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Cameron, I4/.E., 1976: Coexisting sillimanite and mullite. Geol. Nag. 113, 497-514. Osumilith in der Eifel... R., 1982: Osumilith-Kfistalle yon der Cava Funtanafigu. Lapis 7, 26-27. Kobayashi, T., 1978: Osumilites
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expressed in abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture)...the revolution in 1997. Its mineral rich Katanga province was renamed Shaba by Mobutu, and is now the Katanga...Katanga administrative region again. The former Kivu province is now divided to three regions: INTRODUCTION...conditions in the gold-bearing "greenstone" in Abitibi province in northern Ontario and Quebec. Some genetic problems...Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald Mts., in the Sailauf quarry, Spessart Mts., Bavaria. both Germany, and from
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Short Hills, New Jersey. Renato Pagano: Milan, Italy. Ole V. Petersen: Geologisk Museum, Copenhagen,...British Columbia NF Labrador (part of Newfoundland Province) MB Manitoba NB New Brunswick NF Newfoundland...and Schemnitz, Czech Republic; Monte Narba, Sardinia, Italy; Smeingorsk, Semenowsky, and Altai, Siberia...metallic luster. G = 3.147. Mt. Etna and Mt. Vesuvius, Italy. Bm DI:126, ZK 74:511(1930). Named Roaldite...well-developed crystals; Vulecano, Lipari Is., Italy, in fumaroles. BM DI:145, ACB 30:1396(1974), ABI:4L6
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di rnin rali e rocce provenienti dalle , arie province del Regno Sardo (avviata intorno al 1825),raccolta...C. (1983) - Famous minerai localities: Baveno, Italy. Mineralogica! record, Vol 14, :\rr. 3, pagg. 157-168...minerais in the miaroles of granite at Baveno, Italy. European Joumal of Mineralogy, Voi. 16, pagg. 951-956...and Cuasso al Monte NYF-granites, Southem Alps (Italy): mineralogy and genetic inferences. American Mineralogist...(Baveno twin) Ouartz xls Oltrefiurne Qu , Baveno (Italy) Le specie per cui Baveno è type localittJ sono: