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Cairncross, Bruce (2019) Minerals & Gemstones of East Africa - Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Penguin Random House. Book
GEMSTONES of East Africa Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda Bruce Cairncross Published by Struik...resources 12 Burundi 13 Kenya 14 Rwanda 16 Tanzania 17 Uganda 20 Gemological properties 21 A to...through Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and into the Sudan - has blessed East Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, with...starting in what was then Tanganyika ( now mainland Tanzania) and then progressing to Kenya - I am proud to...countries are among the finest in the world. The region and its gems are particularly dear to my family
Huong, Le, Otter, Laura, Förster, Michael, Hauzenberger, Christoph, Krenn, Kurt, Alard, Olivier, Macholdt, Dorothea, Weis, Ulrike, Stoll, Brigitte, Jochum, Klaus (2018) Femtosecond Laser Ablation-ICP-Mass Spectrometry and CHNS Elemental Analyzer Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Minerals, 8 (6) 234 doi:10.3390/min8060234 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam Le Thi-Thu Huong 1, *...Published: 29 May 2018   Abstract: Danburite is a calcium borosilicate that forms within the...plasma (ICP)-mass spectrometry for danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. The Tanzanian and Vietnamese...Our results imply that the trace elements of danburite reflect different involvement of metacarbonates...pegmatites among the different locations. Keywords: danburite; trace elements; REE; femtosecond LA-ICP-MS; CHNS
Simmons, W. B., Pezzotta, F., Shigley, J. E., Beurlen, H. (2012) Granitic Pegmatites as Sources of Colored Gemstones. Elements, 8 (4) 281-287 doi:10.2113/gselements.8.4.281 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in Africa (Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia) and Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan) (TABLE...pegmatite core zone or in the core margin, the region around the core. Typically, only parts of these...syenite) contain gem minerals, such as microcline (amazonite), sodalite, and zircon. GEM MINERALS IN GRANITIC...localities in the Fianarantsoa region and at Anjanabonoina (Betafo, Antananarivo region) in Madagascar (Pezzotta...spodumene, and tourmaline (FIGS . 2, 5). The Himalaya Mine in Mesa Grande, California, USA (Fisher 2002) has
(2007, January) (different version!) Richard Tayler Individual Specimens. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Hansonberg District Socorro County New Mexico £25 3 DANBURITE single ,sharp, chesil shaped semi-translucent...crystal crossing in the middle Kayes Region , Mali £18 GRAPHIC AMAZONITE, this is a type of graphic granite...with micros of blue Kinoite in places £4 Christmas Mine, Arizona USA 16. MAGNETITE , black lustrous octahedral...crystal about 2cm long and 8mm across £12 Morogoro Tanzania 21. HYDROZINCITE rich soft white masses with...pale green-grey covering, about 2x3 area, Hawkswood Mine Cornwall FLUORESCENT green Short wave £ 18 I-
(2017) The Journal of Gemmology Vol. 35 (5) Gem-A Journal (issue)
cabochons| Ceruleite from Chile Yellow danburite from Namalulu, Tanzania Emerald from Ethiopia
(2008, July) Gems & Gemology Vol. 44 (2) Gemological Institute of America Journal (issue)
phosphorescence in diamond • Almandinespessartine from Tanzania • “Red andesine” • Orange beryl from India • Clinochlore...Clinochlore from Turkey • Yellow danburite from Tanzania • Lawsonite from California • Paragonite from...occasionally recovered by hobbyist collectors from the mine dumps. D uring the late 19th and early 20th centuries...a Byrud emerald in an antique jewelry piece. The mine is located on the shore of Lake Mjøsa, near Minnesund...assets sold to the Cornish Development Co. Ltd. The mine was subsequently abandoned in 1909 (Nordrum and
(2008, January) Gems & Gemology Vol. 44 (4) Gemological Institute of America Journal (issue)
