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Fick, L. J., van der Heyde, C. (1959) Additional data on the geology of the Mbeya carbonatite. Economic Geology, 54 (5) 842-872 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.54.5.842 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
842-872 ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE MBEYA CARBONATITE L. J. FICK AND C. VAN DER HEYDE....................... Geological setting of the Mbeya Carbonatite ............................ Introduction........................ The Carbonafire-bodyat Panda Hill and its associatedcontact and 851 dike-rocks.......................... 863 864 Mineralogyof Mbeya Carbonatite.......................................been established during the development of the Mbeya Carbonatiteas an economicprospect subsequent to
Jäger, E., Niggli, E., Van der Veen, A. H. (1959) A hydrated barium-strontium pyrochlore in a biotite rock from Panda Hill, Tanganyika. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 32 (244) 10-25 doi:10.1180/minmag.1959.032.244.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
barium-strontium pyrochlore in a biotite roclc from Panda Hill, Tanganyilca. 1 B y E. J~iGE~, Ph.D., and E....biotite rock (contact-rock of a carbonatite) from Panda Hill, Tanganyika, as small euhedral yellowish-grey...pandaite, from Panda Hill, is proposed for the new mineral. N the concession area of the Mbeya E x p l o r...r a t i o n C o m p a n y ~ (Mbexco) near Mbeya (Tanganyika) (fig. la) Dr. J. F. 0sten, former geologist...and the Colonial Development Corporation. 2 The Mbeya Exploration Company Ltd. (Mbexco) is jointly owned
Deines, P, Gold, D.P (1973) The isotopic composition of carbonatite and kimberlite carbonates and their bearing on the isotopic composition of deep-seated carbon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 37 (7) 1709-1733 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(73)90158-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(dolomite bearing) dikes at Sengeri Hill (Mbeya carbonatite, southwestern Tanzania, East Africa; SUWAet al., 1969)...trending belt were sampled: Sukulu Hill, Tororo Hill and Bukusu Hill (Fig. 2, for geology see DAVIES, 1956)...and fenitized granite. The carbonatite at Tororo Hill represents a plug along a dike. The prominent spine...is enveloped successively by magnetiteapstite-_phlogopite_-carbonate rock, a mixed rock zone with feldspathoidal...BAERTSCHI (1957): 9. Chilwa Island (2); 10. Chigwakwalu Hill, Tundulu (2); 11. Kolyano Crater (1); 12. K&we Crater
Fawley, A. P., James, T. C. (1955) A pyrochlore (columbium) carbonatite, southern Tanganyika. Economic Geology, 50 (6) 571-585 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.50.6.571 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Geomorphologyof the Mbeya Carbonatite ................................ Geology of the Mbeya Carbonat{re ......... Compositionand characterof pyrochlorefrom Mbeya ..................... Value of pyrochlore ........present. INTRODUCTION The Mbeya Carbonatite(originally called the "Panda Hill Pyrochlore Deposit") is nearthe...milesin a direct line west-south-west of the townof Mbeya. The carbonatitewasinvestigated because of its pyrochlore...mappingfor the Tanganyika GeologicalSurvey near Panda Hill in 1950, A.M. M. Spurr observedcrystallinelimestonethat
Dawson, J.B., Fuge, R. (1980) Halogen content of some African primary carbonatites. Lithos, 13 (2) 139-143 doi:10.1016/0024-4937(80)90014-6 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Table 1. The samples from Phalaborwa, Ton>ro, Panda Hill and Goudinii were collected from fre~,;hly-blasted...Inner Zone Pegmatoid body, a coarse ~gmatitic _phlogopite_-apatite pyroxenite (Verwoenl 1967). The Goudini...Gelai magnesite mine, east shore of L. Natron, Tanzania; trona samples were collected from the lake crust...~I~,U * ~' T,atoro,O r.- TmzduluH~II,M e o.~rs Mbeya,[ Kerimo~i. T t30ldoinyo~ngal -E SA ¢' e , e...~uorine into apatite relative to co-existing phlogopite. In the case of Cl, this apparently partitions
