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Prochaska, W., Bechtel, A., Kl�tzli, U. (1992) Phyllonite Formation and Alteration of Gneisses in Shear Zones (Gleinalmkristallin, Eastern Alps/Austria) Mineralogy and Petrology, 45 (3) 195-216 doi:10.1007/bf01163112 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Springer-Verlag 1992 Printed in Austria Phyllonite Formation and Alteration of Gneisses in Shear Zones (Gleinalmkristallin...(Gleinalmkristallin, Eastern Alps/Austria)* W. Prochaska 1, A. Bechtel 2, and U. K16tzli 3 Institut fiJr Geowissenschaften...Geowissenschaften, Montanuniversitfit Leoben, Austria 2 Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut der Universit~it...paragenesis (quartz-muscovitegarnet) yielded temperatures in the range from 623 to 642 °C which is interpreted...metamorphic events. The investigated phyllonites in the shear zone represent totally reequilibrated rocks
(1950) Der Saumhandel über die Tauern. Mittheilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, 90. Salzburg. 37-114 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, Salzburg, Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at Der Saumhandel...Epoche besonders dürftig. In den Zeiten aber, für die uns Aktenmaterial in reicher Menge vor* liegt,...betriebene Art Hausierhandel, vorherr* sehend mit Wein in der Süd*Nordrichtung und mit Salz auf dem Rückweg...viele hochaltertümliche Züge zeigt, behandelt werden. In einem Schlußkapitel aber soll versucht werden, von...Wein und Brannt* wein, der nordwärts ging, füglich in zwei Gruppen teilen. Davon sind die den Salzhandel
(1982, March) Der Aufschluss Vol. 33 (3) Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. Journal (issue)
Bez ugspr eis DM 66 ,- . Die Zust ellg ebuhr ist in den jeweiligen Pre isen e nthal te n . Schriftleit...sche Redaktion: Hans Damrau . Gcitt ingen Fur den In alt der ,n diesem Heft veroffentlichten Abhandlu...betreffe nd en Au toren sel bst verantwortl1ch. In h a I t KRISTL, P. E .: GOETHE und die „ Böhmisch...är-Paragenese ein er klein en U ranerzlage rstätte in der Morvan/Frankre ich . . .. . . . . . . . .. ....KO WA LS KI. H .: Otarionidae vom Pelm-Samer Weg bei G ees in de r E ifel 105 Aus den Sammlunge n unse
(1997) DK Finders Rocks and Minerals. Dorling Kindersley Ltd., London. Book
about, m4 | spot rocks and minerals “ and stick in the stars. FINDERS ROCKS AND MINERALS How TO...MINERALS JASPER When water that is tich in silica fills the cracks in a rock, it sometimes forms tiny crystals...jasper. rocks or minerals, stick one of your stars in the box next to it. CINNABAR This mineral was once...Some rocks and minerals come in several colors or forms. You'll see others in manufactured objects. You...lead. They are often used in steel manufacturing Difficult words are explained in a glossary on page 32
Lüty, Fritz (1898) Hauptversammlung des Vereins deutscher Chemiker. Bericht über die Festlichkeiten. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Chemie, 11. 887-891 doi:10.1002/ange.18980113902 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Hofrath S t a d e l an dem Chemikertage, welche in dem prächtig und die Inhaber der Weltfirma Merck...auswärtige in der sich die Liebe zur Schwarzkunst seit und Darmstädter Damen und Herren in über 300 Jahren...Herrn geeignet; in seinen Mauern wohnt ein wunderMusikdirector Engel. Namens des Local- samer Genius loci...geworden sein, dafür sanitären u. s. w. Anlagen wie in Hamburg, sorgt schon das Localcomite. Nach altem... so schloss der grosse industrielle Anlagen, wie in dem Redner, prüfen wir heute Abend die Güte 1896
Anderson, Alfred L. (1961) Thorium mineralization in the Lemhi Pass area, Lemhi County, Idaho. Economic Geology, 56 (1) 177-197 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.56.1.177 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
pp. 177-197 THORIUM MINERALIZATION LEMHI ALFRED IN THE LEMHI COUNTY, PASS AREA, IDAHO L. ANDERSON... 196 197 ABSTRACT The thorium mineralization in the Lemhi Pass area of southeastern Lemhi County...fracture zones,and reopenedcopper and _gold_-quartz veins and lodes, in impure quartzitic and phyllitic rocks...mineralized rock reaching distancesto 2,000 feet in length. These zones contain notable concentrationsof...were introducedinto the depositsafter the micas and in advanceof the barite, feldspar,calcite,and quartz
Mair, V., Vavtar, F., Schölzhorn, H., Schölzhorn, D. (2007) Der Blei-Zink-Erzbergbau am Schnneberg, Südtirol. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 153. Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria 3 Südtiroler Bergbaumuseum Ridnaun-Schneeberg Maiern...also in der 2. Hälfte des 15. und Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts. An die 1000 Knappen sollen damals in bereits...und vor allem die Fugger aus Augsburg ließen sich in der Berggerichtsstadt Sterzing nieder und erzielten...Gewinne mit den Erträgen aus den Gruben am Schneeberg, in Gossensaß/Pflersch und am Telferberg. Auch die Bischöfe...die Bewältigung der Probleme, die Arbeit und Leben in dieser extremen Gebirgsregion mit sich brachten.
