Stanislav Jacko - S cheelite-cassiteri te and _baryte_-basemetal mineralization in t he Western part of...Čiernej 277 V endelin Radzo - Miroslav Fulín Baryte mineraliza tion d iscovery, in the Cierna char akteristický pre mástricht. Nezistili sme ani vedúce druhy spodného a vrchného mástrichtu Lithraphidites...0-1290 m okrem vrchnokriedových foriem nijaké staršie ani mladšie biostratigrafické prvky nevyskytujú. Evidentne...nesporne odraz výraznej faciálnej zmeny, pretože ani jedna z kriedových f ácií bradlového pásma nie je |
(1966) Alphabetical index. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 36 (276) 1172-1185 doi:10.1180/minmag.1966.036.276.11 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Barium-orthoclase, Japan, New Jersey, and Sweden, opt. 508. Barwell meteorite, 881. Baryte, Northumberland...Bearpaw Mtns., Montana, pseudoleucite, 596. Benallt mine, Rhiw, Caernarvonshire, celsian, 508. Berek compensator... 2rid edn, Vol. 2, 554; Vol. 3, 1022. Boqueirdo mine, Parelhas, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, leucophosphite... 200. Brazilianite, Brazil, d.t.a., 427. Brejui mine, Currais Novos, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, bismuth... Capo di Bavo, Rome, leucite, 596. Cariboo gold mine, Wells, British Columbia, scheelite, 995. CARN~mO |
(2014) INTERESTING PAPERS IN OTHER JOURNALS. Economic Geology, 109 (1) 271-275 doi:10.2113/econgeo.109.1.271 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
NJ 07096 Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan E-mail: Environmental Geology... 5-27-19 Okusawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0083, Japan Canadian Mineralogist Mineralogical Association...of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 9808578, Japan Geology The Geological Society of America, P.O...Building, Akasaka 9-6-41, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Abhandlungen E....exploration potential in Finland—Olli Sarapää, Thair Al Ani, Seppo I. Lahti, Laura S. Lauri, Pertti Sarala, Akseli |
Sarapää, Olli, Kärkkäinen, Niilo, Ahtola, Timo, Al-Ani, Thair (2015) High-tech metal potential in Finland with emphasis on rare earth elements (REE), titanium and lithium. Central European Geology, 58 (4) 291-305 doi:10.1556/24.58.2015.4.1 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Finland, such as at the former Mustavaara vanadium mine. For several years, Rare Element (RE)-pegmatite...W) Class Raw materials Exploration potential Mine/Deposit 2 Antimony Moderate Kalliosalo, Törnävä...(continued) Class Raw materials Exploration potential Mine/Deposit 4 Magnesium Low 3 Natural graphite...accessory product from operating mine(s) in Finland (Eilu 2012) 2: Mine projects ‒ promising deposits 3:...potential for REE mineralization (Vartiainen 1980; Al-Ani and Sarapää 2013). Chemical analyses from drill cores |
(1991) Mineralia Slovaca Vol. 23 (2). Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra |
Journal (issue) |
(grafitické metapelity Betliar- Strakavá) ukázalo, že ani tu úplná izotopická ekvilibrácia ne nastala. Rozdi...len lokálne ho ovplyvnili neskoršie procesy. 2. Ani rozptýlené sulfidy v. horninách nedosiahli úplnú...homogenizáciu a rovnováhu vo väčších objemoch hornín , a to ani v zónach, kde sa predpokladá najvyššie metamorfné...sulfidov posunuté výrazne negatívnym smerom. Pri baryte sa vysvetľuje vznik dát 6 34S priamou remobilizáciou...izotopického zloženia stroncia (pomeru 87 Sr/86 Sr) v baryte žilných ložísk gemerika Vzhľadom na vysoký obsah |
