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(2020, April 17th) Systematic - Minerals from all over the world. Gunnar Färber Minerals Catalog/List
Ammoniotinsleyite xls Punta de Lobos, 90 km south of Iquique, I Region, Tarapaca / Chile; Pinkish crystals of up to 1...location"; NS 28,00; HS 38,00 Baghdadite xls Fuka Mine, Bicchu-cho, Takahashi City, Okayama Pref. / Japan;...Silicate. KS 48,00; NS 95,00 Borcarite xls Fuka Mine, Bicchu-cho, Takahashi City, Okayama Pref. / Japan;...(xls) Arakawa, Minamiboso City, Chiba Pref., Kanto Region, Honshu Island / Japan / TYP; The extremely rare...KS 38,00; NS 65,00 Caysichite-(Y) xls Evans Lou Mine, Lac Saint-Pierre, Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais RCM
Voudouris, Panagiotis, Karampelas, Stefanos, Melfos, Vasilios, Graham, Ian - Eds. (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03928-077-3 Book
Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam Reprinted from: Minerals...Enigmatic Alluvial Sapphires from the Orosmayo Region, Jujuy Province, Northwest Argentina: Insights...comparison of the trace element geochemistry of danburite, a gem mineral commonly formed within transition...Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Differences in the rare earth elements (REE) concentrations of danburite from...on another occurrence of sapphires in the same region of the South Urals occurring in anorthosites (kyshtymites)
(2011) Journal of the Russell Society Vol. 14. The Russell Society Journal (volume)
plumbogummite with yellow pyromorphite. Roughton Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria. R.J. King Collection (ex...cavity lined with green malachite. Roughton Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria. Norman Thomson Collection...mines, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria: Part 3 Roughton Gill Mine Trevor F. Bridges, David Green, Michael S. Rumsey...R. Moles and Andrew G. Tindle 23-25 PAPERS Danburite from Meldon Quarry, Okehampton and other UK localities...Leicestershire Francis Ince 44-62 A report on Hay Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria Trevor F. Bridges, Michael
(2019) Malkhan!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 50 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Krasny Chikoy, Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberian Region, Russia .........................................com | w w w. FineMineral.com Malachite Shilu Mine, Brazil 21.5 cm CRYSTAL CLASSICS FINE MINERALS... Mimetite Endeavor Mine, Australia 10.2 x 5.0 x 2.2cm Rhodonite Chiurucu Mine, Peru 7.1 x 6.2 x 5... volume 50, May–June, 2019 Gold Eagle’s Nest Mine, USA 11.0 x 8.5 x 2.0cm 239 Azurite and Cerussite...Krasny Chikoy, Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberian Region, Russia Jindr=ich Kynický,1 Jan Kynický,2 Bryan
Gaft, M., Panczer, G., Reisfeld, R., Uspensky, E. (2001) Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence as a tool for rare-earth element identification in minerals. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 28 (5) 347-363 doi:10.1007/s002690100163 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
luminescence in apatite, zircon, ¯uorite, calcite, danburite, and datolite. Key words Time-resolved luminescence...from mineralogical samples. These include RE from Ce to Yb, identities down to the ppb range, the valence...Element Pr Sm Eu Nd Dy Tb Er Tm Ho Gd Ce Apatite red Apatite green Apatite blue Scheelite...Calcite ST1E Fluorite 8 Fluorite DNT1 Anhydrite Danburite Datolite Xenotime Feldspar 3 Feldspar 10 156...spectrum is typical for arti®cial apatite activated by Ce (Morozov et al. 1970). It is considerably shifted
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43... Prague Printedin Czech Republicby Finidr.u.o .. Ce,ky Te~in 14/02/03/0 I All rights reserved•• ·o pan...dominant rareearth element (REE). e.g. monazite-(Ce), monazite(Nd), etc. In a few cases a similar procedure...abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and oblast (Russia). The country...by Mobutu, and is now the Katanga administrative region again. The former Kivu province is now divided
Shelton, William (2003) Mineral Index with Localities from the Former Soviet Union based on World of Stones - Compiled for the 30th Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, April 3-7, 2003. Rochester Mineralogical Symnposium, Rochester, NY. Book
