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Leonard, Kenneth R. (1989) Preliminary deposit-type map of northwestern Mexico. Open-File Report Vol. 1989 (89-158) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr89158 Report (issue)
SURVEY PRELIMINARY DEPOSIT-TYPE MAP OF NORTHWESTERN MEXICO By Kenneth R. Leonard U.S. Geological Survey...Figure 4. of Mineral Deposits in Northwestern Mexico Los Gavilanes Tungsten District El Antimonio District... Preliminary Deposit-Type Map of Northwestern Mexico Kenneth R. Leonard Introduction The following...California and the northern part of Chihuahua, Mexico. The area is important for the evaluation or mineral...prospects, and mineral occurrences in northwest Mexico. A record may refer to one deposit or to a group
(2017, April) Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist Vol. 71 (1) Interweave Journal (issue)
little cap of welded ash flow tuff in Zacatecas, Mexico. Samples of the weird stone made their way to a...extremely sensitive radiation detectors at the USA/Mexico border — but then so can stoneware, bananas, and...silica-rich solution then redeposits as opal or chalcedony on an underlying matrix, in this case, in fractures...natural daylight. BELOW LEFT: The mesa in Zacatecas, Mexico where green-fluorescing hyalite opal was discovered...Green-Luminescing Hyalite Opal from Zacatecas, Mexico, in The Journal of Gemmology 34(6), 2015, pp. 490-508
(1919) The Mining Magazine S. 3 Vol. 21 Journal (volume)
Anglo-Persian buys Scottish Oil Antelope Report Antelope Mine to close (m.d.) Arsenic, Estimation of Ashanti Goldfields...Report 9 75 127 200 Brakpan Progress Brandlehow Mine Jumbil and Trevascus Bullen, F. Bullfinch Proprietary...116 his Hydraulic [noomi I, !• Sulphur I | Mine 71 'I'm "*•) U90 :J "7 R< (m.d.) -J..o ....Geevor Tin Mines Geldenhuia Deep 10 Constancia Mine 359 Constantinesco Roek-Drill 189 (m.d.) McDonald's...for Minesj Cooked L. H-.Teraestriai Magnetism, & Mine Surveying (m.d.) 53 (m.d.) 189 Copper Leaching In