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Ödman, Olof H., Lundqvist, Gösta, Werner, Sture (1947) Manganese mineralization in the Ultevis district, Jokkmokk, North Sweden. Part 1: Geology. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning - Avhandlingar och uppsatser. Serie C 487 Report (issue)
MANGANESE MINERALIZATION IN THE ULTEVIS DISTRICT, JOKKMOKK, NORTH SWEDEN PART I: GEOLOGY BY OLOF H. ÖDMAN...MANGANESE MINERALIZATION IN THE ULTEVIS DISTRICT, JOKKMOKK, NORTH SWEDEN PART I: GEOLOGY OLOF H. ÖDMAN...Prospecting for Manganese Ores in the Parish of Jokkmokk. By S. Werner...................................Ice-Movements and Boulder Trains in the Murjek-Ultevis Districts. By G. Lundqvist ......................wilderness to the outcrop of the mineralized zone on Ultevis. Many of the problems encountered in the district
(2005) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 98. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
ferroedenite ✓767 ■■ 62 AJOITE Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona USA / ' Blue -green veinlets with some...across £10 766 ■■ DIOPTASE Christmas Mine, Gita County, Arizona ,USA Green elongated micro crystals, Ok...lx2£15 35 ■■ CATTIERITE Nordgruvan, Nordmark, Sweden Fairly rich silvery masses in rock ½" £4 Ix½" £6...lxl £4 lx2 £8 f ■ COBALTITE Boliden Mine, North Sweden rich fine-grained grey mass, possible very micro...Al SiO OH 203 ■■ KINOITE Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona, USA Dark blue coatings and micro crystals
(1978, October) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
£13.00 39. GADOLINITE. Ytterby, near Stockholm, Sweden. Rich lust rows blackish masses with pegmatite...£6.5Op 47.HOLLANDITE, Sorharas Mt., Ultevis Range, Kvickjokk, Sweden. Rich fibrous metallic grey crystal...green banded Pseudomalachite. 3tx2~i", £13.00 58. MANGANITE. Ilfeld, Horz, Germany. Very choice bright blackish...scattered over and free standing on crystalline manganite matrix with a little creamy 8arytes in association...re.on 76. RAMMELSBERGITE. Lain~jaur, Lappland, Sweden. Silvery metallic masses with much bronzey niccolite
Ramdahr, Paul (1959) THE MANGANESE ORES. International Geology Review, 1 (10) 52-72 doi:10.1080/00206815909473454 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Franklinite-(Zn, Mn) (F Bixbyite-Mn203 Braunite-Mn7Si012 _Manganite_-MnO(OH) Groutite-HMn02 Polianite-Mn02 Pyrolusite-Mn02...Single crystals and polygonal sheen). The similar manganite is rarely twinned, aggregates: a o =-4.74 c o...2016 Hydrohausmannite, "136ckstrOmite", LAngban, Sweden I d (A) 4.61 3.14 2.88 2.74 2.47 2.35 2.17 sst...given by Frondel [9]. Pyrochroite, Nordmarkem, Sweden d(A) 4.91 4.65 4.52 2.85 d (A) 3.00 2.82 2.79...section, the mineral may be easily confused with manganite particularly as the cleavage in hydrohetairolite
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 99. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Na Ca SiO F 7fJ 7 ■ AJOITE Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona USA Blue veinlets in matrix some with...feldspar 37 ANCYLITE Ce Dark Star Mine,Ravalli County, Montana U.S.A Rich pinkish fine grained mass in...faces. lx2 £3 2x2 £6 2x3 £10 1009 ANDALUSITE Ultevis,North Sweden variety VIRIDINE (Mangan rich variety) Olive...lx2 £6 ANKERITE-KUTNAHORITE Sjogruvan Grythyttan, Sweden 15Rich fiiwn massive, x-rayed material. 1003 ...FclsparGroup 27 ANTHOPHYLLITE Kavcltorp Mine Sweden Rfob fawn sheaves in silvery schist lxl £2 lx2