Mitchell, Roger H. (2015) Primary and secondary niobium mineral deposits associated with carbonatites. Ore Geology Reviews, 64. 626-641 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.03.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
re-evaluated [e.g. Oka (Canada); Fen (Norway); Panda Hill (Tanzania)] for their economic potential. Although...(nepheline–clinopyroxene) or melilitoid (olivine– melilitite–_phlogopite_–clinopyroxene) suites. Some carbonatites have...and metamorphosed carbonatites of the Blue River region, British Columbia (Chudy, 2013; Pell, 1994, 1996)...linear Songwe Scarp and Sangu-Ikola carbonatites, Tanzania (Brown, 1964; Coetzee, 1963). 4.2. Carbonatite-bearing...focus has been on carbonatites in the Cordilleran region of British Columbia with most activity by Commerce
Lumpkin, Gregory R., Ewing, Rodney C. (1995) Geochemical alteration of pyrochlore group minerals; pyrochlore subgroup. American Mineralogist, 80 (7) 732-743 doi:10.2138/am-1995-7-810 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
River. Ontario. Canada; carbonatite Panda Hill, Mbeya, Tanzania; carbonatite Woodcox mine, Hybla, Ontario;...MacDonaldmine,Hybla,Ontario; granitic pegmatite Panda Hill, Mbeya, Tanzania; carbonatite Leushe, Lake Kivu, Zaire;...Kfs:potassiumfeldspar; Mag:magnetite; Ol :olivine; Phl =phlogopite; Pl :plagioclase; Pyx : pyroxene; Qtz : quartz;...after crystallization of diopside, forsterite, phlogopite, and most of the calcite. Primary alteration...pyroxene to sodium amphibole, tremolite to talc, and phlogopite to talc or chlorite, together with the formation
Hogarth, D. D., Williams, C. T., Jones, P. (2000) Primary zoning in pyrochlore group minerals from carbonatites. Mineralogical Magazine, 64 (4) 683-697 doi:10.1180/002646100549544 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Carillon Dam, Chilwa Island, Fen, Lueshe, Oka, Mbeya, Meech Lake and Verity. Primary features include...some pyrochlore from laterite (e.g. Lueshe and Mbeya of this paper; see below) it is not possible to...Madagascar Vishney Gor, Russia Vishney Gor, Russia Mbeya, Tanzania Carbonatite, Russia Kola Pen., Russia Oka,...(1989) Tanzania Quebec Quebec British Columbia Fen (adit) Fen (adit) Fen (quarry) Lueshe Mbeya 687...1959/102 Specimens phlogopite, richterite, apatite calcite, apatite, phlogopite dolomite, calcite, apatite
Rooney, Tyrone O. (2020) The Cenozoic magmatism of East Africa: Part III – Rifting of the craton. Lithos, 360. 105390 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105390 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
USA of Abstract ro Magmatic activity in the Tanzania Craton-influenced regions of the East African...include: commencement of activity in the Northern Tanzania Divergence (NTD) and Mt. Kenya, Rungwe Volcanic...Keywords: Rift, magmatism, East Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Craton, Ethiopia, East African Rift System ur...fundamentally controlled by the presence of the Tanzania craton (Fig. 1). The most significant heterogeneity...northern Kenya Rift. Lavas erupting within the Tanzania craton-influenced regions of the EARS exhibit
(1959) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 44 (11-12) 1321-1329 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
barium-strontium pyrochlore in a biotite rock from Panda Hill, Tanganyika, Minerol,og.Mag.,32, 10-25 (1959)...a roof pendant of the Mbeya (also called the Panda Hill) carbonatite, near Mbeya, Tanganyika. The rock...groups. This is corrected, deducting zircon0.42, phlogopite 0.27, orthoclase O.42, apatite 0 92, cassiterite...5 9 1 ( 7 0 ) . The name is for the locality, Panda Hill, and is suggested for minerals of the pyrochlore...near the village of Dzhuzumli, Mt. Zirabulaksk region, Bukhara, in a hematite-calcite vein cutting banded
