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Lyckberg, Peter (2006) The Malmberget iron mine, Sweden- A world class mineral locality. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift, 33. 75-87 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
The Malmberget iron mine, Sweden A world class mineral locality Peter Lyckberg Abstract The Malmberget...Malmberget iron mine near Gallivare, Lappland, Sweden has produced a series of well crystallised, interesting...in making Malmberget a world renowned locality among connoiseurs. Geology Northern Sweden has several...deposits at Kiruna (Luossavaara-Kirunavaara), Malmberget and Svappavaara. The ore at Kiruna is a huge...exceptional beauty and rarity. What makes the Malmberget deposit exceptional as a deposit of well crystallised
(2017, November) The Rockhound Record Vol. 76 (9) Mineralogical Society of Arizona Journal (issue)
excluded). AZURITE, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA; Mineralogical Society of Arizona...Scovil. AZURITE, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA; Mineralogical Society of Arizona...Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, and MALACHITE, Cu2CO3(OH)2, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA; Mineralogical Society of Arizona...Whitney-Smith. AZURITE, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA; Mineralogical Society of Arizona...n.org MALACHITE, Cu2CO3(OH)2, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA; Mineralogical Society of Arizona
(1989) September - October 1989. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 20 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Cassedanne A vivianite occurrence in Contra Costa County,California ... 337 by C. B. DeWitt Essay: minerals...minerals from the Leveaniemi iron mine, Svappavaara, Sweden .................................................localities: The Phoenixville lead-silver mines, Chester County, Pennsylvania ...................................location in the city of Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California. The occurrence is in a newly excavated...Map of the Walnut Creek Quadrangle, Contra Costa County, California. U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Open-File
(2020) Montreal Mine!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
MAY–JUNE 2020 Articles The Montreal mine, Iron County, Wisconsin ......................................photographer and book collector, was born in Cook County, Illinois on July 31, 1932, the son of Sophie Klainowski... He worked first as Assistant Director of Cook County Public Aid, 398 On the evening of October 15,...23.4 cm, from Green River Gorge, Franklin, King County, Washington. Collected by Bart Cannon in 1972,...Crazy Sphinx mine, Helena District, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. Collected in 1979 by Bart Cannon; Robert
(1991) September - October 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
. Ley The Sm okey Bear quartz claim s, Lincoln County, N ew M exico ...................................matter of public record and may be found in the county zoning offices. The accurate property boundaries...Mineralogy Section Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, California...situated in the rolling hills of southern Monroe County in south-central Indiana. The terrain is of low...NMPM, in the White Mountains Wilderness, Lincoln County, New Mexico, at an altitude of about 10,650 feet
(2020) Mineral Collections in Texas III. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (6.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
twin, 5.5 cm, from the Amo tin deposit, Ximeng County, Yunnan, China. Wally Mann collection; Joe Budd...2.2 cm, from the Pulsifer quarry, Androscoggin County, Maine. Kyle Kevorkian collection; Jordan Root...5-mm view, from the Mohawk mine, San Bernardino County, California (#1869). Jerry Cone photo. Aurichalcite...sphalerite, 20 cm, from the Elmwood mine, Smith County, Tennessee. Paul Bordovsky photo. Wire silver...silver, 7.5 cm, from the Hongda mine, Lingqiu County, Shanxi, China. Paul Bordovsky photo. Calcite, 9 cm,
(2002) The Mineralogical Record Vol. 33 (3). The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Cooper Nottingham, England Anthony R. Kampf L.A. County Mus. of Nat. Hist. Los Angeles, CA Joseph A. Mandarino.... 217 by A. R. Kampf The Dee North mine, Elko County, Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...cluster, 13.6 cm, from the famous Malmberget mine, Gällivose, Lapland, Sweden. Peter Lyckberg collection; Jeff...specimens Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Fax: (213) 749-4107 Website: http://nhm.org/minsci...Department Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, California
(1991) January - February 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Gauthier & V. T. King The Fat Jack mine, Yavapai County, Arizona ............................... 21 by...Jr. The Monitor-Mogul mining district, Alpine County, California .....................................strontiojoaquinite and perovskite from San Benito County, California. Most of his specimens were miniature...Houghton) and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. The M ashamba West cuprite appears to have been...Bradshaw M ountains, Tiger mining district, Yavapai County, Arizona (Crown King 15minute quadrangle, Sections
(2022, May) Eureka! Self-Collected Minerals. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 53 (3.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