Kozlov, Evgeniy, Fomina, Ekaterina, Sidorov, Mikhail, Shilovskikh, Vladimir, Bocharov, Vladimir, Chernyavsky, Alexey, Huber, Miłosz (2020) The Petyayan-Vara Carbonatite-Hosted Rare Earth Deposit (Vuoriyarvi, NW Russia): Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Minerals, 10 (1) 73 doi:10.3390/min10010073 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
promoted the massive precipitation of ancylite and baryte and, to a lesser extent, strontianite, bastnäsite...LabRAM HR 800 spectrometer (Horiba Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) with a 514.5 nm (green) exciting laser and a nominal...nominal 800 spectrometer (Horiba Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) with a 514.5 nm (green) exciting laser and a nominal...(Ce,La)CO3 (OH) Synchysite-(Ce), CaCe(CO3 )2 F Baryte, BaSO4 Fluorapatite, Ca5 (PO4 )3 F Monazite, CePO4...using a Hitachi S-3400N SEM (Hitachi Ltd., Tokio, Japan) coupled with an Oxford X-Max 20 energy dispersive |
Pauliš, Petr, Hrůzek, Libor, Sejkora, Jiří, Malíková, Radana, Pour, Ondřej, Fediuk, Ferry (2015) Zeolitová mineralizace s barytem z Rousínova u Cvikova v Lužických horách (Česká republika) [Zeolites mineralization with barite from Rousínov near Cvikov in Lužické hory Mountains (Czech Republic)]. Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze, 23 (2) 221-228 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
of offretite and harmotome in association with baryte was detected in basalts at Rousínovský hrádek near...04Ca0.03)Σ2.07 (Si11.75Ti0.07)Σ11.82O32·12H2O. Baryte forms colorless to white tabular crystals and their...barium (occurrence near to end-member harmotome and baryte) which had not been found at similar types of zeolite...Czech Republic. Key words: harmotome, offretite, baryte, powder X-ray diffraction data, unit-cell v 19. století říkalo Zámecký vršek. O vzniku ani původu hrádku není nic známo. Písemné zprávy se o |
(1990) Mineralia Slovaca Vol. 22 (3). Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra |
Journal (issue) |
čela obdukovaného segmentu len ako zvyšky, a preto ani nemôžeme posúdiť ich rozšírenie smerom na juh. Masy...stratovulkánu Strech ový vrch v Slanských vrchoch. Mine ra/ia slov., 20. 417-434. Ká zmér, M. a Kovács ...Ak má svah predneogénneho podložia Baňa , 214 Mine ra/ia s/ovaca. 22, l 990 Košice o Obr. 1. Pozícia...22 (1990), 219-224 Izotopický pomer 87Sr /~r v baryte gemerika MARTIN RADVANEC ', KAREL 2ÁK 2, PAVOL...l5otopic ratio of 87 Sr / 86 Sr 1 26. 6. 1989) in baryte of Gemericum Considering high Sr and low Rb contents |
(1988, September) Mineral Pricelist. Hedegaard Zoological and Geological Specimens |
Catalog/List |
10-12 cm sprays I1it11our matrix from Eagle Picl1er Mine, Naica, Cl1i1111alllla, Mexico. Nice SI lky l11stre...brown crystals with dull lustre from Silver Crater Mine in Bancroft, Ontario, CND Bindheimlte 45.00 Rich...Trevinnick Mine near Port Isaac, Cornwall, GB Bolette 30.00 3-LJnm single x; blue cube from Alnelia Mine, Boleo...1-3 nm glassy xx on LJ-7cm matrix from Wllitesmith Mine, Strontian, Argyllshire, Scotland, GB. Good for...cl1u11ksor coarse pJaty 1-1l1i te xx from Conu Verde Salt Mine, Yavapa1 Co. , Ar 1zona, US/\. Gui l le1111111 te |
(2011, July) Sussex Mineral and Lapidary Society Journal 232. SMLS |
Journal (issue) |
Jolyon Ralph's fantastic fluorite from the Roger1ey Mine in Weardale (photo 2). Consisting of a 25 cm tall...John Pear~e with a lovely spray of honey-coloured baryte crystals in a vug, from Peak Hill, Sidmouth, Devon...Lanzarote and a volcanic bomb from Mount Fuji in Japan. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - (Some members...him of the box pseudomorphs from the Virtuous Lady mine in Devon. Peter also went on to win second prize...John Pearce. His specimen was a stibnite from old mine dumps at Freycenet, Auvergne, France. The micro |
