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Skauli, Hilde (1993) A metamorphosed, potassic alteration zone associated with the Bleikvassli ZnPbCu orebody, Northern Norway. Lithos, 31 (1) 1-15 doi:10.1016/0024-4937(93)90029-c Journal (article/letter/editorial)
alteration zone associated with the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Cu orebody, Northern Norway Hilde Skauli Saga Petroleum...Petroleum, EUM, P.O.box 490, N-1301 Sandvika, Norway (Received October 23, 1991; revised and accepted March 17...17, 1993 ) LITHOS () ABSTRACT The Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Cu deposit is located in amphibolite facies schists...associated with the Bleikvassli orebody. Introduction S/ t"" The Bleikvassli Z n - P b - C u deposit...The microcline gneiss is confined to the central mine area, and it has therefore been suspected to relate
Bjerkgård, Terje, Marker, Mogens, Slagstad, Trond, Solli, Arne (2013) The Mofjell Project: Summary and conclusions. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse. Rapport 2013:048 Report (issue)
Norges geologiske undersøkelse Geological Survey of Norway GEOLOGI FOR SAMFUNNET GEOLOGY FOR SOCIETY NGU...between GEXCO Norge AS, the county administration of Nordland and NGU. However, the company GEXCO faced financial...addition to the ore which is remaining in the Mofjellet mine, and which could be a basis for new mining activity...ellipse. The Mofjell Group is part of the Rana–Hemnes Zn-Pb-Cu metallogenic area, which covers a large...large area around the Okstindan mountains in Nordland (Figure 2, Bjerkgård & Hallberg, 2012). In the area
Rosenberg, J. L., Spry, P. G., Jacobson, C. E., Vokes, F. M. (2000) The effects of sulfidation and oxidation during metamorphism on compositionally varied rocks adjacent to the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-(Cu) deposit, Nordland, Norway. Mineralium Deposita, 35 (8) 714-726 doi:10.1007/s001260050274 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
varied rocks adjacent to the Bleikvassli Zn±Pb±(Cu) deposit, Nordland, Norway Received: 1 March 1998 / Accepted:...the metamorphosed Bleikvassli Zn±Pb±(Cu) volcanogenic massive sul®de deposit, Norway, are dependent upon...coexisting with biotite ‹ garnet. Rocks in the Bleikvassli deposit were hydrothermally enriched in zinc...that the sul®dation±oxidation halo around the Bleikvassli ore deposit is only meters in width contrasts...naturvitenskapelige Universitet, 7034 Trondheim, Norway eation of a sul®dation±oxidation halo bordering
Skauli, H., Bjørlykke, A., Thorpe, R.I. (1992) Lead-isotope study of the sulphide ore and alteration zone, Bleikvassli zinc-lead deposit, northern Norway. Mineralium Deposita, 27 (4). 276-283 doi:10.1007/bf00193398 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sulphide ore and alteration zone, Bleikvassli zinc-lead deposit, northern Norway H. Skauli 1.,, A. Bjorlykke...Universityof Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway 2 Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street...1990/Accepted:January 14, 1992 Abstract. The Bleikvassli Zn-Pb deposit is located in the Uppermost Allochthon...much as 12 wt% K20, occurs in the lower part of the Mine Sequence which also comprises (kyanite-) mica schist...rock lithology and the metal content of the Bleikvassli orebody are consistent with a SEDEX origin of
Raade, Gunnar (2007) Minerals of Norway- the (almost) complete inventory. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift, 35. 69-96 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Minerals of Norway - the (almost) complete inventory Gunnar Raade Preamble A monographic survey of the...the minerals of Norway (Norges Mineraler) was published by Neumann (1985), covering all minerals recorded...and synonyms. A large number of minerals new to Norway have been recorded since the book appeared. The...attempt to list all accepted mineral species from Norway, including those from Neumann (1985) and later...& Nickel 2001). Names of minerals discovered in Norway after the edition of Neumann's monograph are in