Amayri, S., Arnold, T., Foerstendorf, H., Geipel, G., Bernhard, G. (2004) Spectroscopic characterization of synthetic becquerelite, Ca[UO2)6O4(OH)6]·8H2O, and swartzite, CaMg[UO2(CO3)3]·12H2O. The Canadian Mineralogist, 42 (4) 953-962 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.42.4.953 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ca[(UO2)6O4(OH)6]•8H2O, AND SWARTZITE, CaMg[UO2(CO3)3]•12H2O SAMER AMAYRI§, THURO ARNOLD, HARALD FOERSTENDORF, GERHARD...for the first time to characterize these phases. In becquerelite, there are four fluorescence emission...containing hexavalent uranium are commonly found in small quantities in the vicinity of uranium orebodies, uranium...adsorption reactions, are likely to play an important role in controlling the source term for the uranium migration...better understanding of the chemistry of uranium in contaminated environments. Such an understanding
(1958) Figure Photography Annual Vol. 7. Art Photography Magazine. Book (volume)
ARTISTS A half-century ago a man took his life in a sunlit fleld in Auvers because lack of public acceptance...today recognize the genius of Van Gogh. The nude in art faced similar problems before becoming accepted...is published by Ari Photography Magazine Prlntod In U.S.A. • like painters, photographers constantly...work. Acknowledged as one ol the top photographers in England, Gloss is lamed /or the basic simplicity...would try to fi nd some inspiration and incentive in t he female nude. As photo9raphy has experie nced
(1862) Index. Scientific American, 6 (26) 411-414 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican06281862-411b Journal (article/letter/editorial)
R. S. L., �f Ohio.�Th� quanti�;��- ;�ter, in �o;;�dS, 411 -C:'-I' Mass., 25;W.E.S.,ofWis.,25; W. E. S., of Wis., 25;W.E.S.,ofWis.,25;...$45; A. Q .• of N. Y., 15;J.P.H.,ofN.Y.,ioginoneminnte,multipliedintutheperpendjeularbight...15; J. P. H., of N. Y., iog in one minnte, multiplied intu the perpendjeular bight...15;J.P.H.,ofN.Y.,ioginoneminnte,multipliedintutheperpendjeularbight...15; J. D. L., of N. Y., 4;.ht0keepsteamTIl)inIfyouWIS".,0f"l′J•II,..,..ofIowa,4; . h t0 keep s team TIl) in If you WIS " ., 0f" l' J• II , .., .. of Iowa, 4;.ht0keepsteamTIl)inIfyouWIS".,0f"lJII,..,..ofIowa,15;... of N. Y., $43; G. R. B., of Ill., use a uftmpcr In the- smok� pipe so as to keep a low fire always un·...SpeCifications and drawings and models belonging to Austria, 40,000,000; Prussia, 20,000,000; and Russia, 60
van der Heyden, A., Sader, A., Al Dajani, A., Barahmeh, T. (2015) Exploration trenches for uranium resource evaluation. Applied Earth Science, 124 (2) 78-89 doi:10.1179/1743275815y.0000000008 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
recovery close to surface, v. difficulty in reliably logging geology in percussion drill chip samples. Previous...possible loss of fine-grained uranium mineralisation. In an effort to maximise sample recovery, avoid disequilibrium...sample recovery and disequilibrium, particularly in the uppermost part of the deposits. There was a concern...Uranium Mining Company (JUMCO) took over the project in 2013 and needed to determine the most appropriate...surficial uranium deposits of central Jordan is described in the study by Abzalov, van der Heyden, Saymeh and
(2023, June) Lapis Vol. 48 (6) Christian Weise Verlag GmbH Journal (issue)
Durango Mexiko. 11 cm hohe Stufe von Escaut Minerals In//., Foto: Mirliton La Rose INHALT/ Jg. 48, Nr. 6...Vor 15 Jahren. im Sommer 2008. wurden auf der Börse in Ste. Marie-aux-Mines etliche Stufen mit leuchtendroten...leuchtendroten Zirkon-Kristallen aus Pakistan angeboten. die in einer ganz ..eigenartigen„ gelblichen Matrix eingebettet...Kristalle ,_-arenweniger intensiv gefärbt und saßen in einer hellen. feldspatähnlichen Matrix. Damit ähnelten...Hauptgipfel nach drei gescheiterten Expeditionen in den l 930er Jahren zum „Schicksalsberg" deutscher
(1881) The Cause of Failure of Steel Boiler Plates. Scientific American, 45 (22) 336-337 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican11261881-336b Journal (article/letter/editorial)
