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�agatay, M.N., Eastoe, C.J. (1995) A sulfur isotope study of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province, Turkey. Mineralium Deposita, 30 (1) doi:10.1007/bf00208877 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sulfide deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province, Turkey M.N. ~a~atay 1'* and C.J. Eastoe 2 1King...sulfide deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province of Turkey are related to the Upper Cretaceous felsic...and a barite zone. Most of the deposits in the province are associated with gypsum in the footwall or...kuroko-type VMS deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province have a 634S range of 0-7 per mil, consistent with...Istanbul University, Muskule Sokak, Vefa, Istanbul, Turkey * P r e s e n t address: massive sulfide (VMS)
Revan, Mustafa Kemal, Genç, Yurdal, Maslennikov, Valeriy V., Maslennikova, Svetlana P., Large, Ross Raymond, Danyushevsky, Leonid V. (2014) Mineralogy and trace-element geochemistry of sulfide minerals in hydrothermal chimneys from the Upper-Cretaceous VMS deposits of the eastern Pontide orogenic belt (NE Turkey) Ore Geology Reviews, 63. 129-149 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.05.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
deposits of the Eastern Pontide orogenic belt (NE Turkey) Mustafa Kemal Revan, Yurdal Genç, Valeriy V....deposits of the Eastern Pontide orogenic belt (NE Turkey), Ore Geology Reviews (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev...deposits of the Eastern Pontide orogenic belt (NE Turkey) 1 Mustafa Kemal REVAN Department of Mineral...Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), Ankara, Turkey (kemalrevan@gmail.com) SC R 1 NU Yurdal GENÇ...Engineering, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey MA Valeriy V Maslennikov Institute of Mineralogy
Chapman, R.M., Detterman, R.L., Mangus, M.D. (1964) Geology of the Killik-Etivluk Rivers region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303f. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303f Report (issue)
Geology of the _Killik_-Etivluk Rivers Region, Alaska EXPLORATION OF NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 4 AND...Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Geology of the _Killik_-Etivluk Rivers Region, Alaska By ROBERT M. CHAPMAN..._____ Chandler formation _____________________ Killik tongue_-.____________________ Niakogon tongue-_--_____-____..._-------__-_--_----------------------_--Brooks Range province._________________________ Southern foothills ...anticline.__________________________ Aupuk and Killik Bend anticlines.____________ Geologic history_
Pirajno, Franco, Ünlü, Taner, Dönmez, Cahit, Şahin, M. Bahadır - Eds. (2019) Mineral Resources of Turkey - Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences No. 16. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02950-0 Book
M. Bahadır Şahin Editors Mineral Resources of Turkey Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences Volume...M. Bahadır Şahin Editors Mineral Resources of Turkey Editors Franco Pirajno Centre for Exploration...Ankara, Turkey Taner Ünlü Department of Geological Engineering Ankara University Ankara, Turkey M. Bahadır...Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Ankara, Turkey Responsible Series Editor: F. Pirajno ISSN 1876-1682... a great leader and the founder of Republic of Turkey. A visit by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (4th from left;
Aral, Halil (1989) Antimony mineralization in the northern Murat Dagi (western Turkey) Economic Geology, 84 (4) 780-787 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.84.4.780 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Geological Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara,Turkey Abstract The northernMuratDagiregionof westernTurkeyrepresents...districtafter Turhal (Tokat)in Turkey. It is locatedin the centralwesternpart of Turkey in Kutahyaprovince,35...0361-0128/89/936/780-853.00 780 SbMINERALIZATION, MURATDAGI, TURKEY -[,,••'-',. I KOT•H.YA ß USAK 0 ' ß 20 ...HALIL ARAL G(•YNOK N 4O 45 M•c•rer 3• PGs Killik T. (Mvk) 0 I PGs I 250 I 500m I m2• 45 ...hot springactivity. SbMINERALIZATION, MURATDAGI,TURKEY 783 Measured thickness Age Formation (m)
Detterman, R.L., Bickel, R.S., Grye, George (1963) Geology of the Chandler River region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303e. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303e Report (issue)
______ Chandler formation_____________________ Killik tongue _________________'______ Grandstand for...system-Continued Glacial deposits_____________________________ Killik River _________ ~ __________ ~_______ Anaktuvuk...Coal__________________________________________ Killik River________________________________ Colville... Columnar sections of Grandstand formation and Killik tongue of Chandler formation. Columnar sections..._______________________________ Type locality, Killik tongue _________________ ,__---_-_-----------------------_-
Patton, W.W., Tailleur, I.L. (1964) Geology of the Killik-Itkillik region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303g. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303g Report (issue)
