City Serpentinite mélange along the San Andreas Fault in _California_Masaoki Uno, Stephen Kirby PII: DOI:...City Serpentinite mélange along the San Andreas Fault in California, LITHOS, j...Serpentinite SC RI PT mélange along the San Andreas Fault in _California_Masaoki Uno1,3,* uno@geo.kankyo.tohoku...Japan U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025, _USA_3 Present address: Graduate School of plate boundary of the California margin includes the active San Andreas Fault System and the active |
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Wakabayashi, John (2017) Sedimentary serpentinite and chaotic units of the lower Great Valley Group forearc basin deposits, California: updates on distribution and characteristics. International Geology Review, 59 (5) 599-620 doi:10.1080/00206814.2016.1219679 |
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lower Great Valley Group forearc basin deposits, California: updates on distribution and characteristics...lower Great Valley Group forearc basin deposits, California: updates on distribution and characteristics...lower Great Valley Group forearc basin deposits, California: updates on distribution and characteristics...and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Fresno, CA, _USA_ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY...Valley Group (GVG) forearc basin strata of the California Coast Ranges reach thicknesses of over 1 km and |
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Wakabayashi, John (2004) Contrasting Settings of Serpentinite Bodies, San Francisco Bay Area, California: Derivation from the Subducting Plate vs. Mantle Hanging Wall?. International Geology Review, 46 (12) 1103-1118 doi:10.2747/0020-6814.46.12.1103 |
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Settings of Serpentinite Bodies, San Francisco Bay Area, California: Derivation from the Subducting Plate...Wakabayashi a a Geologic Consultant, Hayward, _California_Published online: 14 Jul 2010. To cite this...Settings of Serpentinite Bodies, San Francisco Bay Area,California: Derivation from the Subducting Plate...Settings of Serpentinite Bodies, _San Francisco_Bay Area, California: Derivation from the Subducting Plate...Geologic Consultant, 1329 Sheridan Lane, Hayward, California 94544 Downloaded by [Anadolu University] at |
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Bradbury, Kelly K., Evans, James P., Chester, Judith S., Chester, Frederick M., Kirschner, David L. (2011) Lithology and internal structure of the San Andreas fault at depth based on characterization of Phase 3 whole-rock core in the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) borehole. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 310 (1) 131-144 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.07.020 |
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of the San Andreas fault at depth based on characterization of Phase 3 whole-rock core in the San Andreas...18 July 2011 Editor: P. Shearer Keywords: SAFOD_San_ Andreas fault lithology structure whole-rock geochemistry...obtained in 2007 during Phase 3 drilling of the _San_Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) in comprised of Mg-rich clays, serpentinite (lizardite ±chrysotile) with notable increases in magnetite... Isaacs et al., 2007; Ohtani et al., 2000). The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) borehole |
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Krohe, Alexander (2017) The Franciscan Complex (California, USA) – The model case for return-flow in a subduction channel put to the test. Gondwana Research, 45. 282-307 doi:10.1016/ |
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Accepted Manuscript The Franciscan Complex (California, USA) – The model case for return-flow in a subduction...Alexander Krohe , The Franciscan Complex (California, USA) – The model case for return-flow in a subduction...FOCUS’ Review paper The Franciscan Complex (California, USA) – the model case for return- PT flow is the Franciscan Subduction Complex (FSC, USA; see table 1 for abbreviations) to which the RFSC...3B; Maruyama and Liou, 1988, Oh et al., 1991, San Francisco Bay area MA (Tiburon; Angel Isand; Wakabayashi |
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Barnes, Jaime D., Eldam, Rania, Lee, Cin-Ty A., Errico, Jessica C., Loewy, Staci, Cisneros, Miguel (2013) Petrogenesis of serpentinites from the Franciscan Complex, western California, USA. Lithos, 178. 143-157 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.12.018 |
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serpentinites from the Franciscan Complex, western California, _USA_Jaime D. Barnes a,⁎, Rania Eldam a, Cin-Ty...TX 78712, _USA_Department of Earth Science, MS-126, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, _USA_a r t i c...Serpentinites from the Franciscan Complex of California, USA, were analyzed for their bulk major and trace...Franciscan Complex (west of Cuesta Ridge; south of San Francisco; Tiburon Peninsula; Healdsburg) (n = 12). Three...Franciscan serpentinite samples from south of San Francisco and near Healdsburg have U-shaped REE patterns |
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Schlocker, Julius (1974) Geology of the San Francisco North Quadrangle, California. Professional Paper 782. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp782 |
