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Smith, J. Lawrence (1850) Memoir on Emery. Book
which I directed my examination was that of Gumuch-dagh, a mountain about twelve miles east of the ruins...fixed upon. Obtaining guides at the village of Gumuch, l com¬ menced the examination of the mountain...Miner¬ alogist, discovered at Magnesia near to _Gumuch_-Kuey an emery mine, of which he brought specimens...Emery in Asia Minor and the neighboring islands. Gumuch-dagh.—In going from Ephesus east to Gouzel-Hissar... The emery is found in different places in the Gumuch moun¬ tain ; the place, however, to which it is
(2023) Diaspore. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Association: Corundum, magnetite, margarite, chloritoid, spinel, chlorite, gibbsite, böhmite, sillimanite...Switzerland. At Gumuch-dagh, near Ephesus, and in large crystals from between Aydin and Mugla, Turkey. From Sivec...From Lohatlha, 30 km north of Postmasburg, Cape Province, South Africa. In the USA, at Chester, Hampden
Halferdahl, L. B. (1961) Chloritoid: its composition, X-ray and optical properties, stability and occurrences. Journal of Petrology, 2 (1) 49-135 doi:10.1093/petrology/2.1.49 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Chloritoid: Its Composition, X-ray and Optical Properties, Stability, and Occurrence by L. B. HALFERDAHL1...stability, and the nature of the occurrences of chloritoid and to apply these along with previously published...September 9, 2015 ABSTRACT The nomenclature of the chloritoid group, which includes ottrelite, is reviewed...that are considered reliable, indicate that the chloritoid group can be represented by the general formula...oneseventh of the aluminium replaced by ferric iron. Chloritoid crystallizes in both monoclinic and triclinic
King, Francis P. (1894) A preliminary report on the corundum deposits of Georgia. Bulletin 2. Geological Survey of Georgia Report (issue)
Asia Minor, 12 miles east of Ephesus, near Gumuch-dagh, where Lawrence Smith, cite etc.; Smyrna;... Miask; in situ associated with margarite, chloritoid, pyrite, cal- and, also, at Kulah, miles north...about one of the ; 1 2 3 A township and a province of Ontario. Keport of Geological Survey of Canada...rauscovite, margarite and North Carolina. chloritoid. —This State corundum working mines, but also...hydrargillite (an old name for gibbsite) from — Gumuch-dagh, one a hexagonal prism, the other coating a
Barlow, Alfred Ernest (1915) Corundum, Its Occurrence, Distribution, Exploitation, and Uses. Memoir 57. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
Greenland, page 229; Ruw, page 229; Greece, page 234; Turkey (Asia Minor), page 236; Germany, page 238; Austria-Hungary...geology of the Haliburton and Bancroft areas, Province of Ontario1, which was published by the Geological...that other deposits will be found in the Hastings district". The growth of the corundum mining industry of... The upper group is stated to crop out in the district south of Mattawa and Ottawa rivers and to be characterized...will be seen by the accompanying sketch map, this district lies close to the margin of the great Northern
Pratt, Joseph Hyde, Lewis, Joseph Volney (1905) Corundum and the Peridotites of Western North Carolina. Reports of the North Carolina Geological Survey Vol. 1. North Carolina Geological Survey Report (volume)
Corundum . 264 Canada . 264 India . 266 Emery . 267 Turkey .:.267 Greecian Archipelago . 268 Chapter IX.—Alteration...California. North Carolina . Foreign localities. Turkey . Russia. 369 369 373 373 376 376 377 378 378...plateau are very similar to those of the mountain district; and hence these latter divisions are based on...-Va.) an eruptive origin, as follows: In this district small areas of highly metamorphosed rocks—soapstone...were practically con¬ temporaneous for the whole province. Hence the great bulk of these rocks throughout
Mitchell, Richard Scott (1979) Mineral Names - What do they Mean?. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book
Azores. gamagarite, Gamagara ridge, Postmasburg district, South Africa. garronite, Garron plateau area...(Labrador Territory) and andalusite (Andalusia, a province of Spain). Several American county names are alleghanyite...Mull, Scotland. villamaninite, Villamamn, Leon Province, Spain. NAMES AFTER MINES AND MINERAL DEPOSITS...from Variscia, an ancient name of the Voigtland district of Ger¬ many, where the mineral was first found...which connotes like: for example, the mineral chloritoid ('chlorite-like) and the groups feldspathoid
Hintze, Carl (1897) Handbuch der Mineralogie Vol. 2 - Silicate und Titanate. Verlag Von Veit & Comp., Leipzig. Book (volume)
Brandisit (Disterrit) . Clintonit (Seybertit) . Chloritoid (Chloritspath , Masonit, Sismondin, Ottrelith)...weissen Meere in Granit und in Glimmerschiefer im District Umba , in Karelien und in Lappland ; auf der Insel...k) Schottland . In Aberdeenshire im Cairngorm District blassblaue Geschiebe und Krystalle, zuweilen flächenreich...Ui (welcher sich in u u den Tobol ergiesst), im District Troïzk , finden sich rosenrothe bis violblaue...(alias do Lane) bei Ouro Preto und Boa Vista im District von Villa - Rica in Lagen sehr eisenschüssigen