322 Rubies and Sapphires from Winza, Central Tanzania Dietmar Schwarz, Vincent Pardieu, John M. Saul...diamonds traditionally associated with the Wesselton mine, “Cape” for pale yellow COLOR GRADING “D-TO-Z”...“D-TO-Z” DIAMONDS diamonds from the Cape of Good Hope region, and “Jager” for colorless diamonds with strong...those typically recovered from the “Jagersfontein” mine in South Africa (Shipley, 1950b; Liddicoat, 1993)...the blue region of the spectrum, as it is the absorption area of wavelengths in this region that allows
(2015, October 15th) The Rainbow of Africa Gem & Mineral Collection. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5236. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
it collected when the Tsumeb Mine (as well as other mines of the region) were still in production in...engineering work took him to the Tsumeb Mine in Namibia. This mine is renowned for producing what are arguably...MINERALS 57001 Azurite Level 8, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia If the attachment point on...Spitzkopje, Spitzkopje Area, Karibib District, Erongo Region, Namibia Klein Spitzkopje in Afrikaans means: the...Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia Some of the best things to come from the Tsumeb Mine were
Cook, Robert B. (2009) Phenakite. Rocks & Minerals, 84 (4) 338-344 doi:10.3200/rmin.84.4.338-344 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
there appears to be a general association with _amazonite_-bearing pegmatites. Good phenakite specimens are...It occurred in both the Morefield and Rutherford mine pegmatites, of the Amelia district, Amelia County...Virginia. Well-formed crystals from the Morefield mine reportedly reached 5 cm in length although the Amelia...2-cm phenakite crystal on microcline, variety amazonite, is attributed to the Florissant area of Teller...and topaz (Pough 1936; Switzer 1939). Attempts to mine and/or collect this difficult location are almost
(1996) World of Stones 9. "Plus" Ltd. Publishing Journal (issue)
apatite, barite, beryl (morganite), wollastonite, danburite, datolite, quartz, calcite, corundum, microcline...calcite; crystal aggregates 15 cm in size. Vеrklinii Mine, Dabugorsk, Pпmorskii Krai, Russia. Specimen: V...(samples of these crystals from kimberlites of this region were kindly submitted to the author by Yana Bao...reveal the rubies. Our field crew worked in this region in 1986 and suggested that the geologists use an...as visible aggregates which are of interest fora _region_-mineralogical collection (crystals, dtuses of crystals
Sunde, Øyvind (2013) Mineralogy and petrology of the amazonite pegmatite at Bakstevalåsen, øvre Eiker. Masters thesis, University of Oslo. Thesis/Dissertation
Geosciences Mineralogy and petrology of the amazonite pegmatite at Bakstevalåsen, øvre Eiker Øyvind...Øyvind Sunde Mineralogy and petrology of the amazonite pegmatite at Bakstevalåsen, øvre Eiker Øyvind Sunde...specimen of the amazonite pegmatite at Bakstevalåsen measuring a 15 cm cross-section with amazonite matrix and...classified as a rare-element gadolinite type amazonite pegmatite is situated in Paleozoic sedimentary...peralkaline ekerite granites in the Permian Oslo Region. The amazonite pegmatite is approximately 16 meters long
Schumann, Walter (1999) Gemstones of the World (2nd ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Book (edition)
Lesser Hematite 162 Pyrite 162 Feldspar 164 Amazonite 164 Labrador ite 166 Aventurine Feldspar 166...Phenacite 180 Apatite 194 Dumortierite 182 Danburite 182 Titanite 194 Kyanite 196 Axinite 182 Scheelite...Gold Precious beryl Cordierite Simpsonite Danburite Grossular Sugilithe Desclsizite Nephrite Neptunite...Cornelian Strontianite YAG Corundum Tansanite Amazonite Amblygonite Zirconia Dioptase Dolomite Tantalite...Amblygonite 7-71/2 Sanidine 6 6 Azurite Danburite Simpsonite Tourmaline 7-71/2 Amethyst Rose
Schumann, Walter (2006) Gemstones of the World (3rd ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Book (edition)
