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Fick, L. J., van der Heyde, C. (1959) Additional data on the geology of the Mbeya carbonatite. Economic Geology, 54 (5) 842-872 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.54.5.842 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
842-872 ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE MBEYA CARBONATITE L. J. FICK AND C. VAN DER HEYDE....................... Geological setting of the Mbeya Carbonatite ............................ Introduction........................ The Carbonafire-bodyat Panda Hill and its associatedcontact and 851 dike-rocks.......................... 863 864 Mineralogyof Mbeya Carbonatite.......................................been established during the development of the Mbeya Carbonatiteas an economicprospect subsequent to
Jäger, E., Niggli, E., Van der Veen, A. H. (1959) A hydrated barium-strontium pyrochlore in a biotite rock from Panda Hill, Tanganyika. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 32 (244) 10-25 doi:10.1180/minmag.1959.032.244.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
barium-strontium pyrochlore in a biotite roclc from Panda Hill, Tanganyilca. 1 B y E. J~iGE~, Ph.D., and E....biotite rock (contact-rock of a carbonatite) from Panda Hill, Tanganyika, as small euhedral yellowish-grey...cube) in a rock containing euhedral biotite, some orthoclase, and several other minerals. Hydrated Ba-Sr pyrochlore...pandaite, from Panda Hill, is proposed for the new mineral. N the concession area of the Mbeya E x p l o r...r a t i o n C o m p a n y ~ (Mbexco) near Mbeya (Tanganyika) (fig. la) Dr. J. F. 0sten, former geologist
(1959) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 44 (11-12) 1321-1329 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
barium-strontium pyrochlore in a biotite rock from Panda Hill, Tanganyika, Minerol,og.Mag.,32, 10-25 (1959)...a roof pendant of the Mbeya (also called the Panda Hill) carbonatite, near Mbeya, Tanganyika. The rock...rock contains major biotite, kaolinized orthoclase, and limonite, minor fluorite, quartz, apatite, zircon...corrected, deducting zircon0.42, phlogopite 0.27, orthoclase O.42, apatite 0 92, cassiterite 0.32, quartz...5 9 1 ( 7 0 ) . The name is for the locality, Panda Hill, and is suggested for minerals of the pyrochlore
Heinrich, E. Wm., Vian, R. W. (1967) Carbonatitic barites. American Mineralogist, 52 (7-8) 1179-1189 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
as barite-rich carbonatite breccia zones. Mbeya (Panda Hill) Tanganyika Chilwa Island, Malawi Late quartz-calcite...minor to major amounts: biotite, phlogopite, orthoclase. melanite; (rare species) witherite, cordylite...Other localities are Nano-Vara, U.S.S.R.; Mbeya, Tanzania; and Kangankunde, Malawi. Aw.q.r,ytrcar,'Iecurvrqur...Black Forest, Germany 1.60(s6) Starke, 1964 Ruhr Region, Germany 0.3e(e0) Starke,1964 Forest, (Continued
Heinrich, E. William (1980) The Geology of Carbonatites - Reprint Edition with Supplementary Material. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc. Book (edition)
and A. Holmes (1950) : Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) : Tanzania Geological Survey and...Tidsskrift and K. S. Heier (1961) Figure 15-9: Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) Figure...Jr., completed most of the field work on the Iron Hill complex of Gunnison County, Colorado, in 1912-1913...accepted the idea of an igneous origin for the Iron Hill carbonatite. In 1924 Bowen, who had visited the...pyrochlore-rich carbonates (e.g. in Oka, Araxa, Fen, Mbeya) has removed Nb from the category of “rare’’ elements
(1961) Topographical Index. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 32 (255) 997-1001 doi:10.1180/minmag.1961.032.255.07 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, almandine, andesine, orthoclase, epidote, 848 Sgor Chaonasaide, Loch Loyal: nordmarkite...thomsonite, 506 Berk Hill: apophyllite, 508 Black Cave, Islandmagee: mordenite, 5O9 Carnmoney Hill, Belfast: calcite...lithomarge, xlvi White Mountain: mordenite, 509 Wolf Hill, Legoniel: apophyllite, 508 Tipperary Knockanroe...Tanganyika Mautia Hill, Kongwa, Mpwapwa District: kyanite, talc, yoderite, 282 Panda Hill, Mbeya: biotite, orthoelase
(1955) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 5 (3) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
