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Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
2013). MALAWI Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series...Administered Tribal Areas and North West Frontier Province. Ilmenite crystal clusters to 12 cm across have...Mountain, Warsak district, North West Frontier Province. Surface diggings worked by local people on Zagi...onalcommunication, 2007). 4 ITALY Rio Marina area, Island of Elba, Tuscany. Elba (Latin:...attributions-the Xinig mine, Quinghai Province, and the Nan Dang mine, Guangxi _Province_-and those seen at Tucson were
Sinkankas, John (1989) Emerald and other Beryls. Geoscience Press, Prescott, AZ. Book
Fertil78 ity, Fevers and 131 France, 77 127 130 Italy, Poisons and Venomous Bites, Pregnancy, 127 ... Mexico, 480 Mongolian 507 Sudan, 508 456 Italy, 456 Kenya, (Namibia), 501 507 Spain, 445 ...AZ; Allan Caplan, CA; Giorgio Graziani, Rome, Italy; Harry Winston, Inc., New York, NY; Hoover, have...Van Pelt, Murphy, Los New Pagano, Monfalcone, Italy; Sanchez, E. Fallbrook, Scripps, Vienna, Angeles...Amber and Ist Egyptian Collection of the of Italy beryls were known to totally ignorant of the
Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., Zussman, J. (1962) Rock-Forming Minerals (1st ed.) Vol. 4 - Frameweork Silicates. Longman. Book (volume)
(“potash—anorthoclase”), tuffaceous liparite, Taiji Kii province, Japan (Kimizuka, 1932) (Includes P2O5 0-03)....E. Spencer. 16. Sanidine, Mt. Cimino, Viterbo, Italy (Spencer, 1937, p. 476 footnote). Anal. E. Spencer...sphene, in crevices in gneiss, Mt. Forno, Val Devero Ossola Piedmont, Italy (Azzini, 1933). 8. Adularia, Val...vol. 48, p. 280. Adularia e albite di Val Devero (Ossola). Atti. Accad. Sci. Veneto-Trentino-Istriana...A study of potash-anorthoclase from Taiji, Kii province, Japan. Japanese Journ. Geol. Geogr., vol. 9,