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Believed Valid

Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:


2 photos of Brochantite associated with Parnauite at this locality.


2 photos of Brochantite associated with Chrysocolla at this locality.


2 photos of Brochantite associated with Carbonatecyanotrichite at this locality.


1 photo of Brochantite associated with Chalcophyllite at this locality.


Mineral Data:

Click here to view Brochantite data

Locality Data:

Click here to view Samer, Kothgraben (Kotgraben), Kleinfeistritz, Weißkirchen in Steiermark, Murtal District, Styria, Austria

Photo Gallery

View Gallery (11 photos)

Data Identifiers

Mindat Occurrence Record ID:


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Nearest other occurrences of Brochantite

2.9km (1.8 miles)

Kothgraben (Kotgraben), Kleinfeistritz, Weißkirchen in Steiermark, Murtal District, Styria, Austria

14.6km (9.1 miles)

Staubmann Mines, Mischlinggraben, Reichenfels, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria

18.9km (11.7 miles)

Brunngraben district, Cu deposit (Schönberg), Flatschach, Spielberg, Murtal District, Styria, Austria

19.3km (12.0 miles)

Adlitz district, Cu deposit (Schönberg), Flatschach, Spielberg, Murtal District, Styria, Austria

28.9km (18.0 miles)

Gertrusk, Wolfsberg, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria

29.4km (18.3 miles)

Slag localities, Waitschach, Guttaring, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

30.6km (19.0 miles)

Hartlegraben, Kaisersberg, Sankt Stefan ob Leoben, Leoben District, Styria, Austria

33.3km (20.7 miles)

Oberzeiring, Pölstal, Murtal District, Styria, Austria

33.7km (20.9 miles)

Quartz quarry, Wolfsgruben (Wolfgruben), Seiz, Kammern im Liesingtal, Leoben District, Styria, Austria

35.4km (22.0 miles)

Upper Topenauer adit, Notberg, Guggenbach, Übelbach, Graz-Umgebung District, Styria, Austria


Reference Search (possible matching items)

(1982, September) Der Aufschluss Vol. 33 (9) Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. Journal (issue)
ist der Bezugspreis DM 66.-. Die Zustellgebuhr ist in den Jeweiligen Preisen enthalten . Schriftleiter:...Redaktion: Hans Damrau . Göttingen Fu r den In alt der in diesem Heft verolfentlichten Abhandlungen sind...durchsichtiger Spaltwürfel von Steins a 1z (NaCl) in Silbemitratlösung bestimmter Konzentration gelegt...Sekundärkriställchen können sich zum Primärkristall in mehr oder minder paralleler Orientierung befinden...r p h o s e n'' hat bereits Rene Just HAÜY (1801) in seinem Traite de Mineralogie" verwendet. Ausgehend
(2020, Winter) InColor 45. International Colored Gemstones Association Journal (issue)
׀‬InColor 3 Issue 41 ‫ ׀‬InColor 91 Contents 20 In Side 5 6 8 18 20 30 40 48 56 62 66 70 72 78 88...Members Industry News A Look At What’s Making News in the Colored Gemstone and Jewelry Industry Background...tourmaline American Gemstones – What They Are and (in the Library of William F. Larson). The kunWhere They...are Found zite (201 cts) is from the Oceanview Mine in Southern California; the 0.72-ct benitoite (left...Benito County, California; the group of sapGems Found in the U.S. State of Maine phires is from the Gem Mountain
Rygle, Kathy J., Pedersen, Stephen F. (2008) The Treasure Hunter's Gem & Mineral Guides to the U.S.A. (4th ed.) Vol. 2 - Southwest States. GemStone Press. Book (volume)
Treasure each regional Hunter’s volume Gem in the and Mineral Guide series offers state-by-state...“Here, with the help of these down-to- earth (in the best possible way!) guides, you can experience...T This is a book for those who aren’t interested in the “hidden treasure map through mosquito-infested...collection may end up taking the place of your car in your garage. Good hunting! 3 MID-CONTINENT PUBLIC...Highway 24 Independence, MO 64050 This volume is one in a four-volume series. VOLUME 1: Northwest States
Schuh, Curtis P. (2006) Mineralogy & Crystallography - An Annotated Biobibliography of Books Published 1469 through 1919 (4th ed.) Curtis P. Schuh, Tucson, AZ. Book (edition)
Software Corporation. Library of Congress Cataloging-_in_-Publication Data Schuh, Curtis Paul, 1959- . Mineralogy...publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic...the prior written permission of the author. Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper....access to the information. Although it is a work in progress with errors and formatting problems, these...source. In previous years this Biobibliography was supplied to those interested individuals in the form
Schuh, Curtis P. (2006) Mineralogy & Crystallography - An Annotated Biobibliography of Books Published 1469 through 1919 (4th ed.) Curtis P. Schuh, Tucson, AZ. Book (edition)
Software Corporation. Library of Congress Cataloging-_in_-Publication Data Schuh, Curtis Paul, 1959- . Mineralogy...publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic...the prior written permission of the author. Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper....access to the information. Although it is a work in progress with errors and formatting problems, these...source. In previous years this Biobibliography was supplied to those interested individuals in the form