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Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 219-225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763468 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derry, N . H . 0 3 0 4 1 IV S A L Z...Lower l_ 16 M i l e s 222 AustCla I V. UPPER AUSTRIA ROCKS A N D MINERALS Bischopshofen, S of the...Apatite Xls; Magnesite; Siderite; Hematite Xls. Berchtesgaden (Germany). W of. (Austria)—Magnesite operation...lbs. Genera!—Octahedrite Xls (Minute). V UPPER AUSTRIA (OBER OSTREICH) Hallstatt. On extreme southern...on the E face are the salt mines of Alt Ausee (Styria). Six or more openings iy Mi S of Bad Ischl. Anhy­
Gidman, Barry (1972) The Halite Domes of the Gulf Coast. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763469 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Cloanthite; Aragonite Xls; Rammelsbergite; Scorodite; Ullmannite; Linarite; Wad; Chal­ cedony; Realgar; Symplesite;...iron Operations. Vanadinite. Obir. Large deposit Magnesite at 5 5 7 8 Ft. Elev.—Vanadinite (minute red...See. Large Magnesite deposit on mountain. Main offices of the Austrian American Magnesite Corp. Spittal...Celestite. (Part I I I , "Mines and Minerals of Austria", continued in next issue). THE HALITE DOMES OF
Schneider, Hans-J. - Ed. (1983) Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68988-8 Book
heldatBled/Yugoslavia 3-7, 1977, held at Leoben/ Austria 5-10,1981, held at Berchtesgaden/Bavaria, FRG ...especially the relations between the formation of a deposit and "Alpine plate tectonics" even if their geotectonic...of the syngenetic or epigenetic formation of a deposit, however, seems to become more and more insignificant...Mineralisation of the "Paleozoic of Graz" (Styria, Austria) (With 3 Figures). . . . . . . . . . . . ....Scheriau-Niedennayr Magnesite in Pennian and Scythian Series of the Eastern Alps, Austria, and Its Petrogenetic
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
dept. (departement), dept. (departamento), dist. (district). Less common terms are not abbreviated, e.g...., Bavaria. both Germany, and from the Rabejac deposit, Herault dept.. France.AM 49. 1578-1602, 1964....Grossgreiner Mt., overlooking Zillertal Valley, Tirol, Austria, and at Passo di Vizze, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy...crystals in Obersulzbachtal Valley, Salzburg, Austria. AM 61,178, 1976. Af ghanite (Na.I<,Ca)6Ca 2 [...Afghanitan. and in marblein the 1altrB~strinskoye deposit.30 km W of Slyudyanka. Siberia.Rus ia. EJM9. 21-30
Hey, M. H., Embrey, P. G. (1972) Twenty-seventh list of new mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine, 38 (300) 987-1001 doi:10.1180/minmag.1972.038.300.19 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
hexagonal crystals in skarns in the Solvech fluorite deposit, Karagandin region, Kazakhstan, have a 12-87, c...black fibrous mineral in the uranium-vanadium deposit of Mounana, Gabon, is monoclinic, a II'7o, b 3"63...aggregates from the Dypingdal serpentine-magnesite deposit, Snarum, Norway, have ~ 1"5o8,/3 I'5IO, 9...Systernes der Krystallologie. A cobaltian arsenian ullmannite from Eisern and Frensburg, Westphalia. Eakerite...Massive sulphides at Mooihoek Farm, Lydenburg District, Transvaal, include a chalcopyrite-yellow orthorhombic
Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., Zussman, J. (1962) Rock-Forming Minerals (1st ed.) Vol. 5 - Non-Silicates. Longman. Book (volume)
186 186 196 202 219 CARBONATES . Calcite . Magnesite Rhodochrosite Siderite Dolomite Ankerite Huntite...Mg(OH)2, or it may be obtained by heating natural magnesite. Bowen and Schairer Non-Silicates: Oxides (1935)... G., 1945. Tin minerals in the Maikhura skarn deposit (Ghissar range). Doklady Acad. Sci. URSS, vol....Bancroft areas in Ontario, or in the Coimbatore district of Madras. Although originally believed to be...nests in phyllites and chlorite schist in east Styria (Meixner, 1942). Corundum may also be found in