Geology of the _Killik_-Itkillik Region Alaska EXPLORATION OF NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 4 AND ADJACENT...Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Geology of the _Killik_-Itkillik Region Alaska By WILLIAM W. PATTON, JR...: Pattern, William Wallace, 1923Geology of the _Killik_-Itkillik region, Alaska, by William W. Patton,...Reserves. Bibliography: p. 497^t98. 1. Geology Alaska _Killik_-Itkillik region. I. Tailleur, Irvin Lorraine, 1924-..._ Regional setting.___________________________ _Killik_-Itkillik region_______________________ Brooks Range
Gökçe, Ahmet, Spiro, Baruch (2002) Fluid-Related Characteristics of the Çakmakkaya and Damarköy Copper Deposits, Northeast Turkey. International Geology Review, 44 (8) 744-754 doi:10.2747/0020-6814.44.8.744 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Çakmakkaya and Damarköy Copper Deposits, Northeast Turkey Ahmet Gökçe & Baruch Spiro To cite this article:...Çakmakkaya and Damarköy Copper Deposits, Northeast Turkey, International Geology Review, 44:8, 744-754, DOI:...Çakmakkaya and Damarköy Copper Deposits, Northeast Turkey AHMET GÖKÇE Cumhuriyet University, Department of...of Geological Engineering, 58140 Sivas, Turkey AND BARUCH SPIRO Department of Mineralogy, The Natutral...that occur widely in the Eastern Pontide region of Turkey. These deposits are hosted by volcanic rocks in
Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik, Karakaya, Necati, Küpeli, Şuayip, Yavuz, Fuat (2012) Mineralogy and geochemical behavior of trace elements of hydrothermal alteration types in the volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, NE Turkey. Ore Geology Reviews, 48. 197-224 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.03.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in the volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, NE Turkey Muazzez Çelik Karakaya a,⁎, Necati Karakaya a,...Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya, 42079, Turkey İstanbul Teknik Universitesi Maden Fakültesi Jeoloji...Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ayazağa İstanbul, 34469, Turkey a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received...geochemistry Massive sulfide deposits Trace elements Turkey a b s t r a c t Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)...(VMS) deposits of the Eastern Pontides, Turkey, are hosted by the Maastrichtian–Eocene dacite and rhyodacite
Collins, F.R., Bergquist, H.R. (1959) Test wells, Square Lake and Wolf Creek areas, Alaska, with micropaleontology of Square Lake test well 1 and the Wolf Creek test wells, northern Alaska. Professional Paper 305h. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp305h Report (issue)
formation. _______ ___ __ _ _ Ninuluk formation.. ___ Killik tongue of the Chandler formation _______ Grandstand...(700-1,885 feet) ________ Ninuluk formation and Killik tongue of the Chandler formation (1,885-2,475 feet)______...3__________________ Ninuluk formation (30-510 feet)_________ Killik tongue of the Chandler formation (5101,400 feet)...drilled on 2 anticlines in the Arctic foothills province of northern Alaska. The wells were drilled in...northern foothills section of the Arctic foothills province of northern Alaska, north of the central part
Kelley, K. D., Jennings, S. (2004) A Special Issue Devoted to Barite and Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits in the Red Dog District, Western Brooks Range, Northern Alaska. Economic Geology, 99 (7) 1267-1280 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.7.1267 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
to Barite and Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits in the Red Dog District, Western Brooks Range, Northern Alaska Preface...Pb; King et al., 2002) northwest of Red Dog, the district has about 40 Mt of contained Zn + Pb (Fig. 2)... both the Broken Hill deposit and the Mt. Isa district (including the George Fisher, Hilton, and Mt....deposits of the Red Dog district (~31 Mt) rival that of the Mt. Isa district (~36 Mt) and surpass Broken...large deposits of similar character in the Red Dog district and elsewhere. This special issue contains papers
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 99. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
lx½£5 ZnAs0/4 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi Rich mass ofblnck crystal sections ,on...£5 lx2 £10 Pb Fe Sn Sb S 1004 Espey mine, Emct,Turkey 2x2 £6 Fes.iOOH CRYOLITE lvigtut Arsuk Fjord...crystals on rock lx½£4 lxl £7 ·"" COLEMANITE Turkey, no other details pure mass, pale yellow fluorescence...cryst:il"cifGamet. lcm£1.5.0 · ·CnAI'SiO Ratnapure District,Sri Lanka 2x3 £12 1041 2x2 £18 PbCa,Cl AS/O...tabular platy mass ½ • £2 lxl £4 Yakal Mine, Bigadie Turkey ' Ca BO OH H/20 Newty,Maine, USA 1015 JACOBSITE