Heinrich, E. Wm., Vian, R. W. (1967) Carbonatitic barites. American Mineralogist, 52 (7-8) 1179-1189 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
as barite-rich carbonatite breccia zones. Mbeya (Panda Hill) Tanganyika Chilwa Island, Malawi Late quartz-calcite...chiefly Ba in minor to major amounts: biotite, phlogopite, orthoclase. melanite; (rare species) witherite...Other localities are Nano-Vara, U.S.S.R.; Mbeya, Tanzania; and Kangankunde, Malawi. Aw.q.r,ytrcar,'Iecurvrqur...Black Forest, Germany 1.60(s6) Starke, 1964 Ruhr Region, Germany 0.3e(e0) Starke,1964 Forest, (Continued
Heinrich, E. William (1980) The Geology of Carbonatites - Reprint Edition with Supplementary Material. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc. Book (edition)
and A. Holmes (1950) : Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) : Tanzania Geological Survey and...Tidsskrift and K. S. Heier (1961) Figure 15-9: Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) Figure...Jr., completed most of the field work on the Iron Hill complex of Gunnison County, Colorado, in 1912-1913...accepted the idea of an igneous origin for the Iron Hill carbonatite. In 1924 Bowen, who had visited the...pyrochlore-rich carbonates (e.g. in Oka, Araxa, Fen, Mbeya) has removed Nb from the category of “rare’’ elements
(1961) Topographical Index. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 32 (255) 997-1001 doi:10.1180/minmag.1961.032.255.07 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
thomsonite, 506 Berk Hill: apophyllite, 508 Black Cave, Islandmagee: mordenite, 5O9 Carnmoney Hill, Belfast: calcite...lithomarge, xlvi White Mountain: mordenite, 509 Wolf Hill, Legoniel: apophyllite, 508 Tipperary Knockanroe...Pyrenees: dolomitic marble, tremolite, sepiolite, phlogopite, 412 S p a i n (Espafia) Pontevedra: bolivarite...Tanganyika Mautia Hill, Kongwa, Mpwapwa District: kyanite, talc, yoderite, 282 Panda Hill, Mbeya: biotite, orthoelase
Lawrence, L., Spandler, C., Roberts, E.M., Hilbert-Wolf, H.L. (2021) Mineralogy and origin of the alkaline Nsungwe Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania. Lithos, 380. 105885pp. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105885 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania L. Lawrence, C. Spandler, E.M. Roberts, H.L....Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania, LITHOS (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos...occurring ~400 km beneath Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, defined as the African superswell (Nyblade, 2011)...the Usangu Basin and Tukuyu Journal Pre-proof region of the Rungwe Volcanic Province (RVP) (Fig. 1b)...vent or source of appropriate age is known in the region for the NFT, which presents a further challenge
Nedosekova, I. L. (2007) New data on carbonatites of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky alkaline complex, the southern Urals, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 49 (2) 129-146 doi:10.1134/s107570150702002x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Vishnevogorsky Formation, (5) _phlogopite_–richterite metasomatic rock, (6) phlogopite metasomatic rock, (7) dolomite–calcite...fenitization marked by replacement with richterite and phlogopite. Carbonatites occur in the Buldym massif as extended...tetraferriphlogopite–dolomite–calcite and then dolomite–calcite–_phlogopite_–richterite metasomatic rocks. The marginal zone...the total thickness of the related carbonate–_phlogopite_–richterite metasomatic zone is two to three times...The bodies of younger dolomite carbonatite with phlogopite (or chlorite) and winchite exhibit the same zoning
Cordeiro, Pedro Filipe de Oliveira, Brod, José Affonso, Palmieri, Matheus, de Oliveira, Claudinei Gouveia, Barbosa, Elisa Soares Rocha, Santos, Roberto Ventura, Gaspar, José Carlos, Assis, Luis Carlos (2011) The Catalão I niobium deposit, central Brazil: Resources, geology and pyrochlore chemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 41 (1) 112-121 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.06.013 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
