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George, Luke L., Biagioni, Cristian, Lepore, Giovanni Orazio, Lacalamita, Maria, Agrosì, Giovanna, Capitani, Gian Carlo, Bonaccorsi, Elena, d'Acapito, Francesco (2019) The speciation of thallium in (Tl,Sb,As)-rich pyrite. Ore Geology Reviews, 107. 364-380 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.02.031 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Xiangquan, China, the world’s solitary Tl-only mine, hosts around 250 tons of Tl (Zhou et al., 2005)...Recently, the Tl-rich nature of several small pyrite ± baryte ± iron oxide ores hosted in the metamorphic units...the Canale della Radice mine (sample CDR4) and the last from the Fornovolasco mine (sample FOR19). These...small orebodies belonging to a series of pyrite ± baryte ± iron oxide ore deposits located within a ~10...lensshaped bodies with pyrite or magnetite and minor baryte. The geological setting of these deposits is described
Alfieris, D., Voudouris, P., Spry, P.G. (2013) Shallow submarine epithermal Pb–Zn–Cu–Au–Ag–Te mineralization on western Milos Island, Aegean Volcanic Arc, Greece: Mineralogical, geological and geochemical constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 53. 159-180 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.01.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
for epithermal gold mineralization. Silver and Baryte Ores Mining Company (S&B) began exploring for Au–Ag...Vancouver-based laboratories on behalf of Silver and Baryte Ores mining Co. (S&B) and the former Midas joint...covellite (Fig. 7f–h; Table 2). Reserves of the Galana mine were estimated to be 10 million tonnes with a mean...to subaerial deposits such as at Pueblo Viejo in the Dominican Republic (Kesler et al., 2005) and Ladolam...of the epithermal ore fluids, as described for Pueblo Viejo and Buckskin deposits (Kesler et al., 2003;
Sahlström, Fredrik, Dirks, Paul, Chang, Zhaoshan, Arribas, Antonio, Corral, Isaac, Obiri-Yeboah, Matthew, Hall, Chris (2018) The Paleozoic Mount Carlton Deposit, Bowen Basin, Northeast Australia: Shallow High-Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu Mineralization Formed During Rifting. Economic Geology, 113 (8) 1733-1767 doi:10.5382/econgeo.2018.4611 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Rodalquilar, Chelopech, Chinkuashih, Pierina, and Pueblo Viejo (Fig. 2). Mt. Carlton differs from most of these...Corral, unpub. data, 2018). Near the Mt. Carlton mine, the basal unit of the Lizzie Creek sequence is...Peru; PP = Paradise Peak, Nevada; PV = Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic; Ro = Rodalquilar, Spain; Su = Summitville...Volcanic Group, as observed near the Mt. Carlton mine. indicating a long and multistaged history of unknown...Martabe, Indonesia (Sutopo, 2013), Golden Wonder mine, Colorado (Kalliokoski and Rehn, 1987), Los Porfirios
Johnsson, Erik - Ed. (2013) 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, 2. Conference Proceedings (Volume)
Cover photograph: View of the Aitik open pit copper mine in the very north of Sweden. Mining operations started...of the Cerro de Maimón VMS deposit ores, Dominican Republic ...........................................Ahola Occurrence of gold (electrum) in the Lousal mine, Iberian pyrite belt, Portugal ..................as to the origin of the mineralization in the Pueblo Viejo district .....................................Mo-Ni-PGE black shales (Zunyi region, Guizhou province, south China) ..............................