Dam Site 292 Plate XVI • '' 292 Plate XVII Sena Hill, Lower Zambezi . • • • • Plate XVIII Bridge over...Text-fig. 1 Text-fig. 2 Sovite Dyke, Chigwakwalu Hill, Tundulu . facing p. • Xenoliths in Sovite, S.E...solution appeared to be the removal of Cox's Fort Hill, overlool<ing· the="" harbour,="" and="" dumping="" of="" the<="" span="">...able to point out, however, that some of Cox's Fort Hill and the adjacent area (which was planned for installation...necessary to· map carefully the area of Cox's Fort Hill and to calculate the quantities of black shale and</ing·>
NASH, W. P. (1972) Mineralogy and Petrology of the Iron Hill Carbonatite Complex, Colorado. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 83 (5) 1361 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1972)83[1361:mapoti]2.0.co;2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Utah 84112 Mineralogy and Petrology of the Iron Hill Carbonatite Complex, Colorado determine what, if...are ubiquitously assotypes occurring in the Iron Hill carbonatite ciated. For this study I have chosen...Iron complex have been examined in order to deter- Hill carbonatite complex, one of the largest mine the...alkaline igneous rocks with which they are The Iron Hill carbonatite body, also known ubiquitously associated...south of the town of Gunnison. developed at Iron Hill. The carbonatites are The composite intrusion, occupying
Lawrence, L., Spandler, C., Roberts, E.M., Hilbert-Wolf, H.L. (2021) Mineralogy and origin of the alkaline Nsungwe Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania. Lithos, 380. 105885pp. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105885 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania L. Lawrence, C. Spandler, E.M. Roberts, H.L....Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania, LITHOS (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos...occurring ~400 km beneath Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, defined as the African superswell (Nyblade, 2011)...the Usangu Basin and Tukuyu Journal Pre-proof region of the Rungwe Volcanic Province (RVP) (Fig. 1b)...vent or source of appropriate age is known in the region for the NFT, which presents a further challenge
SIMONETTI, A., BELL, K. (1994) Isotopic and Geochemical Investigation of the Chilwa Island Carbonatite Complex, Malawi: Evidence for a Depleted Mantle Source Region, Liquid Immiscibility, and Open-System Behaviour. Journal of Petrology, 35 (6) 1597-1621 doi:10.1093/petrology/35.6.1597 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Malawi: Evidence for a Depleted Mantle Source Region, Liquid Immiscibility, and Open-System Behaviour...'hydrothermal' activity, concentrated primarily in the core region. Minerals such as fluorite, barite, quartz, galena...Zambezi Rift (Fig. 1; Garson, 1965, 1966). This region also contains major intrusions of peralkaline granite... / ^ Illlilllldf sIIIIr /J Zambia J i/ * Tanzania - - • . - . - • " • Chilwa .Alkalln*...incompatible-element-enriched (metasomatized) source region (Woolley & Jones, 1987). Other evidence that might
Bloomfield, K., Deans, T., Wells, M. K. (1981) The llomba Alkaline Complex, northern Malawi and associated uranium-niobium mineralisation. Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources 57. Institute of Geological Sciences Journal (volume)
19 Zircon 19 Petrogenesis References ii Ilomba Hill from the Songwe Plain to the north-west 3 Photomicrograph...Alkaline Complex to the Nachendezwaya Carbonatite, Tanzania 6 3 Ilomba rocks plotted on a Si0 2- Al 20 3-K...15 5 Radiometric map of the summit area, Ilomba Hill 16 TABLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Geological history of...l00Ma later. Some 4km to the · north-east, in Tanzania, lies the Nachendezwaya Alkaline Complex, made...out intermittently over the past 23 years. Ilomba Hill is noteworthy for its uranium-rich pyrochlore, and
Teale, E. O., Smith, W. Campbell (1923) Nepheline-bearing Lavas and Intrusive Rocks from South of the Zambezi River, with a Note on an Outcrop of Karroo Lavas in the Buzi Valley, Portuguese East Africa. Geological Magazine, 60 (5) 226-237 doi:10.1017/s0016756800085599 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Since Teale and Wilson made their traverse of this region in 1913, R P. Mennell (3) has been over some of...evenly distributed between very thin laths of orthoclase with perhaps a little nepheline and an isotropic...aegirinetrachyte described by Holmes (5) from north of Sokoto Hill in the Mozambique district. Dr. Holmes' specimen...from a region south of the Zambezi, where outcrops are found at intervals as far south as Bunga Hill on the...extreme south the phonolites and nephelinites of Panda and Bunga Hills are associated with the marginal
Keller, Peter C (1992) Gemstones of East Africa. Geoscience Press, Inc. Book
