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Torró, L., Proenza, J.A., Camprubí, A., Nelson, C.E., Domínguez, H., Carrasco, C., Reynoso-Villafaña, R., Melgarejo, J.C. (2017) Towards a unified genetic model for the Au-Ag-Cu Pueblo Viejo district, central Dominican Republic. Ore Geology Reviews, 89. 463-494 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.07.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
genetic model for the Au-Ag-Cu Pueblo Viejo district, central Dominican Republic L. Torró, J.A. Proenza, A...genetic model for the Au-Ag-Cu Pueblo Viejo district, central Dominican Republic, Ore Geology Reviews (2017)...genetic model for the Au-Ag-Cu Pueblo Viejo district, central Dominican Republic L. Torró 1,†, J.A. Proenza1... Urbanizacion El Paraiso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 5 Servicio Geológico Nacional, Av. Winston...Edificio "J. F. Martínez", Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic * Current address: Cementos Cibao, Carretera
Torró, Lisard, Camprubí, Antoni, Proenza, Joaquín A., León, Paulo, Stein, Holly J., Lewis, John F., Nelson, Carl E., Chavez, Cevero, Melgarejo, Joan Carles (2017) Re-Os and U-Pb Geochronology of the Doña Amanda and Cerro Kiosko Deposits, Bayaguana District, Dominican Republic: Looking Down for the Porphyry Cu-Mo Roots of the Pueblo Viejo-Type Mineralization in the Island-Arc Tholeiitic Series of the Caribbean. Economic Geology, 112 (4) 829-853 doi:10.2113/econgeo.112.4.829 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
District, Dominican Republic: Looking Down for the Porphyry Cu-Mo Roots of the _Pueblo Viejo_-Type Mineralization...Ensanche Evaristo Morales, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Program, Department of Geosciences, Colorado...resources in the Cordillera Oriental of the Dominican Republic. At Doña Amanda, a dense stockwork of quartz-sulfide...rims of pyrite + enargite + molybdenite + fahlore (B veins) are cut by planar quartz-pyrite D veins....porphyry-type fluids. Inclusion fluids in quartz of quartz-pyrite veins (Th: 125°–175°C; salinity: 4.8–12.2 wt %
Sillitoe, R. H., Hall, D. J., Redwood, S. D., Waddell, A. H. (2006) PUEBLO VIEJO HIGH-SULFIDATION EPITHERMAL GOLD-SILVER DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A NEW MODEL OF FORMATION BENEATH BARREN LIMESTONE COVER. Economic Geology, 101 (7) 1427-1435 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.101.7.1427 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
COMMUNICATIONS PUEBLO VIEJO HIGH-SULFIDATION EPITHERMAL GOLD-SILVER DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A NEW MODEL...Domingo, Dominican Republic Abstract Field observations in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic...volcanic dome complex, two proposed models for Pueblo Viejo, nor with the bimodal island-arc tholeiite suite...some of the unusual geologic features of the Pueblo Viejo orebodies when compared to other giant high-sulfidation...in orebody preservation. Recognition that the Pueblo Viejo deposit and its host lithocap are likely to
Torró, Lisard, Proenza, Joaquín, Espaillat, Julio, Belén-Manzeta, Albert, Román-Alday, María, Amarante, Alberto, González, Norverto, Espinoza, Jorge, Román-Alpiste, Manuel, Nelson, Carl (2018) The Discovery of the Romero VMS Deposit and Its Bearing on the Metallogenic Evolution of Hispaniola during the Cretaceous. Minerals, 8 (11) 507 doi:10.3390/min8110507 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(UTECO), Av. Universitaria s/n, Cotuí, Sánchez Ramírez 43000, Dominican Republic; albetbm3108@gmail.com GoldQuest...Palmas district, Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, has probable reserves of 840,000 oz gold...of fibrous silica and chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite (+electrum ± Au–Ag tellurides). The δ34 S values...intra-oceanic island-arc; metallogenic evolution; Dominican Republic Minerals 2018, 8, 507; doi:10.3390/min8110507...Hispaniola, an island divided between the Dominican Republic and Haiti [1,2]. Arc-related rocks from the
Nelson, C. E., Stein, H., Dominguez, H., Carrasco, C., Barrie, T., Torro, L., Proenza, J. (2015) Re-Os DATING OF MOLYBDENITE FROM THE PUEBLO VIEJO Au-Ag-Cu AND DOUVRAY Cu-Au DISTRICTS, HISPANIOLA. Economic Geology, 110 (4) 1101-1110 doi:10.2113/econgeo.110.4.1101 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1101–1110 Re-Os DATING OF MOLYBDENITE FROM THE PUEBLO VIEJO Au-Ag-Cu AND DOUVRAY Cu-Au DISTRICTS, HISPANIOLA... Urbanizacion El Paraiso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 4 CTBA 5 Departament Geoconsulting, 12...hydrothermal molybdenite collected from the Pueblo Viejo Au-Ag-Cu district (5.5 Moz gold, past production...Au-Ag-Cu mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district of the Dominican Republic have long been subjects of...volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) origin for Pueblo Viejo. The link to VMS deposits was also advocated
