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Cairncross, Bruce (2019) Minerals & Gemstones of East Africa - Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Penguin Random House. Book
GEMSTONES of East Africa Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda Bruce Cairncross Published by Struik...rutile crystals partially included in transparent quartz crystals, 3 cm - Philip Hitge specimen, Bruce Cairncross...resources 12 Burundi 13 Kenya 14 Rwanda 16 Tanzania 17 Uganda 20 Gemological properties 21 A to...through Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and into the Sudan - has blessed East Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, with...starting in what was then Tanganyika ( now mainland Tanzania) and then progressing to Kenya - I am proud to
Huong, Le, Otter, Laura, Förster, Michael, Hauzenberger, Christoph, Krenn, Kurt, Alard, Olivier, Macholdt, Dorothea, Weis, Ulrike, Stoll, Brigitte, Jochum, Klaus (2018) Femtosecond Laser Ablation-ICP-Mass Spectrometry and CHNS Elemental Analyzer Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Minerals, 8 (6) 234 doi:10.3390/min8060234 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam Le Thi-Thu Huong 1, *...Published: 29 May 2018   Abstract: Danburite is a calcium borosilicate that forms within the...plasma (ICP)-mass spectrometry for danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. The Tanzanian and Vietnamese...Our results imply that the trace elements of danburite reflect different involvement of metacarbonates...pegmatites among the different locations. Keywords: danburite; trace elements; REE; femtosecond LA-ICP-MS; CHNS
Simmons, W. B., Pezzotta, F., Shigley, J. E., Beurlen, H. (2012) Granitic Pegmatites as Sources of Colored Gemstones. Elements, 8 (4) 281-287 doi:10.2113/gselements.8.4.281 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in Africa (Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia) and Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan) (TABLE...(TABLE 2). Crystals “frozen” in massive quartz or feldspar in the core or core margin of a pegmatite Aquamarine...variety) and tourmaline commonly occur in massive quartz or feldspar of the centrally located pegmatite...pegmatite core zone or in the core margin, the region around the core. Typically, only parts of these crystals...Vietnam, 37 g), topaz (China, 375 g), and quartz (smoky quartz, Namibia, 219 g). SPECIMENS COURTESY OF
Moore, Thomas P. (2019, April 13th) What's New in the Mineral World? 52. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Report (issue)
there is new work afoot at the famous Red Cloud mine in the Trigo Mountains, in the southwestern part...backgrounds on the history of wulfenite from the Red Cloud mine, see the essay by Szenics just quoted (“Ed Over...headed by Wayne Thompson (“Bonanza at the Red Cloud mine,” in the SeptemberOctober 1996 issue). The Thompson...notable wulfenite would be found at the Red Cloud mine. But 14 years ago Robert Bell, a mineral collector...collector who lives in Kansas, purchased the mine anyway, and now he has contracted for experienced field man
(2015, October 15th) The Rainbow of Africa Gem & Mineral Collection. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5236. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
it collected when the Tsumeb Mine (as well as other mines of the region) were still in production in...climbing soon brought him into contact with the quartz crystals that were found on the mountain slopes...engineering work took him to the Tsumeb Mine in Namibia. This mine is renowned for producing what are arguably...MINERALS 57001 Azurite Level 8, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia If the attachment point on...Spitzkopje, Spitzkopje Area, Karibib District, Erongo Region, Namibia Klein Spitzkopje in Afrikaans means: the
Seaman, David M. (1965) The History and Collections of the Department of Mineralogy. Rocks & Minerals, 40 (6) 411-414 doi:10.1080/00357529.1965.11765757 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