P+Nb+REE 8 0.3 0.21 Mbeya (Panda Hill) Aley Bone Creek (Fir) Argor Tanzania Resource Primary Nb...kamafugites and the parental magma of APIP complexes (phlogopite picrite). The temporal and spatial association...Sonoki and Garda (1988) as 85 ± 6.9 Ma (K–Ar, phlogopite). The complex can be divided into an outer zone...an olivine-, _phlogopite_-, apatite- and magnetite-bearing rock and nelsonite is a _phlogopite_-, apatite-...phases are tetra-ferriphlogopite crystals with phlogopite cores. Apatite is prismatic, frequently zoned
Neave, David A., Black, Martin, Riley, Teal R., Gibson, Sally A., Ferrier, Graham, Wall, Frances, Broom-Fendley, Sam (2016) On the Feasibility of Imaging Carbonatite-Hosted Rare Earth Element Deposits Using Remote Sensing. Economic Geology, 111 (3) 641-665 doi:10.2113/econgeo.111.3.641 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in North America (Mountain Pass, Oka, Iron Hill, and Gem Hill), albeit in nondigital form. As reviewed...hyperspectral instruments. Examples include mapping the Iron Hill carbonatite-alkaline complex in the United States...for clarity 642 Fluorapatite 49 Goethite Phlogopite 3 20 37 Bastnäsite-(Ce) Monazite-(Ce) Magnetite...Malawi, Mountain Pass in the United States, Panda Hill in Tanzania, and Sokli in Finland were sourced from...30˚ Uyaynah 0˚ Tororo & Sukulu Kangankunde Panda Hill Chilwa Island, Songwe & Tundulu Phalaborwa
Dawson, J. B., Steele, I. M., Smith, J. V., Rivers, M. L. (1996) Minor and trace element chemistry of carbonates, apatites and magnetites in some African carbonatites. Mineralogical Magazine, 60 (400) 415-425 doi:10.1180/minmag.1996.060.400.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
- Verwoerd, 1967), Tundulu Hill (Upper Jurassic - Garson, 1962), Panda Hill (Lower Cretaceous - Van Straaten... x x x Malawi M26 Tundulu Hill M28 ditto x x Tanzania BD724 Panda Hill BD892 Kerimasi BD893 ditto...apatite grains; only the specimens from Tundulu Hill, Panda Hill and Kerimasi contain strain-free carbonate...specimens from Phalaborwa and Panda Hill contain exsolved carbonate. In the Panda Hill sample are two calcites...discontinuous micro-fractures. BD893. Mica is Ti-phlogopite. Magnetite contains Mn. U47. Ca-Fe amphibole
(1993) International strategic minerals inventory summary report; niobium (columbium) and tantalum. Circular 930. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir930m Report (issue)
Most production appears to be centered in the region of the major alkaline intrusive complexes of Lovozero...Peninsula and Vishnevogorsk in the middle Ural region. • Both niobium and tantalum are held on the U...~~-~'-'~· ec·I' Q ~. .r :!~;>'. ~, - . . · Mnma Hill TAPanda H'll NZANIA •axa Geolog;c d • · / ...Greenland United States Brazil Gabon Kenya Nigeria 2 Tanzania Uganda Zaire Malaysia2 · 3 Soviet Union3 Thailand2...figures quoted by ISMI for Greenland, Gabon, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are not accorded status even within
(2014, March) Geobulletin Vol. 57 (1) Geological Society of South Africa Journal (issue)
Media Monitor 42 Antony Cowey The Geotraveller 48 Tanzania Other Business 54 Classifieds GSSA GB (GEOBULLETIN)...Then they visited Balmoral kimberlite, Kimberley region, South Africa”. the Oga Dam Lake, about 14 km...CAG in Dar es the 6th annual Igneous Salam, Tanzania, which certainly will be an equally and Metamorphic...spectacular technique. On the 7th of February 2014 Tanzania, with Dr. Nils Lenhardt. we held the first CCS...hazards at UP – first results from a new project in Tanzania Africa has ca. 150 volcanoes that are listed as
