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(1994) Oregon Geology Vol. 56 (4) Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Journal (issue)
for fluid-inclusion work were a few calcite and anhydrite crystal fragments. These broken crystals are very...chalcedony, quartz, chalcopyrite, pyrite, epidote, anhydrite, magnetite, and iron oxide (Figure 2). In addition...Calcite 12 +2.2,+3.9 116-173 127 Anhydrite 12 125- 191 130 0 179' Anhydrite 0.0, -0.5, +1.5 I3 123-133 128...inclusions in hydrothermal quartz, calcite, (md anhydrite crystals, and primary quartz phenocrysts from...("C) o [J Hydrothermal Quartz . Cillcite 0 _Anhydrite_· Primilry Quartz Q Left and above: Figure 9
(1911) Canadian Mining Journal Vol. 32. Mines Publishing Co. Ltd Journal (volume)
CAPACITIES. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. The John McDougall Caledonian Iron Works Co. LIMITED Works: 512 William...answering Advertisements please mention NELSON, P. 0. CO. B. C. Box 73 The Canadian Mining Jouknal I ...JTOtJUNAfi. SPEED Dominion Coal Company Limited Nova Scotia Glace Bay A Yearly Output 3,500,000 Tons ...running Model 10 at the Offices Dominion Coal Co., Limited, Glace Bay, N. Smith Premier S. or at... Blyth Harvey & F. Starr, St. John, N. B. & Co., Charlottetown, P. E. Syracuse, N. Y. I. ; Canadian
Manning, P. I., Robbie, J. A., Wilson, H. E. (1970) Geology of Belfast and the Lagan Valley. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Report (issue)
13. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY . . . . . . . . Anhydrite, 160; Basalt, 160; Brick Clays, 161 ; Ceramic.... . . 108 F10. 14. Section of Balmer's Glen Quarry showing disturbance of the Chalk by . . . intrusive...PLATES FACING PAGE Pt.,ATE 1. A. Knocknadona Quarry. The upper part of the White Limestone (Chalk)...in the lava (NI 1 86) . . . . . B. Kilnquarter Quarry. Isoclinal fold in massive Silur. . . ian greywackes...PLATE PLATE PLATE • • • • • 6. A. Chalk Quarry, Ballymakeonan, Moira. The uppermost 1 1 m of the
(1992) January - February 1992. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 23 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Conklin Famous mineral localities: the Gillette quarry, Had dam Neck, Connecticut . . . . . . . . . ....available. P.O. Box 2096, Dorval, Quebec H9S 3K7 CANADA HAWTHORNEDEN Just ½ hour South of Bancroft, in...WEDNESDAY, DECEltlBER 13TH, 14TH A'.'JD 15T H, 1886. _CO_~MENCING AT 2:30 P, M. EACH DAY, Figure I. Title...Surprisingly, George Kunz bought very little for Tiffany & Co., most notably a specimen of turquoise for one dollar...fine, rare and beautiful. Near Byrd's Valley, Placer Co. [California.] See Plate ll. '·' Whitfield got it
(1968, December) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Vol. 38 (4) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Journal (issue)
A Fjord-Like Inlet on the Southeast Coast of Nova Scotia ...................... .. .....................support from the National Research Council of. Canada, and these awards are gratefully acknowledged....CHARLES F. EARLEY AND H . G. GOODE LL CARD SOUND CO NTOUR INTERVAL NAUTICAL M I LES ; 0 6 FEET =...0 1.- Location and bathymetry. 0 0 ..J ..J 0 co 2 ~ THE SEDI,,IENTS OF CARD SO UND, FLORIDA. to...exotic tropical types; consequently the I(eys arc _CO_\'ered by thin organic soils in n1ost places. PROCEDURES
(2002) Mercian Geologist Vol. 15 (3) East Midlands Geological Society Journal (issue)
Cover photograph: The eastern face of Bardon Hill Quarry, Charnwood Forest, exposing two Triassic palaeovalleys...Southam Cement Works, Warwickshire Reports Edgehill Quarry – Jonathan Radley Haute Provence – Alan Filmer...required a logo to go on the cover alongside that of our _co_-publishers, the Geologists' Association. Accordingly...Carboniferous with insights from the sediments of Nova Scotia, Canada. In November, Dr D.T. Aldiss presented his...18th century, who was the first to put forward the quarry remnant theory. James Shipman, the foremost amateur
James, Noel P., Dalrymple, Robert W. - Eds. (2010) Facies Models 4 - GEOtext No. 6. Geological Association of Canada. Book
