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(1991) May - June 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
0026-4628 ‘Continued on p. 247 Articles The Outlaw mine, Nye County, Nevada ..............................J. P. Cassedanne & L. Barreto The Messina mining district, South A frica .............................Valley Road Watsonville, California 95076 The Outlaw mine has long been known as an occurrence o f rare and...benjaminite, fo r which it is the type locality. The mine has been idle fo r more than 60 years, and because...More than 30 minerals have been identified from the mine and studies continue on the sulfosalt mineralogy
Saggerson, E.P, Turner, L.M (1976) A review of the distribution of metamorphism in the ancient Rhodesian craton. Precambrian Research, 3 (1) 1-53 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(76)90002-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Department of Geology, University of Natal, Durban (South Africa) (Received August 15, 1973, revision accepted...margin particularly within the Zambezi and the Limpopo belts. The distribution of the associated early...development were due to thermal highs centred on the Limpopo mobile belt and possibly the Zambezi belt. INTRODUCTION...of the international metamorphic map of southern Africa b a s e d o n t h e c o n c e p t o f m e t a m...post-Shamvaian. (4) The granites and granitic gneisses. (5) Limpopo Group metasediments. ANCIENT BASEMENT RELICS --
Windley, B. F., Ackermand, D., Herd, R. K. (1984) Sapphirine/kornenipine-bearing rocks and crustal uplift history of the Limpopo belt, Southern Africa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 86 (4) 342-358 doi:10.1007/bf01187139 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
rocks and crustal uplift history of the Limpopo belt, Southern Africa B.F. Windley 1, D. Ackermand 2, and...within the anorthosites of the Messina layered intrusion in the Limpopo mobile belt of Zimbabwe. The XMg...host rocks and high-grade metamorphism in the Limpopo mobile belt (Barton et al. 1979) provide a comparable...locality A (see Fig. 1). Geological setting The Limpopo mobile belt is a high-grade Archaean belt situated...the Rhodesian and Kaapvaal cratons of southern Africa (Mason 1973). Within the central zone of almandine-amphibolite
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
alteration of different kinds of stacking of layers, local defects, etc.). For this reason, the interpretation...Lavrion, Greece (6) and Cu-poor adamite from Ojuela mine, Mexico (7) IR spectra of acid salts (silicates...freedom per unit cell and qi and qj are deviations of local coordinates (i.e. lengths of chemical bonds and...frequencies of normal vibrations are determined by local force parameters of these bonds (see, e.g. Loghinov...Arsenato-Borates Sussexite 29 Mn2+BO2(OH) Locality: Gonzen mine, Sargans, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Description:
Lauf, Robert J. (2010) Collector's Guide to the Chlorite Group. Rocks & Minerals, 85 (4) 318-325 doi:10.1080/00357521003727272 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
black crystals are found at the Atlantic City iron mine, Wyoming. The obsolete varietal names thuringite...chamosite as it is presently understood. *SPUVJOSVYL Clinochlore is widely distributed with about six hundred...5. Large columnar crystal of blackish-green clinochlore from Zermatt, Switzerland. Specimen is 5 cm tall...International University] at 20:06 23 August 2013 Foster mine, Brewster, New York; transparent, dark green, tabular...Russia, excellent crystals come from the Saranovskiy mine and many other places in the Ural Mountains; sharp
Cairncross, Bruce, Mccarthy, Terence (2015) Understanding Minerals & Crystals. Penguin Random House South Africa. Book
Struik Nature (an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd) Reg. No. 1953/000441/07 The Estuaries...Century City, 7441 PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Visit www.randomstruik.co.za and join the Struik...published edition, 2015: Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd Publisher: Pippa Parker Managing editor:...Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa Dr Lynnette Greyling Department of Geological...Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town, South Africa Note: The authors and the publishers cannot