Zaitsev, Anatoly, Bell, Keith (1995) Sr and Nd isotope data of apatite, calcite and dolomite as indicators of source, and the relationships of phoscorites and carbonatites from the Kovdor massif, Kola peninsula, Russia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 121 (3) 324-335 doi:10.1007/bf02688247 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
crust; (3) to assess the nature of the mantle source region that generated the K o v d o r complex. Historical...Zimbabwe (Johnson 1966), Panda Hill (Basu and Mayila 1986) and Ngualla, Tanzania (van Straaten 1989). Apatite-rich...and/or dolomite. Other minerals include mica (phlogopite, biotite, tetraferriphlogopitet, pyroxene (diopside... iiLii ii= , iiii m :iiiiii Corbo.a,,,. ) _Phlogopite_- rock ~ vermiculite Melilltolite Ph.......ate...Olivinite Granite-gneiss [] 327 (2) phlogopite in the _phlogopite_-olivine-diopside rocks; (3) vermiculite
Bizimis, Michael, Salters, Vincent J. M., Dawson, J. Barry (2003) The brevity of carbonatite sources in the mantle: evidence from Hf isotopes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 145 (3) 281-300 doi:10.1007/s00410-003-0452-3 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Island, S.Malawi Kangankunde, S. Malawi Nathace Hill, Tundulu, S. Malawi Deerdepoort, Pretoria Central... magnetite, apatite, quartz Calcite/apatite, phlogopite Calcite, ankerite/apatite, quartz Calcite/niocalite...Calcite/apatite, magnetite pyrochlore Calcite/magnetite, phlogopite, apatite 0 113±6 40 (25–55) Mineralogy: major/minor...major/minor Age (Ma) Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania Museum Zone, Panda Hill, Tanzania Bukusu, Uganda The whole rock...the highest and lowest total REE contents (Nathace Hill, Oldoinyo Lengai) have the most fractionated REE
Mitchell, Roger H., Wahl, Rudy, Cohen, Anthony (2020) Mineralogy and genesis of pyrochlore apatitite from The Good Hope Carbonatite, Ontario: A potential niobium deposit. Mineralogical Magazine, 84 (1) 81-91 doi:10.1180/mgm.2019.64 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of magnesio-arfvedsonite + potassium feldspar, phlogopite + potassium feldspar together with pyrochlore-bearing... James Bay (Canada); Fen (Norway); Panda Hill, Ngualla (Tanzania)]. Brazil has significant Nb reserves...heterogeneous banded texturally-diverse olivine phlogopite calcite carbonatites with numerous clasts and...e + potassium feldspar, potassium feldspar + phlogopite together with pyrochlore-apatitite set in matrices...St Honoré (0.41 wt.%); Oka (0.45 - 0.66 wt.%); Panda Hill 0.43 - 0.87 wt.%; Elk Creek 0.67 wt.%) (see Mitchell
(1955) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 5 (3) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
Dam Site 292 Plate XVI • '' 292 Plate XVII Sena Hill, Lower Zambezi . • • • • Plate XVIII Bridge over...Text-fig. 1 Text-fig. 2 Sovite Dyke, Chigwakwalu Hill, Tundulu . facing p. • Xenoliths in Sovite, S.E...solution appeared to be the removal of Cox's Fort Hill, overlool<ing· the="" harbour,="" and="" dumping="" of="" the<="" span="">...able to point out, however, that some of Cox's Fort Hill and the adjacent area (which was planned for installation...necessary to· map carefully the area of Cox's Fort Hill and to calculate the quantities of black shale and</ing·>
NASH, W. P. (1972) Mineralogy and Petrology of the Iron Hill Carbonatite Complex, Colorado. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 83 (5) 1361 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1972)83[1361:mapoti]2.0.co;2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Utah 84112 Mineralogy and Petrology of the Iron Hill Carbonatite Complex, Colorado determine what, if...are ubiquitously assotypes occurring in the Iron Hill carbonatite ciated. For this study I have chosen...Iron complex have been examined in order to deter- Hill carbonatite complex, one of the largest mine the...alkaline igneous rocks with which they are The Iron Hill carbonatite body, also known ubiquitously associated...south of the town of Gunnison. developed at Iron Hill. The carbonatites are The composite intrusion, occupying