where either the mineral itself, e.g. asbestos, baryte, or the oxide or some other compound derived from...communities to be plunged into unemployment because a mine or mines have become unprofitable, a need to earn...4 Rank Commodity 23 24 25 Fluorite Feldspar Baryte 26 Titania 27 28 Asbestos Fuller's earth 29...for, and hence the price of, the mine product, well in advance of mine development. A useful recent discussion...are considered critical in the USA, but in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), a major source of all three
Neukirchen, Florian, Ries, Gunnar (2020) The World of Mineral Deposits. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-34346-0 Book
(Diatomaceous Earth) . . . . . . . . 7.14 Fluorite and Baryte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.15 Zeolites...is the minimum grade at which it is worthwhile to mine a certain deposit. Everything below it (low-grade...chalcopyrite (brass) from the Friedrich-Christian Mine in Wildschapbach, Black Forest (Germany) (photo...other minerals such as quartz, feldspar, calcite, baryte, and fluorite that are separated if possible before...black Fig. 1.2 Chalcopyrite on quartz. Silberwiese Mine, Oberlahr, Westerwald (Germany) (photo © Monika
Molnar, Ferenc, Lexa, Jaroslav, Hedenquist, Jeffrey W. - Eds. (1999) Epithermal Mineralization of the Western Carpathians. Guidebook Series Vol. 31. Society of Economic Geologists Report (volume)
an eae eer 213 Mineralizations at the Rozalia Mine, HodruSa WU cia ORK oderay UPrcicn oa Saly, and...Stiavnica stratovolcano central zone and Rozalia Mine 18.30-19.30 Dinner 19.30-22.00 Optional visit to...groups: 7.00 - 11.30 Underground visit of the Rozalia mine; disseminated base metal mineralization, base metal...30 Underground visit of the All Saints Medieval Mine - precious metal LS epithermal veins 15.30-17.30...of the famous Tokaji Aszu vine. 220.5 Kaolinite mine of Bodrogszegi to the left. Hydrothermal and redeposited
(1977) Mining Annual Review. Mining Journal Report (issue)
highest-lying diamond pipe. Commissioning Letseng mine at 10 500 feet during the last two years has called...Whatever you're mining, wherever you're mining, mine it on Bridgestones Bridgestones — for all the variables...Operating conditions differ enormously from mine to mine. Not only are there variations in the kind of...Whatever you’re mining, wherever you’re mining, mine it on Bridgestones. iaaseinn Money — BRIDGE STONE...Telefon (02 34) 539-1, Telex 8 25 894 Federal Republic of Germany : -~6hMINING annual / WILL ULLLULLLULLLLLLLLILY
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Axinite-(Mg) Azurite Baddeleyite Bariopyrochlore Barite (baryte) Bassanite Bastnaesite Bazzite Becquerelite Behoite...hanging wall. During a subsequent mining period, the mine was re-opened to recover sideritic parts of the...you look for a mine look near a _mine_”. This includes the imperative “if you look for a mine look for smelting...also for the chrome diopside found at Outukumpu mine, a mineral that is first and foremost recognized...According to the Raw Materials Group (Sweden), the world mine production in 2005 stood at 19.3 m t metal content
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Axinite-(Mg) Azurite Baddeleyite Bariopyrochlore Barite (baryte) Bassanite Bastnaesite Bazzite Becquerelite Behoite...hanging wall. During a subsequent mining period, the mine was re-opened to recover sideritic parts of the...you look for a mine look near a _mine_”. This includes the imperative “if you look for a mine look for smelting...also for the chrome diopside found at Outukumpu mine, a mineral that is first and foremost recognized...According to the Raw Materials Group (Sweden), the world mine production in 2005 stood at 19.3 m t metal content
(2017) Critical mineral resources of the United States—Economic and environmental geology and prospects for future supply. Professional Paper 1802. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp1802 Report (issue)
.B3 Graph showing dates associated with all the mine sites on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s...production, U.S. apparent consumption, and U.S. mine production of antimony from 1900 to 2012............................F2 Graph showing world cobalt mine and refinery production and apparent consumption.....................F2 Graph showing world cobalt mine production from 1950 to 2011......................F4. Pie chart showing percentage of world cobalt mine production in 2011, by country.................