178 Hematite . 178 Pyrite 180 Feldspar Group Amazonite Moonstone 180 180 Orthoclase 180 Labradorite...196 Tolite 196 Phenakite 196 Dumortierite 198 Danburite 198 Axinite 198 Benitoite 200 Cassiterite 200...Childrenite Chrysobery| Cobaltite Cordierite Danburite Wavellite Witherite Yttrotantalite Zektzerite...Xonotlite Yugawaralite Scole- triclinic Albite Amazonite Amblygonite Andesine Anorthite Anorthoclase Axinite...Sapphirine Dumortierite Almandine Boracite Cordierite Danburite Grandidierite Pyrope Schorlomite Sekaninaite Simpsonite
(1994) World of Stones 4. "Plus" Ltd. Publishing Journal (issue)
long prismatic ma/achite c,ysta/s. Mednorudyanskii Mine, Midd/e Ura/s. 4.5 ст across. Тhе Mining Museum...pseudosta/actites оп wa/1ofjissure in mica schist. Gumeshevskii Mine, Middle Urals. Pseudosta/actites 2 ст. SGM, № 11945...сотр/еtе/у in minera/ forming solution. Gumeshevskii Mine, Middle Ura/s. 8 ст. мм, № 278/99. Photo: А. Sverdlov...The enlarged sign on the scl1ematic map shows а region large enough to accommodate several localized occurrences...[69]. 5. О Zapadnye Keivy (West Keivy) mainly amazonite granite pegmatites: gadolinite-(Y), hingganite-(Y)
Bank, Hermann (1966) Precious Stones and Minerals. Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., London. Book
Siberia. Further deposits exist in the Congo, Tanzania, Rhodesia, South West Africa, Venezuela, and other...Africa and was named after the president of the mine, Cullinan. Uncut it weighed 3106 carats (approximately...of haematite, but only material from an iron ore mine in Cumberland in England, and also from Elba (Italy)...near Mogok. Other primary deposits are found in Tanzania in zoisite rocks or zoisite amphibolites. It is...rock from the most famous of all emerald mines, the Mine of Muzo, which was worked by the Incas long before
Schumann, Walter, Schumann, Walter (1977) Gemstones of the World (1st ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Book (edition)
hambergite, iolite, phenacite 180, dumortierite, danburite, axinite 182, benitoite, cassiterite, epidote...Coral agate Craquelees Cross stone Cymophane Danburite Daourite Disthene Ditroite Dust pearls Edinite...Barite Cat's eye Celestite Cerussite Chrysoberyl Danburite Dumortierite Enstatite Fibrolite Hambergite Hemimorphite...Spodumene Tremolite Vivianite Williamsite T riclinic Amazonite Amblygonite Aventurine feldspar Axinite Bytownite...J.2 Uvarovite Andradite 7-7½ Cordierite 7-7½ Danburite 7- 7½ Garnet 7-7½ lolite 7- 7½ Rhodolite 7- 7½
Newmann, Renée (2012) Rare Gemstones - How to Identify, Evaluate and Care for Unusual Gems. International Jewelry Publications. Book
Rhodochrosite Tugtupite Fluorite Smithsonite Danburite Smithsonite Scheelite Andalusite Calcite ...Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Rhodochrosite Diaspore Danburite All gemstones and photos on this page are courtesy...Cobaltocalcite 23 Charoite 27 Chrysocolla 28 Danburite 33 Diaspore (Zultanite) 35 Diopside 38 Chrome...Jeff White. Fig. Ap.2 Purple apatite from Urucum Mine, Minas Gerais Brazil. Rob Lavinsky of The Arkenstone...the USA Fig. Az.2 Azurite on malachite (Milpillas Mine, Mexico). The Arkenstone; photo:Joe Budd. 20
Schumann, Walter (2009) Gemstones of the World (4th ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Book (edition)
Corundum Species Ruby 98 : 106 Beryl Species 110 Amazonite 180 Moonstone 180 Aventurine Orthoclase 180... Iolite 196 Phenakite 196 Dumortierite 198 Danburite 198 Axinite 198 Benitoite 200 Cassiterite 200...Childrenite Chrysobery| Cobaltite Cordierite Danburite Descloizite Diaspore Dumortierite Enstatite Eosphorite...Wollastonite Xonotlite Yugawaralite triclinic Albite Amazonite Amblygonite Andesine Anorthite Anorthoclase Axinite...Sapphirine Dumortierite Almandine Boracite Cordierite Danburite Granaidierite Pyrope Schorlomite Sekaninaite Simpsonite
(2018, July) Rock & Gem Vol. 48 (7) Beckett Media Journal (issue)
8 RED CLOUD MINE WULFENITE Rockhounds enjoy the products of this amazing Arizona mine. By Bob Jones...COPPER MINE 50 COOL SUMMER ROCKHOUNDING 54 NATIVE AMERICAN ROCKS AND MINERALS 60 DANBURITE: A TRUE... Find jagged quartz crystals at the Wall Street mine. By Robert Beard Regular Columns Field Notes ....Cover Wulfenite from the Red Cloud (photo credit)mine (La Paz County), Arizona, is world famous. (3.9...Speerstra and not Sam Spirstra? If so, I believe his mine was on the Missouri River, near York, and not the
