metal mineralization of the Jánská vein, Březové Hory, Příbram, Czech Republic: lead isotopes and chemical...Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic; Department of Mineralogy...Museum, Václavské nám. 68, 115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic Laboratories of Geological Institutes, Charles...Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science...Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information |
Plášil, Jakub, Sejkora, Jiří , Čejka, Jiří , Škácha, Pavel, Goliáš, Viktor, Ederová, Jana (2010) Characterization of phosphate-rich metalodèvite from Príbram, Czech Republic. The Canadian Mineralogist, 48 (1). 113-122 doi:10.3749/canmin.48.1.113 |
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PHOSPHATE-RICH METALODÈVITE FROM PŘÍBRAM, CZECH REPUBLIC Jakub PLÁŠIL§, Jiří SEJKORA and Jiří ČEJKA...Museum, Václavské nám. 68, CZ–115 79, Praha 1, Czech Republic Pavel ŠKÁCHA and Viktor GOLIÁŠ Institute...of Science, Albertov 6, CZ–128 43, Praha 2, Czech Republic Jana EDEROVÁ Institute of Chemical Technology...Praha 6, Czech Republic Abstract Phosphate-rich metalodèvite was found in the Jánská vein, in the Březové...Březové Hory deposit, Příbram ore district, Czech Republic. It occurs as coatings and centimeter-scale |
Žák, K., Svojtka, M., Breiter, K., Ackerman, L., Zachariáš, J., Pašava, J., Veselovský, F., Litochleb, J., Ďurišová, J., Haluzová, E. (2014) Padrť Stock (Teplá-Barrandian Unit, Bohemian Massif): petrology, geochemistry, U-Pb zircon dating of granodiorite, and Re-Os age and origin of related molybdenite mineralization. Journal of GEOsciences, 59 (4) 351-366 |
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Original paper Padr Stock (Teplá–Barrandian Unit, Bohemian Massif): petrology, geochemistry, U–Pb zircon...CR, v.v.i., Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic; Institute of Geochemistry,...Prague 2, Czech Republic 3 Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, 118 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic 4 National...Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, 115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic * Corresponding author † Deceased 1 2 The...Teplá–Barrandian Unit, Bohemian Massif, several kilometers away from the NW periphery of the Central Bohemian Plutonic |
Pacák, K., Zachariáš, J., Strnad, L. (2019) Trace-element chemistry of barren and ore-bearing quartz of selected Au, Au-Ag and Sb-Au deposits from the Bohemian Massif. Journal of GEOsciences, 64 (1) 19-35 |
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selected Au, Au–Ag and Sb–Au deposits from the Bohemian Massif Karel PACÁK1, Jiří ZACHARIÁŠ1*, Ladislav...Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic; Laboratories...Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic Corresponding author The trace-element contents...eight Au, Au–Ag and Sb–Au Variscan deposits in the Bohemian Massif have been determined in situ in order to...phases. The titanium content of the ore-bearing vein quartz follows bimodal distribution: gold deposits |
Sejkora, J., Čejka, J., Šrein, V. (2007) Supergene uranium mineralization from Horní Halže near Mědenec (Krušné hory Mountains), Czech Republic. Journal of GEOsciences, 52 (3-4) 199-210 |
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from Horní Halže near Měděnec (Krušné hory Mountains), Czech Republic Jiří Sejkora1*, Jiří Čejka1, Vladimír...Museum, Václavské nám. 68, 115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic; Institute of Rock Structure...Sciences of the Czech Republic, V Holešovičkách 41, 182 09 Prague 8, Czech Republic Corresponding Horní Halže near Měděnec, Krušné hory Mountains, Czech Republic with the help of optical and electron...parameters, chemical composition, Horní Halže, Czech Republic Received: 11 October 2007; accepted 11 December |
Plášil, J. (2014) Oxidation-hydration weathering of uraninite: the current state-of-knowledge. Journal of GEOsciences, 59 (2) 99-114 |
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Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i, Na Slovance 2, 182 21, Prague 8, Czech Republic; Oxidation–hydration...“pitchblende” in calcite gangue. The pit #15, Příbram uranium deposit. The width of the photograph (field-of-view...nearly-linear, dumbbell-like (Fig. 2a), geometry to a central U atom at the distances ranging most commonly from...arranged at relatively long distances from the central U6+ at the equatorial vertices of the uranyl tetragonal...yellow) growing on pyrite (Py) grains in the barite gangue. Menzenschwand uranium deposit, Schwarzwald (Germany) |
Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., Škoda, R., Škácha, P. (2014) The recent weathering of uraninite from the Červená vein, Jáchymov (Czech Republic): a fingerprint of the primary mineralization geochemistry onto the alteration association. Journal of GEOsciences, 59 (3) 223-253 |
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weathering of uraninite from the Červená vein, Jáchymov (Czech Republic): a fingerprint of the primary mineralization...Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic; Department...National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, 193 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic 3 Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty...Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic 4 Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and...Prague 2, Czech Republic 5 Mining Museum Příbram, náměstí Hynka Kličky 293, 261 01 Příbram VI, Czech Republic |
Sejkora, J., Plášil, J., Císařová, I., Škoda, R., Hloušek, J., Veselovský, F., Jebavá, I. (2011) Interesting supergene Pb-rich mineral association from the Rovnost mining field, Jáchymov (St. Joachimsthal), Czech Republic. Journal of GEOsciences, 56 (3) 257-271 |
