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(1974) Topographical Index. Mineralogical Magazine, 39 (308) 933-936 doi:10.1180/minmag.1974.039.308.16 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
striJverite, 605 British Isles ENGLAND Bosahan quarry, Carnmenellis, Cornwall, granite (weathered), kaolinite...Groverake mine, Rookhope, Weardale, Durham, copper, copiapite, 244 Meldon, Devon, lepidolite, 289 Derbyshire...fluorite, 4Ol Hazlehead quarry, Penistone, muscovite, I76 Hepworth Iron Co. quarry, Hazlehead, Penistone...Swinden Limeworks quarry, Linton, fluorite, 4oi WALES(Cymru) Dorothea slate quarry, Nantlle, muscovite...CO2metamorphosed lavas, ankerite, chalybite, 119 Binhill quarry, Cairnie, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, tacharanite, scawtite
(1974) Alphabetical Index. Mineralogical Magazine, 39 (308) 937-948 doi:10.1180/minmag.1974.039.308.17 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
not included in this index Accra Plains, Ghana, gneiss, clinopyroxene, garnet, pargasite, 224 Actinolite...COs-metamorphism of lavas, ankerite, chalybite, I 19 Binhill quarry, Cairnie, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, tacharanite, scawtite...dehydration of datolite, X-ray, structure, I58 Bosahan quarry, Carnmenellis, Cornwall, granite (weathered), kaolinite...Western Australia, 847 Broken Hill, New South Wales, gneiss, myrmekite 654; fluorite, 7o5 INDEX Bronzite...577; zincian, South Australia, anal., X-ray, 684 Copiapite, Durham, 244 Copper, Durham, 244 Cordierite, Spain
Jannuzzi, Ronald Everett (1972) The Mineral Localities of Connecticut and Southeastern New York - With Descriptive Field Mineralogy for over 250 Species (2nd ed.) The Mineralogical Press. Book (edition)
found in the aegirite-granite at the Flatrock (Quarry in Waterford. Its color is dull black to brownish...University, New Haven, Connecticut. At the Strickland Quarry in Middlesex County, ambly­ gonite occurs as white...Hornblende is found as a component of much of the gneiss in central Connecticut. A grayish green variety...green, fibrous crystals have also been found in gneiss. Actinolite has been found as short, dark green...can be found as fine specimens at the Strickland1 Quarry in Portland, and on Jail Hill in Haddam. • Geologists
Beste, Bob (2014) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (4th ed.) Vol. 2 - Part II - Georgia through Montana. Book (volume)
colors), jasper. BIBB COUNTY MACON:  at Holton Quarry, 7½ mi. NWagate;  N of Calloway airport at rd...1½ mi., in Knox dolomite exposed in an abandoned _quarry_ Barite, Calcite, Fluorite (purple cubes), Galena...US 27: (a) along both sides of Hwy.agate; (b) quarry on W side of rd.agate, chalcedony, chert, opal;...W 3 mi. and 2 mi. N: (a) at the Marble Springs _Quarry_gemmy marble (red and green); (b) E, in Taylor...Garnet, Thulite, Tourmaline, Zeolites;  Rock Chapel Quarry, on N side of Arabia Mt.Calcite, Epidote, Fluorite
Noble, R. J., Just, J., Johnson, J. E. (1983) Catalogue of South Australian Minerals: 1983. Handbook 7. Department of Mines and Energy, South Australia Report (issue)
from Johannes Menge who was appointed Mine and Quarry Agent to the South Australian Company in 1836....localities in this volume are on private or leasehold land and permission from the landholder should normally...grey gneiss at Winter Hill, overlooking Port Lincoln. Flinders Ranges—allanite occurs in gneiss and pegmatite...Peninsula—almandine is abundant as coarse pink granules in acid gneiss at Fishery Bay, 27 km southwest of Port Lincoln...amphibole in a small quarry on the Pinkawillinie road, 24 km west of Kimba; in gneiss near Mount Pony, 22
(1918) Proceedings of societies, new minerals, abstracts. American Mineralogist, 3 (8) 163-164 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mineral is undoubtedly copiapite. Such a transformation from melanterite to copiapite is worthy of note,...in fact wrong, and the "sulfur" proved to be copiapite. It is more than likely that many if not all of...amphibole) which has metamorphoeed the Wissahickon " gneiss" (micb schist) immediately adjoining with the development...interest is obtainable. (10) French Creek mines. The upper mine, formerly known as the Elizabeth mine, is now... or lower mine, lies 200 feet southwest of the upper mine, and there is hope also of this mine being
