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Graeser, Stefan (1998) Alpine Minerals: A review of the Most Famous Localities of the Central Swiss Alps. Rocks & Minerals, 73 (1) 14-32 doi:10.1080/00357529809603057 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland and Mineralogical Institute of the University CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland Probably...excavations in GalloRoman sites in southern Switzerland (Canton Valais, Binn) several crystal treasures were discovered...in several large natural history museums in Switzerland and abroad were assembled (for example, the outstanding...of years. This mining activity, at least in Switzerland, came to an almost complete end after World War...Figure 5. Geological map of the Central Alps (Switzerland). Courtesy of Landeshydrologie und Geobgie, BUWAL
(2004) Binntal. extraLapis 28. Christian Weise Verlag Report (issue)
Neuried Andre Gorsatt Mineralienmuseum Imfeld CH-3996 Binn eMail: info@andre-gorsatt.ch www.andre-gorsatt.ch...hin ab. Fotos: Fridolin lten würde man den Namen „Binn" auf diesen an=­ lichen Ausspruch zurückführen....scheint die folgende Erklärung des füih Kirchherrn von Binn, Pfarrer Karl JosT, zu se „Allen dürfte der Ausdruck...herbeigezogen, 6 Als südliches Seitental des unteren Goms \\ in' das Binntal von der gleichnamigen Binna dur...Steinpflasterung antreffen. Bereits im Jahre 1296 wurde Binn eine selb­ ständige Pfarrgemeinde, von nun an losgelöst
Weibel, Max, Graeser, Stefan, Oberholzer, Walter F., Stalder, Hans-Anton, Gabriel, Walter (1990) Die Mineralien der Schweiz [The minerals of Switzerland] (5th ed.) Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland. p.1-222. doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-7132-7 Book (edition)
Ltd. London als »A Guide to the Minerals of _Switzerland_« 1966 in englischer Sprache. 1m gleichen Jahr...systematischen Sammelns Eine Urkunde im Gemeindearchiv Binn VS verbietet schon 1609, in den Kuhweiden nach Strahlen...hydroxylhaltiger Fluorapatit). Giessen bei Binn VS. Turtschi bei Binn VS. S. Graeser, Bern und Basel. R. von...Lengenbach VS. F. Marumo und G. Burri, Bern. J. Imhof, Binn VS (1902-1969). Lengenbach VS. G. Burri, S. Graeser...Erzlinsen und Kluften. - Obergestein Gasleitungsstollen (Goms VS). - Gotthard-Bahn- und StraBentunnel (URITI)
Stalder, H. A., Embrey, P., Graeser, S., Nowacki, W. (1978) Die Mineralien des Binntales. Naturhistorisches Museum der Stadt Bern. Book
Geologe). Dieser hatte sich im Herbst 18 54 selbst nach Binn begeben und die Mineralfundstelle Lengenbach besucht...1842.-1904, gebürtig von Binn) während der Dauer seines Pfarramtes in Binn (1867-1878) und auch später...Gefälligkeit des Herrn Pfarrer Theodor Walpen zu Binn im Binnenthal vergönnt, die ausgewähltesten Krystalle...Seligmann im Jahre 1875 von dem Pfarrer Walpen in Binn erworben.» • Aus der gleichen Zeit vernehmen wir...intensiv mit der topographischen Mineralogie des ganzen Goms abgegeben. Das bis heute umfangreichste Verzeichnis
Wagermaier, Wolfgang, Gupta, Himadri S., Gourrier, Aurélien, Paris, Oskar, Roschger, Paul, Burghammer, Manfred, Riekel, Christian, Fratzl, Peter (2007) Scanning texture analysis of lamellar bone using microbeam synchrotron X-ray radiation. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 40 (1). 115-120 doi:10.1107/s0021889806044888 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
distribution of the c-axis orientation of the mineral apatite in bone with positional resolution of 1 mm. The...particles and fibrils. Bone mineral is a biological apatite (BAp) which has approximately hexagonal crystal...Debye–Scherrer (DS) rings from the 002 and 310 apatite reflections (qmax ’ 5.4 Å1) and simultaneously...As a consequence, the orientation vector of the apatite c axis can be defined as a point on an orientation...(1979b) measured the preferred orientation of apatite crystals in bulk samples of bone (human lumbar