Ramberg, I. B. (1967) Kongsfjell-områdets geologi, en petrografisk og strukturell undersøkelse i Helgeland, Nord-Norge [The geology of the Kongsfjell area, a petrographic and structural survey in Helgeland, northern Norway]. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse 240 Report (issue)
legat til geologisk og mineralo gisk forskning. Mine novediazBveiledere har vært professor Tom. F. W...of the Norwegian Caledonides in Helgeland, North Norway. The study is divided into tvo main parts; the...processes. A detailed study ot the rock types ot tne mine c!iBtrict reve2lB tnat botn the microcline ZneiBB...feltet mot øst og syd. Sentralt i feltet ligger Bleikvassli gruve. Fig. 1. Feltets beliggenhet. Location...paleoxoizke, ioldete bergartene i det Bvdlige Nordland og er delt av en omtrent nord-Bvdgaende Bkvvegrenße
Middleton, R. C. (1976) The geology of Prieska Copper Mines Limited. Economic Geology, 71 (1) 328-350 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.71.1.328 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mentsof the depositional graphite-pyrrhotiteschist in Norway classifiedby .Quiet•.one Waltham (1968). The only...phenocrysts,shard-shapedquartz aggregates,chlorite, clinozoisite, and epidote and usually have a cryptocrystallinegroundmass...indicateda width of 5.74 m and a copline serving the mine and Copperton crossesthe per grade of 2.23 percent...distributionand zoning describedby Vokes (1963) at Bleikvassli. HowFor the purposeof the discussionon metal...(1963) was surprisedthat this was the caseat Bleikvassli,but mentionedthat ore alsoshowsroundedlithic
Cook, Nigel J., Halls, Christopher, Boyle, Alan P. (1993) Deformation and metamorphism of massive sulphides at Sulitjelma, Norway. Mineralogical Magazine, 57 (386) 67-81 doi:10.1180/minmag.1993.057.386.07 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphism of massive sulphides at Sulitjelma, Norway NIGEL J. COOK Mineralogisches Institut der Universit~it...eruptives of Ordovician age at Sulitjelma in Nordland County, Norway, form one of the important fields of sulphide...deformation, metamorphism, sulphides, Sulitjelma, Norway. Introduction A s a result of many geological...Cu-(Zn) sulphide deposits of Sulitjelma, northern Norway, are regarded as a classic example of stratabound...deposits in the Norwegian Caledonides, including Bleikvassli (Vokes, 1963) and Joma (Olsen, 1980). 71 Where
Zhang, Yajing, Sun, Fengyue, Li, Bile, Huo, Liang, Ma, Fang (2014) Ore textures and remobilization mechanisms of the Hongtoushan copper–zinc deposit, Liaoning, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 57. 78-86 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.09.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
anthophyllite, muscovite, actinolite, andradite, clinozoisite, chlorite, carbonate, sillimanite, and anhydrite...grains are replaced by actinolite, gahnite, and clinozoisite. These silicate minerals generally grew together...Abitibi Belt, Canada: Sangster, 1972; Black Angel Mine, Greenland: Pedersen, 1980; Broken Hill, Australia:...mineral aggregates including actinolite, gahnite, clinozoisite, chlorite, biotite, and carbonate minerals and...aggregates composed of actinolite, gahnite, clinozoisite, and chlorite during upper greenschist facies
(2001, July) Mineral News Vol. 17 (7) L. R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