clarify information regarding minerals from this region. The list, in alphabetical order, generally uses...Actinolite Actinolite Vyuntspakhk Crimea Sarbaiskii mine Sarbay deposit, Rudnyi Sarbay deposit, Rudnyi Sarbay...quarry Stephanitovaya vein, Sarbay quarry Sarbaiskii mine Stephanitovaya vein, Sarbay quarry Sarbay deposit...Khani River Komatiitovyi stream Kurzhunkul'skii mine Maidantai North Urals Pervomaiskii quarry Pogdornoye...Yubileinaya lode Kukisvumchorr Mt. Khibiny Kirovsky mine, Kukisvumchorr Mt. Kukisvumchorr Mt. Putelichorr
Ercit, T. S., Groat, L. A., Gault, R. A. (2003) GRANITIC PEGMATITES OF THE O'GRADY BATHOLITH, N.W.T., CANADA: A CASE STUDY OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE ELBAITE SUBTYPE OF RARE-ELEMENT GRANITIC PEGMATITE. The Canadian Mineralogist, 41 (1) 117-137 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.41.1.117 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
signature (allanite- and magnetite-bearing), but in the region of the pegmatitic granite, they grade toward a...diversity of characteristic accessory phases such as danburite, hambergite, stibiocolumbite, pollucite, a nanpingite-like...multicolore, de lépidolite, et d’accessoires comme la danburite, la hambergite, la stibiocolumbite, la pollucite...variations semblables dans la composition des minéraux, ce qui mène à un des rares exemples bien documentés...original (Cecile 1984). Most plutonic rocks of the region belong to the mid-Cretaceous, calc-alkaline Selwyn
Pezzotta, Federico (2001) Madagascar. extraLapis English 1. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
londonite and the Antsongombato Gem Mine Alpine Veins Page 74 The Vohemar region; The titanite pocket of February...blodite bohmite bornite braggite braunite britholite-(Ce) brochantite brookite brucite bytownite Acanthite...aenigmatite aeschynite-(Y) agate* albite allanite-(Ce) almandine alunite amazonite* amblygonite amesite...augite aurichalcite autunite azurite Calcio-ancyIite-(Ce) 30 calcite carbonate-fluorapatite carnotite cassiterite...chalcocite chalcopyrite 36 chamosite chevkinite-(Ce) chlorargyrite chromite chrysoberyl 24,44,47,58 chrysocolla
Jarnot, Bruce (1995) A Checklist Minerals of Connecticut. Rocks & Minerals, 70 (6) 386-389 doi:10.1080/00357529.1995.11761566 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(= Davidite-La) Albite v. cleavelandite Allanite-(Ce) Alleghanyite Allophane? Almandine Aluminite? Alunite...Barbosalite Barite Bassanite (postmine) Bastnasite-(Ce) Bavenite Becquerelite? Bementite Beraunite Bermanite...canaanite* (= Diopside) Cassiterite Celestine Cerite-(Ce) Cerussite Chabazite Chalcanthite (postmine) Chalcocite...Cuprosklodowskite? cymatolite damourite Danalite Danburite* Datolite Davidite-(La) Dewindtite? diabantite...Dolomite Dravite Dumortierite edwardsite* (= Monazite-Ce) Elbaite Enstatite Eosphorite* Epidote Epistilbite
Lupulescu, Marian (2007) Minerals from New York State: Pegmatites. Rocks & Minerals, 82 (6) 494-501 doi:10.3200/rmin.82.6.494-501 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
a unique mineralogical composition (diopside, danburite, fluoro-edenite, fluorian tremolite, to mention...Isachsen 1963). Brief History The first attempt to mine high-quality feldspar from pegmatites in New York...to Trenton, New Jersey, for making pottery. The mine was closed around 1938 (Tan 1966). CO MPLEX PEGMATITES...fergusonite-(Y), polycrase-(Y), allanite-(Ce), zircon, monazite-(Ce), and uraninite) and secondary minerals...at the expense of the primary ones. Allanite-(Ce), (Ca,Ce) 2 (Al,Fe 2+ ,Fe 3+ ) 3 (SiO 4 )(Si 2 O 7 )O
Simmons, W. B., Pezzotta, F., Falster, A. U., Webber, K. L. (2001) Londonite, a new mineral species: the Cs-dominant analogue of rhodizite from the Antandrokomby granitic pegmatite, Madagascar. The Canadian Mineralogist, 39 (3) 747-755 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.39.3.747 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
valley, Antsirabe region, and at Ampanivana and Antsongombato, in the Betafo region south of Mahaiza,...liddicoatite – schorl series), Cs-rich beryl, spodumene, danburite, Mn-rich fluorapatite, hambergite, microlite,...liddicoatite – schorl), béryl césique, spodumène, danburite, fluorapatite manganifère, hambergite, microlite...londonite–rhodizite-bearing pegmatites in the Betafo– Antsirabe region, Madagascar. The numbers refer to the following:...tourmaline (elbaite – liddicoatite – schorl series), danburite, Cs-rich beryl, pollucite, manganoan fluorapatite
(2019) Myrmekitic intergrowth of tourmaline and quartz in eclogite-hosting gneisses of the Tso Morari ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane (Eastern Ladakh, India): a possible record of high-pressure conditions. Special Publication, 481. Geological Society of London. 175-194 doi:10.1144/sp481-2017-167 Report (chapter)