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert W. (1960) Supplement to Minerals of California For 1955 Through 1957. Bulletin 173a. California Division of Mines Report (issue)
, M. D.) L. D. Clark (1) p. 17. Inyo County: district, 2, As radial clusters near Lippincott mine...3, Watters (p.c. '58). Mendocino County: 1, A quarry 5.1 miles north of Longvale on U.S. 101 has furnished...riebeckite crystals occur in glaucophane schist in a quarry 5.1 miles north of Longvale on Highway 101, associated...found, after an aerial survey of the Mojave Mining district where an anomaly appeared in section 10. shaft...it aquamarine, has been colfrom the S. P. Silica quarry near Nuevo, Knowlton (p.c. '57). lected BETAFITE
Jerz, Jeanette K., Rimstidt, J. Donald (2003) Efflorescent iron sulfate minerals: Paragenesis, relative stability, and environmental impact. American Mineralogist, 88 (11) 1919-1932 doi:10.2138/am-2003-11-1235 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
It accumulates in piles where halotrichite, copiapite, and fibroferrite form. In Area II, FeSO4 solutions...pile at the base of the wall, where melanterite, copiapite, and halotrichite are present. The observed paragenesis...highest acid producing potential, followed by _copiapite_-rich samples and then halotrichite-rich samples...Fe2+Fe23+(SO4)4·22H2O römerite röm Fe2+Fe23+(SO4)4·14H2O copiapite cop Fe2+Fe43+(SO4)6(OH)2·20H2O ferricopiapite...acidic conditions. More common minerals, such as copiapite (cop), fall near the most direct path leading
(1933, June) Rocks and Minerals Vol. 8 (2) Peter Zodac Journal (issue)
f!oo: the with T ente cont ly i wat1 The upper tunnel is 68 feet long, 5x6 feet in area and contains...have con• sisted of two levels, the upper level opened up by the upper tunnel and the lower level by the...was opened by means of the main shaft. The two upper levels have merged to• gether forming one large...evidently coincided with the floor of the upper tunnel. The upper tunnel is ve.r y dangerous to enter by...enclosed in igneous rocks and that the rocks in the district surrounding the mine are granitoid, gneissoid
Farndon, John (2006) The Complete Guide to Rocks & Minerals. Hermes House, London. Book
other ways of telling. Astronomical the crust and upper mantle. Although Gutenberg discontinuity 2,900km/...stony and iron, reflecting crust, and together upper mantle and soar 1,500°C/2,732°F, and the contrast...continents. It is attached to the mantle's rigid upper layers, which floats in slabs on the soft mantle...mantle below. Circulation of mantle material The upper mantle 16-67Okm/10-420 miles down is so warm it is...up through the crust to erupt in volcanoes. The upper mantle is made mainly of the dense rock called peridotite
Russell, Henry (2002) Encyclopedia of Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones. Thunder Bay Press. Book
forms in metamorphic rocks, particularly schist and gneiss. It also occurs as an accessory mineral in some...the search for something else. Main Sources: ¢ Austria ¢ Canada England @ Germany @ Poland @ Russia @...of each individual molecule. Main Sources: @ Austria ¢ England ¢ Italy @ Pennsylvania and South Dakota...Mn)(CO3)>. It was first identified in Styria, Austria and was confirmed as a distinct species in 1825...solution series. Apophyllite occurs in basalt, gneiss, or limestone, and may also be formed at low temperatures
Beste, Bob (2005) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (3rd ed.) Vol. 2 - Part II - Illinois through North Dakota. Book (volume)
Illinois geology. These measures constitute the Upper Carboniferous system of repeated alterations of...crystals); (b) Hamilton Quarry, the lower Warsaw section at the top of the quarry (see map) ⎯geodes (lined...Smithsonite and Sphalerite in any combination). Hamilton Quarry Location East Branch Crystal Glen Creek NAUVOO...ELIZABETHTOWN, NE 2 mi., at the Meshberger Stone Co. _quarry_⎯Calcite (fluorescent, UV pink-blue type), Fluorite...COUNTY LOGANSPORT, E 2½ mi., the France Stone Co. _quarry_⎯Apatite (associated with collophane), Calcite (crystals
Beste, Bob (1996) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (2nd ed.) Vol. 2 - Part II - Illinois to North Dakota. Book (volume)