Arndt, Nicholas T., Ganino, Clément, Kesler, Stephen (2015) Ressources minérales [Mineral Resources] - Origine, nature et exploitation [Origin, Nature and Exploitation] (2nd ed.) Dunod, Paris. Book (edition)
une mine à ciel ouvert, qui est une alternative bien moins onéreuse que l'exploitation d'une mine souterraine...purification ou extraction d'un élément spécifique. La baryte, par exemple, est un sulfate de baryum - élément...mais ce même métal est également extrait dans une mine russe de syénite à néphéline, une roche magmatique...ce métal. r- Exercice 2.1 - Développement d'une mine de platine au Groenland L e retrait des glaciers...politÎ,{Jue et environnemental du dévewppement d'une mine de platinoïde dans la région. Dans cette discussion
Larkin, Kay - Ed. (1991) Financial Times Mining International Year Book 1992 . Longman, Harlow. Book
447 467 491 Company Index 503 Tables: World Mine Production of Gold, Silver and Base Metals 5A2...Mining OFFICES: 5011 Meadowood Way Paradise Peak Mine Suite 300 (100% FMC Gold) * Sales Reno, Nevada...Elko, Nevada (303) 292-7500 Royal Mountain King Mine (100% FMC Gold) Copperopolis, California Beartrack...because Escondida, the world's third-largest copper mine, high in the mountains of Chile's Atacama desert...underground and opencast mining, oil and gas mining ® mine construction, development, modernization ® complete
(1992) Author index volumes 51–100. Chemical Geology, 100 (3) 203-319 doi:10.1016/0009-2541(92)90114-k Journal (article/letter/editorial)
. . . . . . . . . Alpern, B., Coal Exploration, Mine Planning and Development by R.D. Merrit (Book Review)...tropical climate in the East of Central African Republic . . . . . . Beccaluva, L. (Guest-Editor), Preface...in post-Variscan mineralizations in the Federal Republic of G e r m a n y - - A study by neutron activation...Variscan and post-Variscan fluids in the Federal Republic of Germany Bchrcns, It., Na and Ca tracer diffusion...isotopically fractionated sulphides in Superior Province, Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Goodfellow, Wayne D. - Ed. (2007) Mineral Deposits of Canada - A Synthesis of Major Deposit-Types, .District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and Exploration Methods - Special Publication No. 5. Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division. Book
avec l'editeur. Gold-rich specimen fro1n the Don,e Mine, Tim1nins, Ontario that was presented to GSC in...Prospective Metallogenic Settings of the Grenville Province Louise Corriveau, Serge Perreault, and Anthony...MVT 0) C "' a. c ~ :, Velns Grenville Province (0 IOCG C :, z Diamonds 0 /;::, Neoproterozoic... may change the para1neters of the mathematical mine n1odel referred to above. Modifications to the 1nine...l-producing mines closed and only one (Voisey's Bay Ni-Cu mine in Labrador) opened. On the brighter side, the potential
(1981) Economic Geology - Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume. The Economic Geology Publishing Company. Book
base of the Complex (Vermaak, 1976). At the Atok mine, platinoid minerals tend to occur at the boundaries...above the copper-zinc orebody at Prieska, Cape Province, in an intermediate to salic volcanic as¬ semblage...possibly the base metal deposits of the northern Cape Province, South Africa (Kroner, 1978). Deposition may have...probably been the case in the Basin and Range province of North America. Parallelism between metallogenic...(Colley and Rice, 1975), where a porphyry cop¬ per province dominates the mineral scene. Porphyry copper deposits
Dunstan, A. E. - Ed. (1938) The Science of Petroleum Vol. 2 - Comprehensive Treatise of the Principles and Practice of the Production Refining Transport and Distribution of Mineral Oil. Oxford University Press. Book (volume)
N. E, BAKER P. VAN 58 GRACHT The Argentine Republic Australia The East Indian WATERSCHOOT DER PLOEG...Salinas 1| 2 3 4 5 6 Chapopote Panuco ” os Pueblo Viejo Tulillo Tamaulipas Veracruz 9. * ” S. L. Potosi...15 Alazan 16 Potrero del ” Llano 17 Cerro Viejo a 18