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mining field, Jáchymov (St. Joachimsthal), Czech Republic Jiří Sejkora1*, Jakub Plášil2, Ivana Císařová3...Museum, Václavské nám. 68, 115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic; Mineralogical Crystallography...University, Hlavova 2030, 128 40 Prague 2, Czech Republic Institute of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University...611 37 Brno, Czech Republic U Roháčových kasáren 24, 100 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic Czech Geological...Geological Survey, Geologická 6, 152 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic Corresponding author Rich supergene mineral association |
Škácha, Pavel, Sejkora, Jiří, Plášil, Jakub (2017) Selenide Mineralization in the Příbram Uranium and Base-Metal District (Czech Republic) Minerals, 7 (6) 91 doi:10.3390/min7060091 |
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in the Příbram Uranium and Base-Metal District (Czech Republic) Pavel Škácha 1,2, *, Jiří Sejkora 2...Place 293, Příbram VI, 261 01 Březové Hory, Czech Republic Department of Mineralogy and Petrology,...Cirkusová 1740, Prague 9, 193 00 Horní Počernice, Czech Republic; Institute of Physics ASCR...ASCR, v.v.i., Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic; Correspondence: skacha-p@muzeum-pribram...Příbram uranium and base-metal district (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) bound to uraninite occurrences |
Plášil, J., Čejka, J., Sejkora, J., Škácha, P., Goliáš, V., Jarka, P., Laufek, F., Jehlička, J., Němec, I., Strnad, L. (2010) Widenmannite, a rare uranyl lead carbonate: occurrence, formation and characterization. Mineralogical Magazine, 74 (1) 97-110 doi:10.1180/minmag.2010.074.1.97 |
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Václavské náměstı́ 68, Praha 1, 115 79, Czech Republic Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral...128 40, Czech Republic Czech Geological Survey, Geologická 6, Praha 5, 152 00, Czech Republic Department...of Science, Hlavova 2030, Praha 2, 128 40, Czech Republic Laboratories of the Geological Institutes,...Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 40, Czech Republic [Received 14 May 2008; Accepted 16-February...Pb2(UO2)(CO3)3, was found at the Jánská vein, Přı́bram, Czech Republic, where two generations occur in several |
Ostendorf, Jörg, Henjes-Kunst, Friedhelm, Seifert, Thomas, Gutzmer, Jens (2019) Age and genesis of polymetallic veins in the Freiberg district, Erzgebirge, Germany: constraints from radiogenic isotopes. Mineralium Deposita, 54 (2) 217-236 doi:10.1007/s00126-018-0841-1 |
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genesis of polymetallic veins in the Freiberg district, Erzgebirge, Germany: constraints from radiogenic...Springer Nature 2018 Abstract The Freiberg mining district in the Erzgebirge hosts three principal types...barite-fluorite-sulfide type. We investigated the genesis of each _vein_-type using Rb-Sr sphalerite geochronology, Sm-Nd...long-held hypothesis that veins in the Freiberg district formed during two hydrothermal events. The Lower...fluorite dating . Pb isotopes . _Vein_-type deposit . Freiberg district . Erzgebirge Introduction Editorial |
Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., Čejka, J., Škoda, R., Goliáš, V. (2009) Supergene mineralization of the Medvědín uranium deposit, Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic. Journal of GEOsciences, 54 (1) 15-56 |
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mineralization of the Medvědín uranium deposit, Krkonoše Mountains, Czech _Republic_† Jakub Plášil1,2*, Jiří Sejkora1...Museum, Václavské nám. 68, 115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic; Institute of Geochemistry...Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science...Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic Corresponding author Dedicated to everlasting...Supergene mineralization of the hydrothermal vein uranium deposit Medvědín (Krkonoše Mts., northern Bohemia) |
Wang, Cuiyun, Li, Xiaofeng, Wei, Xingling (2021) Apatite at Niutoushan U–Pb–Zn deposit in Xiangshan ore field: A tracer for hydrothermal fluid. Geological Journal, 56 (1). 152-169 doi:10.1002/gj.3947 |
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Apatite at Niutoushan U–Pb–Zn deposit in Xiangshan ore field: A tracer for hydrothermal...Sciences, No. 19, Beitucheng Western Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China. Email: xiaofengli@mail...Xiangshan uranium ore field is the largest uranium deposit in Jiangxi Province, South China. In this ore field...field, the largest volcanic rock-hosted uranium deposit thermal fluids from which it precipitates and...Niutoushan deposit. magmatism (Andersson, Wagner, Jonsson, Fusswinkel, & Whit- Niutoushan deposit, located |
Hazen, R. M., Golden, J., Downs, R. T., Hystad, G., Grew, E. S., Azzolini, D., Sverjensky, D. A. (2012) Mercury (Hg) mineral evolution: A mineralogical record of supercontinent assembly, changing ocean geochemistry, and the emerging terrestrial biosphere. American Mineralogist, 97 (7) 1013-1042 doi:10.2138/am.2012.3922 |
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Subsequent elaborations of these concepts point to the central importance of time as a dimension in mineralogical...may be bound to organic matter, incorporated into pyrite, or present as a distinct Hg mineral such as cinnabar...2005). The world’s largest Hg deposit, the Almadén district of central Spain, is representative of concentrations...reworking of the mercury-hosting rocks of the Almadén district (primary mineralization 427–380 Ma) led to at...associated with one larger contemporaneous mineralized region. Most notably, records more than 300 |