Arribas, A., Arribas, I., Draper, G., Hall, C., Kesler, S. E., McEwan, C., Muntean, J. L. (2011) 40Ar/39Ar DATING OF ALUNITE FROM THE PUEBLO VIEJO GOLD-SILVER DISTRICT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Economic Geology, 106 (6) 1059-1070 doi:10.2113/econgeo.106.6.1059 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
DATING OF ALUNITE FROM THE PUEBLO VIEJO GOLD-SILVER DISTRICT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC* ANTONIO ARRIBAS,1,** ISABEL...from the Moore and Monte Negro deposits in the Pueblo Viejo district, as well as from a newly discovered...controversy about the age of the Pueblo Viejo district in the Dominican Republic (Sillitoe et al., 2006, 2007;...argillic hydrothermal alteration assemblage at Pueblo Viejo and a common subject of isotopic (K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar)...Surprisingly, to date only two samples of alunite from Pueblo Viejo have been dated. The results, 66.0 and 77.0
Kirk, J. D., Ruiz, J., Kesler, S. E., Simon, A., Muntean, J. L. (2014) Re-Os AGE OF THE PUEBLO VIEJO EPITHERMAL DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Economic Geology, 109 (2) 503-512 doi:10.2113/econgeo.109.2.503 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
COMMUNICATIONS Re-Os AGE OF THE PUEBLO VIEJO EPITHERMAL DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Jason D. Kirk,1,† Joaquin...89557-0178 Abstract Re-Os analyses of pyrite from the Pueblo Viejo high-sulfidation epithermal deposit...weighted deviates = 84, n = 21). Isochrons grouped by pyrite setting (layered versus vein) or locations yield...above regression. These results confirm that the Pueblo Viejo deposit is Early Cretaceous in age and coeval...formation of pyrophyllite at Pueblo Viejo remains unclear. Recognition that Pueblo Viejo is coeval with the Los
Mueller, Andreas G., Hall, Gregory C., Nemchin, Alexander A., O’Brien, Darren (2008) Chronology of the Pueblo Viejo epithermal gold–silver deposit, Dominican Republic: formation in an Early Cretaceous intra-oceanic island arc and burial under ophiolite. Mineralium Deposita, 43 (8) 873-889 doi:10.1007/s00126-008-0194-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Chronology of the Pueblo Viejo epithermal gold–silver deposit, Dominican Republic: formation in an Early...Abstract The Pueblo Viejo deposit (production to 1996: 166 t Au, 760 t Ag) is located in the Dominican Republic...assemblage but overprinted by late-stage quartz–_pyrite_–sphalerite veins and associated low-grade Au, Ag.... Epithermal . Gold . U-Pb age . Pueblo Viejo . Dominican Republic A. G. Mueller (*) 12a Belgrave Street...Introduction The epithermal Pueblo Viejo gold–silver deposit, located in the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean
Nelson, C. E. (2000) Volcanic domes and gold mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic. Mineralium Deposita, 35 (6) 511-525 doi:10.1007/s001260050258 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and gold mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted:...Abstract Gold mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic, is spatially and temporally related...gold ore in the Pueblo Viejo district. Introduction Ore deposits in the Pueblo Viejo district represent...mineralization. Figure 1 presents a location map for the Pueblo Viejo district and shows the location of surrounding...distinguished papers address the geologic setting of the Pueblo Viejo district. Kesler et al. (1981) described a restricted
Kesler, Stephen E., Russell, N., Seaward, M., Rivera, J., McCurdy, K., Cumming, George L., Sutter, J. F. (1981) Geology and geochemistry of sulfide mineralization underlying the Pueblo Viejo gold-silver oxide deposit, Dominican Republic. Economic Geology, 76 (5) 1096-1117 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.76.5.1096 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mineralization Underlying the Pueblo Viejo Gold-Silver Oxide Deposit, Dominican Republic S. E. I•SLEa, Departmentof... S. A., Apartado Postal944, SantoDomingo,Dominican Republic G. L. CUMMING, Department of Physics,Universityof...University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Abstract The large Pueblo Viejo oxide gold deposit was developed by weathering...carbonaceoussediments that include chert with thin pyrite layers. Plant fossils, which are common in the...funnel. Metallic minerals, consistingmostly of pyrite, are found as disseminations,layers, and veins