Sedimenωl吨Y 搓搓 RESEAROI GROUP 命 library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Facies Models I editors:...of Canada IV. Series: GEOtext ; 6 QE651.F26 2010 551.7 @2010 Geologica l Association of Canada AII...rights reserved Publisher Geological Association of Canada c/o Department of Earth 8ciences Memorial University...ofNewfoundland 8 t. John's , Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada AIB 3X5 Phone (709) 864-7660; Fax (7 09) 864-2532...巳nts , is granted by the Geological Association of Canada for libraries and other users provided that they
(1969, March) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Vol. 39 (1) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Journal (issue)
Trta4Wrtr : Robert H . Dott, J r., Madison, Wi1COD1in Co,o,ci/01' ( Pal1cmtolog1): Richard Rezak, College... Cl)~ 0 Z..J z ~~◄ o::~ --- - -- - w 4' :co u t - - -~!!"1111!11-- j I~,;.....;:-..~~~ )J,...the support of the National Research Council of Canada. S incere appreciation is expressed to J. R. Beerbower...phenomena; ( 3) stromatolites form results of Black's work were immediately ap- by the trapping and binding...grass rhizomes have "roots," that is, unJaminated, _co_- I-J00.11-I Fie. 8.-Palmelloid sheets formed by
(1938) Lexicon of geologic names of the United States (including Alaska) Bulletin Vol. 896. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b896 Report (volume)
the definitions, of the named geologic units of Canada, Mexi7, th Wffit Indies, ' Central America, and...Belle cgl. Is exposed in old Mabb workings [Houghton Co.] and dump and along N. line of sec. 6-55-33. [This...underlying trap. Mabou formation. Carboniferous : Nova Scotia (Cape Breton Island). P. D. Trask and K. F. Mather...Trask, 1929 (Nova Scotia Rept. on Mines 1928, p. 285). McAdam formation. Silurian: Nova Scotia. H. M. Ami...Ami, 1900 (Roy. Soc. Canada Proc. and Trans., 2d ser., vol. 6, sec. 4, p. 203). [Assigned to Sil.] Many
Bristow, Henry William (1861) A Glossary of Mineralogy. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, London. Book
IiONDOlT PEINTED BT SPOTTISWOODE AND NEW-STEEET SQUABE CO. : aiOSSAEY OP imERALOaY. / BY HENEY WILLIAM...Thomson, 2 vols., 1836. Reports on the Geology of Canada, by Sir William Logan. Montreal. Quarterly Journal...Alum. Pissophane. Svanbergite. Amblygonite; Anhydrite. Baryta. Tripe Stone. Vulpinite. Witherite...Yellow Ochre. Carrollite. Bright White Cobalt, _Co_- Safflorite. Blakeite. Halotrichite. Halotrichine...Magnesium . . Peroxide of Cerium Mg^ •e-e CI . Co . . Chlorine Cobalt . . . . Magnesia Manganese
Barclay, W. J., Ambrose, K., Chadwick, R. A., Pharaoh, T. C. (1997) Geology of the country around Worcester - Memoir for 1:50 000 Geological Sheet 199 (England and Wales) British Geological Survey. Book
Two Precambrian 4 Malver11s Complex 4 Prir1cipal quarry exposu1·es 6 Deformation of the Malverns Complex...the Llandovery Series rocks and older 1·ocks 2 1 Co,�leigh Park Formation 25 vVvche Forn1ation 25 \Venlock...11 liers [ 76 1 7 4795; 7625 4766] ;;1t Co,vleigh Park. Tl1e co r11plex is co1nposed largely ot· di<)rite...!Pyx) Quarry 47 \ ' ' , 17 . � - .:,, ' ..., __,g · � o rth _, •, Broom hill _ Quarry - ' -..._ -_ 3. Dingle Quarry I : -,H ill t:,. ,' - 1 (I 2. W es tm in ster Arms Quarry 46 ___ _,.. \
Thompson, Woodrow B., Joyner, Ronald L., Woodman, Raymond G., King, Vandall T. (1998) Bulletin (41), A Collector's Guide to Maine Mineral Localities (3rd ed.) Maine Geological Survey Report (edition)
5 cm tall; gem weighs 2 carats. From the Havey Quarry, Poland, MaifJ. e. Photo copyright 1995 by Wendell...on quartz crystals, 24 x JO mm;Jrom the Bennett Quarry, Buckfield, Maine. Mined in 1996 by Holden !Jrothers...Supplemental labels were added where necessary to show quarry sites, road names, and other useful landmarks....those which are still open. The words "mine" and "quarry" are often used interchangeably in discussing mineral...Tanks; oil, water, etc . (labeled only if water) Quarry - Gravel pit ....................... ........
