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Schlocker, Julius (1974) Geology of the San Francisco North Quadrangle, California. Professional Paper 782. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp782 Report (issue)
Geology of the _San Francisco_North Qu^lrangle, _California_GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL Public inquiry... t GEOLOGY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO_NORTH QUADRANGLE, CALIFORNIA 1_San Francisco Bay area aerial view...center; _San Francisco_at bottom right. San Pablo Bay at left center. Geology of the _San Francisco_North...North Quadrangle, California_By JULIUS SCHLOCKER GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 782 The distribution...the northern part of the City of San Francisco and southern Marin_County, Calif., including a description
Ashley, PaulM. (1973) Petrogenesis of sulphide-bearing reaction zones in the Coolac ultramafic belt, New South Wales, Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 8 (4) doi:10.1007/bf00207518 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
9 10 11 1213 l& silicates by lizardite and clinochrysotile, minor magnetite, and traces of brucite, talc...on serpentinites indi. cated that lizardite-clinochrysotile serpentin° " ." ° ites may f o r m at 100°--350°C...14 TAYLOR (1971) on continental lizardite-clinochrysotile serpentinites yielded temperatures of formation...possibly later, and Fea+-bearing lizardite and _clinochrysotile_from the Y o u n g Granodiorite. The inciusions...reaction zones and alpine ultramafic rocks of California, Oregon and Washington. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull
(1967) Low-temperature reaction zones and alpine ultramafic rocks of California, Oregon, and Washington. Bulletin Vol. 1247. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1247 Report (volume)
Reaction Zones and Alpine Ultramafic Rocks of California, Oregon and Washington GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN...Reaction Zones and Alpine Ultramafic Rocks of California, Oregon and Washington By ROBERT G. COLEMAN...~ash________________________________________ Cape San Martin, Calif____________________________________...ultramafic rocks and location of sample localities in California, Oregon, and ~ashington_____________________...sketches of rodingites from Oregon, ~ ashington, and_California_, showing general shape and structure__________
(1969) Serpentinite and rodingite in the Hunting Hill quarry, Montgomery County, Maryland. Bulletin Vol. 1283. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1283 Report (volume)
Rodingite in the Hunting Hill Quarry, Montgomery County, Maryland By DAVID M. LARRABEE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY...the Hunting Hill serpentinite pluton, Montgomery County, Md ____ In pocket 2. Geologic map of the Hunting...the Hunting Hill serpentinite pluton, Montgomery County, Md______________ 3 2. Photograph of the Hunting...IN THE HUNTIN-G HILL QUARRY, :r\tiONTGOl\tlERY COUNTY, ~JARYLAND .ABSTRACT The Hunting cvt. b al;unt...Inc., 4 miles \YCounty, Md. 'I'his quarry, 'vhen mapped in 1966, ,,;a:s
Page, Benjamin M., De Vito, Leo A., Coleman, Robert G. (1999) Tectonic Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of San Jose, California. International Geology Review, 41 (6) 494-505 doi:10.1080/00206819909465154 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of San Jose, _California_a b Benjamin M. Page , Leo A. De Vito...University , Stanford, California, 94305 b Consultant , San Jose, California_c Department of Geological...Environmental Sciences , Stanford University , Stanford, California, 94305 Published online: 06 Jul 2010. To cite...Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of San Jose, California, International Geology Review, 41:6, 494-505...Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of_San Jose, California* BENJAMIN M. P A G E , Department of Geological
Grant, Raymond W. (2013) Checklist of Arizona Minerals (2nd ed.) Book (edition)
Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa_County_; ca1cioaravaipaite from the Grand Reef mine, Graham County; carmichaelite from...from Gamet Ridge, Apache County; shannonite from the Grand Reef mine, Graham County; wupatkiite from near...Mountain, Coconino County, and grandviewite from the Grandview mine, Coconino County. A few of the additional...uranium deposits on the Colorado Plateau. Coconino County: near Tuba City (Anthony et aI., 2000). ACANTHITE...sulfide found with other copper sulfides. Greenlee County: found in the supergene alteration zone at Morenci