the case of UHP dravitic tourmaline from Parigi region of Dora Maira at peak metamorphic condition of...and tetrahedral BO4 groups (e.g. B-nepheline, danburite, reedmergnerite, sinhalite). Magmatic and hydrothermal...and morphological studies. EPMA of tourmalines, monazite, apatite and rock forming minerals was performed... Zr – zircon (Zr Lα), La – LaPO4 (La Lα), CePO4 (Ce Lα), PrPO4 (Pr Lα), NdPO4 (Nd Lα), SmPO4 (Sm Lα)...standards were used for instrument calibration: danburite (B Kα) albite (Na Kα), apatite (F M Kα), wollastonite
Novák, Milan, Cempírek, Jan, Gadas, Petr, Škoda, Radek, Vašinová Galiová, Michaela, Pezzotta, Federico, Groat, Lee A. (2015) Boralsilite and Li, Be-bearing "Boron Mullite" Al8B2Si2O19, Breakdown products of spodumene from the Manjaka pegmatite, Sahatany valley, Madagascar. The Canadian Mineralogist, 53 (2) 357-374 doi:10.3749/canmin.1400092 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
field, located in the north-east part of the Itremo Region, Central Madagascar (Fig. 1). This pegmatite field...rhodizite-londonite, or borosilicates such as danburite, dumortierite, and manandonite, as well as the...calc-silicate rocks and marbles commonly include danburite, hedenbergite-diopside, axinite-group minerals...accessory minerals include fluorapatite, danburite, zircon, monazite-(Ce), and rutile. The single veins composing...Cs-rich beryl, Ta-rich titanite, fluorapatite, danburite, and microlite along with the rock-forming minerals
(1998) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 76. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
CHALCOPHYLLITE, Minerals with msual elenents Page 1: GREEN MONAZITE, POLLUCITE, SPIROPFITE, General stock SAPPHIRINE...037 ancylite ce SrCe Carbonate rich pinkish fine grained mass in Calcite.(Dark Star Mine,Ravalli County...and Be Mica white cleavages in Muscovite. (Harding Mine,Taos County, New Mexico) 1x1 £3.50 1x2 £7 097 CHLOANTHITE...MINERAL !! dark red micro's on matrix. (Getchell Mine,Humboldt Co . Nevada USA) 5mm £4 151 LEUCOSPHENITE...Lovozero,Kola,Russia) H x 'h £6 229 MELANOCERITE Ce Ca Si OH F Two or three brown 3mm areas in 2cm matrix
Robinson, George W., Chamberlain, Steven C. (2007) Gazetteer of Major New York State Mineral Localities. Rocks & Minerals, 82 (6) 472-483 doi:10.3200/rmin.82.6.474-483 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
“mountain leather"), axinite; C. Millerton, Maltby mine: goethite; F. Millerton, road cut on State Rte....shale); S. Essex County Bloomingdale, Leibs moonstone mine: orthoclase, diopside, graphite, vesuvianite; C...November/December 2007 473 uraninite, pyrrhotite, zircon, monazite, others (Rowley 1963); C. Eisenglass Mountain:...phlogopite, rutile; C. Tahawus, National Lead Company mine (44°03'14"N, 74°03'29"W): magnetite, ilmenite, labradorite...graphite; C. Willsboro, Cabot Corporation mine (Lewis NYCO mine): wollastonite, grossular-andradite (“colophanite”)
Martin, Robert F., De Vito, Caterina (2014) THE LATE-STAGE MINIFLOOD OF Ca IN GRANITIC PEGMATITES: AN OPEN-SYSTEM ACID-REFLUX MODEL INVOLVING PLAGIOCLASE IN THE EXOCONTACT. The Canadian Mineralogist, 52 (2) 165-181 doi:10.3749/canmin.52.2.165 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
calcium-free. The fate of oligoclase in the subsolidus region is different. Consider the formula of oligoclase...contains strikingly elongate crystals of allanite(Ce) and titanite, which disappear inward, away from...Li, Ca and Al, for example beryl, spodumene, danburite and hambergite, appeared late as occupants of...pockets in the central part of the zoned bodies. Danburite, CaB2Si2O8, may attain 20 vol.% in some cases...profile on the left is divided into two parts; in region A, Mn, initially at 0.4 atoms per formula unit
(2007) Contributed Papers in Specimen Mineralogy: Part 1. Rocks & Minerals, 82 (2) 140-147 doi:10.3200/rmin.82.2.140-148 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
morphology may be helpful when well developed. Monazite-(Ce) is common as transparent to translucent yellow-orange...hundred specimens). As part of a new initiative to “_mine_” this resource for both educational and research...only contemporary specimen is from the Red Lake mine near Balmerton in western Ontario. Rich specimens...specimens of gold in smoky quartz from the O’Brien mine at Cadillac, Quebec, are particularly attractive. This...1,010±7 to 1,007±4 Ma) in the Hudson Highlands region of New York. Many shear zones with widths of 1–2
(2009) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 108. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