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
forgoing in the Gemcridcs). The stratiform Mn.Fe-deposit at Răzoare shows evidence of a polvmetamor­ phic...sig­ nificant type of occurrence is the graphite deposit at Polovragi in the Parâng Mts. The Upper Palaeozoic...deposits are also present in the Baia Mare mining district (ROM). The latter, however, is Pb.Zndominated...located in the Ukraine, cen­ tered at the Borkut deposit, which partly extends southward into Romania. ...copper minerals characterise the Moldova Nouă (ROM) deposit. At Dognecea. the skarns contain Mn-rich min­ erals
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from the text by simply using the code of each deposit in the chart. This code can be created by combining... . . . . 3.4. Metamorphic chromium (gemstone) deposit . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5. Chromium supply and... . . . . . . . . 11.3. Structure-bound copper deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...the only inexhaustible low-grade, large-tonnage deposit on earth? The first step has already been taken...different publications quoted for each type of deposit to get more information on those data which cannot
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from the text by simply using the code of each deposit in the chart. This code can be created by combining... . . . . 3.4. Metamorphic chromium (gemstone) deposit . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5. Chromium supply and... . . . . . . . . 11.3. Structure-bound copper deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...the only inexhaustible low-grade, large-tonnage deposit on earth? The first step has already been taken...different publications quoted for each type of deposit to get more information on those data which cannot
Tindle, Andy G. (2008) Minerals of Britain and Ireland. Terra Publishing. Book
work (as chief collaborator on Kingsbury's Lake District "discoveries") is most affected by the problem...Cumbria (Ixer & Stanley 1987); a glossary of Lake District minerals (Young 1987a), which referenced many...with a few named after a source location (e.g. magnesite after Magnesia. in Thessaly, Greece). Prehnite...Shelve and it embraces the Habberley-Shelve mining district and tbe Breidden Hills. Mineralization occurs...associated with post-Triassic faulting. The largest deposit, on Alderley Edge ridge, was first worked by the
Anderson, C. (1916) Bibliography of Australian Mineralogy. Mineral Resources 22. New South Wales Department of Mines Report (issue)
north-west of C.”; A, B, and C may all be in the same district, but it is sometimes difficult or impossible to...“Avondale Mine”; all these are in the Leigh Creek District, and there may be but one spot in which the mineral...Zmc-lead Salphide Deposits of the Read-Rosebery District. Bull. Geol. Surv, Tas., 23, 1915. .Jensen (H...Cloncurry Copper-mining District Ihid., No. 215, 1908. 38. Cloncurry Copper-mining District*: Part 2. : 39....Belt of New Part ii. The Geology of the Nundle District. South Wales Procs. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, xxxviii
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
forgoing in the Gemeride ). The strati form Mn.Fe-deposit at Razoare shows evidence of a polymetamorphic...the same a rea. Porphyry mo lybdenum and vein deposit ion occur in the easte rn a nd no rthern parts...the remaining volcanic chai ns. Porphyry copper deposit are well known at Recsk, in the Matra M1 . (HUN)...located in the Ukraine. centered at the Borkut deposit. which partly extends southward i1110 Romania....widely distnbutcd. In addition. significant skam deposit occur in the Apuseni Mts. (ROM). Well-developed
