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(2023) Taramite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
134(2) c = 5.352(1) X-ray Powder Pattern: Mbozi complex, Tanzania. 3.15 (100), 8.53 (70), 2.732 (50), 2.605... (1) Vali-Tarama Valley, Ukraine. (2) Mbozi complex, Tanzania; corresponds to 3+ (Na1:47 K0:56 )§=2:...amphibolite facies. Association: Nepheline, aegirine, oligoclase, microcline, nybÄoite. Distribution: From the...the Mbozi syenite gabbro complex, 80 km southwest of Mbeya, Tanzania. From the Darkainle complex, Borama
Halpin, Jacqueline A., Daczko, Nathan R., Kobler, Madeline E., Whittaker, Joanne M. (2017) Strike-slip tectonics during the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian assembly of East Gondwana: Evidence from a newly discovered microcontinent in the Indian Ocean (Batavia Knoll) Gondwana Research, 51. 137-148 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2017.08.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
microcontinent to have been discovered in this region, lying ~180 km to the NE of Gulden Draak Knoll;...samples suggests derivation from a felsic igneous complex. This basement is at least partly covered by Late...eclogites, blueschists, serpentinite melanges) in this region of Gondwana is so far lacking, the most compelling...geological PT E datasets in this poorly explored region, a research cruise aboard the Australian R/V Southern...Gulden Draak Knoll comprises a high-grade basement complex, including pelitic paragneiss (deposited < 1.1
Zhang, Zeming, Dong, Xin, Liu, Feng, Lin, Yanhao, Yan, Rong, He, Zhenyu, Santosh, M. (2012) The making of Gondwana: Discovery of 650Ma HP granulites from the North Lhasa, Tibet. Precambrian Research, 212. 107-116 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.04.018 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Tibet region (modified after Zhu et al., 2011a), showing the...average An component of 0.28, corresponding to oligoclase. The matrix amphibole has relatively high CaO...post-collision Dokhan volcanic suite of Kia-Malhak region, Sinai, Egypt. Gondwana Research 17, 26–43. Emmel...of the Neoproterozoic Gagwe lavas and Mbozi complex, Tanzania and the assembly of Gondwana. Precambrian
Jacob, J.-B., Martelat, J.-E., Goncalves, P., Giuliani, G., Devidal, J.-L., Feneyrol, J., Omito, E., Ichang'I, D. (2018) New P-T-X conditions for the formation of gem tsavorite garnet in the Voi area (southwestern Kenya) Lithos, 320. 250-264 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2018.09.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
quality gemstone discovered in 1967 in northeast Tanzania (Bridges, 1974). Except a few mines in southern...mined in Tanzania and Kenya (Fig.1) (Feneyrol et al., 2013a). In IP northeastern Tanzania and southeastern...crystallisation at 605 ± 35 Ma in northeastern Tanzania (Feneyrol, 2012; Feneyrol et al., 2017), and at...of the tsavorite-bearing belt. In northeastern Tanzania, a petrological investigation of the tsavorite-bearing...PT Our area of interest is localised in North-Tanzania/Southern Kenya. This place is an example of a
Rao, C.V. Dharma, Santosh, M., Kim, Sung Won (2012) Cryogenian volcanic arc in the NW Indian Shield: Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of felsic tuffs and implications for Gondwana assembly. Gondwana Research, 22 (1) 36-53 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.10.014 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
consists of an Archean basement (Banded Gneiss Complex – Bundelkhand craton) flanked in the west by the...identified subduction–accretion history in this region associated with various cycles of the birth and...Precambrian stratigraphic units of the Aravalli region in NW India with the present study area shown in...the high grade metamorphic orogen of Sandmata Complex with westerly dips, incorporating the Phulad ophiolites...Pisarevsky, 2005) or the remnant of extensions to the Tanzania, Dharwar or the Marwar Cratons that formed part
Allen, J. B., Charsley, T. J. (1968) Nepheline-Syenite and Phonolite. Institute of Geological Sciences, London. Book
Kingdom Ghana Kenya Malawi Rhodesia Sierra Leone Tanzania Uganda Zambia Canada India Australia New Zealand...Kalsilite, recalculated from an analysis of a complex phenocryst of kalsilite and nepheline lava of Baruta...crystallises in the hexagonal system and has a complex formula that represents essentially a hydrated...diagram of the system SiO.-NaAlSiO,-KAISiO, with region of low temperature indicated by stippled area....most nepheline-syenites lie in the low-melting region (adjacent to R) of the silica-deficient area, while
Dong, Xin, Zhang, Zeming, Niu, Yaoling, Tian, Zuolin, Zhang, Liangliang (2020) Reworked Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet: Zircon/titanite U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and geochemistry. Precambrian Research, 336. 105496 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105496 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1866 Ma, 1343–1250 Ma and 824 Ma from the Bomi complex in the southeastern CLT. Chen et al. (2019) suggested...eastern segment (cf. Pan et al., 2004). The Nyingchi complex in the eastern SLT has been interpreted as the...indicated that most protoliths of the Nyingchi complex included both sedimentary and magmatic rocks of...metamorphic age of ~ 600 Ma from the Nyingchi complex in the eastern SLT, with a protolith age of ~ 1780...respectively. Plagioclase grains in both samples are oligoclase, with An contents of 0.28–0.30. Amphibole grains