(1994) Oregon Geology Vol. 56 (5) Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Journal (issue)
continued to 625°C to observe the behavior of anhydrite. No correlation was found between homogenization...two of the unknown solid phases were gypsum and anhydrite. Results of the homogenization studies showed...DripSlQfle with draperylike features. Figure 6. CO/lUnn/onned when swlaclile and sla/agmile meet. 110...you know the principals worked in other states or Canada, call the fraud and securities departments in those...geothermal database for Oregon, single paper copies of Black's report have been placed on library open file in
Craig, G. Y., Hull, J. H. - Eds. (1999) James Hutton - Present and Future. Special Publication Vol. 150. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
113 Fax ( 11) 326-0538) Japan Kanda Book Trading Co. Cityhouse Tama 204 Tsurumakj 1-3- J0 Tama-shi Tokyo...Scottish Post Office Board Sponsors Brewin Dolphin and Co Ltd R and K Drysdale Ltd Dunstaffnage MaJine Laboratory...1772: Hutton found 'alkali in a stony body', and Black's pupil , Daniel Rutherford, discovered nitrogen...Clerk of Eldin found granite veins in Glen Tilt. Black's pupils founded the Edinburgh University Chemical...Traite elementaire de Chirnie, a translation by Black's student Robert Kerr was published in Edinburgh
(1938) Lexicon of geologic names of the United States (including Alaska) Bulletin Vol. 896. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b896 Report (volume)
the definitions, of the named geologic units of Canada, Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, and...current age designations of the geologic units of Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, the West Indies, and Central America...Bureau. calc., calcareous. Camb., Cambrian. Can., Canada. Carbf., Carboniferous. cgl., conglomerate. cgls...STATES 5 in., inch or inches. Circ., Circular. Co., County or Company. Indus., Industrial. Inst., Institute... of Howard Is. in southern Kans., from Greenwood Co. southward. Where it is absent, as in N. Kans., the
Hill, Carol A. (1987) Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas. Bulletin 117. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources doi:10.58799/b-117 Report (issue)
BALK, NMT WILLIAM L. CHENOWETH, Grand Junction, CO RUSSELL E. CLEMONS, NMSU WILLIAM A. COBBAN, USGS...limestone and gypsum blocks, Guadalupe caves, and anhydrite, Gypsum Plain 70 27—Insoluble residue in bedrock...gas moved updip in the basin and reacted with anhydrite at the base of the Castile Formation to form H2S...found in formation waters throughout most of Eddy Co." 12 Geographic setting Location and physiography...several hundred meters of intricately layered anhydrite, gypsum, halite, and subordinate limestone. Layering
Thomson, Thomas (1810) A System of Chemistry (4th ed.) Vol. 1. Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh. Book (volume)
Albertus taste, Magnus, Roger Bacon, Arnoldus de Villa Nova, Raymond Lully, and the two Isaacs of Hol- their...have done honour to himself. Arnoldus de Villa Nova is believed to have been born in Provence, a-...assume the form of vapour suffi- ciently heated. _Co_-nbinations with It is the combustibility of these...weight of platinum, without eaby the debasement of the _co_- sily detecting the fraud and Vauquelin has shown...compound assumes of the sulphur is a deep violet _co_- lour. Fourcroy had suggested, that in this compound
Boyd, Donald W. (1958) Permian sedimentary facies, central Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Bulletin 49. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources doi:10.58799/b-49 Report (issue)
feet thick, the upper part consisting largely of anhydrite with thin dolomite beds. A line from the southwest...Willis (1929, p. 1013) referred to 400 feet of anhydrite and sand between the San Andres limestone and...thin beds of anhydrite in the Grayburg and noted that the dolomites grade into anhydrite farther north...fine-grained orange-red sandstone and interbedded anhydrite, which normally thicken toward the center of the...MOUNTAINS 37 foot. These structures resemble Black's (1933) algal heads from ponds and swamps of Andros
(1983, June) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Vol. 53 (2) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Journal (issue)
