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Uranothorite from

Kamlunge, Kalix, Norrbotten County, Sweden

Species: Thorite var: Uranothorite
Formula: (Th,U)SiO4
Comments: Minor amounts observed
Validity: Believed Valid
Mineral Data: Click here to view Uranothorite data
Locality Data: Click here to view Kamlunge, Kalix, Norrbotten County, Sweden
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID: 82639
Long-form Identifier: 1:3:82639:2
GUID (UUID V4): ce5197dc-7ea3-41f6-8d4c-87b5354eb828
Smellie, J.A.T. (1985): Uranium-series disequilibrium studies of drillcore Km3 from the Kamlunge test-site, northern Sweden.Mineralogical Magazine, 49: 271-279
Reference Search (possible matching items)
**Smellie, John A. T. (1985) Uranium-series disequilibrium studies of drillcore Km3 from the Kamlunge test-site, northern Sweden. Mineralogical Magazine, 49 (351) 271-279 doi:10.1180/minmag.1985.049.351.14 **Journal (article/letter/editorial)studies of drillcore Km3 from the Kamlunge test-site, northern Sweden JOHN A. T. SMELLIE Swedish Geological...Geological Company, Box 1424, 751 44 Uppsala, Sweden ABSTRACT. Studies of the U decay series (138U 234U...waste, Kamlunge, Sweden. K E V W O R D S: ThE Kamlunge test-site is situated in northern Sweden about...(fig. 1). It represents one of several sites in Sweden which have recently been investigated as potential...et al., 1982). In common with the other areas, Kamlunge represents a crystalline rock environment which