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Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
common terms are not abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and...SwitzerlandItaly, overlooking Binntal, Valais canton, Switzerland, also crystals in Obersulzbachtal Valley...Kaltenberg mine, Turtmanntal Valley, Valais canton, Switzerland. In individual crystals to 1 mat Djida...in crystals to 5 cm at Lamma, Emen, Fiesch, all Valais canton, as :\/bite. 70 r..m.Cyri/o1·. C:.ecl1...802, 1.835, (+), pleochroic. YellowAlluaivite ALMANDINE green in transmitted light, pleochroic. A typical
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
(in alphabetical order): Thomas Armbrusler (Switzerland). Daniel Atcncio (Brazil). Malcolm Back (Canada)...), 90 653-662 (syn. str.) Al/uaudile gr- 0 Almandine, FerAti(SiO.) 3, cub., forms two series, with...Cherbadung. Binntal (Binnatal), Canton Wallis, Switzerland. 52. 1583, 55, 1818. MM57, 315-322 (stt.) D...Liveingite, Lcngenbach quarry, Binntal, on Wallis, Switzerland erite-2a, Pb11Ag(As,Sb) 1hS36 • mon., comparc...Gerstcnegg/Sommerlock cable tunnel, Grimsel _anton Dem, Switzerland, S!v/PM56, 187-194 ~ S,·CaS 20 3 •6Ca(OH)i-20H
(1977) Progressive metamorphism of the metapelites in the Rantasalmi-Sulkava area, southeastern Finland. Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande Vol. 290. Geological Survey of Finland Journal (volume)
typical of the medium-pressure type; biotite, almandine, staurolite and sillimanite occur freguently....zone in the nortllern Ladoga area (sillimanite- _almandine_- Kfeldspar subfacies) was 630° to 695°C, and in...cordierite paragenesis. Doklady ESS 204, 152- 155. Gorb atschev, R. (1968) Distribution of elements between
Okrusch, Martin, Frimmel, Hartwig E. (2020) Mineralogy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-57316-7 Book
Halite NaCl 1.544 Spinel MgAl2O4 1.714 Almandine garnet Fe2+3Al2[SiO4]3 1.830 Andradite garnet...crystal of ruby was produced in Geneva, 41 Switzerland, in 1885, by slow crystallisation from a melt...edn. Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, Thun, Switzerland Wimmenauer W (1992) Zwischen Feuer und Wasser...mantle such as rose-coloured, Cr-rich pyrope or almandine garnet (7 Sect. 11.1), emerald-green, Cr-rich...Contrib Miner Petrol 31:28–38 Krause S, Liebetrau V, Gorb S et al (2012) Microbial nucleation of Mg-rich dolomite
Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., Zussman, J. (1997) Rock-Forming Minerals (2nd ed.) Vol. 2B - Double-Chain Silicates. The Geological Society, London. Book (volume)
gedrite associated with cordierite, biotite, almandine and oligoclase in metasedimentary rocks east of...cummingtonite (P2,/m) e.g. that from Ticino, Switzerland (Evans et al. 1974). Here there is also a small...Ferrogedrite + Staurolite + Hercynite,. Chloritoid Almandine + Staurolite + Hercynite,. Fluid (kbar) pressure...of almost pure ferrogedrite in the cordierite-almandine zone. of the aureole of the Téno hornblende-biotite...river Kolmya, USSR) containing mainly gedrite, almandine garnet, biotite, cordierite and plagioclase (Ang)
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
înalt vysoký pidnyattya hill deal kopec, vrch gorb. pagorb ozero lake lac jazero little, small...rodovyhehe, rudnyk mountain munte vrch, hora gora. gorb mountains range or chain munţi vrchy, hory gory...Pécs-Vasas (HUN) and Poniky (SLK). Garnets of almandine composition were re­ ported in the andesites and...alluvial materials are the pres­ ence of: grossular, almandine, corundum, and spinel at Szentendre, Dömös. and...contact-metamorphic mineral assemblage (e.g. almandine, grossular, corundum, and andalusite). Hy­ drothermal
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
pidnyattya gorb. pagorb ozero malo, nebagaio zapadyna. nyzyna rodovyhche, rudnyk gora, gorb gory vidkryta...Pees-Vasa (HUN) and Poniky (SLK). Garnets of almandine composi tion were reported in the andesi tes and...rounded grain or aggregate of rcddi. h-brown almandine are frequently found in the andesitcs and microdiorites...alluvial materials are the pre ence of: gro sular, almandine. corundum . and pinel at Szentendre. Domos. and...contact-metamorphic mineral assemblage (e.g. almandine, gros ular, corundum, and andalu ile). Hydrothermal
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
9: 1 (Gaines, 1971; Pimentel er al., 2009). SWITZERLAND Maderanertal east of Arnsteg, Uri. In the world...hematite roses occur in numerous localities in Switzerland, it is only in the Maderanertal region of east-central...specimens reminiscent of those from Maderanertal, Switzerland, and remarkable for their bright luster, sharp...1\1cson show (2005: 292). JOURAVSKITE AFRICA SWITZERLAND Lengenbach quarry, Binntal [Binnental. Binnatal]...In 1984 the Natural History Museum of Bern, Switzerland acquired a large lot of the accumulated discoveries
Hanski, Eero J. (1992) Petrology of the Pechenga ferropicrites and cogenetic, Ni-bearing gabbro-wehrlite intrusions, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande Vol. 367. Geological Survey of Finland Journal (volume)
biotite, F-phlogopite, tugtupite, diopside, rutile, almandine, rhodonite, albite, sanidine, magnetite, willemite...Karelo-Kolskogo regiona. Nauka, Lcningrad, 193 p. Gorb llnov, G.I., 1968. Gcologiya i genczis sulfidnykh...rud Kolskogo poluostrova. Nauka, Leningrad, 177 p. Gorb lln ov, G.I., Zagorodny, V.G., Robonen, W .I .,...Caledonides. Geol. Surv. Finland, BuH. 333,41- 109. Gorb unov, G.I., Korehagin, A.U ., Mednikov, A.I., 1989
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
Locality: Gonzen mine, Sargans, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Description: Pink fibrous aggregate from the...Chironico valley, Leventina, Ticino (Tessin), Switzerland. Description: Brown crystals from the association...540, 488s, 440sh, 404s, 390sh. 378 Sio6 2 Almandine IR Spectra of Minerals and Reference Samples...)2(OH)8 Locality: Ausserferrera, Grischun, Switzerland. Description: Yellow veinlet. Confirmed by qualitative...Pizzo Cervandone,Alpe Devero, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland (type locality). Description: Black spherulites
Neukirchen, Florian, Ries, Gunnar (2020) The World of Mineral Deposits. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-34346-0 Book
1007/978-3-030-34346-0 (eBook) © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 This work is subject to copyright. All...Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface...sand. Another sedimentary © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 F. Neukirchen and G. Ries, The World...Zermatt (Switzerland) (photo © F. Neukirchen) 8 1 Fig. 1.11 Hematite. Fibbia, Gotthard (Switzerland) (photo...five largest commodity traders, all based in Switzerland, have a combined turnover similar to Switzerland’s