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series of incompletely..."jacupirangite" found in the Jacupiranga carbonatite deposit is ilmenite, in lustrous, flattened crystals to...ASIA PAKISTAN FORMER SOVIBT UNION RUSSIA Dodo deposit near Saranpaul, Subpolar Urals, Tyumen Oblast....of rutile (Weerth, 2004). Tonniq Valley, Skardu district, Gilgit-Baltistan [Northern Areas]. Beginning...testing to be hematite. Zagi [Zegi] Mountain, Warsak district, North West Frontier Province. Surface diggings
Fleischer, Michael, Schafer, Constance M. (1983) The Ford-Fleischer file of mineralogical references, 1981-1982 inclusive. Open-File Report Vol. 1983 (83-615) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr83615 Report (issue)
museums of the U.S., England, France, Germany, Austria, and Italy. Many folders have summaries of the...16-22 (1982). Microprobe analysis from Kal'makyr deposit. ACANTHITE. Vassalo Morales and Borodaev, (Dokl...20, 165765 (1982). Probe analyses from Chauvai deposit, central Asia, with Sb up to 13.5% (series with... 138-143 (1980). Probe analysis from Noril'sk district. ALTAITE. Genkin et al., Sul'fidnye Medno-nikelevye...(1982). Microprobe analyses (1) from Schellgadener, Austria. ALTAITE. Timofeeva et al., Zap. Uzb. Otd. Vses
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
Institut fur Mineralogie der Universitat Wien, Austria. Michael Zolensky: Lyndon Johnson Space Center...(1966) Mineral News Mineralogy and Petrology (Austria) Mineralogica Polonica Micro Probe VII References...Co., Bonanza mine, Trinity Co., Michigan Bluff district, Placer Co., in AK, placers at Fairbanks, Iditarod...and quartz veins at Juneau. In Canada, Noranda district, PQ; Porcupine, Kirkland Lake, and Larder Lake...deposits, ON; Atlin and Caribou, BC; and Klondike district, YT. In Mexico, Altar and Magdalena, SON; Parral
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
weathered and oxidized zone overlying a sulfide deposit; contains a concentration of hydrated iron oxide...primary mineral deposit in a vein or rock mass as opposed to a secondary (e.g., placer) deposit. luminescence...composed of two parallel faces. placer A mineral deposit formed by the mechanical (density) concentration...Colorado at the Pelican Dives mine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...lode, Summit County, and in the Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia;
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
weathered and oxidized zone overlying a sulfide deposit; contains a concentration of hydrated iron oxide...primary mineral deposit in a vein or rock mass as opposed to a secondary (e.g., placer) deposit. luminescence...composed of two parallel faces. placer A mineral deposit formed by the mechanical (density) concentration...Colorado at the Pelican Dives m.ine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...lode, Summit County, and in the Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia;
Dunning, F. W., Garrard, P., Haslam, H. W., Ixer, R. A. - Eds. (1989) Mineral Deposits of Europe Vol. 4/5 - Southwest and Eastern Europe, with Iceland. The Mineralogical Society. Book (volume)
barite, fluorite, celesrine, gypsum, anhydrite, magnesite, bromine, bentonite, kaolin and other refined...Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands and...deposits Fluorite . Baryte • Manganese Uranium. Magnesite and siderite • Eastern Pyrenees Western Pyrenees...Mineral deposits Copper Santiago de Compostela district Arinteiro-type deposits Forn3.s-type deposits...zinc Cartagena district Linares-La Carolina-Santa Elena district. Cantabria district Reocin. Aliva .