lx2£3 1 .5cm£4 Ix! £1.50 ALBITE Maine US/\ ANCYLITE Ce Mt Yukspor, Kola Russia 963 20 variety CLEA VELANDITE...lx2 £2 lxl£3 2x2£12 lx2£5 lxl £1 ----· Hawkswood Mine, Cornwall ANDALUSITE Cabracao, Minl10, Portugal...Andalucia Spain. Type Location New East Whcal Russell mine, Devon ,England 140 grey bleby small botryoidal..._lx2_ _80 _ _____ _,o 1129 ALMANDINE Braslad iron Mine near Arendal ,Norway Unknown location I 1 63 □a...lxl£2 2x3£6 3x4£8 feldspar ALSTONITE Fallowfield Mine, Northumberland ANDRADITE Grua. Oppland Norway 5
(2008) Contributed Papers in Specimen Mineralogy: The 34thRochester Mineralogical Symposium. Rocks & Minerals, 83 (4) 340-347 doi:10.3200/rmin.83.4.340-347 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
fluorapatite, fluorite, monazite, zircon, and a LREE-carbonate mineral, probably bastnäsite-(Ce). Secondary minerals...contain inclusions of fluorapatite and monazite; all monazite identified so far has been as inclusions...and metamorphism in the southern Lake Superior region and Proto–North America: Evidence from Baraboo...X-site occupancy in tourmaline from Momeik. Danburite occurs abundantly in some miarolitic cavities...REEVALUATION OF NB-TA-TI OXIDES FROM THE RARE METALS MINE, MOJAVE COUNTY PEGMATITE DISTRICT, NORTHWESTERN
(2018, September) Mineral News Vol. 34 (9) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
Chapmanite Red Bird Mine, Pershing County, Nevada Bob Werner werner@lcturbonet.com The Red Bird Mine is located...Juniper (a.k.a. Nevada Quicksilver). The Red Bird Mine was located in 1907, but there was no recorded production...1949 the mine was worked sporadically and produced 3,266 flasks of mercury. Additionally, the mine produced...page 2) Fig. 1: Chapmanite, 9 x 6 x 5 cm, Red Bird Mine. Author's collection. Letter from R. Herzenberg...(Continues on page 3) Herzenbergite from Maria-Tersea Mine, Huari, Oruro, Bolivia. Identified by XRD, this
(2022, January) Mogok. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 53 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Washington (for quartz and pyrite) and the Rock Candy mine in British Columbia (for fluorite and barite). Income...locations, including the Little Gem amethyst scepter mine in Montana, the Fluorita Dulcita prospect in Arizona...Lode, the California Mother Lode and the Homestake mine. Every known type of miner’s candlestick is illustrated...FineMineral.com Rhodochrosite on Manganite N'Chwaning Mine, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. 8.7 cm In...discovery of Rhodochrosite was found in the N'Chwaning 1 mine in the Kalahari manganese fields of South Africa
Weber, Marcelle H., Sullivan, Earle C. (1995) Connecticut Mineral Locality Index. Rocks & Minerals, 70 (6) 396-409 doi:10.1080/00357529.1995.11761569 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
not impor­ tant specimen producers: Newgate copper mine, which was used for a prison; the Allyndale quarry...believed that it may have come from the Tollgate mine or elsewhere in the Middletown area. D a n a (Palache...bismuth mine, but efforts to trace it to that locality have failed; it has been found at O l d Mine Park...is the author o f History and Minerals of O l d Mine Park (Saganawamps) (1985). A chemist, he was chairman...in schist: dravite. B o o t h ' s b i s m u t h mine, Monroe, B a r n H i l l near junction with Route
O'Donoghue, Michael (2006) Gems : their sources, descriptions and identification (6th ed.) Butterworth-Heinemann. Book (edition)
First Edition For two decades, an earlier work of mine – Practical Gemmology – has proved a useful elementary...an inner solid region of diameter 2440 km and density about 8 gcm3, and an outer region about 2260 km...alumina, alkalis and the rarer elements. If the region is quiescent and all the magma solidifies in the...if about half way through crystallization, the region becomes 8 Rocks and the Processes That Formed... More recently, it has been found that where a region is saturated with water, jadeite can form in veins
Lavinsky, Robert, Theo Kloprogge, J. (2017) Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism. Elsevier. Book
seen in aragonite (light and dark orange). (A þ D) Region A exhibiting polycrystalline calcite within the...calcite overgrowth crystal in the inset. (B þ E) Region B with a crack running through the crystal with...observed in the outer parts of the fracture. (C þ F) Region C shows calcite crystals (light blue color) extending...orientation of the reaction front in that particular region. The crystallographic directionality of the apatite...and temperature and for what fluid compositions monazite may be induced to crystallize from FAP, the light