Giuliani, Gaston, Groat, Lee, Fallick, Anthony, Pignatelli, Isabella, Pardieu, Vincent (2020) Ruby Deposits: A Review and Geological Classification. Minerals, 10 (7) 597 doi:10.3390/min10070597 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
industry is very lucrative [5] but it is far more complex than many ore industries such as iron, silver,...weight or purity. The value depends on a much more complex quality, with grading systems including many artistic...Vatomandry; (2) Andriba; (Antsirabe-Antanifotsy region, Soamiakatra-Ambohimandroso; Ambohibary); (3) Zazafotsy;...Zazafotsy; Ankaratra (Antsirabe-Antanifotsy region, Soamiakatra-Ambohimandroso; Ambohibary); (3)IlakakaZazafotsy;...John Saul mine; Penny Lane; Aqua, Hard Rock). Tanzania: (10) Umba (9) Mangare (Rockland-formerly John
Mitchell, R. H., Platt, R. G. (1982) Mineralogy and Petrology of Nepheline Syenites from the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Petrology, 23 (2) 186-214 doi:10.1093/petrology/23.2.186 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Nepheline Syenites from the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada by ROGER H. MITCHELL AND R. GARTH...syenites of Center 2 of the Coldwell alkaline complex exhibit rare wispy mafic-rich modal layering, extensive...Coldwell complex is located on the north shore of Lake Superior and is the largest alkaline complex in North...magmatic episodes were active in the formation of the complex. In Center 1, the earliest activity is represented...in revisedform 19 November 1981) THE COLDWELL COMPLEX, ONTARIO \ duorti syenite CENTER 3 / ^-—-*v
Caxito, Fabrício A., Uhlein, Alexandre, Dantas, Elton Luiz, Stevenson, Ross, Salgado, Silas Santos, Dussin, Ivo A., Sial, Alcides da Nóbrega (2016) A complete Wilson Cycle recorded within the Riacho do Pontal Orogen, NE Brazil: Implications for the Neoproterozoic evolution of the Borborema Province at the heart of West Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 282. 97-120 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.07.001 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
northeastern South America (Borborema Province). This region is crucial for understanding the Neoproterozoic...continental rift system testified by the Paulistana Complex metavolcanosedimentary sequence (ca. 882 Ma); (2)...sedimentary, metamorphic and structural features of the region (Fig. 3; Oliveira 1998, Caxito 2013, Caxito and...border region (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The Central Zone of the orogen is characterized by complex deformation...portion is the metavolcanosedimentary Monte Orebe Complex, which shows a synformal structure with an E-W
Sutherland, Frederick Lin, Zaw, Khin (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Ruby. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03943-616-3 Book
the Australasian region. He works closely with his counterparts from the SE Asia region. He leads industry-CODES-funded...sapphirine in a highly calcic anorthosite-layered complex in Tamil Nadu, India [15]. Overall, a feature of...and isotopic determinations in small and more complex zircons and zirconolite crystals. In the study...phases, whereas Montepuez inclusions have more complex phases and show exsolution features. The tabled...pyrrhotite-pyrite composite among Mogok inclusions, while complex Montpuez inclusions contained chalcopyrite, pentlandite
(2003) Proterozoic East Gondwana: Supercontinent Assembly and Breakup. Special Publication Vol. 206. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
Orogeny to explain the evolution of the Prydz Bay region of East Antarctica, discarding the traditional...High-grade metamorphism and deformation in the Prydz Bay region, East Antarctica: terrains, events and regional...Orogen; K, Katangan Orogen; Nor, Norway; NET, NE Tanzania. Malaysia block includes Cambodia, Thailand and...Rosen 1994). Plate reconstructions in the Arctic region based on U-Pb zircon ages suggest that northern...1200 Ma Society Cliffs Formation in the Arctic region (Baffin Island) have a minimum ratio of c. 0.706
(1991) Magmatism in Extensional Structural Settings. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-73966-8 Book
volcanic regions (e.g. Rungwe in Southwestern Tanzania) are poorly known, hence the need to increase...Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Southwest Uganda Region of the African Rift: Implications from Experimental.... . . ... 3 The Crust Under the Canary Islands Region ............. 4 Network of Fractures and Identity...Identity of Vertical Movements in the Canary Islands Region ........................... 4.1 Transoceanic and......................... 5.1 The Thghouaji Ring-Complex ...................... 5.2 Conclusion ........
