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Cook, Robert B. (2006) Polybasite. Rocks & Minerals, 81 (1) 44-48 doi:10.3200/rmin.81.1.44-48 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
edu Polybasite Downloaded by [Northeastern University] at 11:57 17 November 2014 Husky Mine, Elsa, Yukon...Yukon Territory, Canada T he ruby silvers are certainly some of the most collectible of all mineral...typically included in this rather informal family is polybasite, a relatively common silver ore mineral that...as fine specimens. Although the most familiar polybasite localities are in Mexico, exceptionally fine...available in recent years from the Husky mine, Yukon Territory, Canada. Consequently, in keeping with the
Sack, R. O., Lynch, J. V. G., Foit, F. (2003) Fahlore as a petrogenetic indicator: Keno Hill Ag-Pb-Zn District, Yukon, Canada. Mineralogical Magazine, 67 (5) 1023-1038 doi:10.1180/0026461036750141 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
a petrogenetic indicator: Keno Hill Ag-Pb-Zn District, Yukon, Canada R. O. SACK1,*, J. V. G. LYNCH2 ...98195-1310, USA Shell Canada Limited, P.O. Box 100, Station M, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2H5, Canada 3 Department of...Ag)10(Zn,Fe)2Sb4S13] from the Keno Hill mining district, central Yukon, Canada record virtually the entire petrogenetic...hydrothermal system extending over 40 km outward from the Mayo Lake granitic pluton. These fahlores are an essential...occur in association with sphalerite, pyrargyrite, galena and siderite. Fahlores exhibit pronounced east-west
Lynch, J.V.G, Longstaffe, F.J, Nesbitt, B.E (1990) Stable isotopic and fluid inclusion indications of large-scale hydrothermal paleoflow, boiling, and fluid mixing in the Keno Hill Ag-Pb-Zn district, Yukon Territory, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54 (4) 1045-1059 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(90)90438-q Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and fluid mixing in the Keno Hill Ag-Pb-Zn district, Yukon Territory, Canada J. V. G. LYNCH,’ F. J. LONGSTAFFE...Geological Survey of Canada, 100 West Pender Street. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6R I R8 *Department...Ontario, Canada N6A 587 ‘Department of Geology, The University of Alberta. Edmonton. Alberta, Canada T6G 2E3...2E3 Abstract-The Keno Hill vein system of the central Yukon is restricted predominantly to the highly...highly fractured, graphitic Keno Hill Quartzite unit of Mississippian age. Hydrothermal mineral zoning is
Sack, R. O. (2002) NOTE ON "LARGE-SCALE HYDROTHERMAL ZONING REFLECTED IN THE TETRAHEDRITE FREIBERGITE SOLID SOLUTION, KENO HILL Ag Pb Zn DISTRICT, YUKON" BY J.V. GREGORY LYNCH. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40 (6) 1717-1719 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.40.6.1717 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
TETRAHEDRITE–FREIBERGITE SOLID SOLUTION, KENO HILL Ag–Pb–Zn DISTRICT, _YUKON_” BY J.V. GREGORY LYNCH RICHARD O. SACK§...tetrahedrite–freibergite solid solution, Keno Hill Ag–Pb–Zn district, _Yukon_”, Lynch (1989) documented east-to-west...hydrothermal system extending over 40 km from the Mayo Lake Pluton to the east (Lynch et al. 1990). Mineralogical...outward (westward) appearance of “pyrargyrite, polybasite, stephanite, acanthite and native silver wire...occurrences. Tetrahedrite coexists with sphalerite and galena in a siderite gangue and records its highest average
Sack, Richard O. (2005) Internally consistent database for sulfides and sulfosalts in the system Ag2S-Cu2S-ZnS-FeS-Sb2S3-As2S3: Update. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (5) 1157-1164 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.08.017 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
observed in high-Ag fahlores from the Husky Mine (Yukon, Canada) approximate a temperature of 170°C, and...in the Ag-Cu partitioning between fahlore and polybasite (Ag,Cu)16(Sb,As)2S11 required to reproduce compositions...compositions of fahlore in the polybasite ⫹ Sb-fahlore ⫹ ZnS sphalerite assemblage reported in previous...containing the galena ⫹ fahlore ⫹ sphalerite assemblage. Predicted initial Ag-contents of galena calculated...studies of Ag-Pb-Zn ores from the Coeur d’Alene district, Idaho, USA and Julcani, Peru. Copyright © 2005
