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(1991) May - June 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
0026-4628 ‘Continued on p. 247 Articles The Outlaw mine, Nye County, Nevada ..............................J. P. Cassedanne & L. Barreto The Messina mining district, South A frica .............................Valley Road Watsonville, California 95076 The Outlaw mine has long been known as an occurrence o f rare and...benjaminite, fo r which it is the type locality. The mine has been idle fo r more than 60 years, and because...More than 30 minerals have been identified from the mine and studies continue on the sulfosalt mineralogy
Saggerson, E.P, Turner, L.M (1976) A review of the distribution of metamorphism in the ancient Rhodesian craton. Precambrian Research, 3 (1) 1-53 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(76)90002-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Department of Geology, University of Natal, Durban (South Africa) (Received August 15, 1973, revision accepted...margin particularly within the Zambezi and the Limpopo belts. The distribution of the associated early...development were due to thermal highs centred on the Limpopo mobile belt and possibly the Zambezi belt. INTRODUCTION...of the international metamorphic map of southern Africa b a s e d o n t h e c o n c e p t o f m e t a m...post-Shamvaian. (4) The granites and granitic gneisses. (5) Limpopo Group metasediments. ANCIENT BASEMENT RELICS --
Hor, A.K., Hutt, D.K., Smith, J.V., Wakefield, J., Windley, B.F. (1975) Petrochemistry and mineralogy of early Precambrian anorthositic rocks of the Limpopo belt, southern Africa. Lithos, 8 (4) 297-310 doi:10.1016/0024-4937(75)90013-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Precambrlan anorthositic rocks of the Limpopo belt, southem Africa. Lithoa ~8, ~97-310. T w o sections...l~e anorthosite ,complex' were examined at Messina. South Afdca and at Pikwe, Botswana. Thirty XRF whole-rock...in stratigraphic order show that alkalies a t Messina increase upwards from leuco-gabbros to anorthosites...decrease and increase, respectively, with height at Messina, but 22 analyses from Pikwe show no such trends...Fe-rich. also like the Fiskenaesset ones. The Limpopo anorthositic rocks belong to a layered igneous
Windley, B F, Bishop, F C, Smith, J V (1981) Metamorphosed Layered Igneous Complexes in Archean Granulite-Gneiss Belts. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 9. 175-196 doi:10.1146/annurev.ea.09.050181.001135 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
belt of northwest Scotland and the Limpopo belt of southern Africa (Table 1) are in different sub-belts...Malagasy Sakeny Boulanger 1959 Limpopo, southern Africa Messina layered intrusion Hor et al1975,...1974, J. D. Sills et ai, in preparation Limpopo, southern Africa Neshuro complex and Chingwa-Ma-Karorro...1973), Labrador (Bridgwater et al 1975), and the Limpopo belt (Barton et al 1977b). Metamorphic ages are:...West Greenland 3.6 to 3.8 Ga B.P., Labrador 3.6, Limpopo 3.86 ± 0.12; younger gneisses, West Green­ land
Dutta, Upama, Bhui, Uttam K., Sengupta, Pulak, Sanyal, Sanjoy, Mukhopadhyay, D. (2011) Magmatic and metamorphic imprints in 2.9Ga chromitites from the Sittampundi layered complex, Tamil Nadu, India. Ore Geology Reviews, 40 (1) 90-107 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.004 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
2.9 Ga old Sittampundi layered complex (SLC) of South India belongs to a special group of deformed and...to amphibole and chlorite, of plagioclase to clinozoisite and of chromite to Cr-poor green spinel took...complexes at Fiskenaesset (Greenland) and Messina (South Africa) but contrasts sharply with the chromitite...complexes: 1) Fiskenaesset, Greenland and 2) Messina, South Africa (Ashwal, 1993; Rollinson et al., 2002; Windley...complexes of Bhavani (BLC) and Sittampundi (SLC) of south India have been known for their anorthosite and
Key, Roger M., Litherland, Martin, Hepworth, John V. (1976) The evolution of the archaean crust of northeast Botswana. Precambrian Research, 3 (4) 375-413 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(76)90028-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Rhodesian Craton, and part of the Limpopo Mobile Belt in the south. The cratonic area includes the whole...developed in the Limpopo Mobile Belt, is imposed throughout the whole area. The Limpopo Belt cuts across...across the area in the south as a large ductile shear zone and affects rocks largely similar to those of...although anorthosites are not known outside it. The Limpopo Belt has its own style of deformation -- interference...cataclasis. Metamorphism is similar throughout Limpopo Mobile Belt and Craton, each event being recognized