Parker, R. L., Stalder, H. A., de Quervain, F., Niggli, E., Graeser, St. (1973) Die Mineralfunde Der Schweiz (2nd ed.) Verlag Wepf & Co., Basel. Book (edition)
3-85977-002-0 Copyright by Wepf & Co., Basel Printed in Switzerland Buchdruckcrci Birkhauser AG, Basel inTIWNRI...Luzern; Jos. (t) und Anton Imhof, Ried b. Brig und Binn; P. Indergand, Goschenen; A. und 0. Jochum, Poschiavo;... . . . . . . . . Fundgebiet 5 : Baltschiedertal-_Goms_-Urserental (H. A. Stalder) Fundortgruppen 5 a bis...Epidot auch sehr schtin entwickelte, flachenreiche Apatite auf. Andere Funde zeigen neben den erwahnten Mineralien...spitzrhomboedrischen Querschnitt zeigen. Tautropfengro!3e Apatite und gut durchschei­ nende, farblose Albite sind
Clark, A. M., Daltry, V. D. C. (1996) Thirty-seventh list of new mineral names. Part 1: A—L. Mineralogical Magazine, 60 (400) 523-536 doi:10.1180/minmag.1996.060.400.16 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
baumhauerite in dolomite at Lengenbach, Binntal, Valais Canton, negative, 2Vmeas. 41 ~ at 1.629, 13 1.682...Named for Arthur Roe, mineral collector from Switzerland. Average composition Tucson, Arizona. Pbl lAg0...metamorphic rocks from the Monte Rosa Massif (Switzerland) and Dora Maira Massif (Italy). Ca2AI[POn]2(OH)...Schweiz. Mineral. Petrog. Lengenbach quarry, Binntal, Valais Canton, Mitt., 72, 293. Initially described by...Nova, 1988, 49, 17). Found as steel-grey to Switzerland. T1PbAsaS6. Orthorhombic, ~ group Fdd2, a 15
(2005, January) Le Règne Minéral Vol. 11 (61) Les Éditions du Piat Journal (issue)
l'ingénieur saxon Buetz venu des mines de Bex (Valais). Un bâtiment de graduation sera même construit...avions décidé l'été 2003 de partir dans la vallée de Binn afin d'effectuer des recherches de microminéraux...région du Valai s et notamment la petite vallée de Binn , comme celles du Dauphiné, du Piémont ou du Zillertal...géologie alpine L'entrée de la mythique vallée de Binn (vue depuis Fiesch) - Photo: RDAG. A le ègne...ITALIE o⇒ Localisation de la Vallée de Binn (Binntal) dans le Valais. pour leurs cristallisations limpides
Griffith, Elizabeth M., Schmitt, Anne-Désirée, Andrews, M. Grace, Fantle, Matthew S. (2020) Elucidating modern geochemical cycles at local, regional, and global scales using calcium isotopes. Chemical Geology, 534. 119445 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119445 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Pre-proof Experimentally work with Scots pines and an apatite substrate in the presence or absence of the rhizosphere...of soil-vegetative system by dissolving Ca from apatite more efficiently resulting in a system where Ca...their impact on bio-weathering and dissolution of apatite (Ca source to soils). -p In soil solutions originating...increased bacterial activity and weathering of apatite resulting in non-Ca lP limiting environment reducing...evidence for the role of bacteria in weathering apatite Jo efficiently during anoxic conditions. If these
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bufferedby excessquartzandCaO by plagioclase, apatite,epidote,or calcite. Geologyof the Harding Pegmatite...Muscovite Bityite Quartz (%)2 50 30 5 Plagioclase Apatite Beryl 5 3 2 Biotite 55 Tourmaline 25 Garnet...Garnet 5 Bityite Plagioclase Quartz Apatite Beryl 5 5 3 1 1 Holmquistite Epidote 30 30 Hornblende...Chlorite tr Tourmaline Quartz 45 35 Biotite 15 Apatite Plagioclase 5 tr • AA analyses by SkylineLabs...bityitehasbeenfoundonlyadjacentto the beryl- and _apatite_-richborder zone on the hangingwall (from which