(2023) Polybasite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Polybasite (Ag, Cu)16Sb2 S11 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Monoclinic...X-ray Powder Pattern: Keeley mine, South Lorrain Township, Ontario, Canada. 3.00 (100), 3.19 (90), 2.88...100.18 99.45 (1) Beaverdell, British Colombia, Canada; corresponds to (Ag14.58 Cu1.31 )Σ=15.89 (Sb1.88...the Ouray district, Ouray Co.; the Gilman district, Eagle Co.; and the Red Mountain district, San Juan...Storey Co. Fine crystals from the Husky mine, Elsa, Yukon Territory, Canada. At Tres Puntas, near Copiapó
Sabina, Ann P. (1973) Rocks and minerals for the collector: the Alaska Highway; Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Yukon / Alaska border. Paper 72-32. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA CANADA PAPER 72-32 ROCKS AND MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR THE ALASKA HIGHWAY;...HIGHWAY; DAWSON CREEK, BRITISH COLUMBIA TO YUKON/ALASKA BORDER Ann P. Sabina DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES...by mail from Information Canada, Ottawa from the Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth St., Ottawa and...and Information Canada bookshops in HALIFAX - 1687 Barrington Street MONTREAL - 640 St. Catherine Street...Price subject to change without notice Informa tion Canada Ottawa 1973 - iii CONTENTS Page Abstract/Resume
Sabina, Ann P. (1992) Rocks and minerals for the collector, the Alaska Highway; Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Yukon/Alaska border. Miscellaneous report 50. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report SO DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES 1992...1992 Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 50 ROCKS AND MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR The Alaska...Columbia to Yukon/Alaska border Ann P. Sabina 1992 © Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1992 Available...Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canada Communication...Ottawa, Canada KI A OS9 and from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada KIA
Moore, Thomas P. (2014, July 19th) What's New in the Mineral World? 38. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Report (issue)
pale blue barite from the Ouichane (or Sidi Lahcem) mine in Nador Province, and furthermore I cautioned against...barite from the Bou Nahas (or Afrou) mine in the Oumjrane-Alnif district near Meknes. Really, though, it’s...These new specimens come from the Shijiangshan Pb-Zn mine, which Jordi locates close to “Jipeng” in the Huanggang...descriptions of the geology, mineralogy and recent mining history of this red-hot mineral area, which comprises...much, much more than the famous Huanggang Sn-Fe mine, see the articles in our September-October 2012
(2009, January) Private Mineral Collections in Texas. The Mineralogical Record Supplement Vol. 40 (1-S) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
FLUORffE Tue largest crystal measures 3 cm Heights mine, Weardale, County Durham, England. Stuart Strife...photo Backcover: (upper left) Elbaite, 4.5 cm, Sapo mine, Goiabeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Gus Eitler collection;...Kevin Brown Diane & Keith Brownlee Jim Gibbs Lyda Hill Shelly & Jim Houran Rob Lavinsky Betty Llewellyn...Rhodochrosite, 11.5 cm, Good Luck pocket, Sweet Horne mine, Alma, Colorado. Ex Steve Smale collection. Joe...Daoping mine, Guilin, Guangxi, China. Ex Steve Smale Kunzite spodumene, 11 cm, Urucum mine, Minas Gerais
(2019) Mineral Collections in the Pacific Northwest. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 50 (5.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Acanthite with silver, 2.6 cm, from the Uchucchacua mine, Peru; Allan Young collection and photo. Amethyst...Forsterite, 2 cm, from St. John’s Island, Egypt. Ray Hill collection; Michael Bainbridge photo. Topaz, 4 cm...Sean Finneson (WA) Greg & Nancy Hendricks (OR) Ray Hill (WA) Alex Homenuke (BC) Bob Jackson (WA) Dave Leppert...to the Yukon, and in 1899 more gold was found around Nome, Alaska, drawing away many of the Yukon prospectors...prospectors. All of this activity gave a jump-start to mining interests and prospecting in the lands of the Pacific
Sack, R. O., Lichtner, P. C. (2009) Constraining Compositions of Hydrothermal Fluids in Equilibrium with Polymetallic Ore-Forming Sulfide Assemblages. Economic Geology, 104 (8) 1249-1264 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.104.8.1249 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Idaho, United States) and Keno Hill (Yukon Territory, Canada) mining districts demonstrate consistency...mined from the Coeur d’Alene district was originally present in galena. They also confirm that sphalerite...these ores to within narrow limits. For the Keno Hill Fluid deposits these calculations demonstrate that...very Ag rich galenas (X AgSbS >0.7 in Pb2S2-AgSbS2 galena) or their compositionally equivalent sul2 fosalt...Ag-poor galena and epithermal Ag minerals that include acanthite, stephanite, and polybasite. Introduction