Ani, Thair Al, Sarapää, Olli (2013) Mineralogical and geochemical study on carbonatites and fenites from the Kaulus drill cores, southern side of the Sokli Complex, NE Finland, Geological Survey of Finland. |
Other Paper |
southern side of the Sokli Complex, NE Finland Thair Al Ani and Olli Sarapää Ylätunnisteen tekstirivi 1 Ylätunnisteen...Date / Rec. no. Authors Type of report Thair Al Ani Olli Sarapää Commissioned by GTK Title of report...2551015 Signature/name Signature/name Thair Al ani Olli Sarapää - Confidentiality Ylätunnisteen...carbonatite dikes, which cross-cut the fenite aureole. Al-Ani and Sarapää (2009) and AlAni et al. (2011) have studied...Phlogopite Smectite Chlorite Zircon Allanite Sulphides Baryte Pyrite Pyrrhotite 16 4.2.1 Main and Accessory |
Osovský, Michal, Jirásek, Jakub, Matýsek, Dalibor, Peikertová, Pavlína (2019) Anatas z epigenetické mineralizace tektonických poruch české části hornoslezské pánve [Anatase from epigenetic mineralization of tectonic zones in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin]. Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie, 27 (2) 317-323 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
recognized in the Karviná - Doly I allotment of the ČSA Mine. They are bound to fissures accompanying main tectonic...mineralization includes quartz, dolomite, siderite, baryte, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and mineral...mohou tento prvek při své alteraci uvolňovat. Modré (ani jiné) zbarvení anatasu neslouží jako indikace přítomnosti...Sorrell 2011) nelze v popisované mineralizaci vyloučit ani přítomnost brookitu, případně rutilu. Poděkování |
(1978) Stratabound barium-zinc mineralisation in Dalradian schist near Aberfeldy, Scotland: Preliminary report. Mineral Reconnaissance Programme Report 26. Institute of Geological Sciences |
Report (issue) |
Geochemical and geophysical investigations around Garras Mine, near Truro, Cornwall The Institute of Geological...associated with the Skiddaw Granite near Carrock Mine, Cumbria 8 Investigation of stratiform sulphide...Scotland 10 Geophysical surveys around Talnotry mine. Kirkcudbrightshire. Scotland 11 A study of the...graphitic schist are the main compcnents. Individual baryte bands range in thickness from 1.5 to 1.5.5 m :easo4...reconnaissance identified the presence of stratabound baryte with sphalerite end galena near the stratigraphic |
Ettler, V., Piantone, P., Touray, J.-C. (2003) Mineralogical control on inorganic contaminant mobility in leachate from lead-zinc metallurgical slag: experimental approach and long-term assessment. Mineralogical Magazine, 67 (6) 1269-1283 doi:10.1180/0026461036760164 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
and trace cations. The second aliquot was used for ani on anal ysis and al kali nit y measurements. Alkalinity...Zn 80.00 As <0.001 Saturation indices Anglesite _Baryte_ Cerussite Fe(OH)3 (am)c Fe(OH)3 (am)*d Goethite...Fouillac (1986) Description: anglesite (PbSO4), _baryte_ (BaSO4), cerussite (PbCO3), goethite (FeOOH), gibbsite...2b). In Ba-rich leachates, the precipitation of _baryte_ (BaSO4) was predicted by EQ3NR at pH >4.8 (Fig...the model prediction, Ba is poorly controlled by baryte precipitation in the RSB leachate due to a very |
(1978) Mineralia Slovaca Vol. 10 (5). Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra |
Journal (issue) |
