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(2005, January) Le Règne Minéral Vol. 11 (61) Les Éditions du Piat Journal (issue)
cette revue, rêvée depuis longtemps, est née il y a dix années ... Contre vents et marées, à l'encontre...donc dans vos boîtes aux lettres début mars, nous y travaillons d' arrache-pied (n ' est-ce pas RDAG et...titanite) and rare earths minerais (allanite-Ce and xenotime-Y). ln 2001, he collected aggregates of orpiment...Tignes, titanium, Upper Triassic, Vanoise massif, xenotime-(Y), "1731 Mine". INTRODUCTION En 1968, une fente...dans des schistes riches en veines. Une paroi gravée y mentionnait l' année 1731, époque de Charles-Emmanuel
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
Strunz since 1941 (Strunz and Nickel 2001): • Subsidim-y anions (OH,F,O) are positioned before the complex...common terms are not abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and...ardennite, Triclinic. ah,c = 8. 4+, 11.12. 7.28, o.,~,y = 90°53', hollandite. and shattuckite, etc., in brownish...Adamine, 50 mm, Ojuela mine, Mexico, G A ADAMSlTE-(Y) 16 translucent.Ju ter vitreous.streakwhite.Cleavage...equivalentsassociated with Na amphiboles, astroAdamsite-(Y) NaY[CO3]i•6H2O phyllite,aenigmatite, analcime, etc
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
(in alphabetical order): Thomas Armbrusler (Switzerland). Daniel Atcncio (Brazil). Malcolm Back (Canada)...Ag Na Sr s Ta Te Tb TI Th Tm Sn Ti w u V Xe Yb y Zn Zr Abbreviations Used in Glossary amor. cub....s Boletin Fac11/tadde cienncia.1·exactas,jisicos y natura/es. Unil'ersidad nacicmal de Cordoba Bulletin...aY(CO,lz·6IIJO. tric .. rclated to Tbomasclarklte-(Y), Pouelrette quarry. Moni Saint-llilairc. RoU\,ille...series, with Nioboaeschynlte-(Ce)and with Aeschynite-(Y),dimorph.with Lucnsite-(Ce),near Miass,Jl'mcny Mountains
(2013) New Data on Minerals Vol. 48. Russian Academy of Sciences Journal (volume)
A., Troshkina A.N. Cogenetic zircon, monazite, xenotime, and fluorapatite from apopicritic phlogopite-magnesite...association with stillwellite-(Ce), calcibeborosilite-(Y), fluorite, polylithionite and other minerals at the... tadzhikite-(Ce), tadzhikite-(Y), kapitsaite(Y), calcibeborosilite-(Y), byzantievite. Almost all these...calcite, bafertisite, quartz, calcibeborosilite-(Y), stillwellite-(Ce) and lap­ tevite-(Ce). Microcline...te; tetragonal, poorly formed calcibeborosili­ te-(Y) crystals to 2 cm of a dark gray color and aquant
Neukirchen, Florian, Ries, Gunnar (2020) The World of Mineral Deposits. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-34346-0 Book
1007/978-3-030-34346-0 (eBook) © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 This work is subject to copyright. All...Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface...sand. Another sedimentary © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 F. Neukirchen and G. Ries, The World...Zermatt (Switzerland) (photo © F. Neukirchen) 8 1 Fig. 1.11 Hematite. Fibbia, Gotthard (Switzerland) (photo...five largest commodity traders, all based in Switzerland, have a combined turnover similar to Switzerland’s
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
'.:. :,.· ~'. ', •• 1, •,· \:_)\_?. '.:,y::_.;:' • .-.,··: ..,;'.-·.:·.;:/f/t'l.._._._,, '···••::::••...last, at www.MineralogicalRecord.com I IIMORIITE-(Y) EUROPE FRANCE Trimouns quarry, Luzenac, Ariege....extremely rare yttrium silicate-carbonate iimoriite-(Y) occurs at Trimouns as colorless, pink and pale brown...9: 1 (Gaines, 1971; Pimentel er al., 2009). SWITZERLAND Maderanertal east of Arnsteg, Uri. In the world...hematite roses occur in numerous localities in Switzerland, it is only in the Maderanertal region of east-central
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
Český Tčšín 06/23/03/01 íľ7Í35Íl ^'SKOLCI E g y e 1 1 w ^ ^ p ^ k ö z p o n t i könyvtár All tights...Index Locality Index 429 455 464 CON T I N T S y 5 Stihnite 6 (7.6 cm sp.) Baia Sprie; PC [JSj...înalt vysoký pidnyattya hill deal kopec, vrch gorb. pagorb ozero lake lac jazero little, small...rodovyhehe, rudnyk mountain munte vrch, hora gora. gorb mountains range or chain munţi vrchy, hory gory...tetradymite. and REE oxides), and carbonates. Monazite. xenotime. bastnäsite. párisi te. pyrochlore. ilmenite (both
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
Q11ar1::., agate, (5.5 cm sp.). Erdoho1wi1i: PC {SGJ S Y ~I l3 0 L S FOR A LL FI GURES 7 The Ukmi11ia11...sometimes. scientifically valuable samples. Unfortunatel y, mo t of the old collections have been de troyed and/or...rmy'' centuries. From amo ng the few (at lea t partl y) surviving re now ned collecti ons is the collection...pidnyattya gorb. pagorb ozero malo, nebagaio zapadyna. nyzyna rodovyhche, rudnyk gora, gorb gory vidkryta...the concealing character of the Pa nnonian and Tran y lvanian ba ins. This is why corrcla- tion auempts
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
(4)Z3[Si24O72]O0 4–6X2 where N(1–5) ¼ Na, Н3О+, K, Sr, REE, Y, Ba, Mn, Ca; M(1) ¼ Ca, Mn, REE, Na, Sr, Fe; M(2)...generalized for the case D ¼ (Fe,Mg,Mn, Zn)xCayNaz□1-x-_y_-z as follows: ν[(Ti,Nb)–O] (cm1) ¼ 667 + 27.02x +...following equations: y ¼ 0:0667Δν1  0:0138Δν2 þ 0:914: t ¼ 1:97 þ 1:16y  0:080Δν1 : z ¼ 1  y  t: Violations...Locality: Gonzen mine, Sargans, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Description: Pink fibrous aggregate from the...(cm1): 925sh, 880s, 795sh, 580w, 470w. C1 Tengerite-(Y) Y2(CO3)3·2–3H2O Locality: Idkerberget, Borlänge
Okrusch, Martin, Frimmel, Hartwig E. (2020) Mineralogy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-57316-7 Book
between a1, a2 and a3. Examples: bastnäsite, (Ce,La,Y)CO3F, benitoite, BaTi[Si3O9]. 5 *622, hex.-trapezohedral:...described by an index ellipsoid with the axes X, Y, Z, referred to as the optical indicatrix (in short:...of a triaxial ellipsoid with the principal axes Z, Y, and X. The refractive index along Z (= nγ) is always...display two circular sections that intersect in the _Y_-axis (= nβ). Two optic axes that are normal to these...sections are located in the nγ-nα plane normal to Y (= nβ), the optic plane (. Fig. 1.27b). Looking along