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Korkiakoski, Esko, Sorjonen-Ward, Peter - Eds. (1997) Research and exploration - where do they meet? 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, August 11-13, 1997, Turku, Finland. Excursion guidebook B1: Ore deposits of Lapland in northern Finland and Sweden. Geological Survey of Finland Guide (Geologian Tutkimuskeskus Opas) 43 Report (issue)
Ore Deposits of Lapland in Northern Finland and Sweden edited by Esko Korkiakoski and Peter Sorjonen-...ORE DEPOSITS OF LAPLAND IN NORTHERN FINLAND AND SWEDEN edited by Esko Korkiakoski and Peter Sorjonen-Ward...Ore deposits of Lapland in northern Finland and Sweden. Research and exploration — where do they meet...of Finland, Guide 43, 46 pages and 18 figures. Mining has played an important role in the economic development...Finland and Sweden. The most significant mining and processing operations are the huge Kiruna apatite iron
Geijer, Per (1910) Igneous rocks and iron ores of Kiirunavaara, Luossavaara and Tuollavaara. Economic Geology, 5 (8) 699-718 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.5.8.699 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
extensive. A general survey of the geologyof the Kiruna district,by Hi. Lundbohm,• and the monograph cited aboveare...evidently •" Sketch of the Geology of the Kiruna District," Geol. Fiiren. Stockholm Fiirh., Vol. 32,...structureof the region. In this respect,the Kiruna district is mostprobablythe bestpart, and also with...This is the casewithin the main part of the Kiruna district. This districtmight convenientlybe divided...sometimeswith interstratified tuff bands. 2. The Kurravaara conglomerate,a zone of conglomerate probablyto
Parak, Tibor (1985) Phosphorus in different types of ore, sulfides in the iron deposits, and the type and origin of ores at Kiruna. Economic Geology, 80 (3) 646-665 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.80.3.646 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ores at Kiruna TIBOR PARJ•K LKAB Prospektering, Box5801, Linndgatan5, 102 48 Stockholm,Sweden Abstract...Abstract In the _Kiruna_-typeiron ores,apatitehasbeen regardedasthe mostconspicuous mineral. Advocatesof the...However,a closerexaminationof deposits classifiedas _Kiruna_-typeores showsthat they include both apatite-bearingand...this respect, there are similaritiesbetween the _Kiruna_-type ores and other types. Apatite banding similar...environmentsgeologicallysimilar to thoseof the _Kiruna_-typeores.There are severalexamplesof skarn-typeores
(1991) The Midcontinent of the United States; permissive terrane for an olympic dam-type deposit?. Bulletin Vol. 1932. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1932 Report (volume)
evaluation of the Pea Ridge iron ore mine (Washington County, Missouri) for rare-earth element and precious...rocks, Kiruna area, northern Sweden 16 7-8. Maps showing: 7. Geology of the Kiruna iron district, Sweden...view, other deposits in this class include Kiruna (Sweden), Bayan Obo (Inner Mongolia), and Pea Ridge...and from Olympic Dam to the Midcontinent to Kiruna, Sweden (see program following references). The participants...deposits, mid-continent U.S.A., South Australia, Sweden, and the People's 2 Republic of China: Thirtieth
Geijer, Per (1915) Some problems in iron-ore geology in Sweden and in America. Economic Geology, 10 (4) 299-329 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.10.4.299 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
X SOME GEOLOGY' GEOLOGIST JUNE, x9x5 PROBLEMS SWEDEN IN IRON AND IN ORE GEOLOGY No. 4 IN AMERICA...one or another of the principal iron-ore types of Sweden. The excursionsthat I made may have been brief...a salientquestionin the studyof ore depositsin Sweden andalsoin Norway, andthat I havefoundthat two metallogenetic...metallogenetic provinces,one in the United States and one in Sweden,which have sometimesbeen comparedto each other...oresof Sweden are dividedinto two geographically and geologicallydifferent groups. One district,generallyknownas
Lundberg, B., Smellie, J. (1979) Painirova and Mertainen iron ores; two deposits of the Kiruna iron ore type in northern Sweden. Economic Geology, 74 (5) 1131-1152 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.74.5.1131 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ores of the Kiruna type have been describedfrom Painirova and Mertainen in northern Sweden. It is consideredimportant...the trachyte. of 1:50,000 was carried out in the Kiruna area by Introduction Oftenberg(1967) and in the...depositsoccur within son and Hallgren (1975). the Kiruna districtin northernSweden. They belong The Mertainen...by the use of a dip needle. called "iron ores of Kiruna type" (Vogt, 1927; Sincethen the areashave been...acid tion carriedout by the GeologicalSurvey of Sweden composition. The occurrenceof apatite in large
Geijer, Per (1916) Notes on albitization and the magnetite-syenite-porphyries. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 38 (4) 243-264 doi:10.1080/11035891609444391 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