beautiful, transparent, faceted gem stones of rose quartz from Brazil, weighing 73.50 carats and 17.50 carats...supplied him. They now enhance the quartz gems. A synthetic quartz crystal of 118.8 grams was received...weighs over a hundred pounds and is from the Delta Mine near Hanksville, Utah. You may see it in the center... Among them are meta-autunite from the Daybreak Mine, Washington, a new find at that time; sabugalite...Murray Hill, New Jersey, presented a large synthetic quartz crystal weighing 467 grams to the synthetic mineral
(2017) The Journal of Gemmology Vol. 35 (6) Gem-A Journal (issue)
and Simanjiro District, Tanzania|Alluvial diamond mining in South Africa Quartz from Brazil with hematite/goethite...hematite/goethite, pyrite and rhodochrosite inclusions Quartz from Pakistan with biotite and actinolite inclusions HPHT...and CO2-H2O-bearing Fluid Inclusions in Yellow Danburite from Luc Yen, Vietnam By Le Thi-Thu Huong, Kurt...gemological study of blue sapphires from the Baw Mar mine (Mogok, Myanmar)’ was posted by the Gemological...apphires-baw-mar-minemogok-myanmar. The Baw Mar mine has recently produced a significant amount of fine
(2008, January) Gems & Gemology Vol. 44 (4) Gemological Institute of America Journal (issue)
322 Rubies and Sapphires from Winza, Central Tanzania Dietmar Schwarz, Vincent Pardieu, John M. Saul...synthetic diamond submitted for Dossier grading • Quartz with secondary covellite dendrites • Induced copper...“Neptunian” beads from Asia • Purplish blue synthetic quartz • Dyed chalcedony resembling chrysocolla S1 Book...diamonds traditionally associated with the Wesselton mine, “Cape” for pale yellow COLOR GRADING “D-TO-Z”...“D-TO-Z” DIAMONDS diamonds from the Cape of Good Hope region, and “Jager” for colorless diamonds with strong
Bariand, Pierre (1979) The wonderful world of Precious Stones in their natural state. Abbey Library. Book
(Sorbonne collection) 6 inches. Right: Rutile in quartz, lbitiara, Bahia, Brazil (Yves Gillet collection...Gerais, Brazil (4.2 inches) B Tourmaline, Queen Mine, San Diego County, California (8 inches) C Garnet...case of rhodochrosite. 10 Amazonstone and smoky quartz, Lake George, Park Co., Colorado (Coil family-...levels of artistry with much harder minerals such as quartz, carnelian, lapis-lazuli, etc. Phenicians, Cretans...from Persia, jade from China, opal from Hungary, quartz from the Alps, agates and carnelians from various
(1996) World of Stones 9. "Plus" Ltd. Publishing Journal (issue)
a s h f o r G e m s t o n e s : Chrysocho]1a in quartz, chrysocholla, azurite, sugilite, charoite, turquoize...photoluminescence induced by various lamps (mercury-quartz, xenon, and deuterium lamps) and ultraviolet laser...barite, beryl (morganite), wollastonite, danburite, datolite, quartz, calcite, corundum, microcline, plagioclase...calcite; crystal aggregates 15 cm in size. Vеrklinii Mine, Dabugorsk, Pпmorskii Krai, Russia. Specimen: V...Passe-like mineralization in the cracA offerruginous quartz. The Kasmпnachi deposit, Kazakhstan. The photograph
Schumann, Walter (1999) Gemstones of the World (2nd ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Book (edition)
6 Ruby 82 8 Sapphire 86 Amethyst Amethyst Quartz Beryl 90 Citrine 120 Emerald 90 Aquamarine 94...Rose Quartz 122 Peridot 158 Aventurine 122 Zoisite 160 Prase 122 Tanzanite 160 Blue Quartz 122 ... Thulite 160 Anyolitc 160 Spessartine 104 Quartz Cat's Eye 124 Hawk's Eye 124 Tiger's Eye 124 Chalcedony...Kunzite 114 Quartz 116 Opal 150 Precious Opal Fire Opal 152 Rock Crystal 116 Smoky Quartz 1 1 178...Phenacite 180 Apatite 194 Dumortierite 182 Danburite 182 Titanite 194 Kyanite 196 Axinite 182 Scheelite
(1965, June) Rocks & Minerals Vol. 40 (6) Informa UK Limited Journal (issue)
00, 2x2 1.50,2x31.50, 2x3 1.50,2x32.25. Chalcopyrite Xls on Quartz, XIs Concepcion Del Oro, Zacatecas, Mex. Brassy...crystals of ,/j" to j/2" size perched on translucent quartz crystals. Choice cabinet display pieces. 1x2 .75...sodalite, smoky quartz, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, lace agate, rose quartz, quartz (dyed), green quartz, aventurine...Colors light yellow, medium yellow through deep smoky amber. One price of 35< per carat for any size,...309 VOL. 40, No. 6 JUNE, 1965 CONTENTS THE DANBURITE LOCALITY AT DANBURY, CONN—Ronald E. Januzzi THE
Schumann, Walter (2006) Gemstones of the World (3rd ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Book (edition)