Zuluaga-Morales, Juan Sebastián, Bolaños-Carmona, María Victoria, Cifuentes-Jiménez, Carolina Cecilia, Álvarez-Lloret, Pedro (2021) Chemical, Microstructural and Morphological Characterisation of Dentine Caries Simulation by pH-Cycling. Minerals, 12 (1) 5 doi:10.3390/min12010005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed...cm−1 (high crystalline apatite phosphates) to 1020 cm−1 (poorly crystalline apatite phosphates) within the...degree of carbonate substitution type B in the apatite lattice structure [36]; (2) Phosphate to CH2 (amplitude...detector (DECTRIS PILATUS 3 100K-A, Baden-Dätwill, Switzerland) with Cu Kα radiation at 50 kV and 30 mA. The...− 1 − 1 3 − 3 − cm (v∼ 1 PO ),∼996(vcm (PO4 in apatite environment), (v1 P-O symmetry P-Ostretching symmetrymode)
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d Systems Volume 13 Series editor Stanislav N. Gorb, Department of Functional Morphology and Biomechanics...Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface...Flammang Peter Fratzl Riu R Reis Sheila Patek Stas N Gorb Teofil Jesionowski Thomas Scheibel Wang Xiaohong...Verschure P., Mura A., Prescott T. Santos R, Aldred N., Gorb S., Flamming P. Ratner B.D., Hoffman A.S., Academic...ferrihydrite (5 Fe2O3 × 9 H2O), goethite (α-FeOOH), apatite (crystalline calcium phosphate) as well as maghemite
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or polytetramethyloxide), to deposit nano-sized apatite particles on a fine polymer matrix, which was subsequently...mechanical adhesion, and were shown to promote bonelike apatite formation, in vitro. In addition, multilayer coatings...sequential deposition display robustness, together with apatite forming ability, when immersed in simulated body...Caro, J Kärger, G Vogl), pp. 203–232. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 13. de Martín...(eds B Siciliano, O Khatib), pp. 543–574. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 17. Bar-Cohen
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L'Ossola .. . . .. ... . . . . Cap. XXXIII - La Val di Binn . .. . . . Cap. XXXIV - Zone del Grimsel e della...a cavallo >> tra la Val For­ mazza e la Valle di Binn. Questi esemplari sono caratteristici anche per...saccaroide bianca (2x). Ochsenfeld, a/ta Valle di Binn. rissimo di ferro e di alluminio. 11 colore e chia­...dolo­ mia nelle vicinanze del Sempione (Valle di Binn). Nel Tirolo austriaco, della bella tremolite si...Biellese (cava Gamma presso Bogna), asso­ ciato ad apatite e titanite. Altri buoni esemplari si hanno nella
Kloprogge, J. T., Case, M. H., Frost, R. L. (2001) Raman microscopic study of the Li amphibole holmquistite, from the Martin Marietta Quarry, Bessemer City, NC, USA. Mineralogical Magazine, 65 (6) 775-785 doi:10.1180/0026461016560008 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
dark-brown mica and small amounts of spodumene and apatite. Earlier work has shown that this mica is also...SSSR , 119, 1013 6 (in Russian). Gorelov, G.F., Gorb, A.M., Kosukhina, I.G., Safonov, A.M. and Shestakov
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the light gypsum. 3 - calcite, 4 - fluorite, 5 - apatite, 6 - ortho- beam on the polished mineral surface...common terms are not abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and...SwitzerlandItaly, overlooking Binntal, Valais canton, Switzerland, also crystals in Obersulzbachtal Valley...Kaltenberg mine, Turtmanntal Valley, Valais canton, Switzerland. In individual crystals to 1 mat Djida...Gerais, Brazil. With tourmaline, muscovite-fuchsite,apatite. etc., as the oldest component of siderite-sulfideveins
(2013, November) Geonieuws Vol. 38 (09) Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen Journal (issue)
Cronstedt : catalogeren...  Boekbespreking : "Apatite, the great pretender" Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen...artikel verder in dit nummer. 20.15 h Paul Mestrom "Binn, nog steeds een paradijs" In aansluiting op het... Boekrecensie 296 Geonieuws 38(9), november 2013 "Apatite - the great pretender" Raymond Dedeyne Uitgegeven...Auvergne 28-30 Gold und Arsenmineralien von der Gorb im Binntal 39- Bergkristalle vom Pizzo Campo Tencia