Robinson, Susan (2016) The Magnificent Mineral and Gem Collections of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Rocks & Minerals, 91 (2) 154-163 doi:10.1080/00357529.2016.1113467 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Figure 2. Polybasite (M52032), 5.5 × 4 × 2.5 cm, Husky mine, Elsa, Yukon Territory, Canada. L OCATED...into Canada. All fees are in Canadian dollars. of minerals, gems, rocks, and meteorites from Canada as...world cultures collections in Canada and is a major attraction for Canada, the province Figure 3. Kim...Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada. Figure 9. Grossular (M48106), 7 × 8 × 3 cm, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos...Quebec, Canada. Figure 7. Prehnite ball with grossular (M48110), 12.5 × 13 × 8 cm, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos
Scovil, Jeffrey A. (2006) Scovil Favorites 2005. Rocks & Minerals, 81 (2) 124-127 doi:10.3200/rmin.81.2.124-127 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Figure 2. Carrollite, 5.8 cm tall, South Kamoya mine, Kambove, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo;...Bournonite and quartz, 10.2 cm tall, Yaogangxian mine, Yaogangxian, Hunan, China; Dan Weinrich specimen...locality. Figure 8. Hematite, 10.6 cm across, Wessels mine, Cape Province, Republic of South Africa; Stuart...finest hematite specimens I have seen from this mine. Because of its high luster and nearly black color...MINERALS Figure 9. Cerussite, 16.5 cm tall, Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia; Marshall and Charlotte Sussman
(2023) Pearceite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
0.60 Total 100.00 99.63 100.00 (1) Molly Gibson mine, Colorado, USA; recalculated to 100% after deducting... Polymorphism & Series: Forms a series with polybasite. Occurrence: In hydrothermal deposits formed... in Montana, large crystals from the Drumlummon mine, Marysville, Lewis and Clark Co. [TL]; at Neihart...Niarada, in the Flathead mine, Flathead Co.; in Colorado, at the Molly Gibson mine, Aspen, Pitkin Co., and... in the Tintic district, Juab Co., at Eureka and elsewhere; in the Lakeview district, Bonner Co., Idaho;
(1999, March) Mineral News Vol. 15 (3) L. R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
nor post-mining. It came from two localities Posey Mine (San Juan Co., Utah, USA) and Planet Mine (La Paz...Paz Co., Arizona, USA). That from Posey Mine is composed of 5-10 mm veins, composed of fibers perpendicular...Jane Perham, who have many years of experience in mining and selling gems in Oxford County; Vandall King...year surface, 32.00peryearair,FirstClasstoCanadaandMexico32.00 per year air, First Class to Canada and Mexico 32.00peryearair,FirstClasstoCanadaandMexico25.00, rates include sales taxes as...brown 4-5 mm crystals from Yellow Cat Mine (New Idria District, San Benito Co .. California, USA) wilh
(2006, May) Nautilus-Info Vol. 30 (9) v.z.w."Nautilus" Journal (issue)
tussen land en zee Een in het hoge noorden van Canada gevonden fossiel werpt licht op de wijze hoe bepaalde...Giganotosaurus, aldus de vorsers uit Argentinië en Canada in een persverklaring maandag. De dieren, die tot...minerals from New Cliffe Hill Quarry – Algodonite and Domeykite from New Cliffe Hill Quarry THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST...Columbia, Canada – Minerals of the Pine Point leadzinc deposits, Northwest Territories, Canada – Calcite...geological province, Ontario, Canada – Robert Michelutti, Canadian mining artist – An introduction to minerals
Tait, Kimberly (2012) Gems and Minerals: Earth Treasures from the Royal Ontario Museum. 256pp. Book
© 2011 Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All rights reserved. No part of this publication...Cataloging-in-Publication Data (U.S.) Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Tait, Kimberly. Tait...States by Firefly Books (U.S.) Inc. Published in Canada by Firefly Books Ltd. PO. Box 1338, Ellicott Station...Buffalo, New York 14205 66 Leek Crescent Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1H1 Design and Layout: Joseph Gisini/PageWave...at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Photography: Brian Boyle, MPA, FPPO, and Miguel
Tait, Kimberly (2012) Gems and Minerals: Earth Treasures from the Royal Ontario Museum. 256pp. Book
