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(2018) November - December 2018. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 49 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 Articles Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria ................................ ............843 by S. D. Redwood The origin of platinum and gold ..................................................STRONTIANITE, 9 cm, from Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria. Fine Minerals International specimen, now...STEPHANIE@STONETRUST.COM Obtrdorf an dtr Laming ~ tyria, austria Thomas P. Moore Peter Huber 2709 East Exeter...net Rohe-Wand-Gasse 18 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria huber@mineral.at Just outside the village of Oberdorf
(1873, December 16th) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 16 (25) The Scientific Publishing Company Journal (issue)
divisibility of quicksilver, and also of silver and gold, as shown by the mining operations conducted in...mill for a considerable period an ore in which gold largely predominated, he used every precau- wl...silver or gold, perhaps both. How infinitesimally small, then, must be the particles of silver or gold contained...its kind, being construceted at a cost of less in gold, and making from four to five tons of iroa perday...that it ‘‘ is seriously to the injury of the Deep River region that no such practical mind guides the present
Weber, L., Davis, J.C. (1990) Multivariate statistical analysis of stream-sediment geochemistry in the Grazer Pal�ozoikum, Austria. Mineralium Deposita, 25 (3) doi:10.1007/bf00190384 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
stream-sediment geochemistry in the Grazer Pal iozoikum, Austria L. Weber 1 and J.C. Davis 2 1 Sektion VII - Oberste...covering an area of approximately 40 000 km 2 in Austria. Thirty-five elements were analyzed in over 30000...and from streams throughout the Eastern Alps of Austria. Results are summarized in an atlas of regional...mineral deposits lie on both sides of the Mur River. West of the Mur, deposits were exploited most extensively...mined during the war years (2.12). Eastward from the Mur, similar Pb-Zn-Ba mineralization has been mined in
(2003) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Vol. 148. Universität Innsbruck Journal (volume)
Riegelnik, Piaristengasse 1 9, A- 1080 Wien Printed in Austria MITI.ÖSTERR.MINER.GES. li8 (2003) INHALT Josef...: Zirkon mit Uraneinschlüssen von Arondu, Basha River, Baltistan, Pakistan S. 95 Breiter K. & Koller...02 s. 103 Ciobanu C. L. & Cook N. J.: Retrograde gold enrichment in skams: examples from Romanian deposits...magmas s. 1 04 s. 1 07 Cook N. J. & Ciobanu C. L.: Gold deposits containing tellurides and selenides problems...Tschechischen Republik s. 143 Poster B.: Precambrian gold exploration: new paradigms, sound science and geopolitical
Bartholomew, John (1942) The Oxford Advanced Atlas (7th ed.). Oxford University Press. Book (edition)
| 58 FRENCH 58 ATLANTIC OCEAN AUSTRALIA ° AUSTRIA (OstMark) AZERBAIJAN BELGIUM . 68 . 59 59, 60...should be noted in making use of the index :— Austria incorporated as Ostmark, in Germany. Bessarabia...- Plateau Prov. - — - Province Pt. --Point R. = River, Rio Ra.- Range = == Serva, Si ins iar Seltlement... 364 & 73.54w 14,18& 1498 7.21W Adige River,"ttaly, _ Adirondack Mts., New York. Adlavik Is...Alaska. . Admiralty Is., Pacific Ocean Adour River, France . .