Kesler, Stephen E., Russell, Norman, McCurdy, Karr (2003) Trace-metal content of the Pueblo Viejo precious-metal deposits and their relation to other high-sulfidation epithermal systems. Mineralium Deposita, 38 (6) 668-682 doi:10.1007/s00126-003-0356-1 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Russell Æ Karr McCurdy Trace-metal content of the Pueblo Viejo precious-metal deposits and their relation to...high-sulfidation epithermal deposits in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic. Moore and Monte Negro are funnel-shaped...antimony at Broadlands was different from that at Pueblo Viejo, possibly because the elements were complexed...fluids. Comparison of trace-element abundances at Pueblo Viejo to other highsulfidation epithermal systems shows...sulfidation Æ Acidsulfate Æ Trace element Æ Gold Æ Pueblo Viejo Introduction Quantitative information on the
Muntean, J., Hall, G., Kesler, S., Mueller, A., O'Brien, D., Russell, N. (2007) PUEBLO VIEJO HIGH-SULFIDATION EPITHERMAL GOLD-SILVER DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A NEW MODEL OF FORMATION BENEATH BARREN LIMESTONE COVER A DISCUSSION. Economic Geology, 102 (4) 755-757 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.102.4.755 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
DISCUSSION PUEBLO VIEJO HIGH-SULFIDATION EPITHERMAL GOLD-SILVER DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A NEW MODEL...Sir: Sillitoe et al. (2006) suggest that the Pueblo Viejo AuAg deposit is younger than its Early Cretaceous...Formation. Although a younger age would allow Pueblo Viejo to be conveniently grouped with many other high-sulfidation...by silica and magnetite that are coeval with Pueblo Viejo mineralization. In their figure 2 (p. 1429)...zones is along the southern edge of the Pueblo Viejo mine where mine workings and exploration drill holes
Sillitoe, R. H., Hall, D. J., Redwood, S. D., Waddell, A. H. (2007) PUEBLO VIEJO HIGH-SULFIDATION EPITHERMAL GOLD-SILVER DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A NEW MODEL OF FORMATION BENEATH BARREN LIMESTONE COVER A REPLY. Economic Geology, 102 (4) 758-760 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.102.4.758 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
DISCUSSION PUEBLO VIEJO HIGH-SULFIDATION EPITHERMAL GOLD-SILVER DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A NEW MODEL...Sir: Sillitoe et al. (2006) suggest that the Pueblo Viejo AuAg deposit is younger than its Early Cretaceous...Formation. Although a younger age would allow Pueblo Viejo to be conveniently grouped with many other high-sulfidation...by silica and magnetite that are coeval with Pueblo Viejo mineralization. In their figure 2 (p. 1429)...zones is along the southern edge of the Pueblo Viejo mine where mine workings and exploration drill holes
Kettler, Richard M., Rye, Robert O., Kesler, Stephen E., Meyers, Philip A., Polanco, José, Russell, Norman (1992) Gold deposition by sulfidation of ferrous Fe in the lacustrine sediments of the Pueblo Viejo district (Dominican Republic): The effect of Fe–C–S diagenesis on later hydrothermal mineralization in a Maar-Diatreme complex. Chemical Geology, 99 (1) 29-50 doi:10.1016/0009-2541(92)90029-5 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the lacustrine sediments of the Pueblo Viejo district (Dominican Republic)" The effect of Fe-C-S diagenesis...S.A., Apartado Postal 944, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Received June 27, 1991; revised and accepted...the lacustrine sediments of the Pueblo Viejo district (Dominican Republic): The effect of Fe-C-S diagenesis...29-50. The Pueblo Viejo district, located in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, contains...siltstones of the Pueblo Viejo Maar-Diatreme Member of the Cretaceous Los Ranchos Formation. Pyrite is the only
Meggiolaro, V., Niccolini, G., Miniussi, G., Stefanelli, N., Trivellin, E., Llinas, R., Ramirez, I., Scudeler, L. Baccelle, Omenetto, P., Primon, S., Visond, D., Abbrussese, C., Fornari, P., Massidda, R., Piga, L., Ubaldini, S., Ball, S., Monhemius, A. J. (2000) Multidisciplinary approach to metallogenic models and types of primary gold concentration in the Cretaceous arc terranes of the Dominican Republic. Applied Earth Science, 109 (2) 95-104 doi:10.1179/aes.2000.109.2.95 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