even tho ugh on a small scale. The Storforshei iron mine in the Dunderlandsdalen is still in operation, working...sold as souvenir in a few places. The Mofje llet Mine, a once considerable but now depleted ase metal...H0gtuavite crystals in matrix, near H0gtuva Mountain, Norway. New Mineral Finds in the First Half of 2001 News...NaCaCu5(AsO4 ) 4Cl, and the locality is the El Guanaco Mine, 93 km east of Taltal, Antofagasta Province. Chile...labelled as digenite from Kviteseid, Telemark, Norway. A large miniature specimen rich in metallic leadgrey
Currie, , Van Staal, (1999) The assemblage stilpnomelane-chlorite-phengitic mica: a geothermobarometer for blueschist and associated greenschist terranes. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 17 (6) 613-620 doi:10.1046/j.1525-1314.1999.00221.x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
albite and/or microcline, with accessory epidote, clinozoisite or pumpellyite, show considerable promise for...Berman (1988) to the reaction clinochlore+6 clinozoisite+7 quartz=tremolite+10 anorthite+6 water gives...Curve T shows the position of the equilibrium 6 clinozoisite+7 quartz +clinochlore=10 anorthite+tremolite+6...lithologies and ore at the Bleikvassli Zn–Pb–(Cu) deposit, Nordland, Norway. Norsk Geologisk T idsskrift
Kirkland, C.L., Slagstad, T., Johnson, T.E. (2018) Zircon as a metamorphic timekeeper: A case study from the Caledonides of central Norway. Gondwana Research, 61. 63-72 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2018.05.005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
keeper: A case study from the Caledonides of Central Norway C.L. Kirkland, T. Slagstad, T.E. Johnson PII:...keeper: A case study from the Caledonides of Central Norway. (2018), doi:10.1016/j.gr.2018.05.005 This is...6845, Australia. 2Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway. for Global Tectonics, State Key Laboratory...T., 1,3Johnson, T.E. SC 1School PT central Norway Corresponding author: c.kirkland@curtin.edu.au...migmatitic amphibole–biotite gneiss from central Norway that contains zircon grains that chart much of
Rui, I. J. (1973) Structural control and wall rock alteration at Killingdal Mine, central Norwegian Caledonides. Economic Geology, 68 (6) 859-883 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.68.6.859 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Structural ControlandWall RockAlterationat Killingdai Mine, CentralNorwegianCaledonides* IN•OLF J. RUI Abstract...averagingabout 1.7% Cu and 4-5% Zn THe. Killingdal mine is locatedin the southeastern have been produced...about100,000tonsof copperfromvarious Killingdal mine has been dealt with in a survey of Caledonianpyrite...Caledonianpyrite depositsby 'Foslie (1926) and The Killingdal mine was discoveredin 1674 and in a moregeneraldescriptionof... STRUCTURAL CONTROL ANDWALLROCK ALTERATION N •KI MINE R6ros schists-gray calcareous schists KjurudoI
(1997) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 73. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
distribution of tiny brown grains in YTTROFLUORITE (Drag Norway) lx2ins £3 2x2 £6 218 BISMUTHINITE Bismuth Sulphide...Albite with Ilmenite and or Magnetite. (Tuftane Evje Norway) lxl to lx 54 only 1 crystal £4 229 MELANOCERITE...Cu UO PO/4 slightly radioactive. (Old Gunislake Mine Cornwall) a) green 3mm area on ropk, £3 ( b) IxhaJ...Si/2 0/7 rare Scandium mineral (Tuftane Iveland Norway) grey to colourless crystal section in Felspar...Phlogopite Mica. (Possibly slightly radioactive)(Palabora Mine,S.Africa lxl £5 1x2 £10 WITH UNUSUAL ELEMENTS
Kinkel, Arthur R. (1967) The Ore Knob copper deposit, North Carolina, and other massive sulfide deposits of the Appalachians. Professional Paper 558. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp558 Report (issue)
-___---___--___-_-_-__--__-_.-_____________ Eustis mine, Quebec. ___________________________ Moulton Hill...sulfide deposits in eastern Maine._________ Milan mine, New Hampshire_____________________ Orange County...Vermont___________ Sulphur Mine, Virginia._________________________ Arminius mine, Virginia_________________________..._________ Johnson mine, Virginia __________________________ Austin Run pyrite mine, Virginia _________________... Virginia.-______ ___________________ Cullowhee mine, North Carolina__________________ Elk Knob copper