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Rapp, George Robert Jr., Weber, Julius (1974) Encyclopedia of Minerals (1st ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
weathered and oxidized zone overlying a sulfide deposit; contains a concentration of hydrated uon oxide...primary mineral deposit in a vein or rock mass as opposed to a secondary (e.g., placer) deposit. luminescence...composed of two parallel faces. placer A mineral deposit formed by the mechanical (density) concentration...Colorado at the Pelican Dives rnine , Silver Plun1e district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...California; in sodalitesyenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland; in the liparite lavas of the island
(1950) Bibliography of North American geology, 1948. Bulletin Vol. 968. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b968 Report (volume)
development diagram, etc. Direcci6n Dissertation district distribution Division Doctoral, Document Doctoral...Preliminary report on the geology of McElroy Township, district of Tirniskaming [Ontario]: Ontario Dept. Mines...developments in the Wisconsin-11 linoislowa lead-zinc district: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc. 1946. v. 53, p. 225-231...reconnaissance in the Little Wood River (Muldoon) district, Blaine County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geol...reconnaissance of the Hailey gold belt (Camas district), Blaine County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geol
Cornejo, Carlos, Bartorelli, Andrea (2009) Minerals & Precious Stones of Brazil. Solaris Cultural Publications, São Paulo. Book
Lavra da Pederneira 526 District of Santa Rosa, Francisc6f olis 534 District o Golconda, Governador Valadares...539 District of Coronel Murra, Rubelita, Salinas, Virgem da Lapa, Ara(uaf and ltinga 554 District o Conselheiro... gold, nickel and chrome minerals, siderite, magnesite, dolomite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, uvite, epidote...aluminum, silicon, tantalum, rare earths, graphite, magnesite and countless other ores. In the field of collection...uvite, the twinned "Japan law" quartz, hematite, magnesite, dolomite, novacekite and metazeunerite from the
(1935) California Journal of Mines and Geology Vol. 31. State Division of Mines Journal (volume)
A. Logan, District Mining Engineer C. Jenkins, Chief Geologist McK. Laizure, District W. Burling...Engineer District Sampson, Assistant Mining Engineer District Engineer Chas. V. Averill, District Mining...REPORTS OF DISTRICT MINING ENGINEERS Page 1 Redding Field District 1 Sacramento Field District 1 San...San Francisco Field 24 District Los Angeles Field District 49 GEOLOGIC BRANCH Current 50 Notes ...org/details/californiajourna31cali REPORTS OF DISTRICT MINING ENGINEERS In 1919-1920 the Mining Bureau
(1973) United States mineral resources. Professional Paper 820. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp820 Report (issue)
of the huge Kidd Creek zinc-copper-silver ore deposit in Ontario and the disseminated gold deposits of...equivalent of the southeast 3 INTRODUCTION Missouri district can be expected to turn up in the future ; the...mid-1950's on the west side of the Southeast Missouri district resulted in the discovery of the large unexposed...part of the district. With the phoenixlike rejuvenation of the Southeast Missouri district, the Viburnum...price. Economic evaluations of a specific mineral deposit have become a complex task for a team of specialists
Castor, Stephen B., Ferdock, Gregory C. (2004) Minerals of Nevada. Special Publication 31. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report (issue)
Olivenite, 1.6-cm cluster, Majuba Hill Mine, Antelope district, Pershing County. N. Prenn collection. Photograph... Davis The Goodsprings (Yellow Pine) Mining District, Clark County John C. Kepper 91 References ...Nightingale district Quartz epimorph after Calcite Agardite Grossular, Buena Vista district Quartz (amethyst)...Orpiment inclusions Calcite, Getchell Mine Robinson district inclusions inclusions Realgar and Fluorite Rhodochrosite...and Gold Silver and Quartz Silver, Reese River district Smithsonite Sonoraite Callaghanite Malachite
Embrey, Peter G., Fuller, John P. - Eds. (1980) A Manual of New Mineral Names 1892-1978. British Museum (Natural History), London. Book
hexagonal crystals in skarns in the Solvech fluorite deposit. Karagandin region. Kazakhstan, have a 12-87, c...(Ana3aHHT). An abundant mineral in ores of the Kakhetin deposit, USSR, is intermediate in composition between pyrrhotine...Colourless monoclinic crystals from the Tincalayu borax deposit, Salta, Argentina, have the composition Na2B6O10...Monatsh. 335. Green crystals from the Kali-Kafi ore deposit, Anarak, Iran, with the composition (Cu,Zn)2(OH)3Cl...cassiterite and quartz from near Arandis, Swakopmund district, South-West Africa. Named from the locality. [M