Cairncross, Bruce, Mccarthy, Terence (2015) Understanding Minerals & Crystals. Penguin Random House South Africa. Book
Struik Nature (an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd) 1953/000441/07 Reg. No. The Estuaries...Century City, 7441 PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Visit www.randomstruik.co.za and join the Struik...published edition, 2015: Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd Publisher: Pippa Parker Managing...Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa Dr Lynnette Greyling Department of Geological...Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town, South Africa Note: The authors and the publishers cannot
Hey, Max H. (1954) A new review of the chlorites. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 30 (224) 277-292 doi:10.1180/minmag.1954.030.224.01 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
should be classed as varieties of sheridanite, clinochlore, ripidolite, and d a p h n i t e respectively...kgmmererite, a v a r i e t y of pennine ; chrome-clinochlore, with less t h a n 4 % Cr20 a ; and k o c h u...u b d t e , a v a r i e t y of clinochlore w i t h more t h a n 4 ~ Cr20 a. The following are d o u b...some leuchtenbergites ; pseudophite is in part clinochlore and in part pennine ; loganite is a pseudomorph... County Antrim, Ireland. (Tomkeieff, 1943.) Clinochlore 8. Bernstein, Burgenland, Austria. (Smith, 1924;
(1991) November - December 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
by R. Z. Kothavala Rare minerals of the Kombat mine, Namibia ................................ 421 by...S. Petrussenko Minerals of the Beltana mine, Puttapa, South A ustralia 449 by P. Elliot Columns ...ichigan 49930 (906) 482-9560 Michigan native copper; mine owner; wholesale, retail 411 Museum o f Geological...07439 Hours: 10-5 M -Sun, M ar.-D ec. Specialty: Local m ining & minerals Carnegie Museum o f Natural...the cavansite occurrence. Con­ versations with local people also disclosed some circumstances during
Hyrsl, J., Niedermayr, G. (2003) Geheimnisvolle Welt: Einschlüsse in Quarz. [Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz]. Bode Verlang GmbH. Book
negative Kristalle") aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine im Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. Aus der...negative crystals") from the Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. From the...type parageneses are also known from North and South America. In North America particularly from the...carry quartz with „oil" inclusions. For a long time local collectors designated them „smoky quartz" as the...(Skapolith?) in Rauchquarz aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander Co., North Carolina, USA. Starky, pseudomorph
(2016) May - June 2016. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
with Albite, 11.2 cm, from the La Marina mine, Muzo District, Boyaca Department, Colombia. See the article...DENVER MART EXPO HALL ROOMJ53 BARITE 20.3 CM XIEFANG MINE , GANZHOU PREFECTURE , JIANGXI PROVINCE , CHINA...Hodrusa-Hamre (in the Banska Stiavnica mining district) is also the type locality for hodrusite. V INTRODUCTION...historical events before 1920, we will use the older district name of Schemnitz in accordance with the literature...time, whereas for events after 1920 the modem district name of Banska Stiavnica will be used, bearing
Orcel, J., Caillère, Mlle S., Hénin, S. (1950) Nouvel essai de classification des chlorites. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 29 (211) 329-340 doi:10.1180/minmag.1950.029.211.09 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
p p o r t aux chlorites normales, tel que le clinochlore. Par exemple, le diagramme d'une chamosite de...Min6ral. Th6orique. Sheridanite de Combcrousse Clinochlore de Besafotra Leuchtenbergite de Midongy 12.6...Prochlorite GroupeII 2.3 k 2.8 l@pidomSlane Clinochlore Groupe III 2.9 k 3 . 0 5 muscovite Penniue Groupe...Grochauite Corundophilite Thuringite Carter Mine, North Carolina Messina, Transvaal Leuchtenbergite Ripidolite...0.0 k 1 Chlorite blanche de Mauldon, France Clinochlore Bernstein, Austria Kotschubdite Ufaleisk, Urals
Winchell, A. N. (1936) A third study of chlorite. American Mineralogist, 21 (10) 642-651 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