Tomkins, Andrew G. (2010) Windows of metamorphic sulfur liberation in the crust: Implications for gold deposit genesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (11) 3246-3259 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.03.003 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
= paragonite, bi = biotite, g = garnet, cz = clinozoisite, pl = plagioclase, st = staurolite, cd = cordierite...chlorite, hb = hornblende, act = actinolite, cz = clinozoisite, pl = plagioclase, gl = glaucophane. in Fig...in midcrustal auriferous mylonites of the Renco mine, southern Zimbabwe. Mineral. Deposita 35, 109–125...Polyphase deformation of mylonites from Renco gold mine (Zimbabwe): identified by crystallographic preferred... Metamorphic sulfur liberation Bleikvassli Zn–Pb–(Cu) deposit, Nordland, Norway. Mineral. Deposita 35, 714–726
(1998) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 75. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
pinkish fine grained mass in Calcite.(Dark Star Mine,Ravalli County, Montana USA) 1 x 14 £2.50 1x1 £4...guite rich black masses in matrix (Union Carbide Mine, Wilson Springs Garland County, Arkansas USA) 1x1...fairly sparse, green crusts on matrix. (San Miguel Mine Moctezuma Mexico) 1cm piece £ 5 5mm £3 WITH UNUSUAL...distribution of tiny brown grains in YTTROFLUOftlTE (Drag Norway) 1x1 £2 1x2 £4 298 BISMUTITE Bi CO/3 0 Quite rich...rich yellow crusts on matrix. (Outpost Mine, San Domingo Wash Maricopa County Arizona) Ixliins £4 107
Fougerouse, Denis, Micklethwaite, Steven, Tomkins, Andrew G., Mei, Yuan, Kilburn, Matt, Guagliardo, Paul, Fisher, Louise A., Halfpenny, Angela, Gee, Mary, Paterson, David, Howard, Daryl L. (2016) Gold remobilisation and formation of high grade ore shoots driven by dissolution-reprecipitation replacement and Ni substitution into auriferous arsenopyrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 178. 143-159 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.040 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the mineral assemblage actinolite + chlorite + clinozoisite + quartz + calcite, to have been 340–460° and...underground mineralised exposures throughout the Obuasi mine in order to provide a representative suite of samples...S. (1994) Structural geology of the Ashanti gold mine. Geol. Jahrb. D 100, 131–153. Borg S., Liu W., Pearce...of the sulphide deposits at Sulitjelma, northern Norway. Ore Geol. Rev. 11, 303–338. Cook N., Spry P. and...and related minerals in the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-(Cu) deposit, Nordland, Norway. Miner. Deposita 34, 35–56
Spry, Paul G., Marshall, Brian, Vokes, Frank M. - Eds. (2000) Metamorphosed and Metamorphogenic Ore Deposits. Reviews in Economic Geology Vol. 11. Society of Economic Geologists Journal (volume)
University of Science an d Techn ology Trondheim N-7 491 Norway SOCIETY OF ECON OMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. The Authors:...naturvitenskapelige Universitet N-7034 Trondheim Norway Tel. +47.7359.4808 Fax: +47.7359.4814 e-mail: frank...massive sulfide deposits in South Africa, Canada, Norway, Australia, and the United States, with a focus...massive cup1iferous sulfide deposits in northern Norway. The resulting publication was the emphasis of...Univenity of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Abstract The types of mainly metallic mineralization
