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ROELOFSE, T., ROELOFSE, F. (2011) ON THE OCCURRENCE OF LOUGHLINITE (Na-SEPIOLITE) IN PANS OF THE NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (2) 201-206 doi:10.2113/gssajg.114.2.201 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
LOUGHLINITE (Na-SEPIOLITE) IN PANS OF THE NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA T. ROELOFSE Die Witjassies cc.,...pans (Koi Pan and Brak Pan) of the Northern Cape Province is reported upon. The presence of loughlinite...to have happened by some scholars in the Killik area, Turkey. Loughlinitization of sepiolite from sepiolite-bearing...described from two additional localities, viz. i) Killik (Turkey), where it occurs within a Middle to Upper...mention of only the occurrences in Wyoming and Turkey. In this paper we describe the presence of loughlinite
Kadir, S., Bas, H., Karakas, Z. (2002) Origin of sepiolite and loughlinite in a neogene volcano-sedimentary lacustrine environment, Mihaliccik-Eskisehir, Turkey. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40 (4) 1091-1102 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.40.4.1091 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
LACUSTRINE ENVIRONMENT, M İHALlÇÇlK–ESK İŞEH İR, TURKEY SELAHATT İN KAD İR§ General Directorate of Mineral...06520 Ankara, Turkey HAL İL BAŞ Department of Geology, Selçuk University, 42031 Konya, Turkey ZEHRA KARAKAާ...Department of Geology, Ankara University, 06100 Ankara, Turkey ABSTRACT The Middle to Upper Miocene volcano-sedimentary... area of Turkey consist mainly of altered tuff and claystone, with thin layers of dolomite and silica...desiccation cracks are common in the siliceous tuff and dolomite units. Green to yellowish green claystone exhibits
(2023) Loughlinite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Well No. 1, Wyoming, USA; after deduction of dolomite 0.38% and magnesite 0.21% impurities. (2) Na 2...sepiolite, analcime, montmorillonite, dolomite (Killik, Turkey). Distribution: In the USA, in core from...Westvaco trona mine, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming. In Turkey, at Killik, near M³hal³»cc»ik. Name: For Dr. Gerald
Echle, Wolfram (1967) Loughlinit (Na-Sepiolith) und Analcim in neogenen Sedimenten Anatoliens. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 14 (2) 86-101 doi:10.1007/bf00377527 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
. . . . . . C. Die T o n l a g e r s t ~ t t e Killik bei M i h a l i ~ i k . . . . . . . . . . . . ...V e r h a l t e n der Minerale i m T o n v o n Killik . . . . . . . . . . . 1. A n d e r u n g der m.... . . . . . . . b) D a s V o r k o m m e n bei Killik in W e s t a n a t o l i e n . . . . . . . . ....u g h l i n i t u n d Sepiolith i m T o n y o n Killik . . . . 1. Z u r E n t s t e h u n g y o n A n...e a r Kfllik, V i l a y e t E s k i s e h i r (Turkey), h a s b e e n described a n d a genetic i n t
(1979) A study of reservoir characteristics of the Nanushuk and Colville groups, Umiat test well 11, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Circular 820. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir820 Report (issue)
Grandstand Formations-----------------------------Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation---------------------Ninuluk...----------------------Grandstand Formation and Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation--------------...----------------14 9. Core 49 (723.6-729.4 m), Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation-----------------------------15...ft)------------------------------------28 Photomicrograph of Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation, 700.4 m (2298...ft)-------------------------28 Scanning electron micrograph of Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation, 700.4 m (2298
Pirajno, Franco, Ünlü, Taner, Dönmez, Cahit, Şahin, M. Bahadır - Eds. (2019) Mineral Resources of Turkey - Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences No. 16. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02950-0 Book
M. Bahadır Şahin Editors Mineral Resources of Turkey Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences Volume...M. Bahadır Şahin Editors Mineral Resources of Turkey Editors Franco Pirajno Centre for Exploration...Ankara, Turkey Taner Ünlü Department of Geological Engineering Ankara University Ankara, Turkey M. Bahadır...Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Ankara, Turkey Responsible Series Editor: F. Pirajno ISSN 1876-1682... a great leader and the founder of Republic of Turkey. A visit by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (4th from left;
(1995) The Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program; background information to accompany geologic and mineral-resource maps of the Killik River 1 x 3 degrees Quadrangle, Northern Alaska. Circular 1117. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir1117 Report (issue)