Hurrell, Karen, Johnson, Mary L. (2008) Gemstones - A complete color reference for precious and semiprecious stones of the world. Ivy Press. Book
are still mined by hand. The easiest gemstone to mine with automated processes is the diamond, which is...are extremely scarce even in the richest ore, so a mine may require an investment of billions just to determine...refractive index is measured at 589 nm, in the yellow region of the spectrum). Dispersion measures the difference...collectors. The best Finnish gems are found in a copper mine in Outokumpu. Properties and characteristics: The...National Park, near the border between Kenya and Tanzania, where it was first found. It is the vanadium-
(2013) Minerals Newspaper - Issue 6. Minerals Newspaper 6. Spirifer Journal (issue)
pocket, it could be the end of our search for amazonite with smoky quartz. Monday morning, 13 June, things...T. Dorris photo. The Pikes Peak region has been producing amazonite and smoky quartz specimens as well...euhedral Classic combination of smoky quartz with amazonite from Lucky Monday pocket, Smoky Hawk claim, Colorado...USA. 8.2 cm in length. Spirifer collection. amazonite crystals in association with deep black smoky...they discovered what may end up being the best amazonite with smoky quartz pocket ever found in Colorado
Shelton, William (2003) Mineral Index with Localities from the Former Soviet Union based on World of Stones - Compiled for the 30th Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, April 3-7, 2003. Rochester Mineralogical Symnposium, Rochester, NY. Book
clarify information regarding minerals from this region. The list, in alphabetical order, generally uses...Actinolite Actinolite Vyuntspakhk Crimea Sarbaiskii mine Sarbay deposit, Rudnyi Sarbay deposit, Rudnyi Sarbay...quarry Stephanitovaya vein, Sarbay quarry Sarbaiskii mine Stephanitovaya vein, Sarbay quarry Sarbay deposit...Khani River Komatiitovyi stream Kurzhunkul'skii mine Maidantai North Urals Pervomaiskii quarry Pogdornoye...Yubileinaya lode Kukisvumchorr Mt. Khibiny Kirovsky mine, Kukisvumchorr Mt. Kukisvumchorr Mt. Putelichorr
(2018, December) Mineral News Vol. 34 (12) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
Newsletter $6.00 Fibrous Malachite from the Mindingi Mine Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo Tony Nikischer...Specimens of fibrous malachite from the Mindingi Mine in the Kambove District of Katanga began to appear...ten {I 0) years ago (see figure J ). Although the mine was first worked superficially in the 1930s for...DRC as well (see figure 2). Today, the Mindingi Mine continues to produce wonderful malachite specimens...common forms seen from most nearby localities in the region. Solid, botryoidal malachite samples are currently
(1996) World of Stones 11. "Plus" Ltd. Publishing Journal (issue)
Unusual Crystallization or... Mineral Pathology? //Mine mlogicheskii zhurnal. 1989.1.11, N 2. p.96-98. 10...Aldanskogo raiona (Post-Jurassic intrusions of the Aldan Region) [1], which was included in the series Petrografiya...Kolyma gold-bearing region, started his labour and scientific career in this region. He visited Aldan for...latter. This was a fresh view of the geology of the region and was based on tens of routes and on hundreds...mines. The latter are fairly numerous over this region, but production at those deposits is now suspended
Darling, Peter (1991) Crystal Identifier. Mallard Press, New York. Book
already been made. LEFT KennecoU opencast copper mine in Utah, USA. Copper is widely used in the electrical... flower blue with no obvious inclusions. that region. change colour when heated. Range: Chrysoberyls...desirable crystals traditionally come from the Kashmir region of India but Australia is TOP It I II T A sample...rare crystal. Madagascar, Norway, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, the USSR and the United States (Connecticut)...found in Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Thailand and Zimbabwe. Mohs’ Hardness 9 Mohs’