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Bowell, Rob, Cook, Robert B. (2009) Chalcophyllite. Rocks & Minerals, 84 (5) 434-441 doi:10.3200/rmin.84.5.434-441 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
although minor SiO2 (which is probably included quartz) and phosphate, occurring as a minor replacement...sparingly in ores of the Tucson mine in the Leadville district of Lake County, Colorado (Eckel 1997). In Arizona...identified widely throughout the Warren mining district but always in small amounts (Palache and Merwin...sized bright green scales along with tyrolite on quartz and phyllite host rock (Jenkins 1981), and the...other mines in the Pyramid district, also north of Reno. In the latter district, chalcophyllite occurs with
(2005, December) Mineral News Vol. 21 (12) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
for the deposit. The Orange River is famous for quartz in all colors and habits but fluorite is rare,...in quartz' from Capelinha (Minas Gerai . Brazil). The pieces are quite pretty. transparent quartz crystals...oxides coating the cpidote, separating it from the quartz. Several dealers had superb barite crystals from...tabular crystals in clusters to 6-7 mm on colorless quartz. I was delighted to see botryogen crystals from...synthetic crystals sold for minerals, irradiated quartz, etc. That said, it is worth noting a few Rumanian
(1986) November - December 1986. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 17 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Famous mineral localities: Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria .......................................................................355 by G. Niedermayr Brochantite and other minerals from the Paoli, Oklahoma,...from the Stefanie mine at Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria. Photo by Werner Lieber. For a detailed review... famous mineral localities: Bleiberg Carinthia, Austria Gerhard Niedermayr* Department of Mineralogy-Petrology...History Museum of Vienna Burgring 7, A-1014 Vienna, Austria leiberg is among the most famous o f European
Raith, Johann G., Leitner, Thomas, Paar, Werner H. (2015) Orogenic-type copper-gold-arsenic-(bismuth) mineralization at Flatschach (Eastern Alps), Austria. Mineralogy and Petrology, 109 (5) 531-553 doi:10.1007/s00710-015-0391-5 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mineralization at Flatschach (Eastern Alps), Austria Johann G. Raith 1 & Thomas Leitner 3 & Werner H...mineralization in the historic Flatschach mining district (Styria, Austria) occurs in a NE–SW to NNE–WSW oriented...system as multiple steep-dipping calcite-(dolomite)-quartz veins in amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks (banded...Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Leoben, Austria 2 Pezoltgasse 46, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria 3 Salinen Austria AG, Bad...Bad Aussee, Austria chalcopyrite with pyrite or arsenopyrite. Sericite-carbonate alteration is developed
Cook, Robert B. (2006) Linarite Mammoth-St. Anthony Mine, Tiger, Pinal County, Arizona. Rocks & Minerals, 81 (3) 208-213 doi:10.3200/rmin.81.3.208-213 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Southwest. Associated minerals are many and include brochantite, caledonite, malachite, aurichalcite, cerussite...reported as dark blue, bladed crystals found in vuggy quartz collected at the Manhan lead mine, Figure 1. A...Pacific mine in the Bayhorse district, Custer County; mines in the Atlanta district, Elmore County, where it...in the San Francisco district, Beaver County; mines of the West Tintic district, Juab County; the Bingham...Silver King and Woodside mines in the Park City district, Summit County. Good linarite micromounts have
(1996) Auction of Mineral Specimens from the Collection of the Late Maurice J. E. Grigg Esq. of Indian Queens, Cornwall. Jones, J. A. Catalog/List
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I., Cámara, Fernando, Uvarova, Yulia (2020) New Mineral Names*,†. American Mineralogist, 105 (8) 1275-1284 doi:10.2138/am-2020-NMN105819 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
