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Nysten, Per (1986) Gold in the volcanogenic mercury-rich sulfide deposit L�ngsele, Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 21 (2) doi:10.1007/bf00204271 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
deposit Lhngsele, Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden Per Nysten Department of Mineralogy, Institute...Uppsala, Sweden Abstract. The mineralogy of gold from a volcanogenic sulfide deposit in northern Sweden (Lgmgsele)...occurs as AuAg amalgam, native gold and rarely as aurostibite (AuSb2). The results of microprobe analyses of...has been interpreted as a breakdown product of aurostibite at low temperature. Introduction In this paper...volcano-sedimentary milieu in the Precambrian of northern Sweden have been investigated. In the ore deposit studied
Eilu, Pasi (2003) Exploration for orogenic gold deposits. Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining. Rovaniemi. Corporate Document
Rantasalmi 4. SWEDEN 4.1 Aitik 4.2 Pahtohavare 4.3 Björkdal 4.4 Åkerberg 4.5 Nautanen, Gällivare 4.6 Jälketkurkkio...described in this paper. In addition, some samples from Sweden, Czech Republic, Russian Far East, Ukraine, and...cratons in the northeast and collision of the Norrbotten and Karelian cratons in the west. This resulted...ore" was extracted and treated at the Pahtavaara mine plant (Markku Kilpelä, pers. comm. 1999). The deposit...Cu (Korvuo 1997). The total production from the mine is 6279 kg Au and 5177 t Cu (Korvuo 1997, Reijo
Dill, H. G., Weiser, T., Bernhardt, I. R., Kilibarda, C. Riera (1995) The composite gold-antimony vein deposit at Kharma (Bolivia) Economic Geology, 90 (1) 51-66 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.90.1.51 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
formantimonyandaurostibite. Nativegoldwasincludedby aurostibite duringstage III andby Au-SboxidesduringstageIV...1974). The ma- Rico de Potosiand anotherAg-Zn-Pb mine in a volcanic jor antimonydepositsin Bolivia (Fig...reservesfor one orebody("bolson"in Spanish) Kharma Mine measuring20 X 65 m havebeen calculatedto amountto...rtedinto a morpho- tion like that at the Kharma mine has been detected. This logical depressionby the...percent of the sulfides.Some magnetite is also aurostibite(Fig. 3a) or surroundinggoldgrainsin the Aubearingsectionsof
Eilu, Pasi - Ed. (2012) Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Fennoscandia. Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper 53 Report (volume)
deposits and all metallogenic domains in Norway, Sweden, Finland and NW Russia. Deposits and metallogenic...Finland, Norway, Russia (VSEGEI and SC Mineral) and Sweden. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND Special Paper 53...Fe Russia Vittangi Au Fe U Kittilä Fe Gällivare REE Cr Fe Kovdor Ni REE Sodankylä Fe Fe...Alakurtti Korpilombolo Cu Salla Jokkmokk 68° N Sweden Co REE Kemijärvi Fe ISBN 978-952-217-174-0...Finland, 40 in Norway, 40 in Russia, and 41 in Sweden. These include 24 areas that cross international
Liu, Haiming, Beaudoin, Georges, Makvandi, Sheida, Jackson, Simon E., Huang, Xiaowen (2021) Multivariate statistical analysis of trace element compositions of native gold from orogenic gold deposits: Implication for mineral exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 131. 104061pp. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104061 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Lucette deposit. Gold from Lapa shows a rim of aurostibite (AuSb2) with arsenopyrite inclusions in the aggregate...Back-scattered electron image of gold with a rim of aurostibite in association with arsenopyrite from Lapa. (P)...foothills: case study and field trip guide for Empire Mine State Historic Park, California. Rev. Mineral. Geochem...Flexible Geomodel: Optimization from Discovery to Mine Development. 553-567. Cox, S., Ruming, K., 2004...2001. A fluid inclusion study of the Fosterville Mine: a turbidite-hosted gold field in the Western Lachlan
Hutchinson, Richard W., Grauch, Richard I. - Eds. (1991) Historical Perspectives of Genetic Concepts and Case Histories of Famous Discoveries - Papers Arising from SEG Symposia, October 30 and 31, 1988, Denver, Colorado. Economic Geology Monograph 8. Economic Geology Publishing Company Report (issue)
Metallogenesis in the Kiruna-Skellefte Belt of Northern Sweden A History of Theoretical Developments in Carbonate-Hosted...«2. of the eccisemene of the Misima Gold-Silver Mine, Papua New Guinea ........ .G. I. Wilson and R....C. Barwick eae ie Discovery. The McLaughlin Gold Mine, Napa, Yolo, and Lake Counties, California Fre...is arbitrary, because concepts have changed in mine was in production until the 1970s. Some indi- cations...with new discoveries, augmented geologic the Los mine (Cronstedt, 1754). The alloy was called knowledge
Kalinin, Arkadii A., Kudryashov, Nikolay M. (2021) Porphyry-Related Metamorphosed Au-Ag and Cu-Mo Deposits in the Precambrian of the Fennoscandian Shield. Minerals, 11 (2) 139 doi:10.3390/min11020139 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ullmannite Nisbite Breithauptite Dyscrasite Aurostibite Argentotetrahedrite * Polybasite Boulangerite...the Cu porphyry (with gold) deposit of Aitik in Norbotten, Sweden [56], the molybdenum porphyry deposit
Palyanova, Galina - Ed. (2020) Mineralogy of Noble Metals and “Invisible” Speciations of These Elements in Natural Systems Vol. 1. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03928-635-5 Book (volume)
[CrossRef] Zacharias, J.; Mate, J.N. Gold to aurostibite transformation and formation of Au-Ag-Sb phases:...reverse reaction is observed in the formation of aurostibite to gold via dissolution-precipitation and solid-state... 533–538. Zacharias, J.; Mate, J.N. Gold to aurostibite transformation and formation of Au-Ag-Sb phases:...Sb and, probably, gold-bearing dyscrasite and aurostibite. The mosaic structure of the mustard gold grains...gold-bearing dyscrasite (grains up to 1 mm), aurostibite, petzite, calaverite (inclusions <10 μm in electrum
Palyanova, Galina - Ed. (2020) Mineralogy of Noble Metals and “Invisible” Speciations of These Elements in Natural Systems Vol. 2. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-2527-3 Book (volume)
system of the Fairview 6 Minerals 2021, 11, 488 mine, South Africa [32], VMS La Zarza, Migollas and Sotiel...pyrite of the Zn-Pb-Se-Bi-Au-rich VMS Falun deposit, Sweden ([43]). Understanding of the chemical state of...(Au/Ag = 0.08). The annual output of the underground mine reached 5 Mt of Cu and Cu-Zn ore (>70 Kt Cu) [9...acanthite Ag2 S Native gold, calaverite AuTe2 , aurostibite AuSb2 , montbrayite (Au,Sb)2 Te3 , krennerite...uytenbogaardtite, acanthite), Auantimonide (aurostibite), Ag-sulphobismuthite (matildite) and Ag-selenotelluride
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the annual reports of the Raw Materials Group (Sweden). A bridge between classical mining data and metallogenic...Atacamite Atokite Attapulgite/palygorskite Augite Aurostibite Autunite Axinite-(Mg) Azurite Baddeleyite Bariopyrochlore...hanging wall. During a subsequent mining period, the mine was re-opened to recover sideritic parts of the...you look for a mine look near a _mine_”. This includes the imperative “if you look for a mine look for smelting...also for the chrome diopside found at Outukumpu mine, a mineral that is first and foremost recognized
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the annual reports of the Raw Materials Group (Sweden). A bridge between classical mining data and metallogenic...Atacamite Atokite Attapulgite/palygorskite Augite Aurostibite Autunite Axinite-(Mg) Azurite Baddeleyite Bariopyrochlore...hanging wall. During a subsequent mining period, the mine was re-opened to recover sideritic parts of the...you look for a mine look near a _mine_”. This includes the imperative “if you look for a mine look for smelting...also for the chrome diopside found at Outukumpu mine, a mineral that is first and foremost recognized
Maier, Wolfgang D., Lahtinen, Raimo, O'Brien, Hugh - Eds. (2015) Mineral Deposits of Finland. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-02750-0 Book
GeoBiosphere Science Centre, Lund University, Lund, Sweden P. Eilu Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland...Kuopio, Finland P. Heino Yara Suomi Oy, Siilinjärvi Mine, Siilinjärvi, Finland R.J. Herrington The Natural...US T. Huhtelin QP-FRB Outokumpu Ferrochrome Kemi Mine, Kemi, Finland E. Hyvönen Geological Survey of Finland...Survey of Finland, Rovaniemi, Finland, Mustavaara Mine Ltd, Oulu, Finland J. Kinnunen Mawson Resources...Oulu, Finland Contributors T. Mäki Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy, Pyhäsalmi, Finland H.V. Makkonen Geological
Johnsson, Erik - Ed. (2013) 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, 3. Conference Proceedings (Volume)
Biennial SGA Meeting 12–15 AUGUST 2013, UPPSALA, SWEDEN Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world...Biennial SGA Meeting 12–15 AUGUST 2013, UPPSALA, SWEDEN Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world...Meeting was organised by the Geological Survey of Sweden with assistance from Uppsala University, Stockholm...Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9. 1882 pp. Suggested citation...Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9, 1450–1452. This publication