Illinois geology. These measures constitute the Upper Carboniferous system of repeated alterations of...crystals); (b) Hamilton Quarry, the lower Warsaw section at the top of the quarry (see map) ⎯geodes (lined...Smithsonite and Sphalerite in any combination). Hamilton Quarry Location East Branch Crystal Glen Creek NAUVOO...ELIZABETHTOWN, NE 2 mi., at the Meshberger Stone Co. _quarry_⎯Calcite (fluorescent, UV pink-blue type), Fluorite...COUNTY LOGANSPORT, E 2½ mi., the France Stone Co. _quarry_⎯Apatite (associated with collophane), Calcite (crystals
(1965, March) Mineral Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
PERICLINE Italy, Austria, Switzerland Alpine areas Fine large white twin xls on gneiss with chlorite ..... . Il> LB. Lot 10-1" lxl" MM 2.00 ✓ COPIAPITE A basic hydrated sulfate of ferric and ferrous...CUPRODESCLOIZITE South West Africa Tsumeb, Otavi-Bergland district Yellow green massive coating descloizite crystals........ Washington Skagit County, Twin Sis ters district Pure green vitreous mass with minor magnetite...silicate Pennsylvania Lancaster Co. , Cedar Hill quarry Pale green waxy massive intergrown with tan colored
(1898) Mineralogical chemistry. Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts, 74. doi:10.1039/ca8987405382 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from serpentine, from the Riffelhorn, and from gneiss from Kashmir, whilst a cobalt ore, containing manganese...+ 24H20. By the oxidation of the melanterite, copiapite, 2Fe20,,5S03 + 18H20,is formed, and this by its...kalgoorlite is given. The amalgam found in the district may have been produced by the decomposition of...Total. 100*000 L. J. S. Weathering of Micaceous Gneiss in Virginia. By GEORGE P. MERRILL(Bull. G'eol.Xoc...1896, ii, 483; 1897, ii, 107).-A highly felspathic gneiss with abundant black mica occurs at North Garden
Farndon, John (2007) The Illustrated Guide to Minerals of the World. Southwater, London. Book
ere is another way of looking at the crust and upper n1antle. Although they may be chemically different...the mantle is as stiff as the crust, and together upper mantle and crust form a rigid layer called the lithosphere...the crust, mantle and core. Core-M antle The upper m antle D" layer Boundary (CMB) Circulation of...continents. It is attached to the mantle's rigid upper layers, which floats in slabs on the soft mantle...pressures turn the lighter silicate minerals of the upper mantle into dense perovskite and pyroxene. Perovskite
Ondruš, P., Veselovský, F., Hloušek, J., Skála, R., Vavřín, I., Frýda, J., Čejka, J., Gabašová, A. (1997) Secondary minerals of the Jáchymov (Joachimsthal) ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 42 (4) 3-76 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Secondary minerals of the Jáchymov (Joachimsthal) ore district Sekundární minerály jáchymovského rudního revíru...seventy secondary minerals were known from the district before the present study. All known reliable data...Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno - in Austria: G. Niedermayr, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna...EPISODE OF SECONDARY MINERALS IN THE JÁCHYMOV ORE DISTRICT. HAVING IN MIND ONLY A NEGLIGIBLE POSSIBILITY...of the secondary minerals in the Jáchymov ore district was undertaken in the years 1993 to 1996, thanks
Sabina, Ann P. (1983) Rocks and minerals for the collector : Kingston, Ontario to Lac St-Jean, Quebec. Miscellaneous report 32. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
COVER Left: Weloganite crystals from Francon Quarry, Montreal. Specimen measures 3 cm from tip to base...mangan-neptunite crystals from Mont St-Hilaire quarry. Specimen 22 is cm long. National Mineral Collection...change without notice Plate I Mont St-HilJaire quarry. (GSC 138741) v CONTENTS ix 1 1 3 5 5 6 6...Kingston-Sharbot Lake occurrences Kingston township quarry McFarland quarry Road-cuts, km 8.2 to 8.4, Highway 38 Road-cuts...Road-cuts, km 9.3, Highway 38 Limestone quarry, west of Highway 38 Freebern mica mine Mobey (Burnham)
O'Donoghue, Michael (1994) The Colour Dictionary of Gemstones & Minerals. The Black Cat, London. Book