65 with No-No:.005. Again, the thuringite from Messina, Transvaal (#a5) has 17.95FezOawith IV*:7.685,1/r-ilo:0...Names Antigorite Jenkinsite Penninite Delessite Clinochlore Rumpfite Diabantite Brunsvigite Corundophilite...Brunsvigite Thuringite fPenninite Rurnpfite Ripidolite Clinochlore Prochlorite Amesite N- -T- -r -r + + -T-...N^: Igo: 1.639,trs-i/p:.005. ll. "Thuringite,"Messina,Transvaal.Orcel,J.:Op.c'it.,pp.262-266.Orcel'sanalysis...N o: I.575, N-: Ne:1.572,ffo-ife: .003. 22. "Clinochlore," Togoland. Orcel, J.: Op. cit., pp. 267-271;
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
On a spectacular find of crocoite in the Adelaide mine, Dundas, Tasmania (by A. H. Chapman) 3:111-113 ADOLFSSON...AJO Famous mineral localities: the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Arizona (by W. J. Thomas & R. B. Gibbs) 14:283-298...ALLEN, GEORGE B. --and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE...Allgood, C. Williams: Ramsdellite from the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALLGOOD, ROBERT W. -with G...the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALMA Famous mineral localities: the Home Sweet Home mine, [near Alma
(1997, December) Mineral News Vol. 13 (12) L.R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
same Lime as I discovered mineral collecting, the local sedimentary geology has proved to be a mixed blessing...Lyangara, Uzbekistan; and the Emma Mine, Little Cottonwood District, Salt Lake Co., Utah. In most locations...fossils. These fossils are particularly prevalent south of Donalda in the Drumheller area which is home...each locality, and each specimen donated 10 the "local" museum at time of purchase. Goodall Farm-Sanford...immediate future... (next I 0-12 months?). The local newspaper ran some sort of general article on possible
(2011, January) Private Mineral Collections in Italy. The Mineralogical Record Supplement Vol. 42 (1S) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Front cover: Sulfur on Aragonite, 25 cm Cozzodisi mine, Casteltermini, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. Adalberto...place in the Sardinian mines and the Traversella mine (Piedmont). The second edition of the Catalogue...chalcopyrite and various rare sulfosalts from the Bottino mine in Tuscany. MINERAL COLLECTING FROM THE POST-WAR...more or less strictly linked to the activities of local clubs and associations. Tue second direction has...exploring the underground workings of an historic gold mine in the Brusson area, Val d' Ayas, western Alps.
Coetzee, C. B. - Ed. (1976) Mineral Resources of the Republic of South Africa (5th ed.) Department of Mines, Pretoria. Book (edition)
OF OF SOUTH AFRICA MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MINERAL RESOURCES OF REPUBLIC OF THE SOUTH AFRICA...Second World War, and partly as a result of it, South Africa experienced vast industrial expansion. This...official ‘handbook on the mineral resources of South Africa, it has become necessary to revise, or rather...great diversity and magnitude of South African mineral deposits and local mining operations, the Economic...Chamber of Mines of South Africa with Mr G. H. Grange as co-ordinator, and the South, African mining industry;
(1983) May - June 1983. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 14 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
editor. Foreign Payments Remittance may be made in local currency, without surcharge, to the following people:...Deepwood Crescent Don Mills, Ontario M3C 1N8 South Africa: Horst Windisch 30 Van Wouw Street Groenkloof.....157 by C. Albertini Sellaite from the Brumado mine ..................................................expanding vista. On arrival at the American Nettie mine the superintendent, Mr. Kunz, permitted us to visit...into the valley, whence a road led to the Bachelor mine in Red Canon. Two members of the party, who were
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
Meta/lurgical and Mineralogical Society o/ South Africa Journal of Chemical Phy ics Journal cif the...and Proceedings of the Royal Socief) 1 of Ne,v South Wales JPSJ Journal of rhe Physical Society of...Cand CSPG Pennskiye gubemskiye wdomo.sti (Perm district ga=elle) Pl,ilosopl,ical Maga=ine Periodico de...Abernathyitc, K[(UO 2 )(AsO,)](HP) 3, tet., Fumerole No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain. on the southeast flank of the...104(3). 326-328 □ Achavnlitc, FcSe, hex .. Cacheuta Mine. Ccrro de Cacheuta. Sierra de Cacheuta. Mcndoza