Bartholomew, John (1936) The Oxford Advanced Atlas (5th ed.). Oxford University Press. Book (edition)
Minor Asir .... Assam Atlantic Ocean . Australia Austria . Azerbaijan Bahama Islands . Balearic Islands...Georgia Republic . 52 Germany. . 42-43 Gibraltar . 46 Gold Coast . . 68 Greece . . 51 Greenland . 78 Guatemala...Channel. - County. Cordillera. Creek. - Department. District. Div. E. Ft. G. Gov. Gt. Harb. Hd. I., Is. June...Plat. Plateau. Prov. Province. Pt. - Point. R. River, Rio. Ra. S. Ser. Set. Str. Ter. U.S. Val Vol.... Aa River, Switzerland . Aachen, Germany .... Aalborg, Denmark .... Aalesund, Norway Aar River, Switzerland
(1980) Geology of the European Countries - Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Dunod. Book
Geology of the eu _ ropean countries ' •' Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, . Ireland, The Netherlands...and they have been grouped in four volumes : • Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands...GeologiAustria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII AUSTRIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . 7 I. The Geological History of Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1980) Geology of the European Countries - Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Dunod. Book
Geology of the european countries Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Treland, The Netherlands, Switzerland...and they have been grouped in four volumes : @ Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands...Geological Congress Geology of the european countries Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands................... THE MOLASSE ZONE NORTH OF THE RIVER DANUBE ..... ee ee ee ee ee eo ee ew ee www es The...Selected Books Dealing with the Regional Geolog y of Austria............ List of Selected Geoscientific Periodicals
Bishop, Heber Reginald (1906) Investigations and Studies in Jade Vol. 1. The Bishop Collection, New York. Book (volume)
768 Jewelled Box 777 Jewelled Box and 733 _Gold_-mounted 781 Jewelled Butterfly 462 Yase and...for recover great jewels. as and jade and gold, which they of plates Guiana, and commonly every...fastened wear wear them. In which is fixed in gold, that it appears to grade as of the deceased...13 gold call the lower orders chin-ornament slit and the labret variegated to Diaz, gold.” signify...to elucidate the so of carved series of the district where the competent geologist, after a who
(2011) D-DR: History (General), History of Europe. Library of Congress Classification Schedules. Library of Congress Report (volume)
History of Great Britain History of Central Europe, Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Czechoslovakia History...DB1-3150 DB1-879 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia Austria. Austro-Hungarian Empire...1521 OUTLINE History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia Austria. Austro-Hungarian Empire... Ethnography .. • /' x OUTLINE History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia...Carpathian Mountain region DJK76.2-76.8 Danube River Valley DJK77 Pannonia DK1-949.5 History of Russia
(1993) Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-84640-3 Book
Karl-Franzens-Universitat HeinrichstraBe 26 A-8010Graz Austria ISBN-13 :978-3-642-84642-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-84640-3...stretching 1500 km between Vienna and Graz in Austria and Genova in Italy. They resulted from the collision...Salzburg, Hellbrunner Str. 34 A-5Ol0 Salzburg, Austria FLISCH,M. Bruckfeldstr. 23 CH-3000 Bern, Switzerland...Salzburg, Hellbrunner Str. 34 A-5Ol0 Salzburg, Austria FRISCH,W. Institut fUr Geologie und Palaontologie...Salzburg, Hellbrunner Str. 34 A-5020 Salzburg, Austria HEINISCH, H. Geologisches Institut, Albertstr.
Geological Survey of Western Australia (1937) Annual progress report of the Geological Survey of Western Australia for the year 1936. Annual Report 1936. Geological Survey of Western Australia Report (issue)
Figures to Accompany Report on Ora Banda Amalgamated Gold Mine ............ Plan of Winning Station showing...VI. Plan of Portion of Gold Belt South of Southern Cross, VII. Yellomdine Gold Development, Ltd., Palmers...April a visit mas paid t o the Ora Banda aniated Gold Mine rant’s Patch. This iecessary in order hail...lcads. During Deceiiiber 1 made y Shenton Gold lliiie at 3 Gold Mine a t Mt. Sir Samuel. Both exaiiiiiialions...-vpas engaged continuously on field work ;II that district until the end of October. I h r i n g November
(1939) Geophysical abstracts, 92-95, January-December 1938. Geophysical abstracts 95, October-December 1938. Bulletin Vol. 909 (909d) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b909d Report (issue)