forming the oldest volcanic rocks of the Iciruna district is albite, there was no reason to suspect t h...SUBDIUS' monograph on the soiithcrn part of the district? gives very detailed data t h a t are absoliitcly...LKXDBOIIJI, HJ.: Sketch of the golog? of the Kirnnr district. G. F. F. as guide KO.5, 1l:th int. gcol. congr...as SUNDIUS’ diswssion of its appearance in the ‘Kiruna greenstones does not seem satisfactory. ‘This discussion...The sequence of the volcanic rocks of the Riruna district, as may be recalled, is the following. The Riruna
Ridge, John Drew (1984) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Europe Vol. 1 - Northern Europe including examples from the USSR in both Europe and Asia. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Book (volume)
Acta International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts Journal of...stratigraphy and structure of the rocks of the district, sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic; (3) the...a stratigraphie et la structure des roches du district (roches sédimentaires, ignées et métamorphiques);...other three, are arranged from north to south. For Sweden, a general summary of the metallogeny of that country...the one that contains the iron ores of central Sweden in which the numerous ore bodies are of a few 5
Hutchinson, Richard W., Grauch, Richard I. - Eds. (1991) Historical Perspectives of Genetic Concepts and Case Histories of Famous Discoveries - Papers Arising from SEG Symposia, October 30 and 31, 1988, Denver, Colorado. Economic Geology Monograph 8. Economic Geology Publishing Company Report (issue)
Brooks Range, Alaska, in 1979, prior to drilling or mining. Ground water seeping from the Red Dog deposit...Related Metallogenesis in the _Kiruna_-Skellefte Belt of Northern Sweden A History of Theoretical Developments...of an intrusive magmatic origin for the great Kiruna ores, and Russell proposes a new and different...Ni-Cu and platinumgroup elements in the Noril’sk district of Siberia had ered from Ni-Cu deposits in all...introduction to this review takes a brief look at nickel mining and geologic ideas before the 1950s. Discovery
LEWIS, J. V. (1914) Origin of pillow lavas. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 25 (1) 591-654 doi:10.1130/gsab-25-591 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
.......................................... 608 Sweden..................................................spheroidal and ellipsoidal structure in the mining district of Saint Andreasberg, in the Harz Mountains...with the Carbonifer­ ous limestone of the Bristol district. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 60, 1904...one mile east of Soudan, Vermilion iron-bearing district, Minnesota. graph by the U. S. Geological Survey...series of igneous rocks of the Kilbride Peninsula, County Mayo. The rocks are “spilites” asso­ ciated and
Washington, H.S. (1917) Chemical analyses of igneous rocks published from 1884 to 1913, inclusive, with a critical discussion of the character and use of analyses. Professional Paper 99. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp99 Report (issue)
given as "traces." In most of these analyses their augite, or magn.etite; P 20 5 , if it contains apatite...example is the lava of Grenada, West Indies, called "augite and~site" in the first collection (p. 353), with...that the constituent nlinerals are labradorite, augite, and magnetite, the anl:l,lysis may show high Al20...New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, :Maryland, District. of Columbia, Virginia, Kentucky, North Cn.rolina... Spain. Portugal. Azores. Spitzbergen. Norway. Sweden. Finland, Kola. Germany: Westphalia, Rhineland
Lilley, Ernest R. (1936) Economic Geology of Mineral Deposits. Henry Holt and Company, New York. Book
investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in mining ventures. Yet the close relationship between mineral...thought about outside of those sections in which mining is the sole source of income. The serious-minded...though he is all that pertains to neither a mining engineer nor a geolo- gist. The huge furnaces...Seaboard of the United States have few contacts with mining and naturally give little or no thought to mineral...the students who come from communities in which mining engineering and geology are leading proA few may
Laitakari, Aarne (1975) Geological bibliography of Finland 1934-1970. An author list. Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande Vol. 270. Geological Survey of Finland Journal (volume)
mines and mineral exploration in Finland. Canadian Mining J., Val. 89 , n:o 12, p. 35-39, 1968, and Vol....develops two magnetic measuring instruments. World Mining, Vol. 18, n:o 11 , p. 42--43, illus ., 1965. Raaka-aineet...shorteuts time-eonsuming analysis of magnetite.] Eng. Mining J ., Vol. 168, p. 99 , illus. , 1967. Aletaanko...Outokumpu Oy - Finlands major eontributor [of nickel]. Mining Eng., Vol. 20, n:o 10, p. 100-101, 1968. Malmikaivokset...illus., 1968. Mining's role in industry [Finland]. Mining J., Vol. 271 , p. 321 , 1968. Geologisen maaperäkartoituksen