Kamber, B.S., Kramers, J.D., Napier, R., Cliff, R.A., Rollinson, H.R. (1995) The Triangle Shearzone, Zimbabwe, revisited: new data document an important event at 2.0 Ga in the Limpopo Belt. Precambrian Research, 70 (3) 191-213 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(94)00039-t Journal (article/letter/editorial)
data document an important event at 2.0 Ga in the Limpopo Belt B.S. K a m b e r ~, J.D. K r a m e r s a,...accepted April 4, 1994 Abstract The Limpopo Belt in Southern Africa has been used to demonstrate that modern-style...evidence that thrusting of the Marginal Zones of the Limpopo Belt over the adjoining cratons occurred during...which event the various P T paths obtained in the Limpopo Belt may be assigned. Therefore the question of...continental margins. Among these, the Limpopo Belt in Southern Africa is prominent as a unique example of
Schaller, M (1999) Exhumation of Limpopo Central Zone granulites and dextral continent-scale transcurrent movement at 2.0 Ga along the Palala Shear Zone, Northern Province, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 96 (3) 263-288 doi:10.1016/s0301-9268(99)00015-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Precambrian Research 96 (1999) 263–288 Exhumation of Limpopo Central Zone granulites and dextral continent-scale...along the Palala Shear Zone, Northern Province, South Africa Mirjam Schaller a, Oliver Steiner a, Ivan Studer...southern Africa, which extends over 1000 km from central Botswana to the Soutpansberg in South Africa. The...lineament is situated between the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt and the Kaapvaal Craton. At its main exposure...Koedoesrand Window and its role in the tectonics of the Limpopo Belt. In order to do this, structural and petrographical
Lauf, Robert J. (2011) Collector's Guide to the Epidote Group. Rocks & Minerals, 86 (5) 444-457 doi:10.1080/00357529.2011.602297 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
consists of twenty minerals, of which epidote, clinozoisite, and the allanite series are best known to collectors...minerals. Zoisite, the orthorhombic polymorph of clinozoisite, is an important gem mineral for faceting, and...Association established a Sub- Figure 2. Flattened clinozoisite crystals 6 cm tall, from Hashupa, Pakistan.... O2-. Figure 1. Radiating, pale yellow/tan clinozoisite crystals, from Huatara, Peru. 444 ROCKS & MINERALS...allanite. This subgroup may be derived from clinozoisite by homovalent substitutions and one coupled
Karmakar, Shreya, Mukherjee, Subham, Dutta, Upama (2020) Origin of corundum within anorthite megacrysts from anorthositic amphibolites, Granulite Terrane, Southern India. American Mineralogist, 105 (8). 1161-1174 doi:10.2138/am-2020-7108 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
decalcification, anorthite phenocryst, Granulite Terrane of South India Introduction The origin of corundum and its...assemblage corundum + pargasite + anorthite + clinozoisite, followed by near-isothermal decompression to...geological map of part of the Granulite Terrain of South India (adapted and simplified from the Geological...of minerals like garnet, pyroxenes, olivine clinozoisite, and quartz. Mineral compositions Chemical...et al. 2014), the Messina layered complex of central Limpopo belt, South Africa (Lmp; Keeditse et al
Cook, Robert B. (2002) Connoisseur's Choice: Epidote. Rocks & Minerals, 77 (5) 328-332 doi:10.1080/00357529.2002.9925655 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
usually near the epidote end member of the epidote-clinozoisite series, but this is not always the case (see...Ca2(Fe,Al)3(Si04)3(OH). It forms a series with clinozoisite [CajAl^SiO^-iOrl)] and, together with a group...collect­ ed from veins exposed along State Highway 229 south of Martinsville, Henry County, Virginia. The U.S...Colorado localities as the Calumet iron mine, Turret district, Chaffee County (squat, dark green crystals...sites, including copper mines of the Seven Devils district, Adams County, where sharp lustrous crystals to
Rao, Y. J. Bhaskar, Chetty, T. R. K., Janardhan, A. S., Gopalan, K. (1996) Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages and P-T history of the Archean Sittampundi and Bhavani layered meta-anorthosite complexes in Cauvery shear zone, South India: evidence for Neoproterozoic reworking of Archean crust. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 125 (2) 237-250 doi:10.1007/s004100050219 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
meta-anorthosite complexes in Cauvery shear zone, South India: evidence for Neoproterozoic reworking of...shear dividing the Precambrian granulite crust of south India into late Archean (. 2.5 Ga) and Proterozoic...in the Precambrian granulite-gneiss terrain of South India (Fig. 1). Previous studies of the Sittampundi...belt such as the central part of the Limpopo mobile belt, S. Africa (Ramakrishnan 1993). Others have interpreted...(B) within the Precambrian granulite terrain of south India. The CSZ is bounded by Moyar (Mo), Bhavani