concentration in the Cretaceous arc terranes of the Dominican Republic Downloaded by [Laurentian University] at...evolving Cretaceous island arc terranes of the Dominican Republic has shown the existence of three groups of...the Lower Cretaceous ores, including the giant Pueblo Viejo deposit and several uneconomic showings with...of the acid-sulphate hydrothermal system of Pueblo Viejo with the disseminated, one-stage system of the...(Cu–Zn)–Au–Ag epithermal ores in the northwest Dominican Republic and Haiti form the second group; Cu–Mo anomalies
Kesler, Stephen E., Russell, Norman (2001) Discussion of: C.E., 2000, Volcanic domes and gold mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic. Mineralium Deposita, vol. 35, pp. 511-525. Mineralium Deposita, 36 (5) 465-468 doi:10.1007/s001260100157 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and gold mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district, Dominican Republic. Mineralium Deposita, vol. 35...by Nelson (2000) of the Pueblo Viejo gold deposit in the Dominican Republic indicates that ore is spatially...these interpretations is important, because Pueblo Viejo is one of the largest and most economically...exploration for similar deposits and help place Pueblo Viejo in the continually evolving spectrum of models...basis for Nelson's report covers the 15 km2 Pueblo Viejo district, which is a very small part of the
Deditius, A. P., Utsunomiya, S., Ewing, R. C., Kesler, S. E. (2009) Nanoscale "liquid" inclusions of As-Fe-S in arsenian pyrite. American Mineralogist, 94 (2) 391-394 doi:10.2138/am.2009.3116 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Nanoscale “liquid” inclusions of As-Fe-S in arsenian pyrite Artur P. DeDitius,1,* sAtoshi utsunomiyA,2 roDney...arsenian pyrite has been discovered. Electron microprobe analyses and elemental maps of arsenian pyrite from...from Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic, show that its chemical composition varies from (Fe0.998As0.003)1...this pyrite is present as nanoscale inclusions of amorphous AsFe-S in a matrix of arsenian pyrite. The...rectangular morphology, typical of negative inclusions of pyrite and arsenopyrite or marcarsite, respectively, and
Kesler, S. E., Campbell, I. H., Smith, C. N., Hall, C. M., Allen, C. M. (2005) Age of the Pueblo Viejo Gold-Silver Deposit and Its Significance to Modelsfor High-Sulfidation Epithermal Mineralization. Economic Geology, 100 (2) 253-272 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.100.2.253 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Economic Geology, v. 100, pp. 253–272 Age of the Pueblo Viejo Gold-Silver Deposit and Its Significance to...relationships between mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo high-sulfidation epithermal deposit and its...confirm that high-sulfidation mineralization at Pueblo Viejo was coeval with deposition of its host Los Ranchos...presence of an unusually large deposit such as Pueblo Viejo in an island-arc volcanic sequence is attributable...prominent exception to these generalizations is Pueblo Viejo, one of the largest high-sulfidation epithermal
Cumming, G. L., Kesler, S. E., Krstic, Dragan (1982) Source of lead in sulfide ore at the Pueblo Viejo gold-silver oxide deposit, Dominican Republic. Economic Geology, 77 (8) 1939-1942 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.77.8.1939 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
SULFIDE ORE AT THE PUEBLO VIEJO GOLD-SILVER OXIDE DEPOSIT, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC G. L. CUMMING, Departmentof...thegeologyandgeochemistry abundancedownward. Veins cut pyrite layers.The of sulfidemineralization underlyingthe...minerals was derived from sea- per part. The Pueblo Viejo oxide orebody,which is being minedat present...is found as a lateand preciousmetals, to the Pueblo Viejo mineralstagemineral in someveins.Lead is presentin...of Pueblo Viejo Mineralization (Hall and Czamanske,1972). All lead minerals seen The Pueblo Viejo depositappearsto
Wilson, Frederic H., Orris, Greta, Gray, Floyd (2019) Preliminary geologic map of the Greater Antilles and the Virgin Islands. Open-File Report 2019-1036. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr20191036 Report (issue)