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 100. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
--··---- - - - - - · . 767 AJOITE Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona USA 17 ANAL CITE Talisker Bay, Skye, Scotland...- -- ·- -37 ANCYLITE Ce Dark Star Mine.Ravalli County. Montana U.S.A 963 ALBITE Maine USA Rich pinkish...£16 _______ ~~l~s~~r- . 1009 ANDALUSITE Ultevis,North Sweden 501 ALLOPHANE New East Whcal Russell mine...SO/4 25 ANKERITE-KUTNAHORITE Sjogruvan Grythyttan, Sweden Rich fawn massive, x-rayed material. Ix! £1.50...£9 FclsparGroup 27 ANTHOPHYLLITE Kaveltorp Mine Sweden Rich fawn sheaves in silvery schist lxl £2 lx2
Krauskopf, Konrad B (1957) Separation of manganese from iron in sedimentary processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 12 (1) 61-84 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(57)90018-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
wad; Mn,O, is a poor substitute for braunite or manganite, as is Fe,O, for limonite and FeSiO, for chamosite...can form with no other mineral than braunite or manganite (if these have stability fields like that of Mn...in the fact that ground-water in south-western Sweden has a higher %/Fe ratio than does bedrock; evidently...Uncia, Bolivia, described by LTNDQREN,1922; Juab County. Utah, described by CALLAQHANand THOMAS,1939; possibly...(1947) Manganese mineralization in the Ultevis district, Jokkmokk. Swt*tlrrh. ,SWY+. c;w~. I’nderstikn
Novák, M., Škoda, R. (2007) Mn3+-rich andalusite to kanonaite and their breakdown products from metamanganolite at Kojetice near Třebíč, the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic. Journal of GEOsciences, 52 (1-2) 161-167 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
listed the following minerals: rhodonite, garnet, manganite, hematite, psilomelane, pyrolusite and rhodochrosite...viridine in microcline leptite from Ultevis District, Northern Sweden. Contrib Mineral Petrol 69: 143–150
Post, Jeffrey E., McKeown, David A., Heaney, Peter J. (2020) Raman spectroscopy study of manganese oxides: Tunnel structures. American Mineralogist, 105 (8). 1175-1190 doi:10.2138/am-2020-7390 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Lake Valley, NM Ramsdellite 120302 Pinal Co., AZ Manganite 157872 Thuringia, Hartz Mtns. Germany Groutite...Montreal Mi., WI Virginia a Hollandite 127118 Ultevis, Sweden 93687 Michigan Tower Mi, NM Coronadite AMNH...+ 5B3u Γacoustic = B1u(z) + B2u(y) + B3u(x) Manganite [g-MnO(OH)] P21/c (#14): 2/m Γoptic = 12Ag + 12Bg...Some phases, e.g., pyrolusite, groutite, and manganite, did not exhibit obvious spectral changes at laser...frequency range. 1181 a Mn(OOH)–manganite and groutite Manganite is isostructural with pyrolusite,
(2007) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 104. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
area, South Norway 164 BERYL Kolsva, Vastmanland Sweden Rich red granular mass, mixed with black Grunerite...60 ALMANDINE Fauske Norway 91 BIXBYITE Ultevis, Lappland Sweden Sharp single dark brown crystal , normal...Norway 986 CATAPLEIITE Norra Karr, ostergotsland, Sweden single blue 3mm crystal on quartz Several pink.... . --- .. ------- - -· 1009 ANDALUSITE Ultevis,North Sweden 1099 CATAPLEIITE Bratthagcn, near Larvik...ANKERITE-KUTNAHORITE Sjogruvan Grythyttan, Sweden 122 CHLORITE Skrikerum, Sweden Rich fawn massive, x-rayed material