developed in Sanbagawa metamorphic sequence. The small quartz vein that included the gold- and mercury-bearing...the abandoned Plavno mine in the Jáchymov ore district, western Bohemia, Czech Republic. The uranium...baryte, olivenite, middlebackite, moolooite, brochantite, cuprite, devilline, malachite, azurite, zeu...occurs in mylonitized mica-schist containing thin quartz veinlets. It is a supergene alteration mineral...older metatorbernite–metazeunerite) in vugs of the quartz gangue with relics of tennantite and fine-grained
(1991) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 49. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
19 ANDALUSITE rich pink æ;ss~s ~ith Muscovite or Quartz. (Cc1brac20 ;:ir,hc 20 P.'.'\GrA0 !TE GARN::.T...unusual white flat rhombiccrystals (3mmsize) on Quartz crystals. ...40p 2x2 90p 49 BAYLDONITE thin green coating on Quartz. (Brandy Ghyll, Cumbria) l x ½ 60p lxlins 90p ...60 54 BINDHEIHITE rich yellow masses with minor quartz. ...BINDHEIMITE quite rich yellow pea size masses &crusts on Quartz (les Anglais Mine, Massiac,Brouse France) lxl 60p
(2007, April) List of Minerals from the Merritt Collection for Sale Catalog/List
Sicilv Elba Glen Strathfarrat Scotland Zambia Austria Ecton Hill, Staffs Cloqau Wales (Barstow) Ow...Crag, Cumbria Geevor, Cornwall Chalocite with brochantite Carrock Mine Cumbria Arsenooyrite Sphalerite...Merehead Quarrv Somerset Rauris Austria Vitifier Mine, Dartmoor Austria (Weller) ex Prisk Collection Hemerdon...Iridescent & gold Goethite Lodestone Limonite Quartz Quartz/Barite Opal Cuprite/Coooer Cassiterite Cassiterite...Hematite Quartz Cuorous Vinston Micaceous Hematite Crednerite Brookite Rose Quartz Hematite Quartz on dolomite
(1964) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 39 (1) 30-37 doi:10.1080/00357529.1964.11765946 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
" — from Henry G. Schef- 30 "Even though this quarry has been collected in for many years, with a little...in southern Banks County in N.E. Georgia, nice quartz xls occur, so we have been informed by Mrs. Francis...received from the Iowa Geological Survery: Hunting quartz crystals at Maysville, Ga. I N D I A N A — "Enclosed...a beautiful specimen ! The 2 inch section of a quartz geode is lined with tiny, bristling rock xls (many...occurrence of brochantite in Maine. "In New England the basic copper sulfate brochantite is quite rare
Wolfe, M., Green, D., Ballard, J., Bell, R. (2002) Index Issues 11-20. UK Journal of Mines and Minerals. Rockbottom Publications Journal (issue)
entries. It includes valid mineral species (eg. quartz), series names (eg stilbite) and group names (eg...& SMITH, M.E. (1993) The Minerals of the Peak District of Derbyshire 13:16-55 see also SARJEANT, W.A...V. (1996) The minerals of Cornwall Countybridge quarry, Goonhilly downs, the Lizard 17:25-28 INGRAM, S...from Ardownie quarry 14:17-20 __ TODD, J.G. & ANDERSON, D. (1992) Pyrite from Goat Quarry 11:8-10 IXER...18:17-32 QUIRK, D.G. (1993) Origin of the Peak District Orefield 13:4-15 ROTHWELL, M. & MASON, J. (1992)
Pullman, Steven, Thomssen, Richard (1999) Nevada Mineral Locality Index. Rocks & Minerals, 74 (6) 370-379 doi:10.1080/00357529909605174 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Scovil photo. Churchill County Chalk Mountain District Chalk Mountain mine: calcite, cerussite, chlorargyrite...mimetite, pyromorphite, quartz, scheelite, vanadinite, wulfenite Corral Canyon District Various mines and prospects:...prospects: anatase, rutile, titanite Figure 4. Quartz, 14.2 cm across, Newbeny Mountains,Clark County...Hot Springs Iron meteorite Lake (Mopung Hills) District Various mines and prospects: mopungite,* romeite...trona Table Mountain (Bolivia, Cottonwood Canyon) District Lovelock mine: annabergite, atacamite, ciinotyrolite