Accompany Geologic and Mineral-Resource Maps of the Killik River 1°X3 o Quadrangle, Northern Alaska Cover...Accompany Geologic and Mineral-Resource Maps of the Killik River 1°X3° Quadrangle, Northern Alaska By K.D...accompany geologic and mineral-resource maps of the Killik River 1°X3° Quadrangle, Northern Alaska I by K...FIGURES 1-4. Maps showing: 1. Location of the Killik River quadrangle .. .... .... ..... ... .. .. ...status of the Killik River quadrangle...................... 4 3. Generalized geology of the Killik River quadrangle
Patton, W.W., Tailleur, I.L. (1964) Geology of the Killik-Itkillik region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303g. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303g Report (issue)
Geology of the _Killik_-Itkillik Region Alaska EXPLORATION OF NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 4 AND ADJACENT...Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Geology of the _Killik_-Itkillik Region Alaska By WILLIAM W. PATTON, JR...: Pattern, William Wallace, 1923Geology of the _Killik_-Itkillik region, Alaska, by William W. Patton,...Reserves. Bibliography: p. 497^t98. 1. Geology Alaska _Killik_-Itkillik region. I. Tailleur, Irvin Lorraine, 1924-..._ Regional setting.___________________________ _Killik_-Itkillik region_______________________ Brooks Range
Kelley, John Stewart, Peterson, D.M. (1983) Preliminary bibliography of geologic literature on the Killik River and Chandler Lake quadrangles, north-central Brooks Range, Alaska. Open-File Report Vol. 1983 (83-232) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr83232 Report (issue)
SURVEY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEOLOGIC LITERATURE ON THE KILLIK RIVER AND CHANDLER LAKE QUADRANGLES AND PARTS OF...generates the interest. The area of this report, Killik River and Chandler Lake U.S. Geological Survey...Conservation Act of 1980 is ongoing in and adjacent to the Killik River and Chandler Lake quadrangles. This activity...Petroleum Reserve in Alaska within and west of the Killik River quadrangle. The area encompassed by this...this report has metallic mineral potential: the Killik River quadrangle circumscribes rocks similar in rock
Dumoulin, Julie A., Slack, John F., Whalen, Michael T., Harris, Anita G. (2011) Depositional setting and geochemistry of phosphorites and metalliferous black shales in the Carboniferous-Permian Lisburne Group, Northern Alaska. Professional Paper Vol. 1776 (1776c) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp1776c Report (issue)
massive sulfide and barite deposits of the Red Dog district. Lisburne Group phosphatic strata are coeval with...o k Mt. 156 o Howa D 4 rd Pas s 5 153o Killik River 6 7 8 iS ea Brooks 150o Chandler Lake...world-class deposits of zinc and barite in the Red Dog district (Kelley and Jennings, 2004; fig. 1) and with the...Ikpikpuk wells and in drill cores from the Red Dog district (figs. 1, 2; tables 1, 2; note that tables 1 –...discontinuous belt that extends through the Chandler Lake, Killik River, and Howard Pass quadrangles for >250 km
Orris, G.J. (1995) Borate deposits. Open-File Report Vol. 1995 (95-842) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr95842 Report (issue)
and Federal agency records. Much of the data for Turkey and Latin America came from dissertations, unpublished...Archibarca Archibarca AREA/ DISTRICT S S D S S c s 3 S S S D S S S S S S DISTRICT or SITE? 1000314 AR08059...Centenario Salar Centenario Salar Centenario AREA/ DISTRICT Salar de Salar de Salar de Salar de D S s ... D S S S S S S S S S o S S S S DISTRICT or SITE? 1000311 AR08267 1010109 AR08263 AR08268 AR08264...Santa Maria Salar de Santa Maria AREA/ DISTRICT D S D S DISTRICT or SITE? 1000735 AR15184 I000737 I000739
(1930) Geology and mineral resources of northwestern Alaska. Bulletin Vol. 815. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b815 Report (volume)
..........-...............^..... Brooks Range province.._____---_--_--__-_-___-------_-_--_-__ Arctic...Canyon and adjacent country; B, Mountains at head of Killik River....._._.__.___.__-_.__... 40 6. A, Mountains...Ikpikpuk River; B, Plateau region near junction of Killik and Colville Rivers. 40 8. A, Coast near Kilimantavi...ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE * 9. Aufeis deposits on Killik River: A, Ice practically uneroded, water flowing...aufeis deposits, Killik River; B, Anchor ice that had recently risen floating down Killik River.._______
Chapman, R.M., Detterman, R.L., Mangus, M.D. (1964) Geology of the Killik-Etivluk Rivers region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303f. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303f Report (issue)