direction of speed and economy in railway service." . _ . . . . in the Fontaine locomotive Illarks...Illarks a long stride forward in the the promise held out by tbe performance of the engine now on trial."... since there appeared behavior of engine No.1, in regular service on that road. instance, accomplish..."EEKLY AT NO. 37 PARK ROW, II,,)EW YORK. O. D. MUN�. in locomotive construction introduced by Mr. Fontaine...futlll'e greatly displeased the Railroad Gazette; and in a long arti- be havior of the engine will confirm
Zaki, M. M., Chen, Shaojie, Zhang, Jicheng, Feng, Fan, Khoreshok, Aleksey A., Mahdy, Mohamed A., Salim, Khalid M. (2022) A Novel Approach for Resource Estimation of Highly Skewed Gold Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Minerals, 12 (7) 900 doi:10.3390/min12070900 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Approach for Resource Estimation of Highly Skewed Gold Using Machine Learning Algorithms M. M. Zaki 1,2...Approach for Resource Estimation of Highly Skewed Gold Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Minerals 2022...stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in State Key Laboratory Breeding Base for Mining Disaster...Non-Exclusive Mining Consultant at Hammash Misr for Gold Mines, Cario 11474, Egypt; khalid.fielder@gmail...skewed grade distribution, and the confined nature of gold, there is a propensity to overestimate or underestimate
(1897) Index of Inventions. Scientific American, 76 (5) 77-78 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican01301897-77c Journal (article/letter/editorial)
illustrated in S UPPLElIENT. No. 600. twice the size as early as Thursday morning to appear in the follow­...Newark. N. J. 5 s drnm armature type such a. given in our SUPPLE)(ENT. 8:� Ir/!,d:>a�.r. ::�!'*.��g1:·p...Waterb· y. Ct. commended. 3. Can I obain drawings in detail of 8:::.�t:Fe'c�:i�e�����I�o�f· or ��il;;ay...milling machines, and drill presses. AlIERICANdynamo in SUPPLElIENT. No. 865. just alluded a 575,314 e L...-cheaper than brick, superior to SUPPLElIENTdescribing samer A. See our SUPPLElIENT. 8fi�t�i.lt��'fI���\��·.�:
Following is a list of the pages included in the — of the volume by date: MPABM, “Gooia 3d,dais)...S40 RS Hea SOae Be wa 102, 188, 465 New railroad in operation ........... n465 Ahumada, low-grade ore...increments in (R. B. Brinsmade)... .letter 221. South, see South Africa. ‘Trenesportation in Africa .................. n384 Gold output in 1924 decreases... . 533 Mineral output less in 1924.......... 419 Northern...plant (C EM signs wb a"gr oe wale @ ales ee ead i IN 5d ever con gies Wa 4 ws4,Sade BS Abel, W. D., on
(1917, December 22nd) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 104 (25) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
at the same time, slight none of the operations in manufacture which make leather a natural transmitter...of power and most economical for use in any industry. is felt in almost every other industry. Leather...war-business plants being built, or, decrease its efficiency in any way and produc tion suffers accordingly. It is...credit of the leather kelt manu- facturers that, in this time of urgent need, it B BELTIN Tanners ...obtainable at 130 points in the United States, and practically every country in the world. F.C. 103 DECEMBER
Abzalov, M. Z., van der Heyden, A., Saymeh, A., Abuqudaira, M. (2015) Geology and metallogeny of Jordanian uranium deposits. Applied Earth Science, 124 (2) 63-77 doi:10.1179/1743275815y.0000000009 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for a long time and in 2014 maiden mineral resources were estimated for...geology and the metallogeny of uranium mineralisation in Jordan, providing new insights into this mineralisation...mineralisation is confined to Upper Cretaceous sediments, in particular the Al Hisa Phosphorite (AHP) and the...surficial type-mineralisation that is mainly concentrated in a narrow, approximately 4?5m thick layer that is...important type of uranium in Jordan and currently represents the main exploration target in this area. The main
(1885) VIII. Auszüge. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 10 (1) 88 doi:10.1524/zkri.1885.10.1.88 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
VIH Auszüge. 1 . Α. Franzenau (in Budapest) : Anglesit τοη Felsö-Vissö (Természetrajzi Füzetek 1 884...Krystall Nr. 5) und Öfters bräunlich gefärbt. Verf. hat in einer schön ausgeführten Tafel die beobachteten Combinationen...| 7/26/15 3:47 AM 89 Auszüge. 2 . J . Loczba (in Budapest) : Mineral-chemische Untersuchungen (Ebenda...00 Ref.: A. S c h m i d t . 3 . Desider Fényes (in Budapest): B a r y t yon Pésey (Ebenda, S. 2 8 8...dick) von P é s e y (Frankreich, Dep. Savoie), welche in Gesellschaft von Dolomit-Rhomboedern auf Quarz aufgewachsen