Biagioni, Cristian, Pasero, Marco, Zaccarini, Federica (2018) Tiberiobardiite, Cu9Al(SiO3OH)2(OH)12(H2O)6(SO4)1.5·10H2O, a New Mineral Related to Chalcophyllite from the Cretaio Cu Prospect, Massa Marittima, Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy): Occurrence and Crystal Structure. Minerals, 8 (4) 152 doi:10.3390/min8040152 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Geophysics, University of Leoben, Peter Tunner Str. 5, A-8700 Leoben, Austria; Federica.Zaccarini@unileoben...size and 5 µm in thickness, associated with brochantite. Electron microprobe analysis gave (in wt %,...units. Minor chalcopyrite has been observed only in quartz + calcite veins. The primary sulfides are strongly...into a series of secondary minerals: antlerite, brochantite, chalcanthite, chalcoalumite, connellite, langite...Tiberiobardiite was found associated with abundant brochantite. Its origin is likely related to the supergene
(2013) Mineral Up Vol. 3 (2) Mineral Up Journal (issue)
inside small pockets of dolomite and associated with quartz. These crystals are mainly of tetrahedral habit...been found, more rarely, in small pockets with quartz in the medium levels of the mine. Dr.Albert Soler...Tennantite with dolomite. J. Rosell coll. Tennantite and quartz. Level 1. Crystal of 3 mm. J. L. Garrido coll....oftennantite-tetrahedrite, in a dolomite vug with quartz. Halides Connellite ~U 19 _18 ~SO4 )(~H) 32 ....(mainly tennantite). It is mainly associated with brochantite and devilline among other secondary minerals
(1997) The Minerals and Gemstones Collection. Treasures of the Earth 56. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Journal (issue)
Pakistan About the Consultant 0 NEW ZEALAND Quartz, Brochantite, Brucite Silicates Ill ~ -0 C') Back...locations: Oue d-Abdall ah (Algeri a); Carinthia (Austria); Attica (Greece); Agra (I ndia); Conn emara (Irel...copper deposits and in veins of tourma line and quartz. It is commonly associated with the minerals chalcopyrite...None IVI I I N E R A L S -.., ll 0 I BLUE QUARTZ IS A DISTINCTIVE FORM OF SILICA WHICH CONTAINS...RANGE OF INCLUSIONS In mineralogical terms, blue quartz occupies an unusual position on the boundary between
King, Vandall T. (1982) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 57 (1) 29-34 doi:10.1080/00357529.1982.11764525 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sylvite, and anhydrite. Quebec Francon quarry The large Francon quarry in Montreal is located in a residential...little or no land available for expanding the quarry. The economics of dig­ ging deeper for the construction-grade...mining offsets transportation costs. The Francon quarry is world-famous for being the first (or only) producing...dawsonite are found at the Francon quarry. Dawsonite was first found in a quarry near the Francon. The city of...agreement with the Fran­ con company to use the quarry as a landfill. Reports from several collectors
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 100. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
-- ·- · ~~1 ~0/~ 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 1073 AMBL YGONITE Eitarama,Ruanda, Central...matrix. Unusual species. single blue 3mm crystal on quartz TiO l xl £6 lx2 £12 2x2 £24 Hydrocarbon £5 -·-...------------6 ALBITE Kragero Norway 933 ANATASE Hingston Quarry,Comwall Black micro crystals in crystalline feldspar...rock grey bleby small botryoidal with possible Brochantite on matrix. ½x½£2.5 Ix½£4 lxl£6 ALSiO lxl £3 lx2...Xonjiang, VR. China Quite rich pink masses with quartz and or mica good single dark red crystal with 22
(1899) Catalogue and Price List of Minerals. Roy Hopping Catalog/List
Ohio. Twinned Chiastolite from Meteorites — Quartz Crystals. Massachusetts. The Canyon Diablo...$2.00. A REMARKABLY LARGE A number of small quartz the showing in 1122 are as striated stepped...apparent, and rare QUARTZ CRYSTAL. twinning. is not at all uncommon, but quartz re-entrant twins...plane were was figure III. PLATE CRYSTAL. QUARTZ TWIN ED JAP NES of the smaller flattened, ...cleavage planes. Recently an extraordinarily large quartz twin was received from The larger figure is Japan
(2000) UK Journal of Mines and Minerals 20. Rockbottom Publications Journal (issue)
where I am based, than in, for example, the Lake District. although one site. the famous brookite-bearing...calcite crystal group 110 mm tall from Ton Mawr Quarry, Pentyrch, Cardiff, Walc:s. One ~ide of the crystal...9am to 5pm. Remaining in Cornwall. Hingston Down Quarry is opening up new reserYes of rock at the eastern...of a visit by a bona fide club or ,ociery. The quarry produc1:d fine pecimcm of cassiterite, fluorite...n.:wal furthc:r material. The nearby Grey\tone~ Quarry. which i\ also acce ible to collector\ only by