Oklahoma University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ROBERT E. CARVER (Methods Papers) I. N. McCAVE...England McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Parle, California...Australia Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada LARRY J. DOYLE (Announcements) J. FRED READ ...HAMPTON Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada DUNCAN F. SIBLEY U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo...Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana MIRIAM
Livingstone, Alec (2002) Minerals of Scotland - Past and Present. National Museums of Scotland Publishing Ltd., Edinburgh. Book
Biography 1885-1900, 63 volumes, Smith Elder and Co., London), generally precede collection information...Scotland sensulato. Complete literature and locality co,·erage for each species never figured in the compilationstrategy...Scotland, a most elaborate work which appeared as Scotia 1/lustrata sive Prodromus Historiae Natura/is in...mlin:.r. Di ,i:rc,;bmroqi.:e P!um- Co;perOrt jrc1H Malainic. _Co_[jtr Ort wirbl,fut /J~tJ, 1111.lb/11...11·• Simi!cSribio,fcu t'.nuruomo, quoJu 1gurJm, fril co!orcpr.;:fl,mti:.i.--. Stcll,!tumAn· rimoniiRcgulumrcfcrcns
(1977) Fossil Algae. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-66516-5 Book
Ancient environments. Thanks to the gratefully accepted _co_-operation of many collegues, we hope this book may...University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland/ Canada D'Argenio , B., Istituto di Geologia e Geofisica...Memorial University , St. John's, Newfoundland/Canada Flajs, G. , Institut fur Palaontologie der Universitat... 14, and 15 from the Belcher Island Formation, Canada, 1.9 x 10 9 years o ld ; Figs. 12, 13, 16, 17,...rearrangement of 4 cells (after 2 divisions) und er co mpact ion to fo rm a tetraheder (Chroococcus); (c)
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert Wallace (1966) Minerals of California - Centennial Volume (1866-1866) Bulletin 187. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
housing developments. Another is the famous Crestmore quarry, where the cement production has almost destroyed...16 [Bull. 189 5f O 0> o o 2 O 0) 20 «! CO o O Q O d'^- .o i2 cd-S 'c3-t-''o «-Q0 cr CL... o tn 4; to .o .S o CO UJ $5 ^ Oh c/> CL 0) 1- \ > C CpegS o...the University of California at Santa Barbara and _co_-author of this Centennial Volume, is one of the justly...(orthoclase) Embolite (San Bernardino Analcime Anhydrite County (8)) Aphthitalite [Bull. 189 Phillipsite
(1922) Supplement: A-I. In Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 6. Book (volume)
ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS, GBEEN & CO., 89 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. 4 B. QUARITCH, LTD., 11...11 GRAFTON STREET, NEW BOND STREET, W. 1 DULAU & CO., LTD., 34-36 MARGARET STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE,...f<y<>/oCANADA. Harvey. Memoir No. 6. [No. 15, Geological Series</y<>...6J m. about]. Africa. . . of Persia, tfc. Kh. co?. 1891. A sketch of il'ui;i>ERlCK GEOE(iE) [1870-(...I, 9. 1912. no. 1-5. AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE OF CANADA, The. Vol. > I ('\NAHA. <s" department="" c="" <="" span=""></s">
Cossons, Neil (1987) The BP Book of Industrial Archaeology (2nd ed.) David & Charles, Newton Abbot. Book (edition)
role it had played since its inception in 1945, of _co_-ordinating the work of regional archaeological societies...Survey was has not competed with or replaced the _co_¬ transferred to the CBA to whom the DoE ordinating...the employ¬ industrial archaeology, to assist and _co_¬ ment of the Survey Officer, Keith Falconer, ordinate...the stools of the legislative framework, that some _co_¬ ordinated means of handling industrial archaeological...in the former work¬ shops of the Dinorwic slate quarry in Llanberis, Gwynedd [sh 586603] and the Museum
(1961, April 25th) Mining World Vol. 23 (5) Miller Freeman Journal (issue)
heavy off-highway service in construction, mine, quarry and industrial tons For work under large loading...Peshilialn Office Crawtord COMPANIES GUIDE Canada London, W. 1, England_ ; Cable Address: MILFREEPUB...help you. THE ALLEN-SHERMAN-HOFF Dept. J—P.O. PUMP CO. Box 635, Paoli, Pa. Representatives throughout...CORPORATION, AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD., Lima, OF CANADA Peru Melbourne, * SOUTH Australia * LIMITED...Canadian and Mexican cities. In Canada: Gardner-Denver Company (Canada), Ltd., 14 Curity Avenue, Toronto