Giacobbe, Carlotta, Gualtieri, Alessandro, Francesco Quartieri, Simona, Rinaudo, Caterina, Allegrina, Mario, Andreozzi, Giovanni, Battista, (2010) Spectroscopic study of the product of thermal transformation of chrysotile-asbestos containing materials (ACM) European Journal of Mineralogy, 22 (4) 535-546 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2010/0022-2038 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Standard Technology (NIST) which, besides_clinochrysotile_, contains magnetite as minor impurity; (ii)...of cement-phases) as major phase and 12 wt% clinochrysotile; (iii) the product of the thermal transformation...samples. SRM1866A 1200  C (a) SRM1866A Phase_Clinochrysotile_Magnetite Mass % Phase Mass % 95.5  x...Cement-asbestos (b) Phase Amorphous Calcite_Clinochrysotile_Dolomite Hematite Larnite Quartz Riebeckite...spectroscopy. Amer. Geophys. Union 1996 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 77, 835–836. Doll, R. (1955): Etiology
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert Wallace (1966) Minerals of California - Centennial Volume (1866-1866) Bulletin 187. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA THE GOLDEN BEAR NUGGET The Golden Bear Nugget is said to have been found...in the mining town of Yankee Jim, Placer County, California, in 1871 by a small girl who kept the nugget...are nuggets. The nugget was acquired by the California Federation of Minerologicol 1939, and became...mineral exhibit in in the Cali-San Francisco MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA_CENTENNIAL VOLUME (1866-1966)...BULLETIN 189_California Division of Ferry Building,San_Mines and Geology_Francisco, 1966 CA 94111
Ross, Donald Clarence (1979) Description of and directions to selected Salinian Block basement rock outcrops, Santa Lucia and Gabilan Ranges, California. Open-File Report Vol. 1979 (79-383) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr79383 Report (issue)
ROCK OUTCROPS, SANTA LUCIA AND GABILAN RANGES, _CALIFORNIA_By Donald C. Ross OPEN-FILE REPORT 79-585...Survey standards and nomenclature, Menlo Park, _California_1979 DESCRIPTIONS OF AND DIRECTIONS TO SELECTED...ROCK OUTCROPS, SANTA LUCIA AND GABILAN RANGES, _CALIFORNIA_By Donald C. Ross INTRODUCTION The main areas...to locality @: Take the Rio Road turnoff from _California_Highway 1. After 0.6 mi. turn left onto Lasuen...units in the Gabilan Range, in the subsurface at the San Ardo oil field, and in the La Panza Range, make this
Moore, Diane E., Lockner, David A., Tanaka, Hidemi, Iwata, Kengo (2004) The Coefficient of Friction of Chrysotile Gouge at Seismogenic Depths. International Geology Review, 46 (5) 385-398 doi:10.2747/0020-6814.46.5.385 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
pale greyish green rock specimen from New Idria, California that was provided by R. G. Coleman. The sample...diffraction pattern indicated the sole presence of clinochrysotile. Chrysotile typically does not depart substantially...long of antigoritic serpentinite from New Idria, California. A borehole for pore-fluid entry was drilled...hydrostatic pore-pressure gradient for a serpentine-filled San Andreas fault (see text). Downloaded by [York University...depths of 3, 6, and 9 km in a serpentinite-filled San Andreas fault zone, for a hydrostatic fluid-pressure
Bunjaku, A, Kekkonen, M, Pietilä, K, Taskinen, P (2012) Effect of mineralogy and reducing agent on reduction of saprolitic nickel ores. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 121 (3). 156-165 doi:10.1179/1743285512y.0000000010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mainly contain serpentine (e.g. lizardite, clinochrysotile and antigorite) and vermiculite with some chlorite...Phases Colombia-1 Colombia-2 Mirabela_Clinochrysotile_, Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 Antigorite, Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 Lizardite...of EPD Cong., (ed. S. M. Howard), 493–500, San Francisco, CA, TMS. Zhu, D. Q., Cui, Y., Pan, J., Li,
Pemberton, H. Earl (1983) Minerals of California. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. Book
MINERALS OF CALIFORNlA 299" 257889 PEMBERTON' HOFE _CALIFORNIA_MINERALS 2995 SEP 1933 OINCO Digitized by...org/details/mineralsofcalifo00pemb MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA - MINERALS OF _CALIFORNIA_H. Earl Pemberton ~ VAN NOSTRAND...H. Earl, 1907Minerals of California. An updating of: Minerals of California: centennial volume, 1866-1966...index. 1. Mineralogy - California. 2. Mines and mineral resources - California. I. MUidoch, J oseph, 1890Minerals...1890Minerals of California. 11. Title. QE375.C32P45 549.9794 81-15963 ISBN 0-442-274882 AACR2 Preface