(2020, December) Geobulletin Vol. 63 (4) Geological Society of South Africa doi:10.25131/geobulletin.63.4 Journal (issue)
ROADS, MELVILLE, SOUTH AFRICA. P.O. Box 91230 Auckland Park 2006 Johannesburg, South Africa Tel: +27 11 358...issue volume are R350.00 for South Africa. Overseas and rest of Africa, R350 plus postage. Surface mail...Geobulletin is published by the Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA) and appears quarterly during March, June...deadline to make arrangements. Front Cover: Nilgiri South (6839 m ASL), in the Annapurna Range, viewed from...Geobulletin © 2020 The Geological Society of South Africa. All rights reserved. Geobulletin is available
Sarkar, S.C. (1988) Genesis and evolution of the ore deposits in the early Precambrian greenstone belts and adjacent high grade metamorphic terrains of Peninsular India — A study in similarity and contrast. Precambrian Research, 39 (1) 107-130 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(88)90054-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphic (amphibolite-granulite facies) belt in the south and the east. The greenstone belts are divided into...e e n s t o n e belts The greenstone belts of south India vary in detail. Occurring mostly within Karnataka...part), Nuggihalli, Krishnarajpet and Hadnur. In the south small rafts of the type floating in an 'ocean' of...greenstone belt Fig. 1. A generalized geological map of South India, with locations of important mineral deposits...in the core changes to amphibolite facies in the south. Stratigraphic succession is still indeterminate
Cirrincione, Rosolino, Ortolano, Gaetano, Pezzino, Antonino, Punturo, Rosalda (2008) Poly-orogenic multi-stage metamorphic evolution inferred via P–T pseudosections: An example from Aspromonte Massif basement rocks (Southern Calabria, Italy) Lithos, 103 (3) 466-502 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.11.001 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
approach, which takes into account the role of the local equilibrium volumes in controlling textural developments...locally reworked during the Alpine orogenic cycle (Messina et al., 1996; Festa et al., 2004); b) it is a fragment...di Polsi Unit (north) and Samo Africo Complex (south), overridden by the APU along a relatively thick...characterised by quartz, albite, lowphengite white mica, clinozoisite, ilmenite, chlorite and biotite. In order to...alignment crossing the two tectonic windows from south to north (Fig. 2b). Samples SA12, SA62 and MP68
Hyrsl, J., Niedermayr, G. (2003) Geheimnisvolle Welt: Einschlüsse in Quarz. [Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz]. Bode Verlang GmbH. Book
negative Kristalle") aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine im Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. Aus der...negative crystals") from the Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. From the...type parageneses are also known from North and South America. In North America particularly from the...carry quartz with „oil" inclusions. For a long time local collectors designated them „smoky quartz" as the...(Skapolith?) in Rauchquarz aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander Co., North Carolina, USA. Starky, pseudomorph
Daltry, V. D. C. (1997) Mineralogy of South Africa: Type-Mineral Species and Type-Mineral Names. Handbook 15. Geological Survey of South Africa Report (issue)
SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA MINERALOGY OF SOUTH AFRICA:... COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA Scientific Editor R.D. Dixon Linguistic and...Council for Geoscience (Geological Survey of South Africa), 280 Pretoria Street, Silverton, Pretoria or........................... 69 5.1 Overview of South African Occurrences ..............................LAYEREDSUITE,BUSHVELDCOMPLEX.... 111 MINERALOGY OF SOUTH AFRICA: TYPE-MINERAL SPECIES AND TYPE-MINERAL NAMES
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
alteration of different kinds of stacking of layers, local defects, etc.). For this reason, the interpretation...Lavrion, Greece (6) and Cu-poor adamite from Ojuela mine, Mexico (7) IR spectra of acid salts (silicates...freedom per unit cell and qi and qj are deviations of local coordinates (i.e. lengths of chemical bonds and...frequencies of normal vibrations are determined by local force parameters of these bonds (see, e.g. Loghinov...Arsenato-Borates Sussexite 29 Mn2+BO2(OH) Locality: Gonzen mine, Sargans, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Description:
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
Meta/lurgical and Mineralogical Society o/ South Africa Journal of Chemical Phy ics Journal cif the...and Proceedings of the Royal Socief) 1 of Ne,v South Wales JPSJ Journal of rhe Physical Society of...Cand CSPG Pennskiye gubemskiye wdomo.sti (Perm district ga=elle) Pl,ilosopl,ical Maga=ine Periodico de...Abernathyitc, K[(UO 2 )(AsO,)](HP) 3, tet., Fumerole No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain. on the southeast flank of the...104(3). 326-328 □ Achavnlitc, FcSe, hex .. Cacheuta Mine. Ccrro de Cacheuta. Sierra de Cacheuta. Mcndoza