museum quality.” (Szenics, 1967) Spruce Peak, King County, Washington, 1977 Beautiful pyrite and quartz specimens...and FLECK, G. (1980) The Grey Horse mine, Pinal County, Arizona. Mineralogical Record, 11 (4), 231–232...and HAWES, W. (1978) Quartz and pyrite from King County, Washington. Mineralogical Record, 9 (6), 352–353...from the Spinelli prospect, Glastonbury, Hartford County, Connecticut. Collected December 21, 2008 with...Mica mine (Swanson mine), East Hampton, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Collected December, 1978. I had seen
(2014) Mineral Collections in Texas (A Supplement to the Sept-Oct issue) The Mineralogical Record Vol. 45 (5.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
in the Gien Rose Limestone formation of Lampasas County. Lampasas celestine first became well known among... HI STORY_....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......., J COUNTY MAp o, '1~AAa M'Al.t.OFM.11.ES An 1870 map of...Barber's Hili salt dome at Mont Belview, Chambers County, on the Texas Gulf coast, small but sharp tetrahedral...Mountain and near Kingsland in Llano County. A northeastem Gillespie County locality known as Amethyst Hili...row (from left): Smoky quartz, 5.5 cm, from Llano County; Bill Morgenstern photo. Calcite, 5.8 cm, from
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
long (Marty, 2004 ). AFRICA widely in Litchfield County, where good crystals were taken from quartz veins...region (Brunet, I 977b ). NEW YORK Amity, Orange County. At many isolated collected sites between the towns...Litchfield County. Ilmenite masses and crystals from somewhere near Washington, Litchfield County, were described...Lake Road occurrence, Faraday Township, Hastings County. In fall 1994, Dan and Shelley Lambert extracted...Madawaska [Faraday] mine near Bow Lake, Hastings County. Some of the world's finest ilmenite specimens
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
cobalt deposit, Sweden 3:38-39 Notes on recent underground collecting at L.\ngban [_Sweden_] 10:215-217 ADULARIA...Iaria from the Howard-Montgomery quarry, Howard County, Maryland (by J. S. White) 25:53-54 AFGHANISTAN...Iron-manganese phosphates of the Williams pegmatites, Coosa County, Alabama (by P. B. Leavens & T. A. Simpson) 6:66-73...ALICE GLORY HOLE The Alice glory hole, Clear Creek County, Colorado (by T. A. Hanson & W. B. Craft) 18:185187...--and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE MYERS --and
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept...Uintah County. Utah. and m (2.B. acanthite group). Monoclinic, C2/m, a,b,c Rio Blanco County. Colorado...Nc3iC0-rich sediments in the Green 3 land prov.. Sweden, at Franklin. Sussex co.. New Jersey, also at Sankt...Plat., Malawi, G 10 17 River Formation in Uintah County, Utah. Deer et al., v. 2A,483, 1997. Aenigmatite...phonolites, rhyolites, and their lavas in Sonoma County, California, in the Picture Gorge basalt, Wheeler
Johnsen, Ole (2002) Photographic Guide to Minerals of the World. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Book
mineral was first described) or after a landscape, county, or region in which the type locality was situated...Mine, Mammoth-Tiger 10x 18mm. District, Pinal County, Arizona, USA. Field of view: 33 MINERALOGY... Figure 92. Gold from Brush Creek Mine, Sierra County, California, USA. Gold is one of the heaviest ...dispersed in major ore deposits, as in Boliden, Sweden, where it is as- sociated with pyrite and arsenopyrite...Gold on quartz from Michigan Bluff Mine, Placer County, California, USA. Subject: 50 x 80 mm. 78 _
Petersen, O. V., Deliens, M., Kampf, A.R - Eds. (1994) World Directory of Mineral Collections (3rd ed.) Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovakia Spain .. Sweden Switzerland Ukraine Republic United Kingdom . United...36124200, Fax: 359 36124785 History: In 1979 the County council opened a permanent exhibition, "The natural...and mineral varieties: Orpheite, bukovskyite, mottramite, vesignieite, inoite, murmanite, thaumasite,...Forks, B.C.; specimens from the Spruce claim, King County, Washington. 71 Canada Uses and services: Research...Specialties: A 4,750 kg regular garnet crystal from Falun (Sweden); samples from the ancient mines of Saxony and
Aubert, Guy, Guillemin, Claude, Pierrot, Roland (1978) Précis de Minéralogie. Masson. Book
icrograni tes ). Dans des gres sedimentaires. Suede (Malmberget). Maroc (Aze- a 36 °/4. An. lres forte. o...(ltalie) . ·10. Marcasite ( x 1 ). Randolph County, Illinois (U .S.A.) . • (ENSMP V 5182) 11....(Tsumeb). a DESCLOIZITE (Zn,Cu)Pb(VO 4 )(OH) MOTTRAMITE (Cu,Zn)Pb(VO 4 )(OH) Orthorhombique Crist....(descloizite), vert-jaune, vert fonce a no ir verdatre (mottramite). Translucide. Eclal gras. P oussiere : orange...(110). d = 3,8. U.S.A. (Laytonville, Mendocino County, Californie). a de l'asbeste WOLLASTONITE Triclinique
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
Russia. Per Nysten: University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. Herbert Obodda: Short Hills, New Jersey. Renato...metamorphic situations, such as Franklin, NJ and Langban, Sweden ray Se ae CO aise? Se Sedimentary, having mineral...Canada; Ilimaussaq, Greenland; Langban(*), Varmland, Sweden (crystallized masses up to 60 kg); Red Cap mine... G = 13.5-18.7. Sala mine, VastPfalz, manland, Sweden; Landsberg(*) (Moschallandsberg), near Obermoschel...very weakly anisotropic. Sala mine, Vastmanland, Sweden; Landsberg, near Obermoschel, Pfalz, Germany. BM