Eilu, Pasi - Ed. (2012) Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Fennoscandia. Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper 53 Report (volume)
deposits and all metallogenic domains in Norway, Sweden, Finland and NW Russia. Deposits and metallogenic...Finland, Norway, Russia (VSEGEI and SC Mineral) and Sweden. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND Special Paper 53...Cu Alakurtti Korpilombolo Cu Salla Jokkmokk 68° N Sweden Co REE Kemijärvi Fe ISBN 978-952-217-174-0...Finland, 40 in Norway, 40 in Russia, and 41 in Sweden. These include 24 areas that cross international...Province), black shale-hosted U (alum shales in Sweden), mafic intrusion-hosted Ti-Fe±V (Tellnes), mafic
(1999) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 80. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Mohave Ixl £9 'A x A £3 1 xA Pb SiO/3_____________ County. Arizona, U.S.A £5___ Rich orange-red masses with...Feldspar_____________ Black areas in actinolite Basinas Mine Sweden 1x1 £1.20 ALLANITE 9 Ce Y Fe SiO__________ grey...OH__________ magnification there are small crystals County, Arizona Pure green cleavage AMAZONITE Landsverk...grained mass in calcite Dark Star Mine.Ravalli County, lx!4 £2.50 Ixl £4 37 Ce Sr CO/3 Montana U.S.A...£9 2x2 £6 1x1 £1.50 1x2 £3 Sjogruvan Grythyttan, Sweden 25 ANKERITE-KUTNAHORITE Rich fawn massive, xrayed
(2000) Catalogue. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 82. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
\IOSITE Rich white cruslS on matrix. £5 PbSiO/3 County. Arizona. U.S.A 2x2 1x2 sop Kragero Norway Rich....maenification there are small crystals · - · .County. A:fiZC>i:i--=a=--- 60 AMAZONITE Attractive green...grained mass in calcite Dark Star Mine.Ravalli County. Ix½ £2.50 Ixl £4 37 ANCYLITE Cc CeSr CO/3 ·. __...Al'\HYDRITE CaSO/4 2x3 £9 Sjogruvan Grythyttan, Sweden lxl £I.SO lx2 £3 2x2 £6 25 Al'\KERITE-KUTNAHORITE... .. F~ls~ar_G!_?~P 2x2 £2 lx2£1 Kaveltorp Mine Sweden Rich fawn sheaves in silvery schist 27 ANTHOPHYLLITE
(2000) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 83. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
_ _ magnification there arc small cr stals _ __ County. _ AI1zona 60 AMAZO:-;ITE 2x3i nch£5 Madagascar...IxI£4 TiO --- - 37 ANC\'LITE Cc Ix1/, £2.50 Ix I£4 County. Rich pinkish fine grai ned mass in calc i te Dark...massive. xrayed material. Sjogruvan Gr)1hyttan. Sweden Dolomitc_group_ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ ______ ___ _ ______...Larvik. South Norway _�clspar Group Kavcltorp M i ne Sweden 27 ANTHOPHYLLITE R ich fawn sheaves in si lvery...RFVEDSONITE i\lg An_i_phibole _ Sycni1c _ ___ __ ___ _ _ Sweden South Crofty Mine, l x l 80p Grey massive in matrix
Hutchinson, Richard W., Grauch, Richard I. - Eds. (1991) Historical Perspectives of Genetic Concepts and Case Histories of Famous Discoveries - Papers Arising from SEG Symposia, October 30 and 31, 1988, Denver, Colorado. Economic Geology Monograph 8. Economic Geology Publishing Company Report (issue)