(1984) January - February 1984. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 15 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
85740 Articles The mines and minerals of Darwin, California ...............................................R. Kampf Natural History Museum of Los Angeles _County_Arthur Roe Tucson, AZ Abraham Rosenzweig University...Mineralogical Research Co., 704 Charcot Avenue,San Jose, CA 95131. A list of other dealers in back issues...visit the gun and knife show at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona. Here are some items culled...Hollywood, CA 91603. To reach the fairgrounds, take the San Bernardino Freeway to the Ganesha Offramp. 2 COLORADO-I
Anthony, John W., Williams, Sidney A., Bideaux, Richard A., Grant, Raymond W. (1995) Mineralogy of Arizona (3rd ed.). University of Arizona Press. Book (edition)
mine, Si/County, Arizona. Smithsonian Institution. Fornzer!y in...The Bisbee District, Cochise _County_64 The Tombstone District, Cochise _County_70 The Mammoth-St. Anthony...Anthony Mine, Tiger, Pinal _County_78 Uranium and Vanadium Deposits 80 Monument Valley 81 - • Vll The Cameron...Apache _County_435 Cochise _County_436 Coconino _County_437,438 Gila _County_439 Graham _County_440 Greenlee...Greenlee _County_441 La Paz _County_442 Maricopa _County_443 Mohave _County_444 Navajo _County_445 Pima County
Mumpton, F. A. (1975) Mineralogy and Origin of the Coalinga Asbestos Deposit. Clays and Clay Minerals, 23 (2) 131-143 doi:10.1346/ccmn.1975.0230209 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
development of the Coalinga asbestos deposit in western California. Although most asbestos ores contain 5-- 10 per...in Fresno and San Benito Counties, 35 131 airline miles northwest of Coalinga, California. Early reports...this ore played out in just a few years. The California Division of Mines (Anonymous, 1957) made brief...venture between lohns Manville Corporation and Kern County Land Company) and Atlas Minerals Corporation has...midway between the Great Valley of California on the east and the_San_ Andreas fault zone of the west. It
Anthony, John W., Williams, Sidney A., Bideaux, Richard A., Grant, Raymond W. (1977) Mineralogy of Arizona (1st ed.) University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. Book (edition)
Cruz_County_. Bandy collection. Jeff Kurtzeman. Cerussite on aurichalcite. 79 mine, Gila County. Wayne...Kurtzeman. Wulfenite on mottramite. 79 mine, Gila County. Wayne Thompson collection. Jeff Kurtzeman. -...stalactite. Red Cloud mine. Trigo Mountains, Yuma County. Harvard University collection. Jeff Kurtzeman...Aurichalcite and hemimorphite. 79 mine, Gila County. Wayne Thompson collection. Jeff Kurtzeman. [3]...commemorated in the appearance of Minerals of California, by Murdoch and Webb (1966). No further compilation
Pemberton, H. Earl (1983) Minerals of California. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. Book
^ '“ P r . . . I West Orange SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 9048 00992838 7 257989 R q549...q549 P PEMBERTON, H.E MINERALS OF _CALIFORNIA_2995 IpSl 07. ^ q 49 pe B f 257889 T E 5 w! balJ of...org/details/mineralsofcalifoOOpemb MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA MINERALS OF _CALIFORNIA_H. Earl Pemberton r i L ] VAN...H. Earl, 1907Minerals of California. An updating of: Minerals of California: centennial volume, 1866-1966...Includes index. 1. Mineralogy -California. 2. Mines and mineral resources- California. I. Murdoch, Joseph, 1890Minerals
, (1967) Geological Survey research 1967, Chapter B. Professional Paper 575b. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp575b Report (issue)
for correlation of Paleocene strata in Ballard County, Ky., with the lower part of the Porter Creek Clay...landsloides on the course of Whitetail Creek, Jefferson County, Mont., by H. J. Prostka______________________...of limestones in the Franciscan Formation of California, by R. E. Garrison and E. H. Bailey_____ X-ray...report) ; sea water is 1 sample from coastal_California_ (Goldberg and others, 1963); and shale is a composite...1 continental-shelf phosphorite from southern California (Goldberg and others, 1963) . Except for 3 of
Anthony, John W., Williams, Sidney A., Bideaux, Richard A., Grant, Raymond W. (1995) Mineralogy of Arizona (3rd ed.). University of Arizona Press. Book (edition)