and with quartz in small veins running through gneiss. Lead Pb Native lead occurs only rarely, and some¬...silver. It occurs naturally in veins in granite and gneiss, often accompanying ores of cobalt and silver;...Germany. There are important deposits in North Queens¬ land and New South Wales. Some bismuth occurs in Devon...is found in basalt at Disco Island, West Green¬ land and in small grains with pyrrhotite near Kassel...Australia at Kalgoorlie; in the Cripple Creek district, Teller Co., Colorado and in Calaveras Co., California
Morrill, Philip (1972) Virginia Mines and Minerals. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (9) 515-523 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763560 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ago. 100 Ft. shaft now backfilled. Fill show-copiapite, garnets, limonite, hematite, erythrite( ? ) ...large area of tailings. Pyrite Xls, arsenopyrite, copiapite, sidertte, psilomelane, magnetite, talc, garnet...with tunnel and open pit. Fredericksburg Stone Co. Quarry. Active W from Frederickburg by Rte 3. After crossing...granite. 2 2 2 Old granite Q. Above dam and upper end of the canal at Fredericksburg. Demension black...covellite, gahnite Xls, magnetite Xls, ankerite, copiapite, tremolite in addition to the ores normally expected
Sabina, Ann P. (1968) Rock and minerals for the collector : Kingston, Ontario to Lac St-Jean, Quebec. Paper 67-51. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
Canada 1968 - iii - Plate I. Mont St-Hilaire quarry, (GSC 135741) - v - CONTENTS Page Abstract...Kingston - Island of Montreal Kingston township quarry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . McFarland quarry .. . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limestone quarry, west of Highway 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sand Road (Card) quarry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1966, December) Earth Science Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
opalescence ................... PERICLINE Italy, Austria 1 SWitzerland Aleine areas Fine large white twin...marble ..... . Connecticut Canaan, New England Lime quarry Silky white xl prisms in dolomitic marble .......material ........... Arizona Cochise Co. , Swisshelm district Rich brown to gray massive, some with minor cerussite...chloro-phosphate :\'ew Hampshire Grafton Center, Ruggles quarry Olive green masses in pegmatite ....... Fl. APOPHYLLITE...prisms on basalt .. ARAGONJTE Calcium carbonate En~land Somerset, Lamb's Lair Cave White to tan compact
(2005) The Italian Island of Elba. extraLapis English 8. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
transporting Elba ore to Populonia on the main­ land, which was already a trade center for the mines...hotel is located in the heart of the pegmatite district in the village of Cavoli, which boasts a wonderful...and their families should be no less impressed. Upper: Families abound on Marina di Campo 's protected...processes that affected the northern Apennines from the upper Miocene to the Quaternary (Barbieri et al. 1972... The main intrusive body, not just of Elba but Upper: The island that we know today evolved across three
Grant, Raymond W. (2013) Checklist of Arizona Minerals (2nd ed.) Book (edition)
AUSTINITE CaZn(As04)(OH) Cochise County: Warren district, Southwest mine, 7th level; A small open cut on...in a humid environment. Cochise County: Warren district, Southwest mine, 7th level where it is found as...CUI9(N03hCI4(OH)32,2H20 Cochise County: Warren district, Cole mine, Buttgenbachite was identified in a... are found in Arizona. Cochise County: Warren district, Southwest mine, 14 stope, 5th level, a number...CU19(S04)CI4(OH)32·3H20 COOKEITE LiAI4(AISh)OIO(OH)g COPIAPITE FeFe4(S04)6(OH)2·20H20 COPPERCu COQUIMBITE Fe2(S04)3·9H20
Smith, Arthur E. (1991) Texas Mineral Locality Index. Rocks & Minerals, 66 (3) 196-224 doi:10.1080/00357529.1991.11761622 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
explain the situation. Texas has very little federal land in its mineralized areas, most of which are on private...by its owners and users. (Even the private land in the upper New England states is generally more accessible...hunting to many landowners, there is little unused land. In this open country, trespassers are easily spotted...by Lake Buchanan in 1938. The Terlingua mining district is noted for its rare mercury minerals. Mining...Temple, 6 miles W of Temple in abandoned limestone quarry; marcasite* (spear-point crystals; groups up to