Rojlcovič - J án Kr áľ - Ján Mi chalov: Kvantitatívna mine ralogická ana lýza rudni:m skeho su lľi d ického...formation. S imilarly, strata-bound W-Sb-(As-Sn-Mo) mine ralisation of the Veporide crystalline and comparable...geol.-rudarska istraž. i ispit. nukl. i d rugih mine r. surovina (Beograd), 6, s. 165-182. Der y c k...vektory starších fáz medziplatňo vej tektoniky, ani na alpínske tektonické procesy. Nep ri j íma sa jednotne...doteraz nie je dostatočn e definovaná geofyzikálne ani geologicky. Dve hľ a diská vývoja Ak sa vychádza |
Syczewski, Marcin Daniel, Siuda, Rafał, Rohovec, Jan, Matoušková, Šárka, Parafiniuk, Jan (2022) Uranyl Minerals from Abandoned Podgórze Mine (Sudetes Mountains, SW Poland) and Their REE Content. Minerals, 12 (3) 307 doi:10.3390/min12030307 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Article Uranyl Minerals from Abandoned Podgórze Mine (Sudetes Mountains, SW Poland) and Their REE Content...Kowary in the Sudetes Mountains, SW Poland. The mine is located in the Karkonosze-Izera block, largely...Karkonosze granite. Uranyl minerals from the Podgórze mine can be divided into three assemblages. The first...fissures in the walls of the mine galleries. The last assemblage appears in the mine dump, where there is increased...uranyl minerals from the abandoned Podgórze uranium mine and reconstruct the physicochemical crystallization |
(1994, September) Sussex Mineral and Lapidary Society Journal 131 |
Journal (issue) |
interesting mineral finds at Warden Point were: a superb baryte rose on calcite found by Maxine - the specimen...did have the added attraction of minute calcite/baryte sprays on top of the pyrite columns. Brian is always...quarry in Portland, does not fluoresce, although the baryte fluoresces a creamy colour. Strange? John Pearce...th3t the . be deposit is larger· 1han-;n1ic1pa1ed. ani a further ·276.000 tonnes may presenl. . . 1s an...� . I ,. \ :-_:,_ I .......... .. CRO FTY MINE . ,. Last tin mirie 'seeks-£f.8m ·to survive · |
(1981) Mineralia Slovaca Vol. 13 (3). Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra |
Journal (issue) |
(biely minerál) a obyčajného amfibolitu (tmavosivý mine nerál). Nábrus zváč·šený 50 x Fíg. 8. Epigenctic...foliácia a usmernenie minerálov. Podobne n ie sú dôkazy ani o vzniku zrudnenia kontaktným účinkom granitoidne_i...surface, SEM, magn. X 5,000 táloch (obr. 11). Ale ani mliečny opál nemá taký stupeň kryštalinity, že by...pretože nie je v ňom možnosť interferencie svetla ani difrakci e, má homogénne m li ečne zafarbenie. 6...kremeň - dolomitové žil y, - d olomitové žily s Cu-mine ralizáciou, 32 - zlomová zóna príkrovového cha namu |
Smythe, J. A., Dunham, K. C. (1947) Ankerites and chalybites from the northern Pennine orefield and the north-east coalfield. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 28 (197) 53-74 doi:10.1180/minmag.1947.028.197.01 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
concentrations of which accompany the galena-blende-fluorite-baryte veins in the form of replacements of limestone...the field, from which galena, blende, fluorite, baryte, witherite, and iron ores are produced, sample has been examined from the Carrock Fell mine in the Lake District, where ankerite is associated...Cowgreen barytes mine, 2~ miles west of Langdon Beck, Co. Durham (1-inch map, 25). Here baryte is being the limestone, and contains m i x t u r e of baryte, sugary quartz, and ankeritc, with a little galena |
Burchard, Ulrich, Bode Rainer (1986) Mineral Museums of Europe. Walnut Hill Publishing Co. |
Book |
Distributor: Mineralogical Record P. 0. Box 1656 Carson City, NV 89702, USA N. Bariand 90/91; British Museum...varies widely: 31 by universities, 14 by town or city councils, 13 by district councils or regional boards...Vautierstraat 29, B-1010 Brussels 02-6480475 SE of City centre, near the "Pare Leopold" . Daily, from 9...Notes Since 1970, the Natural History Museum of the city of Aschaffenburg has been housed in the "Schonborner...... . The baroque "Schonborner Hof" houses the city archives and the Natural History Museum of Aschaffenburg |