(1999) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 80. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Greenish , sparse, acicular micros in Penbenhy Croft Mine, St cavities in quartz_________________ Hilary Cornwall... Rich white crusts on matrix. ALAMOSITE Rawhide Mine, Mohave Ixl £9 'A x A £3 1 xA Pb SiO/3_____________...£5___ Rich orange-red masses with darker Kragero Norway 1x2 50p 2x2 ALBITE 6 Hornblende____________________...Feldspar_____________ Black areas in actinolite Basinas Mine Sweden 1x1 £1.20 ALLANITE 9 Ce Y Fe SiO__________...grey masses with possible Alstonite Fallowfield mine, ALSTONITE 13 Hexham.Northumberland micros.____
(1991) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 49. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
matrix hl !3 5 AGARDITE (Ce) r ...fe green micro's Mine, Wolf;_n, West Germany) 'h ins f.3. 60 6 ALBITE...Omphacite. An attractive Eclogite rock.(West Coast of Norway) lx2 90p 2x2 ll,80 2x4 t3.70 218 ALMAND!NE with...microcline Felspar) Blue green cleavable mass (Norway) lx2 60p 2x2 !1.20 16 AMBLYGDNITE pure grEy cl2avablE...black masses sornewith felspar.(l:Juer Vesteroya Norway) 1x1 f.1.80 1x2 !3.60 2x2 !7,00 1X1 80;:i 14...garnet, rich brown masses in matrix. (Grua, Oppland, Norway) 1x2 70p 2x2 ll.40 22 ANGLESITE c:c:trl'. grL_;y
(1995) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 64. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
crystals on dar~ matrix. (not radioactive) (Leonie Mine, huerbach, Oberpfal Genany) Sto 10mmf3 l/2in;; ES...Silicate pinkish massiv~ with black Allanite (Bastnas Mine, Riddarhytt2n Vastm~~l2nd,Sw2deri) Cu/2 Se 039...distribution of trown grains in grey YTTROFLUORITE (Drag Norway) lx2 E3.00 2x2 f6.00 lxl f:4 305 P.hRAPIERROTITE...(Ti Nb 0 rich black nasses in matrix (Karnasurt Mine, Revda, Kola Peninsula, Russia) lxl E2.50 lx2 ins...PO/~ • yellowish plates on mauvEUssingit~ (UmDa Mine, Reuda, Kola Peninsula • Russia) (6a pure plate
(1993) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 56. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
rich black masses samewith felspar.(Buer Vesteroya Norway) lxl El.BO lx2 E3.60 006 ALBITE rich orange red...Fe SILICATE) black masses in Actinolite. (Bastnas Mine, Riddarhyttan,Sweden) lxl n.10 2 mmred Almandinein...Omphacite.Anattractive Eclogite rock.(West Coast of Norway) lx2 El.20 2x2 f2.50 2x4 E5.00 Oll ALTHAUSITE...solid cleavage in Clinochlore (Overntjern,Modum Norway) lxl E2.70 lx2 E4.60 012 ALUMINITEpure whit~ sphere...distribution of browngrains in grey YTTROFLUORITE.{Drag Norway) lx2 E2.70 2x2 ES.SO 048 BAUX1'rE rich red b101
Ridge, John Drew (1984) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Europe Vol. 1 - Northern Europe including examples from the USSR in both Europe and Asia. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Book (volume)
explain the ideas of those who have worked on it (and mine, where they differ from those readily available...silver-bearing variety. In Norway, three of the deposits (Sulitjelma, Bleikvassli, and R0rosKvikne-Ki 11...countries: Ireland England Scotland 3 7 1 Wales Norway Sweden 1 7 17 Finland Poland USSR 12 2 30. ...Directors of the Geological Surveys of Sweden and Norway. Stanislaw Dzujynsiki and Marie Sass-Gustkiewicz...concurrent with the mining failed to find more ore, the mine was closed. Total output from Abbeytown is estimated
(1994) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 62. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
bright orange red micro crystals in slag. (Cetine mine, Sienna Italy) 061 BRITHOLIT8 Ce. Ce ca Si0/4 P0/4...Felspar with Magnetite.(Svensken, Tvedalen, Vestfold, Norway) lx * E4 lx2 f6 2x2 ES 073 BRUCITE Hg lOH)/2 grey...pure greenish Scorodite (Fe Arsenate) (Gold Hill Mine,TooeleCountyUtah) ½" size El.SO lxl f4 lx2 ED 231...Phlogopite or Steatite . (Odegardensverk,South Norway) lx2 60p 2x2 fl.2O 095 CHONDRODITE HgFe SiO F,OH...on rock. (Weitendorf,Steiermark,Austria) 101 CLINOZOISITE Ca Al SiO OH pink radiating mass. (AlamosaMexico)