Metallogenesis in the Kiruna-Skellefte Belt of Northern Sweden A History of Theoretical Developments in Carbonate-Hosted...for remobilized sulfides such as Lappvattnet in Sweden (Nilsson, 1985), the Jussi orebody in Kotalahti... Nilsson, G., 1985, Nickel-copper deposits in Sweden: Finland Geol. Survey Bull. 333, p. 313-362....Kiruna-Skellefte Belt of Northern Sweden TIBOR PARAK Siste Riddarens Vag 7, 125 30 Alwsjé, Sweden Abstract The bedrock...in the Kiruna and Skellefte districts, northern Sweden, as well as in the area between them consists of
(2005, April) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 96. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Al Fe SiO 2x2 £12 lx2 £6 Dark Star Mine,Ravalli County, Montana U,S_A ANCYLITE Cc Rich pinkish fine grained...80 37 ANDALUSITE Ultcvis,Norlh Sweden ALLANITE Ce Dastnas Mine Sweden J 009 variety VTR.IDCNE (Mangan... AN KE RfTE-KUTNAIIORITE Sjogruvan Grythyttan, Sweden Rich fawn m assive, x-raycd material. Dolomite...Mine Sweden 27 ANTIIOl'HYLLITE Rich fawn sheaves in silvery schist Amplubolc Ix2 I.2 2x2 £4 County Bridge...l .C8 l x 'l, £6 ½" [ 4 Dooncen Minc,Allihic.s,County Curk,lrcbnJ. ATACAMITE ll11ck nch green mass as
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 101. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
2x2 £3 Al SO/4 767 ■ AJOITE Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona USA 14 ALUMINITE Railway cutting near...--·--- --- Page l 1009 ANDALUSITE Ultcvis,North Sweden variety VIRIDINE (Mangan rich variety) Olive green...'4 lx2 £1 2x2 £2 2x3 £4 Sjogruvan Gl)'th)ttan, Sweden 25 ANKERITE-KUTNAHORITE Rich fawn massive, x-raycd...Amphibolc ARFVEDSONITE Mg Norra Karr,Ostergotsland Sweden MAGNESIO. Rich black fibrous in Syenite lxl £1...2x2 £6 2x3 £10 Amphibole Sjogruvan,Riddarhyttan,Sweden NaCaMnMgAs0/4 66 ARSENOPYRITE . Ashanti Mine,
Ramdohr, Paul (1969) The Ore Minerals and their Intergrowths. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1174pp. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-10027-x Book
H E ORE MINERALS FIG. 2 8 x Smâlands Taberg, Sweden RAMDOHR Titanomagnetite-olivinite with the characteristic...OF ORE DEPOSITS FIG. 3 80 x Smâlands Taberg, Sweden RAMDOHR Titanomagnetite (light) with spinel lamellae...sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite in Central Sweden, which were developed under high pressure, many...Lângban, Jakobsberg, and other places in Värmland, Sweden, belong perhaps here. Rocks of the lateritic and...part showing pencil F I G . 22 3 x Saxberget, Sweden RAMDOHR Very strongly "tectonized" galena-sphalerite
(2001) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 84. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
massive. xrayed material. Sjogruvan Gryth)1tan. Sweden 7 CcSrC0/3 CcSr C0/3 AISiO Feldspar Pb AgSb...Scotland mixture wilhChrysotile, pale grey-green ✓ County Bridge Quarry.Lizard C . ornwall massive. Stitchtitc...Greenland l x l £2.50 Norra Karr,Ostergotsland Sweden Ix I £ 1 .60 ✓ Barretts Zawn, Port Issac, Cornwall...Norway for this location. Dooneen M ine,Allihies,County lliick rich green mass as coating all over Cork...Toocle with i\damite.nic<: coverage. Type Loe. County,Utah, USA rich brown crystalline mass ✓ Bclstonc
Duda, Rudolf, Rejl, Lubos (1989) Minerals of the World. Arch Cape Press, New York. Book
berthierite (52), bismuthite (71 ), galena (77), manganite (295), pyrolusite (474) • Distinguishing features:...possesses perfect cleavage in three directions; manganite and pyrolusite exhibit a different streak colour...(crystals up to 20 cm) (Czechoslovakia), Sala (Sweden), (Romania), Zapokrovsk, Smirnovsk, Darasun (USSR)...Nizna Slana (Czechoslovakia }, Sala and Boliden (Sweden), Nagolnyi, Kriash and Nertschinsk (USSR), Trepca...Au tellurides • Occurrence: rare; Falun-Ko Mine (Sweden) - weibullite variety, Rammelsberg (FRG), Vulcano