Nephrite) bees Species Rock Crystal 132 Ni ee Smoky Quartz 132 ype haha eens 90 — Amethyst 134 aluation...138 oo rase Blue Quartz 138 Quartz Cat’s-Eye Carnelian 172 _ 174 Peridot Quartz Citrine 136 Development...Development of the ae 130 Kunzite 130 132 Quartz Diamond Production 89 Diamond Occurrences _-~ 88...196 Tolite 196 Phenakite 196 Dumortierite 198 Danburite 198 Axinite 198 Benitoite 200 Cassiterite 200...fluorite Rock crystal (quartz) Green idocrase Pyrope or almandite (garnet) or rose quartz African emerald
Voudouris, Panagiotis, Karampelas, Stefanos, Melfos, Vasilios, Graham, Ian - Eds. (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03928-077-3 Book
Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam Reprinted from: Minerals...Enigmatic Alluvial Sapphires from the Orosmayo Region, Jujuy Province, Northwest Argentina: Insights...Xydous On the Color and Genesis of Prase (Green Quartz) and Amethyst from the Island of Serifos, Cyclades...comparison of the trace element geochemistry of danburite, a gem mineral commonly formed within transition...Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Differences in the rare earth elements (REE) concentrations of danburite from
(2002) Tourmaline. extraLapis English 3. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
elbaite crystals with lepidolite from the Golconda Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil by Eberhard Equit, 1993...circa 1910 view of the old mine portal on the north side of the Himalaya Mine in San Diego County, CA....a peculiar _quartz_-diopside rock type that consists of ab­ solutely white diopside, quartz and calcite...the Sludyanka complex in the southern Lake Baikal region of Russia. Six New Species Today, this team has...An 11 cm tall elbaite group from the Pederneira Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The bottom of the group
(2019) Malkhan!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 50 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Krasny Chikoy, Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberian Region, Russia .........................................com | w w w. FineMineral.com Malachite Shilu Mine, Brazil 21.5 cm CRYSTAL CLASSICS FINE MINERALS... Mimetite Endeavor Mine, Australia 10.2 x 5.0 x 2.2cm Rhodonite Chiurucu Mine, Peru 7.1 x 6.2 x 5... volume 50, May–June, 2019 Gold Eagle’s Nest Mine, USA 11.0 x 8.5 x 2.0cm 239 Azurite and Cerussite...Krasny Chikoy, Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberian Region, Russia Jindr=ich Kynický,1 Jan Kynický,2 Bryan
Schumann, Walter (2009) Gemstones of the World (4th ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Book (edition)
Species Tanzanite 132 Quartz _ Gemstones 86 Diamond Rock Crystal 132 Smoky Quartz 132 Amethyst 134 _...Orthoclase 180 Labradorite 182 138 Prase 138 Blue Quartz 138 Guscy Cats Bye 140 Aventurine y Feldspar...112 Anyolite 178 Hematite Prasiolite 136 Rose Quartz 138 Sard 142 Emerald 106 176 176 178 Pyrite... Iolite 196 Phenakite 196 Dumortierite 198 Danburite 198 Axinite 198 Benitoite 200 Cassiterite 200...fluorite Rock crystal (quartz) Green idocrase Pyrope or almandite (garnet) or rose quartz Pyrope (garnet) Red
Bank, Hermann (1966) Precious Stones and Minerals. Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., London. Book
Siberia. Further deposits exist in the Congo, Tanzania, Rhodesia, South West Africa, Venezuela, and other...Africa and was named after the president of the mine, Cullinan. Uncut it weighed 3106 carats (approximately...of haematite, but only material from an iron ore mine in Cumberland in England, and also from Elba (Italy)...near Mogok. Other primary deposits are found in Tanzania in zoisite rocks or zoisite amphibolites. It is...(iiddle) are fire-opal s 1 Quartz VARIETIES: ROCK CRYSTAL, SMORY QUARTZ, CLMRINE, AiVEET Ri yo he ROSE-OQUARTZ
Schumann, Walter, Schumann, Walter (1977) Gemstones of the World (1st ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Book (edition)
DESCRIPTION OF GEMSTONES Diamond 70 Spodumene 114 Ruby 82 Quartz group 116 Sapphire 86 Jade 154 Emerald 90 Peridot...hambergite, iolite, phenacite 180, dumortierite, danburite, axinite 182, benitoite, cassiterite, epidote...aventurine quartz Cinnamon stone Colorado ruby Coral agate Craquelees Cross stone Cymophane Danburite Daourite...Trigonal Agate Amethyst Aventurine Benitoite Blue quartz Calcite Chalcedony Chalybite Chrysoprase Citrine...Prasiolite Proustite Quartz Quartz cat's eye Rhodochrosite Rock crystal Rose quartz Ruby Sapphire Sard