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Geology of the _San Francisco_North Qu^lrangle, _California_GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL Public inquiry... t GEOLOGY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO_NORTH QUADRANGLE, CALIFORNIA 1_San Francisco Bay area aerial; _San Francisco_at bottom right. San Pablo Bay at left center. Geology of the _San Francisco_North...North Quadrangle, California_By JULIUS SCHLOCKER GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 782 The distribution...the northern part of the City of San Francisco and southern Marin_County, Calif., including a description |
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(2002) Rocks and geology in the San Francisco Bay region. Bulletin Vol. 2195. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b2195 |
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Rocks and Geology in the San Francisco Bay Region ������� ����� �������� ���� ��������� �������� ���������...intentionally left blank Rocks and Geology in the San Francisco Bay Region By Philip Stoffer Bulletin 2195...Published in the Western Region, Menlo Park, _California_Manuscript approved for publication, September................................7 Evolution of the San Andreas Fault system....................................... 9 Generalized geologic map of the San Francisco Bay region................................. |
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Morrow, Carolyn A., Moore, Diane E., Lockner, David A. (2010) Dependence of frictional strength on compositional variations of Hayward fault rock gouges. Open-File Report 2010-1184. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr20101184 |
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locked portion of the Hayward Fault near Berkeley, California, is found to coincide with the transition from...geologic model of the Hayward Fault in the _San Francisco_Bay Region shows that a number of different...and northern California. Results presented here, therefore, also are applicable to the _San_Andreas, Calaveras...Rodgers Creek, Maacama, and other faults of the San Andreas system in the Coast Ranges. Description...rock units and the regional structure of the San Francisco Bay area is provided by Blake and others (1984) |
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Moore, Diane E., Lockner, David A., Iwata, K., Tanaka, H., Byerlee, J.D. (2001) How brucite may affect the frictional properties of serpentinite. Open-File Report 2001-320. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr01320 |
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INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1 2 Menlo Park, _California_Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan Abstract...clear, colorless, flexible lamellae from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Brucite from this locality is nearly...(Figure 2), whereas µ is 50% higher for both lizardite and an antigorite-rich gouge than for brucite... Coefficient of Friction, µ 0.6 25°C 0.5 Antigorite_Lizardite_0.4 Brucite 0.3 Chrysotile 0.2 0.1 1 3.2...strengthening in this range, whereas chrysotile and lizardite more commonly are velocity weakening [Moore et |
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Moore, Diane E., Lockner, David A., Iwata, K., Tanaka, H., Byerlee, J.D. (2001) How brucite may affect the frictional properties of serpentinite. Open-File Report 2001-320. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr01320 |
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INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1 2 Menlo Park, _California_Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan Abstract...clear, colorless, flexible lamellae from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Brucite from this locality is nearly...(Figure 2), whereas µ is 50% higher for both lizardite and an antigorite-rich gouge than for brucite...strengthening in this range, whereas chrysotile and lizardite more commonly are velocity weakening [Moore et...the serpentine minerals relative to depth in the San Andreas fault zone, assuming a hydrostatic fluid-pressure |
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(1996) Index: Volume 70 (1995) Rocks & Minerals, 71 (1) 72-75 doi:10.1080/00357529.1996.11761542 |
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Jeffrey Scovil photo. July/August: Calcite, Gallatin County, Mon tana. American Museum of Natural Histo ry...September/October: Chalcocite, Flambeau mine, Ladysmith, Rusk County, Wiscon sin. F. John Barlow specimen, Malcolm...November/December: Chalcocite, Bristol, Hartford County, Connecticut. Jim Minette specimen, Jeffrey Scovil...Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, 101 Albite, Colorado, 49 Allanite, California, 36 Altamura, R. J . , Geology of Connecticut...Connecticut Visitor Informa tion, 390-91 Benitoite, California, 34 Bentley, R. E . , 411 Beraunite, Arkansas |
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Hirth, G., Guillot, S. (2013) Rheology and Tectonic Significance of Serpentinite. Elements, 9 (2) 107-113 doi:10.2113/gselements.9.2.107 |
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Sciences, Brown University Providence, RI 02912, _USA_E-mail: 2 CNRS, Institut nonunique. For example, minor amounts of lizardite/chrysotile and/or LPO can strongly impact the...moderate-temperature serpentinization in the lizardite stability field (FIG. 4 C ). A Serpentinization...texture formed by micron-scale lamellae of Al-rich lizardite. These compositions and microtextures require...Second-generation veins, composed dominantly of _lizardite_or chrysotile and magnetite, are usually interconnected |