Geology of the _Killik_-Etivluk Rivers Region, Alaska EXPLORATION OF NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 4 AND...Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Geology of the _Killik_-Etivluk Rivers Region, Alaska By ROBERT M. CHAPMAN..._____ Chandler formation _____________________ Killik tongue_-.____________________ Niakogon tongue-_--_____-____..._-------__-_--_----------------------_--Brooks Range province._________________________ Southern foothills ...anticline.__________________________ Aupuk and Killik Bend anticlines.____________ Geologic history_
(1979) Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North Slope, Alaska. Circular 794. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir794 Report (issue)
test well 11-------------Description of core 49, Killik Tongue of Chandler Formation, Umiat test well 11--Description...Northern Foothills Section of the Arctic Foothills Province and the Nanushuk outcrop belt extend unbroken...Arctic Slope (fig. 3). Across this distance the province is characterized by generally east-west-trending...tributaries to the Colville in this area--the Kurupa, Killik, Chandler, and Anaktuvuk Rivers--all of which rise...() Seabee Formation ::.:: Chandler Formation (Killik Tongue) Cll :::l 0 w () <1: 1- w a: ~
(2007) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 104. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
blue-grey masses in quartz rich black grains in pale dolomite. Possible minor hematite lx2£4 2x2£7 2x3£10 lxl£3...- ' - - " - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - 139 DOLOMITE Selasvatn, Fianc, Norway 1066 LABRADORITE Hidra...feldspar, fairly rich Pink coatings onjacobsite and dolomite, fairly thin but quite obvious Ix½ £3 Ixl £5 Ampluoole...Type Location Tiny black blades scattered over _dolomite_-calcite matrix. Typical material lxl £4 lx2 £6...MgAIBOSiOOH 1062 PYRITE Kristineberg, Skelleftea District Sweden Unusual distorted cube. Pulled out of their
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 99. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
lx½£5 ZnAs0/4 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi Rich mass ofblnck crystal sections ,on...material. 1003 1085 Ix! £1.50 lx2 £3 2x2 £6 2x3 £9 Dolomite group 822 ANNABERGITE LauruimGrcccc C:ibrerite...Cumbria nice small clear crystals on hematite and dolomite. Good coverage ...:.l.::x½:..:2..::£=2_ _ __:l:...FLUORESCEN' 638 CALCITE Langban Wennland Sweden AND DOLOMITE. In micaeous matrix. lx2 70p 2x2 £1.50 FLUOR ES...Skye, Scotland Nailhead crystals on Quartz and dolomite. Sharp small white crystals in cavities in Basalt
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 100. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
-- ·- · ~~1 ~0/~ 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 1073 AMBL YGONITE Eitarama,Ruanda, Central...Cumbria nice s111nll clear crystals on hcmatitc and dolomite. Good coveraoc lx1/z £2 Ix! £4 "' Kara Oba,Betpakdala...granular in matrix Nailhend crystals on Qunrtz and dolomite. Ix ½ £4 Nn Ca (Mn Mu) AsO/4 Ix I £4 FL UO R E...small white crystals in cavities in Basalt AND DOLOMITE. In micaeous matrix Ix! 60p . ___ lx2£1,20 _ __________...- -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- --455 COLEMANITE Turkey , no other details 93 CYLINDRITE Poopo, Oruro,
Helvaci, Cahit, Mordogan, Hasan, Çolak, Mümtaz, Gündogan, Ibrahim (2004) Presence and Distribution of Lithium in Borate Deposits and Some Recent Lake Waters of West-Central Turkey. International Geology Review, 46 (2) 177-190 doi:10.2747/0020-6814.46.2.177 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Deposits and Some Recent Lake Waters of West-Central Turkey a a a Cahit Helvaci , Hasan Mordogan , Mümtaz...Deposits and Some Recent Lake Waters of WestCentral Turkey, International Geology Review, 46:2, 177-190, DOI:...Deposits and Some Recent Lake Waters of West-Central Turkey CAHIT HELVACI,1 Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik...Jeoloji Mühendisligi Bölümü, 35100 Bornova-Izmir, Turkey HASAN MORDOGAN, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik...Maden Mühendisligi Bölümü, 35100 Bornova-Izmir,Turkey Downloaded by [University of Hawaii at Manoa]
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 101. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
£6 BaCa .C0/3 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 975 ALTHAUSITE Modum, Buskerud,Norway...Rich fawn massive, x-raycd material lxl £1.50 £9 Dolomite group - - - - - -lx2-£3- - - - 2x2 - -£6- - -2x3...Desert Kasachstan Small clear crystals on hematite /dolomite. Good coverage. One or two broken xls Rich slivery...Lczant ,Cornwall Nailhead crystals on Quartz and dolomite. FLUORESCENl lxl £4 996 CHABAZITE Moonen Bay,...crystals, with characteristic rounded look. AND DOLOMITE. In micaeous matrix FLUORESCENl ½ x ½ £4 Ix½ £6
