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Neumann, H. - Ed. (1960) International Geological Congress XXI Session Norden 1960 - Mineral occurrences in southern Norway. Guide to excursions no A.15 and no. C 12. International Geological Congress. Book
NORDEN 1960 MINERAL OCCURRENCES IN. SOUTHERN NORWAY 'Guide to excu·rsions no. A 15 :uld no. C 12 by...CONGRESS NORDEN 1960 OCCURRENCES IN SOUTHERN NORWAY I !i! ~ Guide to excursions no. A 15 and no...then united Kingdoms of Denmark and Norway, so much so that Norway a couple of hundred years ago was described...still in use. Stave churches were quite common in Norway in the middle ages and Hedda! church is the largest...at 0vsreb¢, near Kleppan in Sauland, Telemark, Norway. Norsk Geol. Tidsskrift, 34, pp. 139-156 (1955)
(2014, May 4th) The Hoppel Collection of Fine Minerals & Gems Auction 3. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5168. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
com/5168 52032 ANATASE Hardangervidda, Hordaland, Norway For a number of years, Norwegian collectors have...com/5168 52069 MONAZITE Rostadheia, Mølland, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norway China has had a lock on the...label is actually stating “_Iveland_” - a municipality in Aust-Agder County, Norway. The rest of the original...Silver Mining District, Svene, Flesberg, Buskerud, Norway As silly as it sounds, the Native Silver specimens...images and bid online, visit HA.com/5168 52094 AMAZONITE and SMOKY QUARTZ 2 Miles N.E. of Harris Park,
Neumann, Henrich (1985) Norges Mineraler [The Minerals of Norway]. Norges geologiske Undersøkelse Skrifter Vol. 68. Universitetsforlaget Journal (volume)
HENRICH NEUMANN' Neumann, H. 1985: The minerals of Norway. Nor.geol.unders. Skr. 68. 1-278. The volume takes...monograph over all minerals recorded on the mainland of Norway up to 1980. Same mineral data which have come to...Mineralogisk-geologisk Museum, Sars' gate l, 0562 Oslo 5, Norway. INNHOLD Forord ................................(1904, p. 356) beretter at det ved Våland i Aust-Agder i 1901-1903 er skjerpet på gedigent jern (foruten...type-lokaliteten for scheteligitt, nemlig Torvelona, Iveland. Han tilføyer at pr. 1937 var denne pegmatittgang
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
Mineralogisk-Geologisk Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Richard J. Reeder: Dept. of Earth Sciences, State...localities in SON, DGO, and ZAC. Kongsberg(!), Norway (large specimens of crystallized and wire silver);...Greenland; Barrowdale, Cumbria, England; Kongsberg, Norway; St. Michel and Pargas, Finland; Passau, Bavaria...Pribram(*), Czech Republic; Kongsberg and Sulitjelma, Norway; Consols mine(*), Broken Hill, NSW, Australia,...Mexico; Liskeard, Cornwall, England; Kongsberg, Norway; Andreasberg, Harz, and Freiberg, Saxony, Germany;