(2020, Winter) InColor 45. International Colored Gemstones Association Journal (issue)
׀‬InColor 3 Issue 41 ‫ ׀‬InColor 91 Contents 20 In Side 5 6 8 18 20 30 40 48 56 62 66 70 72 78 88...Members Industry News A Look At What’s Making News in the Colored Gemstone and Jewelry Industry Background...tourmaline American Gemstones – What They Are and (in the Library of William F. Larson). The kunWhere They...are Found zite (201 cts) is from the Oceanview Mine in Southern California; the 0.72-ct benitoite (left...Benito County, California; the group of sapGems Found in the U.S. State of Maine phires is from the Gem Mountain
(1960, December) The Earth Science Digest Vol. 13 (6) Earth Science Publishing Company Journal (issue)
BONUS! a = apace ———— “The Unseen World Around Us,” in r @ isive lists of fluo cluding pone pine a Ss ai...engineer ing principles Combines long and short wave in one unit Rugged all metal housing Extra large filters...compartment, SAFE for changing tubes. Ex eptior al in this price range) nly 5 lbs. Size 3 eS x 20” @® Weight...Federation DECEMBER, EDITOR'S MEMO PAD What to put in a magazine. Rip Rap, and interesting letters to the... 213 GEOLOGY AN INFANT SCIENCE John S. Albanese In proportion to its importance if is surprising how
(1927, September 17th) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 124 (12) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
SS ee el a. Tal bael nt ar 1e Ig ‘th er 1g in oe is ot ut he Chile: The World's Biggest Copper...Principles of Geophysical Prospecting Magnetite Crystals in Sinters by A. B. Parsons - by Sherwin F. Kelly...the chain side-bars to roll forward, while grooves in the track rollers permit the chain rollers to pass...chain of all wear except for the slight bend made in passing around the end sprockets. Ifeavy cross shafts...shafts carry the track rollers and rotate in bearings which are a part of the side frames. As these bearings
(1846) A Child's Faith. Scientific American, 1 (21) 3 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican02051846-3g Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Government. T h e success of the most prosperious people in acquiring wealth, is generally attributed to their...judgment in laying their plans in a manner to take advantage of the exis ting laws, But in this regulating...laws are changed every year, the community arc left in such Observations TUHE-(� hail to the chief."...all by its power to v ir tu e it dra ws, A moment in beauty, the next If our fling and manreuvring,...of sel fish, knavish and intriguing politicians, in whose breasts the general welfare and prosperity
(1919) Proceedings. Journal of the Geological Society, 75 (1) doi:10.1144/gsl.jgs.1919.075.01-04.02 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1918. Mr. G. W. Lx~[PI, rGH, F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The List of Donations to the Library was...received from Prof. CHAR~,ES BXRROIS, D.Sc., F.M.G.S., in reply to congratulations sent on the occasion of...the subject of the Antarctic Ice-Cap was reviewed in its ,broader aspects, chiefly with the view of promoting...promoting a discussion among those specially interested in Glaciology. The present occasion had been reserved...Discussion, and he proposed to show certain lantern-slides in order to bring the salient features freshly to mind
(1901, September 21st) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 72 (12) The Engineering and Mining Journal Inc. Journal (issue)
publishers of technical periodicals and books. In order (TELEPHONE, 73 Harrison) to place the editorial...management. MINING BROADWAY, CorrTLanor.” NEW Eoitor in CHIEF Manaaina Epitor AssociaATE Eoiror SpecIAL...CANADA, MExico Yearty, 52 Copies In Apvance, 5.00OTHERCountriesINPostatUnion,5.00 OTHER Countries IN Postat Union, 5.00OTHERCountriesINPostatUnion,7.00 By Bank Drart...WELL with The managing editorship has been placed in the hands of Mr. Edward ADORESS W. Parker, who...NEW YORK OFFICE IN EVERY logical Survey, and Dr. Day’s chief collaborator in the preparation of