(2008, July) Gems & Gemology Vol. 44 (2) Gemological Institute of America Journal (issue)
Blue-green plagioclase • Green fluid inclusions in quartz • Inclusions within inclusions • Blue sapphire...phosphorescence in diamond • Almandinespessartine from Tanzania • “Red andesine” • Orange beryl from India • Clinochlore...Clinochlore from Turkey • Yellow danburite from Tanzania • Lawsonite from California • Paragonite from...occasionally recovered by hobbyist collectors from the mine dumps. D uring the late 19th and early 20th centuries...a Byrud emerald in an antique jewelry piece. The mine is located on the shore of Lake Mjøsa, near Minnesund
Hurrell, Karen, Johnson, Mary L. (2008) Gemstones - A complete color reference for precious and semiprecious stones of the world. Ivy Press. Book
are still mined by hand. The easiest gemstone to mine with automated processes is the diamond, which is...are extremely scarce even in the richest ore, so a mine may require an investment of billions just to determine...their relative proportions. So, the formula for quartz is SiOz, meaning that for every silicon atom (Si)...(AQUAMARINE) KYANITE CRYSTALS CUBIC FLUORITE CITRINE QUARTZ COLUMNAR CRYSTAL ANDALUSITE CRYSTAL The number...among the crystals that fall into this group are quartz, tourmaline, and corundum, ORTHORHOMBIC, MONOCLINIC
(1956) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 31 (5) 246-258 doi:10.1080/00357529.1956.11767681 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
not believe anyone interested in odd, or unsual quartz xls will regret taking a couple of hours for this...abandoned diamond mine near Murfreesboro, Pike Co., Ark. Murfreesboro has the only diamond mine in the United...United States and though the mine is no longer in operation it has been "opened up" as a tourist attraction...number of years hills close by, quartz crystals, of odd, ago at the same mine in Arkansas. Howard A. Millar...embedded in and I want to first tell you how much the quartz crystals. Close by the fenced- we enjoy ROCKS AND
Moore, Thomas P. (2013, August 15th) What's New in the Mineral World? 35. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Report (issue)
==== Co-rich calcite, 7.8 cm, from the Oumlil mine, Bou Azzer, Ouarzazate, Morocco. Fabre Minerals...Silver on actinolite, 5.4 cm, from the Bouismas mine, Bou Azzer, Ouarzazate, Morocco. Fabre Minerals...========== About three years ago the Bouismas mine at Bou Azzer surprised the collecting world by producing...“from an exceptional find in 2010” in the Bouismas mine, show much stouter, withal a little elongated, metallic...(May 2013) discovery of proustite in the Bouismas mine. A glance at the Minerals listing in our special
Pezzotta, Federico (2001) Madagascar. extraLapis English 1. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
watercolor by Valter Fogato Title Page Photos Quartz crystal with hematite from Mangatobangy, IO cm...londonite and the Antsongombato Gem Mine Alpine Veins Page 74 The Vohemar region; The titanite pocket of February...Madagascar Amethyst and Other Quartz Page 80 Amethyst, smoky quartz and citrine, scepters, pineapples...52,55,58,60,64 44,49 36,40, 50, 55 44 44 52 Danburite davidite-(Ce) diaspore diopside dolomite dravite...pyromorphite pyrope pyrrhotite 32 58 26 74 58 24 Quartz 44,47,49,53,55,58,61, 65,72,76,78,80 Rhodizite
Cook, Robert B. (2009) Phenakite. Rocks & Minerals, 84 (4) 338-344 doi:10.3200/rmin.84.4.338-344 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
are found in certain pegmatites, granite bodies, quartz veins, and metal deposits. The pockets of pegmatites...localities, and, when colorless, phenakite can resemble quartz. Phenakite exhibits a Mohs hardness of 7.5–8 and...MINERALS fluorite, the micas and feldspars, and quartz; there appears to be a general association with...It occurred in both the Morefield and Rutherford mine pegmatites, of the Amelia district, Amelia County...Virginia. Well-formed crystals from the Morefield mine reportedly reached 5 cm in length although the Amelia