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Wakabayashi, John (2015) Anatomy of a subduction complex: architecture of the Franciscan Complex, California, at multiple length and time scales. International Geology Review, 57 (5) 669-746 doi:10.1080/00206814.2014.998728 |
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complex: architecture of the Franciscan Complex, California, at multiple length and time scales John Wakabayashi...and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Fresno, CA,_USA_Published online: 03 Feb 2015...complex: architecture of the Franciscan Complex, California, at multiple length and time scales, International...complex: architecture of the Franciscan Complex, California, at multiple length and time scales John Wakabayashi*...and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Fresno, CA, _USA_Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] |
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Yamada, Chinatsu, Tsujimori, Tatsuki, Chang, Qing, Kimura, Jun-Ichi (2019) Boron isotope variations of Franciscan serpentinites, northern California. Lithos, 334. 180-189 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2019.02.004 |
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variations of Franciscan serpentinites, northern_California_Chinatsu Yamada, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Qing Chang...variations of Franciscan serpentinites, northern California, LITHOS, 10.1016/j.lithos.2019...variations of Franciscan serpentinites, northern _California_Chinatsu Yamada1 , Tatsuki Tsujimori2 , Qing...the Franciscan Complex of the Northern California Cordillera, USA. Boron isotopes of serpentinites differentiate...serpentinites, boron isotope, Franciscan Complex, California Coast Ranges 2 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 1. Introduction |
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Collettini, C., Tesei, T., Scuderi, M.M., Carpenter, B.M., Viti, C. (2019) Beyond Byerlee friction, weak faults and implications for slip behavior. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 519. 245-263 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.05.011 |
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occurrence along these structures. The San Gabriel fault, within the San Andreas fault system, has a heterogeneous...and Chester, 1998) to explain the weakness of the San Andreas: in this view the fault would be statically...sediments, like the Corona Heights fault, in San Francisco, show a mirror-like finish due to the presence...field. Examples of these structures are given by the San Andreas fault in a strike slip regime (Zoback et...van der Pluijm, 2009). The creeping section of the San Andreas fault at SAFOD consists of multiple fault |
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(1996) Index Vol. 1 & 2. Australian Journal of Mineralogy Vol. 2. The State Mineralogical Societies in Australia |
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1(1):34W Malawi: Zomba 2(1):32W; 2(2):79W Mexico:San Francisco Mine, Sonora 1(1):34W Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila...States of America: Arizona: 79 Mine 1(2):30W_California_: Eagles Nest Mine 1(2):30W Colorado: Calumet...Humbolt County 2(2):78W Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka County 2(2):78W Meikle Mine, Eureka County 2(2):78W...2(2):78W Silver Coin Mine, Humbolt County 2(2):78W Snowstorm Mine, Battle Mountain 2(2):78W Twin Trees Mine,... Valmy, Humbolt _County_2(2):78W Mt Cobalt, Queensland 1(2):19 Mt Oxide, Queensland 2(1):5 Red Dome Gold |
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Mumpton, F. A. (1975) Mineralogy and Origin of the Coalinga Asbestos Deposit. Clays and Clay Minerals, 23 (2) 131-143 doi:10.1346/ccmn.1975.0230209 |
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development of the Coalinga asbestos deposit in western California. Although most asbestos ores contain 5-- 10 per...the serpentinite rock which consists mainly of lizardite and/or amigorite, with small amounts of brucite...scattered throughout the ore and contain most of the_lizardite_, antigorite, and brucite. Chemical, electron probe...produced during this pulverization episode, (1) lizardite and/or antigorite in the serpentinite must have...been removed. It is likely that early-formed lizardite/antigorite dissolved in the ground waters which |
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de Obeso, Juan Carlos, Kelemen, Peter B. (2020) Major element mobility during serpentinization, oxidation and weathering of mantle peridotite at low temperatures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 378 (2165) 20180433 doi:10.1098/rsta.2018.0433 |
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Columbia University, New York, Palisades, NY 10964, USA_Accepted: 2 October 2019 One contribution of 11...alteration characterized by intergrowths of stevensite/lizardite. All three reaction zones are cut by calcite ±...stevensite (Mg-montmorillonite) coexisting with lizardite. The proportions of these end-members are very...n(H2O) 40 antigorite Mg2.97Si2.07O5.18(OH)3.78_lizardite Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 H) (O SiO2 eO F ite olivine...characterized by the occurrence of goethite (FeO(OH)), lizardite and stevensite as the main minerals identified |