Keller, A.S., Morris, R.H., Detterman, R.L. (1961) Geology of the Shaviovik and Sagavanirktok Rivers region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303d. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303d Report (issue)
formation __ _ _ _____________ Chandler formation (Killik tongue) ... Ninuluk formation..--- ____________...and late Paleozoic age in the Arctic Foothills province from the Itkillik River east to the Canning River...and late Paleozoic age in the Arctic Foothills province from the Itkillik River east to the Canning River...provinces (Payne and others, 1951): the Brooks Eange province, a belt of mountains that trend east across northern...Arctic Foothills province, a belt of hills that lie north of the Brooks Eange province; and the Arctic
Cobb, Edward Huntington, Mayfield, Charles F. (1981) Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Ambler River Quadrangle, Alaska: supplement to Open-file report 75-628: Part A, Summaries of data to January 1, 1981. Open-File Report Vol. 1981 (81-570) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr81570a Report (issue)
in Part A the name, U.S. Bureau of Mines mining district, reference that has the occurrence plotted on...appraisal of the areas traversed by the Kobuk, Killik, Alatna and John Rivers and the North Fork of the...Report 50-79, 16 p, A2 (Agnes Cr.) Gold Kiana district Ambler River (10.3, 3.9) approx. OF 78-1201, loc...Valley). (Ambler R., headwaters) Copper Kiana district Ambler River (16.3-16.7, 10.1-10.9) OF 78-1201...azurite and chalcopyrite. (Ambler Valley) Kiana district Gold Ambler River E 1/2 quad. Coarse gold reported
(2002) Catalogue. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 87. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Quebec Ix! £ 1.10 ,Canada Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Ix½ £3 Malawi Nandan Meteroite, Lihu,Nandan 3mm...Green coating on matrix Turkey , no other details Espey mine, Emet,Turkey Ca BO H/20 455 COLEl\lANITE...•nite Franklin New Jersey U.S. A Coeur d'Alene District. ldnho. USA Ste Hilaire Qu bee Canad .Recently...COLEMANITE, the latter Killik Mine. Emct,Turkey is the coarser material Killik Mine, Emel, Turkey pure light brown...white tabular platy mass Yakal Mine. Bigadic. Turkey \I," £2 Monastry Mine. South Africa lx2 £4
(2001) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 84. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
location details l cm£4 2cm£8 Mount Malosa, Zomba District. Malawi IxI ins £5 Rich line grained black crystalline...£3 pure mass, pale yellow 0uorcscencc and 2x2 £5 Turkey , no other details phosphorescence with UV I x...H/20 pure light brown fibrous mass Killik Mine, Emel, Turkey l x l £2.50 l x2 £5 fibrous mass with...material Yellow crusts on quartz and or Toumialine Killik Mine. Emel.Turkey l x l £3 l x2 £6 Rustler Mine...while tabular platy mass Yakal Mine. Bigadic. Turkey 1/, " £2 11 197 320 200 201 1 96 2 09 240
Vera, J. D., McClay, K. R., King, A. R. (2004) Structure of the Red Dog District, Western Brooks Range, Alaska. Economic Geology, 99 (7) 1415-1434 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.7.1415 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Vol. 99, pp. 1415–1434 Structure of the Red Dog District, Western Brooks Range, Alaska J. DE VERA,† K....Spokane, Washington 99216 Abstract The Red Dog district of the western Brooks Range of northern Alaska...and new mineral discoveries in the district. In the Red Dog district, a telescoped Late Devonian through...boundaries. Structural mapping and analysis of the district indicate a dominant northwest to west-northwest...lateral displacement. Introduction THE RED DOG district is located in the southwestern De Long Mountains
Rombach, C. S., Layer, P. W. (2004) Geochronology of the Western and Central Brooks Range, Alaska: Implications for the Geologic Evolution of the Anarraaq and Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits. Economic Geology, 99 (7) 1307-1322 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.7.1307 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
69 Figure 2 De Lo ng Mts Misheguk M t o Killik Rive r Howard Pass 69 10 68o 3 1 7 11 8...Kivliktort Mountain (14) Vidlee (15) Kady (16) Ambler district. See Fig. 3 for appropriate reference and location...Mountains, Misheguk Mountain, Howard Pass, and Killik River) are shown for geographic reference. Box...decreasing abundance) sphalerite, galena, pyrite, and marcasite (± minor chalcopyrite). Textures include replacement...Dog Plagiogranite Southern Brooks Range Ambler District range Period Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic
Cobb, Edward Huntington, Mayfield, Charles F., Brosge, William Peters (1981) Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in eleven quadrangles in northern Alaska, supplement to Open-file report 75-628 : part A -- summaries of data to January 1, 1981. Open-File Report Vol. 1981 (81-767) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr81767a Report (issue)
Part A, the name, U.S. Bureau of Mines mining district, reference (if any) that has the occurrence plotted...appraisal of the areas traversed by the Kobuk, Killik, Alatna and John Rivers and the North Fork of the...(Chandalar R., headwaters) Copper Chandalar district Arctic (18.5, 17.1) 68°57'N, 144°04'W Malachite...Devonian sandstone. (Ivishak R.) Fluorite Canning district Arctic (1.5, 14.75) approx. 68°51'N, 146°46'W...rocks. (Koness R., headwaters) Copper Sheenjek district Arctic (15.5, 7.5) approx. 68°25'N, 144°36'W
(2005, April) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 96. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Skye, Scotland AEGI. R JNE 17 Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 2 While crystals well covering Basall...I x ! £ 1 . 25 2x2 £5 N3 AI F CR\'OLITE Kirka. Turkey COLEI\IANITE Katugin River Siberia, Russia 8 S6...Cu As0/4 2x2 £ 6 CYUNDRJTE Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia Turkey , no other details 455 COLEM AN ITE 93 rich mass...Zcolite Zcolirc I x I £8 lx2 £16 ½ •£4 Ezhou ,Hubci Province, China 950 HlJBEITE many small brown crystals...matrix. X 2 0 needed ½ £5 I x ( £1 2 K BaAI Si AI O Killik Mine. _Emet.Turlcey HYDRO BORAC ITE 1 16 fibrous
Moore, D. W., Young, L. E., Modene, J. S., Plahuta, J. T. (1986) Geologic setting and genesis of the Red Dog zinc-lead-silver deposit, western Brooks Range, Alaska. Economic Geology, 81 (7) 1696-1727 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.81.7.1696 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
decreasingorderof abundanceare sphalerite,pyrite, marcasite,andgalena. Rare disseminatedchalcopyriteand pyrrhotite...deposit.This phenomenon may shaleconsistsof pyrite-marcasite,sphalerite,and mibe dueto the gradualoverwhelming...veincuttingsiliceous blackshalewith earlyformed pyrite-marcasite nodulesandbeds.J. Semimassive sulfiderockshow...decreasingorder of abundance,is sphalerite,pyrite, marcasite,and galena. Trace chalcopyriteand pyrrhotite occurasminute...mineraldepositare silicarock, sphalerite,pyrite-marcasite,galena,and barite. As currently exposed,the Red
(2020) Mineral Collections in Arizona - II. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (1.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
sent it to my Representative, Mark Finchem (R-District 11, Oro Valley), asking him to be the primary... Mark Candee Gold, 2.3 cm, from the Breckenridge district, Summit County, Colorado. Ken Donn photo. Wulfenite...(hot-pink), 3.7 cm, from the Glove mine, Tyndall district, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Collected in 1958;... 4 cm, from the Inspiration mine, Globe-Miami district, Gila County, Arizona. Ken Donn photo. Cerussite...matrix, 6.5 cm, from the Grand Reef mine, Aravaipa district, Graham County, Arizona. Ken Donn photo. Supplement
Ryan, C. W. (1957) A Guide to the Known Minerals of Turkey. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey, Ankara. Book
Leach, David L., Marsh, Erin, Emsbo, Poul, Rombach, Cameron S., Kelley, Karen D., Anthony, Mike (2004) Nature of Hydrothermal Fluids at the Shale-Hosted Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits, Brooks Range, Alaska. Economic Geology, 99 (7) 1449-1480 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.7.1449 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Colorado 80225 Abstract The Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag district in the western Brooks Range, northern Alaska,...their origin. Introduction THE RED DOG Zn-Pb-Ag district in the western Brooks Range, northern Alaska (Fig...implications. The most important deposits in the district are the Red Dog deposits, a cluster of four orebodies:...Red Dog deposits Ri Ri ver ka u N Red Dog district Wulik Anarraaq Suds Alvinella lville ti er...69o er Riv E r Ri ve Ri Drenchwater Su-Lik KILLIK RIVER HOWARD PASS MISHEGUK MOUNTAIN I p na
(1997) Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995. Professional Paper 1574. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp1574 Report (issue)
valley adjacent to the Hi-Yu mine in the Fairbanks district had a pH of 5.2. Near Juneau, processing of ore...same site was only 490 ppb. Within the Fairbanks district, maximum dissolved-arsenic levels of 260270 ppb...past gold districts the Willow Creek district, the Fairbanks district, and the Juneau gold belt (fig. IA)...Cord, and High Grade mines in the Willow Creek district (fig. IB). Near Fairbanks, surface waters were...many of the gold-quartz lodes in the Fairbanks district. We therefore also collected waters flowing through