Murphy, J. B., Keppie, J. D., Hynes, A. - Eds. (2009) Ancient Orogens and Modern Analogues. Special Publication Vol. 327. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
Cenozoic Orogenic Belts in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 127 Palaeozoic/Neoproterozoic orogens PUCHKOV...tectonics Three contributions from the Mediterranean region provide examples of the complexity and heterogeneity...continental drift reconstructions) of the Mediterranean region from late Triassic to Miocene. This time period...distinctive structural elements in the Mediterranean region and reflects the bending of the Apennine and Sicilian...number of these terranes, including the Acatlán Complex of the Mixteca terrane, which is the largest inlier
Linnemann, Ulf, Nance, R. Damian, Kraft, Petr, Zulauf, Gernold (2007) The Evolution of the Rheic Ocean: From Avalonian-Cadomian Active Margin to Alleghenian-Variscan Collision. GSA Special Paper 423. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/978-0-8137-2423-2 Report (issue)
evolution of the upper allochthon of the Órdenes complex (northwestern Iberian Massif): Structural constraints...the Rheic Ocean in North America: The Acatlán Complex of southern México . . . . 437 R. Damian Nance...Ordovician calc-alkaline granitoids in the Acatlán Complex, southern México: Geochemical and geochronologic...oceanic basalts in the Cosoltepec Formation, Acatlán Complex, southern México: Vestiges of the Rheic Ocean?...Rheic Ocean from eclogitic rocks in the Acatlán Complex of southern México. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(2011) The Geological Record of Neoproterozoic Glaciations. Geological Society, London, Memoirs Vol. 36. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
Neoproterozoic glacial records in the Yangtze Region, China 357 ZHU, M. & WANG, H. Neoproterozoic...Kingston Peak Formation in the eastern Death Valley region 449 PETTERSON, R., PRAVE, A. R. & WERNICKE, B...Peak Formation in the Panamint Range, Death Valley region, California 459 CARTO, S. L. & EYLES, N. The...Neoproterozoic glacial deposits of the Kimberly Region and northwestern Northern Territory, Australia...discuss the history of basin development in the region. The stratigraphy section was meant to provide
(2018) Geology of Southwest Gondwana. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68920-3 Book
systematically present the geology of each country, region and continent on Earth. Each book aims to provide...concerning the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of this region during the Precambrian. Major tectonometamorphic...tectonostratigraphic domains and structures of the region are presented, together with implications for the...Craton margin. The structurally lower Swartland Complex resulted from tectonic underplating during southeast-directed...Ma) Achalian orogenies, which resulted from the complex alternation of subduction-related and collisional
(1983) Proterozoic Geology: Selected Papers from an International Proterozoic Symposium. GSA Memoir 161. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem161 Report (issue)
investigations of Precambrian geology in the Great Lakes region by department faculty, beginning with R. D. Irving...in the geological development of the Great Lakes region. The symposium was attended by approximately 150...resources, and Proterozoic geology of the Great Lakes region. Papers from the last category have been published...Grenville and Dalslandian belts in the North Atlantic region formed with prominent Andean-type and Himalayan-type...Grenville-Dalslandian mo¬ bile belt formed in the North Atlantic region. Isotopic ages elsewhere in the world peak in this