gemological wealth of East Africa. This unique region encompasses ·what may be the world's richest gem...gemologist and geologist, Dr. Peter Keller. Kenya and Tanzania are revealed in their full mineralogical splendor...chrome tourmaline are widely identified with the region. ( continuedon backflap) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ~...Conclusion 11 Chapter 2. Diamond Deposits of Tanzania 15 Location 16 Geology 18 Mining 20 Properties...Northern Province, Tanzania 28 Ruby and Sapphire from Umba, Tanga Province, Tanzania 32 Sapphire from Kenya
Simandl, George J., Paradis, Suzanne (2018) Carbonatites: related ore deposits, resources, footprint, and exploration methods. Applied Earth Science, 127 (4) 123-152 doi:10.1080/25726838.2018.1516935 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Cax)2–x(CO3)], known from Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania). A refinement to the IUGS chemical classification...natrocarbonatitic lavas from Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania that contain 38–40 wt.% combined Na2O and K2O...Roberts 1984; Zaitsev et al. 2013); Kerimasi, Tanzania (Hay 1983; Zaitsev 2010; Guzmics et al. 2011);... 2010) to very recent (e.g. Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania, which is considered an active volcano). Frequency...carbonatite provinces: (a) East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and one occurrence in Zambia); (b) Namibia and
James, T. C. (1965) Diamantiferous diatremes; discussion. Economic Geology, 60 (5) 1073-1080 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.60.5.1073 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
containingroundedand corrodedbiotite which, at Musensi Hill, Tanganyika,measuresup to two inchesin diameter...thanalongthe Gregory-Lake Rudolf Rift Valley. Both at Panda Hill and MusensiHill, southwest Tanganyikga, the fenitization...trachyticvolcano,sinceremovedby erosion. The brecciation of orthoclase fenite (in placeswith muchsodicpyroxene) and..."magmachamber" wasfluidat anyonetime. Mixturesof orthoclase feniteof variablecomposition,andpossibly hydrousor
(1957) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 6 (4) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
Map of Lower Shire Valley • • ,, fig. 1 Namalambo Hill, Lower Shire Plate I • • ,, fig. 2 Alluvium at Chikwawa...ofpedisediment deposits-or masses of debris carried down hill by gravitation, rain wash and stream action in the...reappears near the Dandi, just north of Namalambo Hill (Plate I, fig. 1), and passes to the west of that...south of the Tangadzi West, beginning with Namalambo Hill opposite Chiromo (seeaccompanying map). From the...111 1. AMALAMBO foregrou11d carries ye1lo\v-recl HILL, LovvER. SrrrRE to11y drift of ty1)e illustratecl
Melgarejo, Joan C., Costanzo, Alessandra, Bambi, Aurora C.J.M., Gonçalves, Antonio O., Neto, Andrés B. (2012) Subsolidus processes as a key factor on the distribution of Nb species in plutonic carbonatites: The Tchivira case, Angola. Lithos, 152. 187-201 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.06.024 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
synthetic Al2O3 (Al, Kα); diopside (Si, Kα); orthoclase (K, Kα); wollastonite (Ca, Kα); rutile (Ti, Kα);...in the “pandaites” from Panda Hill in Tanzania (Jager et al., 1959), Mrima Hill in Kenya (Harris, 1965)...1683–1687. Harris, P.M., 1965. Pandaite from the Mrima Hill niobium deposit (Kenya). Mineralogical Magazine...barium–strontium pyrochlore in a biotite rock from Panda Hill, Tanganyika. Mineralogical Magazine 32, 10–25
Kresten, Peter, Troll, Valentin R. (2018) The Alnö Carbonatite Complex, Central Sweden. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90224-1 Book
the geological and environmental context of the region followed by in depth and colourful descriptions...magma at the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano in northern Tanzania (Dawson 1962). Ample work has since been carried...1a) in the East African Rift System of northern Tanzania, stands out from the other carbonatite occurrences...surroundings in the East African Rift in northern Tanzania. The small hills on the left side of the image...the currently active Oldoinyo Lengai volcano in Tanzania is striking. A significant difference between the
(1955) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 5 (4) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
dominated in the north by the flat-topped hill of Nsamuzi. Between this hill and the smaller hills of Buzindere...peninsula is found on the southern flank of Nsamuzi Hill. The rock is very fine-grained, highly micaceous...and others on the east and west sides of Buzindere Hill, but it is anticipated that other known laterite...postulate gains support from field observation. In the region of approximately twenty feet from the base of the...of 30 per cent. falling to 18 per cent. in the region of 12 feet, then rising to 29 per cent. in the