(2005) Journal of the Russell Society Vol. 8 (2) The Russell Society Journal (issue)
Proustite (1.0mm) with barite and tennantite. Dolyhir quarry, Old Radnor, Powys, Wales, October 2004. Collection:...Part 2, 2005 PAPERS The mineralogy of Newhurst quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire Frank Ince The occurrence...including koninckite and planerite from Grouse Lodge quarry, Shanagolden, Co. Limerick Stephen Moreton and...Neall and A ndy G. Tindle Columbite from Chywoon quarry in the Carnrnenellis Granite, Cornwall David Mou...Scotland Tim Neall and David I. Green Epirnorphs of quartz after fluorite from Rampgill, Coalcleugh and Bameycraig
Cook, Robert B., Mine, Tsumeb, Region, Oshikoto (2008) Olivenite. Rocks & Minerals, 83 (2) 140-147 doi:10.3200/rmin.83.2.140-147 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
olive-green, prismatic crystals associated with brochantite and anglesite (Keith 1972). At the Grandview...also occurs at the Empire mine in the Tombstone district, Cochise County; in the Old Reliable and Magma...Goodspring district in Clark County; associated with chenevixite and cornwallite in the Weepah district, Eureka...Mineralization is associated with a skarn and adjacent quartz monzonite stock of Tertiary age (El-Shatoury and...gold was found in a quartz vein cavity in the South pit. In the Tintic district, Juab County, olivenite
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 99. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
lx½£5 ZnAs0/4 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi Rich mass ofblnck crystal sections ,on...blue 3mm crystal on quartz no £5 -------------------------933 ANATASE Hingston Quarry,Comwall Black micro...England grey bleby small botryoidal with possible Brochantite on matrix. X0X!._£~·.?______ __~_ -----••·•·1:"...Cabracao, Minho, Portugal Quite rich pink masses with quartz and or mica ..:l..:x:_I£::.:2.:....__ _ _l_:_x2_:...with minor calcite or matrix ½"£4 7 ANNITE Snga Quarry, Tvedalen near Larvik, Norway Pure black mica plate
(1995) British - Cornish - Northern - World Display - Reference. Mineral Specimen List. Paul A. Lowe Catalog/List
Emmasville.New South Wales.Australia.Incomplete milky quartz prism of 50mm in length studded with lustrous dark...colln.£10 6. QUARTZ,var ROCK CRYSTAL,Minas Gerais.Brazil Pure snowy white druse of quartz prisms to 35mm...of locality.Matrix free.Good RF or D TN.£8 14. QUARTZ,var Rock Crystal,Hardanger.Norway.Clean xtl group...Canada Druse of amethystine stubby quartz prisms to 9mm cover milky quartz matrix.Amethystine xtls packed...approx. 70mmx30mm Studded with a little milkky quartz Attractive D SPC C £24 17. FLUORITE on SPHALERITE
(1880) Reviews and Notices. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 4 (17) 45-78 doi:10.1180/minmag.1880.004.17.06 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
occurrence of Chlorite . . . . in the English L a k e District, ''~ and to the writings of V o a Cotta, who,...to that of the fist, of gneiss, mica slate, and quartz,--rocks of the immediate neighbourhood. l~arely...regard to the occurrence in the conglomerate of quartz nodules with a chlorite which is very similar to...Reinite occurs with large contemporaneously formed quartz crystals, of which many exhibit a beautiful fracture...N.W. of Hungary. I t was at first taken for Brochantite and for Langite. Morphological relations :--The
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
braunite 81 brazilianite 67, 67 breunnerite 39 brochantite 59, 59 bronzite 98 brookite 34 brucite 36, 37...12, 12 quartz 28, 31, 95 quartz, amethyst 29, 31 quartz, aventurine 31 quartz, citrine 3J quartz, morion...morion 31 quartz, rutilated 31 quartz, smoky 31 realgar 18, l 9 rhaetizite 79 rhodizite 55 rhodocrosite...with pyrite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite in quartz veins. The typical colour is yellow, but a different...found at Butte, Montana, and the Copper Rjver district of Alaska. A much rarer mineral is covellite,