. Bernala*, Sarah A....alteration/Na-skarns (IOCG-PS) from Norrbotten County in Northern Sweden have been SC analysed for halogen...alteration. Later AC CE P in the history of the Norrbotten district components of the RM alteration were
Weihed, Pär, Arndt, Nicholas, Billström, Kjell, Duchesne, Jean-Clair, Eilu, Pasi, Martinsson, Olof, Papunen, Heikki, Lahtinen, Raimo (2005) 8: Precambrian geodynamics and ore formation: The Fennoscandian Shield. Ore Geology Reviews, 27 (1) 273-322 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2005.07.008 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden LGCA, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Maison...Natural History, Stockholm, Box 50007, SE-10405, Sweden d University of Liège Bat. B20, B-4000 Sart Tilman...large parts of Finland, NW Russia, Norway, and Sweden (Fig. 1). The oldest rocks yet found in the shield...deposits, with a large tonnage and low grade (e.g., Aitik), are associated with intrusive rocks in the northern...Reviews 27 (2005) 273–322 275 o 21 E Inari Norrbotten craton ge ni c be lt BMS B oro PC Skellefte