in the geophysical exploration of the ground in _Austria_]: Berg- u. hiittenm. Mohatsh-.,'vol.- 86,'No. 9...'1938. Geophysical exploration of the ground in Austria (Ostmark) on a large scale is included in the 4-year...heavily drift covered part of the Keweenawan copper district of northern Michigan in which there are few outcrops... Results of seismic prospecting at the Daidoko River, Korea [in Japanese] : Tokyo Imp. Univ., Earthquake...ascertaining the depth of the bedrock under the Daidoko River the author resorted to seismic prospecting. Highmagnification
(1909) Mining and Scientific Press Vol. 98. Mining and Scientific Press Journal (volume)
in . . 15 W. M. Brewer 485 793 177 Mexican Gold Mining Company 193 Alfred H. Brooks. Progress in...Matt. 760 .F. Lynwood Garrison. AUuvlals, Nature of Gold in. Bertram Hunt. ... 515 Aluminum, Uses of 424...Copper O\itionk.... 91 Appelbaum, M. E Arteaga District, Chihuahua. Mexico.. W. B. Winston.... 829 162.... 12S fiVi Charles Walter Geddes Calabacillas Gold Mine L. S. Austin.... 750 Calcines, Furnaces for...Calculation of Heat Conductivities Precipitation of Gold Caldecott, W. A . I>ltto . ... The Vacuum Pump
(2001) Library of Congress Subject Headings (24th ed.) Vol. 3 - I-M. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Book (volume)
(African people) (China) Taipa Island (China) I-liu District UF laido Gilbertese language Yi kuan tao (Cult)...Intel i860 (Microprocessor) Interstate 5 I-IO District (China) I-liu [Former heading] 1750 (Microprocessor)...(Bornean people) USE Iban (Bornean people) Ibar River (Serbia) BT USE Spanish ibex IBEX 35 (Stock price...Ibias River Valley (Spain) Rivers UF Ibias Valley (Spain) BT Valleys USE — — Ibias River Valley...Bembe — BT (Disease) USE Bembe (Brazil) Ibias River (Spain) Ibias Valley (Spain) IBBY-Asahi Reading
(2001) Library of Congress Subject Headings (24th ed.) Vol. 5 - S-Z. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Book (volume)
(I -Aann* iT" tV)>(^4iioc S#' 't' ' ^UtL-mur) >< :c‘, 8f {mfUtuavvC ZjktMMtkvA fiftuw ekcm...Saalach River (Austria and Germany) UF Selach River (Austria and Germany) BT Rivers Rivers —Austria — Germany...Saale River (Germany) UF Sachsische Saale River (Germany) Saxonian Saale River (Germany) Zaale River (Germany)...(Germany) BT Rivers Germany — Saale River Valley (Germany) UF Saale Valley (Germany) BT —Germany Watersheds...Valleys Saale River Watershed (Germany) BT Saale Valley (Germany) USE Saale River Valley (Germany)
(2001) Library of Congress Subject Headings (24th ed.) Vol. 4 - N-R. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Book (volume)
language Naab River (Germany) (Not Subd Geog) UF Nab River (Germany) BT Rivers—Germany Naab River Valley (Germany)...Valleys—Germany Naab Valley (Germany) USE Naab River Valley (Germany) Na’ami sheep USE Awassi sheep Na‘ar...Gnosticism Naatas USE Navayats Nab River (Germany) USE Naab River (Germany) Naba, Jabal (Jordan) USE...spaces USE Hewitt-Nachbin spaces Naches River (Wash.) UF Natchez River (Wash.) BT Rivers—Washington (State)...(Character) UF Nachiketas Nacimento River (Calif.) USE Nacimiento River (Calif.) Nacimiento Mountains (N
Grabau, Amadeus W. (1913) Principles of stratigraphy. A. G. Seiler and Co., New York. Book
Polygene Rivers 133 Relative Ages of Rivers and River Systems Aging of Rivers by Accideiit; Revival and...Composition of Lake Waters 161 Composition of River Water Table Showing the Amounts in Permille of the...Principal Elements and Compounds occurring in Various River Waters (162); Table Showing Salinity of other Rivers...carried in Solution in one Cubic Mile of Average River Water. ..... 162-164 165 IV. Composition of Spring...Action 243-244 Lake Currents 244 ; River Currents 244 Velocities of River Currents (245); Erosive Rivers
White, William B, Culver, David C, Pipan, Tanja - Eds. (2019) Encyclopedia of Caves (3rd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2017-0-01162-x Book (edition)
472 473 xii Contents 57. Guano communities River caves of the Kả Bàng massif Exploration history...Anthony Multilevel caves Caves and the water table River incision and the record in caves Landscape interpretation...Boch (1096), Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria Yvonne Droms (420), U. S. Deep Caving Team, Linville...Dublyansky (546), Innsbruck University, Innsbruck, Austria James E. Brady (686), California State University...Sp€otl (1096), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Michael E. Slay (163,830), The Nature Conservancy
White, William B., Culver, David C. - Eds. (2012) Encyclopedia of Caves (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2010-0-64793-6 Book (edition)
University of Sydney, Australia Dan L. Danielopol Austria Heinerth Productions, Inc. John C. Hempel Carol...Watson Washington University Innsbruck University, Austria William K. Jones Karst Waters Institute Polish...conditions. In the horizontal St. Paul’s Underground River corridor (Palawan, Philippines), the seawater moves...gorgeous hypogean estuary St. Paul’s Underground River (Palawan, Philippines) is the central attraction...and breakdown boulders are also commonly visible. River cane seems to have been the preferred torch material