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Melchiorre, Erik, Garcia, Andy, Brounce, Maryjo (2020) Insights on Structure and Threshold Detection Limits of Stichtite (Magnesium-Chromium Carbonate-Hydroxide) by Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis. Minerals, 10 (3) 215 doi:10.3390/min10030215 |
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Geological Sciences, California State University of San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway,San Bernardino, CA...CA 92407, USA; Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California...Riverside, 900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521, USA; Correspondence: emelch@csusb...abundant fine-grained magnetite, and are dominantly lizardite, which has replaced olivine-bearing ultramafic...There are also green serpentinites, which are _lizardite_-chrysotile mixtures with localized deformation |
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Van Baalen, M. R. (2004) Migration of the Mendocino Triple Junction and the Origin of Titanium-Rich Mineral Suites at New Idria, California. International Geology Review, 46 (8) 671-692 doi:10.2747/0020-6814.46.8.671 |
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of Titanium-Rich Mineral Suites at New Idria, _California_M. R. VAN BAALEN1 Department of Earth and Planetary...are associated with the New Idria serpentinite,California. Previously some of these Ti-rich minerals have...copper sulfides. Benitoite, the state gemstone of California, is formed by lower greenschist M2 metamorphism...Work THE NEW IDRIA serpentinite, located in the _California_Coast Ranges, has been recognized as a unique...Mineralogy and Petrology of the New Idria District,California, in 1957. The stated purpose of this thesis was |
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Moore, Diane E., Lockner, David A., Tanaka, Hidemi, Iwata, Kengo (2004) The Coefficient of Friction of Chrysotile Gouge at Seismogenic Depths. International Geology Review, 46 (5) 385-398 doi:10.2747/0020-6814.46.5.385 |
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Introduction OF THE THREE common serpentine minerals—lizardite, antigorite, and chrysotile—chrysotile is the...the most distinctive crystallographically. Lizardite has the platy form characteristic of sheet-silicate...behavior of chrysotile also differs from that of lizardite and antigorite. The room-temperature coefficient..., 1997; see also Reinen et al., 1994, whose “_lizardite_” samples are in fact chrysotile, as reported by...1995). In addition, whereas the strengths of lizardite and antigorite increase modestly with increasing |
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Ikari, Matt J., Carpenter, Brett M., Vogt, Christoph, Kopf, Achim J. (2016) Elevated time-dependent strengthening rates observed in San Andreas Fault drilling samples. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450. 164-172 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.06.036 |
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Elevated time-dependent strengthening rates observed in San Andreas Fault drilling samples Matt J. Ikari a,∗...Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, _USA_d Central Laboratory for Crystallography and Applied...Keywords:San Andreas Fault SAFOD friction earthquake fault healing a b s t r a c t The central San Andreas...Andreas Fault in California is known as a creeping fault, however recent studies have shown that it may be...wall rock samples recovered during drilling at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD), located |
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Page, Benjamin M., De Vito, Leo A., Coleman, Robert G. (1999) Tectonic Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of San Jose, California. International Geology Review, 41 (6) 494-505 doi:10.1080/00206819909465154 |
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Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of San Jose, _California_a b Benjamin M. Page , Leo A. De Vito...University , Stanford, California, 94305 b Consultant , San Jose, California_c Department of Geological...Environmental Sciences , Stanford University , Stanford, California, 94305 Published online: 06 Jul 2010. To cite...Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of San Jose, California, International Geology Review, 41:6, 494-505...Emplacement of Serpentinite Southeast of_San Jose, California* BENJAMIN M. P A G E , Department of Geological |
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Colombo, F., Lira, R., Ripley, E. M., González del Tánago, J. (2011) Geology, mineralogy and possible origin of the copper mineralization in marble near Saldán, Córdoba (Argentina) Journal of GEOsciences, 56 (3) 299-316 |
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1005 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA_4 Departamento de Petrología y Geoquímica, Facultad...microprobe at the Brigham Young University (Utah, USA – BYU). Standards used for silicates (15 kV, 20 nA...Sciences Department of the University of New Orleans (USA). Refractive indices were measured using single grains...Geological Sciences, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA. 301 Fernando Colombo, Raúl Lira, Edward M. Ripley...phases are graphite, phlogopite and apatite, while_lizardite and possibly tremolite are retrograde. Graphite |