Dumoulin, J. A., Harris, A. G., Blome, C. D., Young, L. E. (2004) Depositional Settings, Correlation, and Age of Carboniferous Rocks in the Western Brooks Range, Alaska. Economic Geology, 99 (7) 1355-1384 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.7.1355 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Zn-Pb-Ag massive sulfide deposits in the Red Dog district. New studies of the sedimentology and paleontology... ngle SR 68 oN Inigok well Figure 6 153oW Killik Rive Quadrangler PR Ch n No Quaatak dran gle...B. Distribution of allochthons in the Red Dog district (De Vera et al., 2004) and location of deposits...from the Howard Pass area (Howard Pass and western Killik River quadrangles) were obtained from outcrop studies...names. Massive sulfide deposits in the Red Dog district are confined to the Ikalukrok unit in the Red
Robinson, F.M., Bergquist, H.R. (1959) Test wells, Titaluk and Knifeblade areas, Alaska, with micropaleontologic study of test wells in the Titaluk and Knifeblade areas, northern Alaska. Professional Paper 305g. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp305g Report (issue)
______ Ninuluk formation,.____________________ Killik tongue of the Chandler formation_ _ Grandstand...D FORMATION Lt to O cc LU Q_ O. N1NULUK KILLIK TONGUE (O o O CC LU H ^ LU 0 CC -, OF THE...they are not nearly as common as in the underlying Killik tongue of the Chandler formation. The shallowest...the Chandler formation. KILLIK TONGUE OF THE CHANDLER FORMATION The Killik tongue of the Chandler formation...which may be indicative of nonmarine beds. The Killik tongue is composed of 85 percent of claystone and
(2009) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 108. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Bay, Skye, Scotland AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 17 2 Rich mass of black crystal sections...ALBERTITE near Dingwall Scotland ANATASE Cuiba district, Gouveia Minas Gerais. Brazil 28 Quite rich black...Minc,Cumbria Small clear crystals on hcmatitc /dolomite. Good coverage. One or two broken xls I x ½ £2...½ £3 CALCITE Langban Wem1land Sweden 63 8 AND DOLOMITE. In micacous matrix FLUORESCENl 2x2 £ 1 .50 I...anl, Cornwall Nail head crystals on Quartz. and dolomite. Grey banded massive F LUO R E S C E Nl Ix! £4
(2002) Catalogue. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 87. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Quebec Ix! £ 1.10 ,Canada Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Ix½ £3 Malawi Nandan Meteroite, Lihu,Nandan 3mm...cleavage nice small clear crystals on hematite and dolomite. Good coverage Rich creamy co loured masses 2x3...CHILDRENITE Fe Al PO/4 CIILOANTHITE Ni Co As AND DOLOMITE. In micaeous matrix Good orange short wave nodule...Green coating on matrix Turkey , no other details Espey mine, Emet,Turkey Ca BO H/20 455 COLEl\lANITE...covering matrix CuS 127 DOLOMITE 233 DOLOMITE 130 DOLOMITE DOLOMITE 139 DOLOMITE ♦ CaMgCO/3 292 DUFRENOYSITE
(1987) Depositional environments of coal-bearing and associated formations of Cretaceous age in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Bulletin Vol. 1575. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1575 Report (volume)
Photograph of a distributary channel sandstone in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville...upper delta plain depositional environment in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville...Crossbedded distributary channel sandstone in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville...Colville River 10 12. A splay sandstone in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville River...deposits of the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation. South bank of the Colville River at Killik Bend 85 km
Claes, Hannes, Huysmans, Marijke, Soete, Jeroen, Dirix, Katrijn, Vassilieva, Elvira, Marques Erthal, Marcelle, Vandewijngaerde, Wim, Hamaekers, Helen, Aratman, Cihan, Özkul, Mehmet, Swennen, Rudy (2019) Elemental geochemistry to complement stable isotope data of fossil travertine: Importance of digestion method and statistics. Sedimentary Geology, 386. 118-131 doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2019.04.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Pamukkale University, 20070 Kınıklı Campus, Denizli, Turkey AC f CE de Janeiro 21941-915, Brazil *e-mail:... travertines from the Ballık area (Denizli, SW Turkey) were sampled. The area lies on the northern edge...Çakmak, RI Ilık and Alimoğlu) that are part of the Killik dome in the Ballık area were selected for this...(unpublished internal report, TraRAS project). The Killik dome area is ~1.3 by ~0.8 km² (Fig. 2). The environment...applied in mineralogy to differentiate calcite and dolomite from other minerals. Carbonates will dissolve