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(in alphabetical order): Thomas Armbrusler (Switzerland). Daniel Atcncio (Brazil). Malcolm Back (Canada)...related to Lemoynite. drill core. Oleny Stream apatite deposit, Khibina alkaline Massif. Kola Pcnin ula...mine, Gila County, Arizona. USA. 65. 1065 0 _Apatite_-(CaCl) (formcrly Chlorapatitc), Ca,(PO,),Cl. hcx...type locality unknown. CM 10, 137 (str.) Apatite group D _Apatite_-(CaF) (formcrly Fluorapatitc). Ca.(PO...F. hcx .. 75. 295-304 (str.) Apalite group D _Apatite_-(CaOH) (formcrly Hydroxlapatite). Ca (PO.),(OH)
Greenough, John D., Papezik, V.S. (1986) Volatile control of differentiation in sills from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. Chemical Geology, 54 (3) 217-236 doi:10.1016/0009-2541(86)90138-5 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
percentage SB7D SBGJ Biotite SB61 to and apatite content cease use. SB7C SBGH Coarse SB7B... a n d alkali s y e n i t e s (Widenfalk a n d Gorb a t s c h e v , 1971). A l t h o u g h b a d d e...plagioclase, clinopyroxene, biotite, Fe--Ti-oxides, apatite. Secondary minerals: chlorite, albite. Texture:...plagioclase, clinopyroxene, biotite, Fe~Ti-oxides, apatite. Secondary minerals: chlorite, albite, prehnite...Primary minerals: albite, quartz, Fe--Ti-oxides, apatite, calcite. Secondary minerals: chlorite, actinolite
Vollstaedt, Hauke, Eisenhauer, Anton, Wallmann, Klaus, Böhm, Florian, Fietzke, Jan, Liebetrau, Volker, Krabbenhöft, André, Farkaš, Juraj, Tomašových, Adam, Raddatz, Jacek, Veizer, Ján (2014) The Phanerozoic δ88/86Sr record of seawater: New constraints on past changes in oceanic carbonate fluxes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 128. 249-265 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.10.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Universität Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1 + 3, 3012 Bern, Switzerland. Tel.: +41 316318533; fax: +41 316314843. E-mail...New Zealand, USA, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine. For further details on stratigraphy...acidification from calcium isotopes in biogenic apatite. Geology. Hippler D., Schmitt A.-D., Gussone N...Cosmochim. Acta 74, 4097–4109. Krause S., Liebetrau V., Gorb S., Sánchez-Román M., McKenzie J. A. and Treude
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(TGA/dsc1/1600lf, Mettler Toledo Co., Zurich, Switzerland) within the temperature range of 30–800 ◦ C and...Krause, S.; Liebetrau, V.; Löscher, C.; Böhm, F.; Gorb, S.; Eisenhauer, A.; Treude, T. Marine ammonification...Bai, J.; Nagashima, T.; Yajima, T. XPS Study of Apatite Formed from Simulated Body Fluid on a Titanium...© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed
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bacterial biomineralization of iron SC oxides, apatite, aragonite or Ca-Mg carbonates both under laboratory...Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Krause, S., Liebetrau, V., Gorb, S., Sánchez-Román, M., McKenzie, J.A., Treude,
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FeS2 (S K, Fe K), TiMnO (Mn K), ZnS (Zn K), apatite (P K), Cu metal (Cu K), Ni metal (Ni IP T K)... Acta 58, 5105-5113. Krause, S., Liebetrau, V., Gorb, S., Sánchez-Román, M., McKenzie, J.A., Treude,
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gabbro zone except for the possible addition of apatite. Intercumulus phases comprise amphibole, mica,...1.01.6 wt. % and 0.7-1.1 wt. %, respectively . Apatite with a higher F content (3.05 wt. %) has been reported...values observed in the gabbroic rocks and the apatite from the Pilgujärvi intrusion. Excluding one anomalous...metavolcanites together with the whole rock sampies and the apatite from the Pilgujärvi intrusion define a moderately...SA-36 SA-21 149 Peridotite Pyroxenite Gabbro Apatite Pilgujärvi Pilgujärvi Pilgujärvi Pilgujärvi n