O'Donoghue, Michael (1994) The Colour Dictionary of Gemstones & Minerals. The Black Cat, London. Book
Freiberg, E. Germany; Pribram, Czechoslovakia; Broken Hill, New South Wales; Chanarcillo, Atacama, Chile; and...Cornwall; at Wallaroo, South Australia and Broken Hill, New South Wales. Found in sandstone at Corocoro...Jagersfontein in the Orange Free State. Also found in Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Zaire, Botswana, South-West...Colombia, near the river Pinto. It occurs in the Broken Hill area of New South Wales and in New Zealand and the...localities are Atacama, Chile and Cobalt, Ontario; Broken Hill, New South Wales. Treatment. Any dilute acid apart
(1956) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 6. Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (volume)
Rhexoxylon and Dadoxylon from the Lower Shire Region of Nyasaland and Portuguese East Africa . By Professor...Rhexoxylon africanum Banc . Half the expanded Pith Region of a large Stem, with Shreds of normal Secondary...of Lower Shire Valley facing p. fig . 1 Namalambo Hill , Lower Shire Plate I fig. 2 Alluvium at Chikwawa...valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low " . But at last, by the nineteenth...other highly interesting rocks that occur in the region of Lake Chilwa (or Lake Shirwa), in southern Nyasaland
Chakhmouradian, A. R., Zaitsev, A. N. (2002) Calcite–Amphibole–Clinopyroxene rock from the Afrikanda complex, Kola peninsula, Russia: mineralogy and a possible link to carbonatites. III. Silicate minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40 (5) 1347-1374 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.40.5.1347 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Na), loparite-(Ce) (La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Nb), orthoclase (K), wollastonite (Ca and Si), synthetic SrTiO3...chemical characteristics of the Panda Hill carbonatite complex, Tanzania. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 5, 589-598...from the carbonatite volcano, Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. J. Petrol. 36, 797-826. DELLA VENTURA, G., BELLATRECCIA...white trachytic tuff of Roccamonfina Volcano (Rome Region, Italy). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 84, 235-252...Platform carbonatite deposit (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly region). Geochem. Int. 25(5), 24-34. OBERTI, R., UNGARETTI
Graupner, Torsten, Klemd, Reiner, Henjes-Kunst, Friedhelm, Goldmann, Simon, Behnsen, Helge, Gerdes, Axel, Dohrmann, Reiner, Barton, Jay M., Opperman, Rehan (2018) Formation conditions and REY enrichment of the 2060 Ma phosphorus mineralization at Schiel (South Africa): geochemical and geochronological constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 53 (8) 1117-1142 doi:10.1007/s00126-018-0791-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
as small subhedral inclusions in pyroxene or orthoclase and occurs as euhedral to subhedral grains ranging...associated LREEWDS values (Fig. 12). For the Panda Hill carbonatite complex, a similar observation was...chemical characteristics of the Panda Hill carbonatite complex, Tanzania. J Afr Earth Sci 5: 589–598 Behnsen
(1991) Magmatism in Extensional Structural Settings. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-73966-8 Book
volcanic regions (e.g. Rungwe in Southwestern Tanzania) are poorly known, hence the need to increase...Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Southwest Uganda Region of the African Rift: Implications from Experimental.... . . ... 3 The Crust Under the Canary Islands Region ............. 4 Network of Fractures and Identity...Identity of Vertical Movements in the Canary Islands Region ........................... 4.1 Transoceanic and...periods: 1. Ordovician-Devonian times in the Garoua region, northern Cameroon. Lavas have been associated
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
localities for good ilmenite crystals exist in the region (Brunet, I 977b ). NEW YORK Amity, Orange County...whereas in the typical ilmenite-bearing paragenesis orthoclase is less common, zeolites are absent, and brookite...in Switzerland, it is only in the Maderanertal region of east-central Canton Uri that clefts bearing...clefts are found fairly commonly throughout this region, such that only a handful of notable finds during...about 20 other quartz mines are operated in the region of the Subpolar Urals, northwest of Saranpaul,