(2000) Mozambique!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 31 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
2000 Volume Thirty-one, Number Six MOZAMBIQUE! Africa in the Mineralogical R e c o rd .................ELBAITE crystal, 7.3 cm, from the Alto Ligonha district, Mozambique. American M useum of Natural History...coverage to Africa, including major occurrences in Egypt, Malawi, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa...maintain your subscription. For quick reference, the _Africa_-related articles from past issues are listed below...20:191-200 MALAWI Zomba district, 25:29-35, 38 MOROCCO Bou-Azzer, 9:69-73 Toussit mine, 11:59-61, 15:347-350
(2021) Australian Gold!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 52 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
2021 Articles The Dragon's Lair gold, Beta Hunt mine, Western Australia ...............................specimen), 49.5 cm (over 49 kg), from the Beta Hunt mine, Western Australia. Photo by Robert Mosely (The...traveled together through most European countries, South Africa, Australia, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. They...2007 he was a full-time volunteer at the Empire Mine State Historic Park in Grass Valley, California...the California Association of Mine and Cave Explorers, a certified mine rescue team which operates in
(2000) July - August 2000. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 31 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Wise & G. R. Rossman Orpiment from the Twin Creeks mine, Humboldt County, N e v a d a ............................. 311 by B. K. Lees The Purple Passion mine, Yavapai County, A rizona.................. 323...cm from the Meea trom tne M e 8a pit, Twin Creeks mine, Humboldt County, Nevada. Mined by Collector's Edge...Utah, without Vance, but with the assistance of a local guide, and together they rediscovered the lost bixbyite...11 cm across. In 1935 they leased the San Diego mine in the Mesa Grande pegmatite field, in southern
(2022, November) Refined Elegance - The Small Treasures of Mineralogy. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 53 (6.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
the Unificada mine, Potosi, Bolivia. Top right: Benitoite, 2 cm, from the Benitoite Gem mine, California...N‘Chwaning I mine, Kuruman, South Africa. Bottom right: Mimetite, 2.7 cm, from the Tsumeb mine, Namibia....Record: (1) Stephanite, Husky mine, Canada. (2) Wulfenite, Rowley mine, Arizona. (3) Diaspore twin, Pinarcik...Adelaide mine, Tasmania. (5) Andradite, Antetezambato, Madagascar. (6) Calcite, Mashamba West mine, Congo...(8) Scorodite, Tsumeb mine, Namibia. (9) Shigaite, N’Chwaning II mine, South Africa. v This special supplement
(1986) May - June 1986. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 17 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Treasures Leather E dition M in in g H istory in South Australia Strictly lim ited edition, very finely... LH A ustralia. Illustrated m ining history: South 23postpaid(H)MineralogyofAlabama(1982)...23 postpaid (H ) M ineralogy o f Alabama (1982)...23postpaid(H)MineralogyofAlabama(1982)...230 postpaid (foreign add 35)(H)CatalogueofSouthAustralianMineralsEmpireofSilverDescribes...rizona.GemstonesThedefinitivereviewofSouthAustralianopallocalities.35) (H) C atalogue of South A ustralian M inerals Em pire of Silver D escribes...rizona. Gem stones T h e definitive review of South A u stralian opal localities. 35)(H)CatalogueofSouthAustralianMineralsEmpireofSilverDescribes...rizona.GemstonesThedefinitivereviewofSouthAustralianopallocalities.15 postpaid (H )...) Illustrated m ining history: Bisbee, Opal, South Australia’s Gem stone P re p a id ord ers o n ly
Varley, E. R. (1952) Vermiculite. Mineral Resources Division Monograph. Overseas Geological Surveys Report (issue)
concrete, etc., may be of exceptional local interest. In addition to local utilisation, there may also be export...COl\-11\ION\VEALTH COUNTRIES Union of South Africa _South_-West Africa • Southern Rhodesia • Canada • • India...FOREIGN COUNTRIES • • • Europe Portuguese East Africa Madagascar • • United States • • Argentina • •...required to convert it into a usable product, find a local use in domestic and industrial thermal insulation...interest was made in 1913 in the Turrett mining district in Colorado1 by W. B.. Thomas, but the enterprise