written permission of the Publisher. Ontario, Canada. First printing Publisher Cataloging-in-Publication...8 dc22 QE392.T358 2011 Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Tait Kimbeny T Gems...Inc. Published in Canada by Firefly Books Ltd. Buffalo, New York Richmond Hill, Ontario Published...at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Illustrations: Crowle Art Group Note: For illustrative...publishing program by the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund as administered by the Department
(2006, July) Mineral News Vol. 22 (7) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
Pakistani village destroyed by earthquake. Polybasite -Fourth in a Series Bill Shelton & Jeff Fast...Fast laeliason@msn.com or jbf@jbfminerals.com Polybasite is one of those minerals that might catch your interest...check on antimonpearcite as well. Chemically, polybasite is a silver antimony sulfide; hence its inclusion...Only an "ideal" formulation like Ford or Pekov's polybasite lack any copper. As levels are well below Sb...the real story is somewhat different in that polybasite is monoclinic - but crystals are generally tabular
(2006, September) Mineral News Vol. 22 (9) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
Newsletter Colorado Calumet Mining and Glacier Peak Mining Crystal Peak Mining District Venture Update Joseph...Peak Mining and Colorado Calumet Mining Inc. (Bryan Lees) decided to join forces in jointly mining their...Crystal Peak Mining District near Lake George, Colorado. As I wrote last season, Glacier Peak Mining has successfully...successfully used heavy equipment on its mining claims in mining for amazonite and smoky quartz crystals... Last season we learned the structures we were mining went at least 30 feet deep in some places. We also
Williams, Anita (2000) Alaska resource data file; De Long Mountains Quadrangle. Open-File Report 2000-23. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr0023 Report (issue)
name(s): Red Dog; Hilltop; Aqqaluk; Paalaaq Site type: Mine ARDFno.: DL001 Quadrangle: DLA-2 Latitude: 68.0704...Ore minerals: Barite, boulangerite, galena, marcasite, polybasite, pyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite Gangue...abundance are sphalerite, pyrite, marcasite, and galena. Rare disseminated chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite...similar to that at the Main deposit. Sphalerite and galena occur in silica rock, barite and shale. Sulfides...Polarization, and Gravity (Young, 1989). An open pit mine and associated facilities were designed and constructed;
(2020) Clay Center!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
or 324/threeyears,(Canada)324/three years, (Canada) 324/threeyears,(Canada)196/one year, (outside USA other than Canada) $275 for one year Subscription...(deceased) Peter L. Via (deceased) Salim Edde Lyda Hill Daniel J. Record Rob Lavinsky Wilbert A. Danner... Company, another shipping firm serving major American mining and chemical companies. The company ceased operations...mineral collector and curator, was born in the mining town of Anyox, British Columbia on April 30, 1930...the Britannia Beach Mining and Smelting Company of British Columbia, and the Mine and Exploration Division
(2006, October) Geonieuws Vol. 31 (08) Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen Journal (issue)
diamanten. Op 19 april 2006 werd in de Schmidtsdrift mine, ongeveer 70 km ten noordwesten van de Kimbeley-mijn...31-42 A supergene mineral suite from New Cliffe Hill Quarry, Stanton under Bardon, Leicestershire 43-51...43-51 Algodonite and domeykite from New Cliffe Hill Quarry, Stanton under Bardon, Leicestershire GEODE...Gems and minerals of Canada 14-22 Gold crystal localities of British Columbia, Canada 24-32 Minerals of...Territories, Canada 34-42 Calcite vein-dikes of the Grenville geological province 44-48 Polybasite, Husky mine
(2002, November) Mineral News Vol. 18 (11) L. R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
Collector's New A Field Trip to the Krystal Tips Mine Petersen Mountain, Washoe Co., Nevada Kenneth L...the site of the Krystal Tips Mine, about 10 a.m. Foster Hallman, the mine owner/operator pulled up rig...long steep trip up the 4-wheel drive road to the mine. I had come with John Miatech and John Salzbach...up the hill to the mine. Foster had sta rted a new trench in the lower east side of the mine and had...Sweet Home Mine, Collector's Edge display. Fig. 3 Bournonite twins on pyrite, Quiruvilca District, Santiago