Duda, Rudolf, Rejl, Lubos (1989) Minerals of the World. Arch Cape Press, New York. Book
berthierite (52), bismuthite (71), galena (77), manganite (295), pyrolusite (474) e Distinguishing features:...possesses perfect cleavage in three directions; manganite and pyrolusite exhibit a different streak colour...(crystals up to 20 cm) (Czechoslovakia), Sala (Sweden), (Romania), Zapokrovsk, Smirnovsk, Darasun (USSR)...Nizna Slana (Czechoslovakia), Sala and Boliden (Sweden), Nagolnyi, Kriash and Nertschinsk (USSR), Trepéa...Au tellurides e Occurrence: rare; Falun-Ko Mine (Sweden) — weibullite variety, Rammelsberg (FRG), Vulcano
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept...Uintah County. Utah. and m (2.B. acanthite group). Monoclinic, C2/m, a,b,c Rio Blanco County. Colorado...Nc3iC0-rich sediments in the Green 3 land prov.. Sweden, at Franklin. Sussex co.. New Jersey, also at Sankt...Plat., Malawi, G 10 17 River Formation in Uintah County, Utah. Deer et al., v. 2A,483, 1997. Aenigmatite...phonolites, rhyolites, and their lavas in Sonoma County, California, in the Picture Gorge basalt, Wheeler
Korbel, Petr, Novak, Milan (1999) Minerals Encyclopaedia. Rebo Productions. Book
deposits were found in Klondike, Alaska; Tuolumne County, California, USA and in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia...metallurgy. Germany. They are also known from Sala. Sweden; Les Chalanches, France and Brezina, Czech Republic...from LDngban. crystallized also from Pajsberg, Sweden. Octahedra, up to 10 nun (3/Rin), arc described...20 tons were found. 12 Lead, 53 mm, Langban, Sweden Iron, 80 mm, Buhl, Germany Chunks, weighing over...occurred in a Li-beanng pegmatite near Varutriisk, Sweden. Stibarsen. 58 mm, Allin, Canada Antimony Sb
Korbel, Petr, Novák, Milan (2001) The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals. Grange Books. Book
deposits were found in Klondike, Alaska; Tuolumne County. California, USA and in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia...metallurgy. Germany. They are also known fioin Sala, Sweden; Les Chalanches. France and Brezina. Czech Republic...from LDngban, crystallized also from Pajsberg, Sweden. Octahedra, up to 10 mm ('/sin), arc described...to 20 tons were found. Lead. 53 mm, Langban. Sweden Iron, SO mm. Biihl. Germany Chunks, weighing...occurred in a Li-bearing pegmatite near Varutrask, Sweden. Stibarsen, 58 mm. Allin, Canada Antimony Sb
Laznicka, Peter (1992) Manganese deposits in the global lithogenetic system: Quantitative approach. Ore Geology Reviews, 7 (4) 279-356 doi:10.1016/0169-1368(92)90013-b Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(breakdown of Mn silicates or carbonates into manganite and oxides of Mn) and structural modifications...major medium-grade accumulation in two facies (manganite and manganosiderite facies with up to 45% Mn,...century. In the Bergslagen Province of central Sweden (Grip, 1978), leptites, amphibolites, graphitic...(Roman6che, France; Lougnon, 1956; veins in southern Sweden, e.g., Spexeryd; Grip, 1978; partly the Siegerland-Wied...Kazakhstan Russia (Eur.) Siberia Ukraine Uzbekistan Sweden Thailand Turkey Tunisia United States Arkansas