37.62±0.05 Ma (MSWD = 0.53). Reported as Copper Mine Point granodiorite, same pluton as Cox and others...Location derived from Wikipedia for Copper Mine Point copper mine; accuracy of location relative to this...using constants of Steiger and Jager (1977). Copper Mine Point, Virgin Gorda batholith. Two concordant fractions...km east of Santiago de Cuba, southern Oriente Province. Latitude and longitude approximate. Early to...km west of Santiago de Cuba, southern Oriente Province. Latitude and longitude approximate. Paleocene
Kesler, Stephen E (1997) Metallogenic evolution of convergent margins: Selected ore deposit models. Ore Geology Reviews, 12 (3) 153-171 doi:10.1016/s0169-1368(97)00007-3 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and Urrutia-Fucugauchi Ž1986.. Pueblo Viejo in the Dominican Republic, even though crustal thickness...deposit is the 20 million ounce Pueblo Viejo deposit in the Dominican Republic, which is found near the base...base of the Greater Antilles island arc. Pueblo Viejo differs in almost all respects from most other acid-sulfate...In contrast, acid-sulfate mineralization at Pueblo Viejo is in a zoned sequence that grades upward from...volume. Another important difference between Pueblo Viejo and other acid sulfate deposits lies in its
Konstantinov, M. M., Kosovets, T. N. (2011) Variations in the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides from phanerozoic gold-silver deposits. Geochemistry International, 49 (9) 888-903 doi:10.1134/s0016702911070056 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sikhote Alin volcanoplu tonic belt and the Pueblo Viejo gold–silver deposit in the Greater Antilles...New Guinea PortoveloZaruma, Ecuador Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic Sergeevskoe, Russia between porphyry...and PortoveloZaru ma); and islandarc VPB (Pueblo Viejo, Ladolam, Porgera, and Conical Seamount). With...Balei, Sergeevskoe, Dukat, Mnogovershinnoe, Pueblo Viejo, Ladolam, Zod, Porgera, and PortoveloZaruma);...ragach, Kochbulak, Kauldy, Mnogovershinnoe, Pueblo Viejo, Porgera, and Ladolam deposits. Silver tellurides
Meyers, Philip A., Pratt, Lisa M., Nagy, Bartholomew (1992) Introduction to geochemistry of metalliferous black shales. Chemical Geology, 99 (1) doi:10.1016/0009-2541(92)90027-3 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
exemplified by the Los Ranchos Au deposit at Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic (Kettler et al., 1990). The Kupferschiefer...the Los Ranchos Formation where all Fe occurs as pyrite suggests that oxidation of ferrous iron was the...Au-bisulfides and precipitating elemental gold at Pueblo Viejo (Kettler et al., 1990). Thermal alteration of...concentrations of organic carbon. Formation of pyrite is controlled by the availability of Fe during...deposits in the Cretaceous maardiatreme complex at Pueblo Viejo are an example of complex geochemical processes
Richards, Jeremy P. (2013) Giant ore deposits formed by optimal alignments and combinations of geological processes. Nature Geoscience, 6 (11) 911-916 doi:10.1038/ngeo1920 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
equipment, thus lowering costs. Similarly, long mine lives justify the high capital expenditures required...that will enable the most efficient and profitable mine design, and the ultimate extraction of as much of...bornite, chalcopyrite, covellite and enargite with pyrite (see Supplementary Information for definition of...the largest HS–IS deposits are Pueblo Viejo in the Dominican Republic, and the Pascua–Lama and Veladero...briefly below. Pueblo Viejo HS Au–Ag–Cu deposit, Dominican Republic. The Pueblo Viejo deposit contains
Vennemann, Torsten W., Muntean, John L., Kesler, Stephen E., O'Neil, James R., Valley, John W., Russell, Norman (1993) Stable isotope evidence for magmatic fluids in the Pueblo Viejo epithermal acid sulfate Au-Ag deposit, Dominican Republic. Economic Geology, 88 (1) 55-71 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.88.1.55 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
RosarioDominicaria S.A.,ApartadoPostal944, SantoDomingo, Dominican Republic Abstract Stableisotope(H, C, O, and S)...hydrothermal systems of thistype.Mineralizationat Pueblo Viejo ishostedby a maar-diatreme systemthatcutssedimentary...initc+ quartz,bothassociated with disseminated pyrite;stageII fluidsoverprintedstageI andproduceddeeppyrophyllite+...coexistingsulfide-sulfate pairs.StageI quartz-alunite-kaolinite-pyrite alterationand associateddisseminated Au-Ag mineralizationare...PlatanalMembersare cut by a maar-diatremecomplex (Pueblo Viejo Member),consisting of brecciasand upward-fining