mine, Silver district, Trigo Mountains, La Paz County, Ariv;na. Smithsonian Institution. Formerly in...The Bisbee District, Cochise County 64 The Tombstone District, Cochise County 70 The Mammoth-St. Anthony...Anthony Mine, Tiger, Pinal County Uranium and Vanadium Deposits 80 Monument Valley 81 63 78 =vii The Cameron... Apache County 435 Cochise County 436 Coconino County 437,438 Gila County 439 Graham County 440 Greenlee...Greenlee County 441 La Paz County 442 Maricopa County 443 Mohave County 444 Navajo County 445 Pima County
Anthony, John W., Williams, Sidney A., Bideaux, Richard A., Grant, Raymond W. (1977) Mineralogy of Arizona (1st ed.) University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. Book (edition)
Cruz_County_. Bandy collection. Jeff Kurtzeman. Cerussite on aurichalcite. 79 mine, Gila County. Wayne...Kurtzeman. Wulfenite on mottramite. 79 mine, Gila County. Wayne Thompson collection. Jeff Kurtzeman. Introduction...stalactite. Red Cloud mine, Trigo Mountains, Yuma County. Harvard University collection. Jeff Kurtzeman...Aurichalcite and hemimorphite. 79 mine, Gila County. Wayne Thompson collection. Jeff Kurtzeman. [3]...Blake, incidentally, also compiled the first California mineral list, and the centennial of that occasion
(2015) Arizona VI. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 46 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
.. 483 W. E. Wilson The Total Wreck Mine, Pima County, Arizona ............ .. ........... ................. 507 L. Presmyk The Flux Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona ............................. ..........531 W. E. Wilson & M. Hay The Carlota Mine, Gila County, Arizona ............................. .. .. ....Jones Fluorite from the Oatman District, Mohave County, Arizona ............. .... ..... 569 M. Hay &...& D. Morris The Bagdad Mine, Yavapai County, Arizona ............. ..................................
, (1970) Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter A. Professional Paper 700a. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp700a Report (issue)
A293-A298 of this chapter. Numerous Federal, State, county, 1and local agencies and other organizations and..._ _ Oregon _______________________________ _ California _____________________________ _ Nevada _____...cooperators ____________________________ _ 251 State, county, and local cooperators ______________ _ 251 Other...geochronologic studies in the Bodie district, Mono County, Calif., by M. L. Silberman and F. J. l{leinhampl...rocks from the Gold Acres open-pit mine, Lander County, north-central Nevada. Titanium, chromium, calcium
Anthony, John W., Williams, Sidney A., Bideaux, Richard A., Grant, Raymond W. (1995) Mineralogy of Arizona (3rd ed.). University of Arizona Press. Book (edition)
mine, Silver district, Trigo Mountains, La Paz County, Arizona. Smithsonian Institution. Formerly in...Bisbee District, Cochise _County_64 70 The Tombstone District, Cochise _County_The Mammoth-St. Anthony Mine...Mine, Tiger, Pinal _County_Uranium and Vanadium Deposits 80 Monument Valley 81 63 78 il S: The Cameron...Apache County — 435 Cochise _County_436 Coconino _County_437, 438 Gila _County_439 Graham _County_Greenlee...Greenlee _County_440 441 LaPaz _County_442 Maricopa _County_443 Mohave _County_444 Navajo _County_445 Pima County
(1972) Bibliography of North American geology, 1969. Bulletin Vol. 1269. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1269 Report (volume)
Association of Engineering Geologists. University of California. Berkeley, Calif. Assoc. Fran~aise Etude Quaternaire...Canada.California Acad. Sci. Proc. Francisco, Calif. Les Presses de Proceedings of the California Academy...Sciences.San California Dept. Water Resources Bull. Bulletin. Sacramento, Calif.California Department...Resources_California_ Div. Mines and Geology Bull. Bulletin. San Francisco, Calif.California Division...and Geology_California_ Div. Mines and Geology Map Sheet Geology Map Sheet. San Francisco, Calif. California
Kilpatrick, Bruce E. (1968) Geology and geochemistry of the Wanamu-Blue Mountains area, Waini SW, Guyana. Open-File Report Vol. 1968 (68-157) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr68157 Report (issue)
indicates this vein serpentine to be clinochrysotile. The clinochrysotile is brittle and usually occurs as...contact metamorphic aureoles, a few workers in California (Chesterman, 1963; Taliaferro, 1943) have reported...prominent veins of clinochrysotile cut across the serpentinite, a sample of pure_clinochrysotile_ and one of the...lateritic soils over ultramafic rocks in Oregon and California; he suggests that nickel substitutes for magnesium...may be chromium-bearing. Analyses of the clinochrysotile sample and its associated serpentinite reveal