(1961) Alphabetical Index. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 32 (255) 1002-1011 doi:10.1180/minmag.1961.032.255.08 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
TAYLOR (H. F. W.), The dehydration of brueite, 754 Baryte: Co. Tipperary, 1 2 9 , 136; Cumberland, 428; morphology...facies, Nyasaland, 725 Morphological analysis of the baryte group, 63 Moss (A. A.), H~Y (M. H.), & BOTHWELL... Ramsdellite, India, 334 366; Sutherland, 344 I~ANI)ALL(B. A. 0.), Stevensite from the Pelite, Ardnamurchan...Cumberland, 429, 430 SEAGER (A. F.), Morphology of baryte group, 63 Secondary minerals: Durham, 172; New |
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1803) Manuel d'histoire naturelle Vol. 2. Chez Collignon, Metz. |
Book (volume) |
Terre strontianite strontiane ). 275 ( Terre de baryte baryte ). ( 277 . TABLE. V pag, i. Aperçu des...Il Aucun animal d’ailes ; la ; y a de ces _ani_- chez d’autres 148. de cette classe n’a réellement...maux i5o. , sens les et les organes de ces _ani_- que sur ceux des pas douter l’on sait, à n’en... tent exclusivement maux dans corps d’autres _ani_- le vivans. i53. § Ce qui conserve beaucoup de...intestins ( 1 , de mal fait tant un véritable _ani_- souterrain. Le Lombric pa- 2. naché. L. variegatus |
Dolníček, Zdeněk, Nepejchal, Miroslav, Ulmanová, Jana (2019) Řepová u Mohelnice - mineralogicky nejpestřejší žilný rudní výskyt v moravskoslezském kulmu [Řepová near Mohelnice - mineralogically the most diverse ore vein mineralization in the Moravo-Silesian Culm]. Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie, 27 (1) 109-135 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
and 8 secondary phases. The gangue is formed by baryte (with up to 0.27 wt. % SrO), carbonates (Fe-rich...the Late Variscan metallogenic epoch. Key words: baryte vein, sulphidic mineralization, galena, sphalerite...většinou nevykazuje žádné deformační postižení; ani velké tabulky barytu nemají undulózní zhášení (obr...žádná chemická zonálnost velkých barytových tabulek ani žádné systematické rozdíly mezi chemickým složením...Obsahy In a Cu také nijak nekorelují s obsahy Hg, Cd ani Fe (R2 = ≤0.41). Chalkopyrit je akcesorickou součástí |
(1978) Mineralia Slovaca Vol. 10 (6). Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra |
Journal (issue) |
rals as accompanying association oI the merc ury mine ralisalion in th e Dubník ore d eposit (Eastern...kremitých porfýroch severozápadne od Pustého Poľa - Baryte mineralisation in a quartz porphyry NE from the...25 3 260 162 165 62 288 238' 36 219 35 11 2 54 Mine ralia slovaca, 10 (1 968), 6, 481 - 504, Bratislava...magmou. Javy, ktorými sa zaoberáme, nie sú u nás (ani in de) prebádané rovnako . Z a tiaľ čo o zemskom...1000 m teplotu iba 44 °C oproti priemeru 62 °C) ani bezprostredne nad mohutný m i podpovrchovými výle |
(1977) Mineralia Slovaca Vol. 9 (6). Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra |
Journal (issue) |
na vývoj mezozoika Karpát ostal naďalej nejasný. Ani výskum neogénu východné ho Slovenska interpretovaný...stredný baden v pelitickej širokomorskej fácii) , ale ani počas jeho sedimentácie nemožno predpokladať existenciu...až paleozoickom založení tohto zlomového systému. Ani názory o súvislosti hornádskeho zlomového systému...pokračovanie Branisko a Čierna hora), ani Hornádska a Košická kotlina, ako ani Sarišská vrchovina v dnešnej podobe...tu ani šírka , litostratigrafická náplň a charakter deformácií pieninského bradlového pásma, ani sa neposúva |