Sawkins, Frederick J. (1990) Metal Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics (2nd ed.) - Minerals and Rocks No. 17. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-08681-0 Book
fruition and where they develop depends on a host of local factors, but the broad environmental controls in...and possibly enrage some of those with first-hand local knowledge. To such people I can only offer an advance...their willingness to share freely of their time and local expertise with an itinerant academic. Without their.................. . 83 The Fresnillo Ag-Pb-Zn District, Zacatecas, Mexico .............................Massive Sulfide Deposits of the BathurstNewcastle District, New Brunswick, Canada Discussion of Tectonic
Brandt, S, Schenk, V (2021) Metamorphic Response to Alpine Thrusting of a Crustal-scale Basement Nappe in Southern Calabria (Italy) Journal of Petrology, 61 (11) doi:10.1093/petrology/egaa063 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
retrogressed Variscan biotite dated at 43 Ma. The local existence of Alpine besides relict Variscan mineral...within the south European margin during the north-directed subduction of the Alpine Tethys. _South_-directed...seismic study (Lüschen et al., 1992) along a north-south profile crossing the nappe boundary (CGL) and including...the Catanzaro Graben for about 25 km towards the south (Fig. 1a & d) indicating an extended prevalence...and Eurasian plates (Fig. 2a), which was north-south directed since the Upper Cretaceous (Fig. 2c-f;
McCallum, M. E., Loucks, R. R., Carlson, R. R., Cooley, E. F., Doerge, T. A. (1976) Platinum metals associated with hydrothermal copper ores of the New Rambler Mine, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming. Economic Geology, 71 (7) 1429-1450 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.71.7.1429 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
intrusive rocks elsewherein the region. mining district ,of the Medicine Bow Mountains in southeastern...Wyoming, showing the location of the New Rambler mine with respectto the Mullen CreekNash Fork shear zone...activeintermittently through Laramide time. Shear zone rocks the mine is a mylonitic biotite-epidote-plagioclase comprisea...mafic plutoniccomplexesand ortho- prevalentin the mine vicinity. Most abundantare metadioriteand metagabamphibolites...duction from Precambrian ores. pyroxenitein the mine workingsconsistschieflyof uralitizedort.hopyroxeneand
Ashwal, Lewis D. (1993) Anorthosites - Minerals and Rocks No. 21. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77440-9 Book
Afrikaans University P.O. Box 524 Johannesburg, 2000 South Africa ISBN-13: 978-3-642-77442-3 001: 10.1007/978-3-642-77440-9.... 2.12.8 Africa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Messina Complex, Limpopo...Limpopo Mobile Belt ............... Anorthosites of the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa ............... Other Archean Anorthosites in Africa .......................... 2.12.9 Madagascar ....10 Australia.......................... 2.12.11 South America ..................... 2.12.12 Antarctica
Fazio, E., Cirrincione, R., Pezzino, A. (2008) Estimating P–T conditions of Alpine-type metamorphism using multistage garnet in the tectonic windows of the Cardeto area (southern Aspromonte Massif, Calabria) Mineralogy and Petrology, 93 (1) 111-142 doi:10.1007/s00710-007-0216-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Maghreb-Kabylie chain to the south. This sector of the orogen consists of an _Africa_-verging nappe-pile edifice...et al., 1990, 1992; Platt and Compagnoni, 1990; Messina et al., 1996, 114 E. Fazio et al. 2002). Divergent...considered justified, because any retrograde local processes, such as local cation exchange, resorption, or internal...other P–T estimates from various works (after Messina et al., 1996; Puglisi and Pezzino, 1994), obtained...Variscan-type metamorphism. In more recent studies (Messina et al., 1996, 2002; Russo et al., 2002) Alpine
Vielzeuf, D., Vidal, Ph. - Eds. (1990) Granulites and Crustal Evolution Vol. C311 - NATO ASI Series. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-2055-2 Book
by P. BARBEY and M. RAITH . . 87 111 North and South America A model for the granulite-migmatite association...plate convergence. by J. S. F. BARBOSA. 195 From Africa to India Pressure-Temperature-Time paths of granulite...setting of the Namaqualand granulites, Southern Africa: clues to Proterozoic crustal development. by D... The granulite-facies rocks of the Limpopo belt, Southern Africa. by D. D. V AN REENEN, C. ROERING, G...New South Wales, School of Mines, Department of Applied Geology, P.O. box 1, Kensington, New South Wales