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
black; grey in reflected light. Alabanda, Caria, Turkey. H= 3.5-4, Djjj=4.0, D(;= 4.056, HB 11. Beudant...Vitreous/resinous red, brown, black. Alabanda, Caria, Turkey. H= 6.5-7.5, Djjj= 4.318, D(.= 4.29, VHIA 06a....Lustrous black. Wilagedera prospect. North Western Province, Sri Lanka. H= 3-4, 0^= 3.94, Dg= 3.97, VIIIE...Lustrous black. Wilagedera prospect. North Western Province, Sri Lanka. H= 3-4, Djjj= 3.94, D(.= 4.22, VIIIE... Metallic grey. Sedmochislenitsi mine, Vratsa district, Balkan Peninsula, Bulgaria. H= 2.5, Djj4= 6.32
Blackburn, William H., Dennen, William H. (1997) Encyclopedia of Mineral Names - Special Publication No. 1. The Canadian Mineralogist, Ottawa. Book
(1989): Mineral. J. 14, 279. Flores mine, Huanuni District, Oruru, Bolivia. Agardite-(La) (La,Ca)Cu¢(AsO4)3(OH)6°3H20...locality, at Alabanda, ruins 30 km SSE of Aydin, Turkey. 4Al,03¢ H20, hex., P6,22(?). Named after its...at Ziryanovsk, Altai Mountains, Semipalatinsk Province, Kazakhstan. Rose, G. (1828) In Haidinger, W....engineer known for his work in the Limoges Altisite district. Chanteloube, Haute-Vienne, France. Na3k6Ti2[AlSigO26]Cl;...plus Gk. hydor, water, plus calcite. Khakassy District, Siberia, Russia. Bilibin, G. (1926): Soc. Russe
(1919) The Mining Magazine S. 3 Vol. 21 Journal (volume)
mines gives particulars of a successful mining district in South Scotland. Modern Rock-Drill Practice...Inst.M.E. 21 29 author, who is visiting the District in the interests of the Kirkland Lake Proprietary... the work of investigating the geology of the district was undertaken by members of the staff of Messrs...deposit has been found in the Roux- — ville district, Orange Free covery was made in the State...on the Wanlockhead and Leadhills These fine old district in South Scotland. mines have plenty of life left
Shepard, Charles Upham (1857) A Treatise on Mineralogy (3rd ed.) Hezekiah Howe & Co., New Haven. Book (edition)
UPHAM SHEPARD, in the Clerk's office, of the District Court of Connecticut. CONTENTS . PART I , Page...Hausmann, 19. Clintonite, Fitch and Mather, 66 29. Chloritoid , Breit. 161 * Phyllite, Thomson, 66 21. Ottrelite...of natural history, that general science, whose province it is to discriminate all the va es of matter...kinds of information relating to minerals. Its province as a science has already been assigned in the...pertaining to these subjects being the appropriate province of chemistry, and should of course be looked for
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Colorado at the Pelican Dives mine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...lode, Summit County, and in the Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia;...occurrences are found in Chile, Italy, France, Germany, Turkey, and Algeria. SELECTED REFERENCES: Palache et al...California; in sodalite-syenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland; in the liparite lavas of the island...slate and metamorphosed dolomite in the Beiyun-Obo district, Inner Mongolia, China, associated with aegirine
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Colorado at the Pelican Dives m.ine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...lode, Summit County, and in the Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia;...occurrences are found in Chile, Italy, France, Germany, Turkey, and Algeria. SELECTED REFERENCES: Palache et al...Califo1nia; in sodalite-syenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland; in the liparite lavas of the island...slate and metamorphosed dolomite in the Beiyun-Obo district, Inner Mongolia, China, associated with aegirine
Dana, Edward Salisbury (1877) A Text-book of Mineralogy (1st ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. Book (edition)
1:1. sclerite 2. Pyrochlore. nite ; Pyro- Chloritoid ; TANTALATES, COLUMBATES. Tantalite ; columbite...filamentous in California, sparingly, in Silver Mountain district, Alpine Co. ; in the Maris vein, in Los Angeles...the alluvial deposits of the river Pinto, in the district of Choco, near Popayan, in South America, where...its name platina,, from plata, silver. In the province of Antioquia, in Brazil, it has been found in...superior hardness. Obs. Occurs with platinum in the province of Choco in South America in the Ural mounin Australia
Dana, Edward Salisbury (1889) A Text-book of Mineralogy - Newly Revised and Enlarged (15th Edition) (1st ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. Book (edition)
the alluvial deposits of th« river Pinto, in the district of Choco, near Popayan, in South America, where...received its name plntiim, from platn, silver. In the province of Antioquia, in Brazil, it has been found in...superior hardness. Obs. Occurs with platinum in the province of Choco in South America in the Ural mountains...one was discovered by Don Rubin de Cells in the district of Chaco-Gualamba, whose weight was estimated...near Seymour, Conn., in quartz mine, Chesterfield district, South Carolina in Colorado. ; occurs also at
Dana, Edward Salisbury (1891) A Text-book of Mineralogy - Newly Revised and Enlarged (16th Edition) (1st ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. Book (edition)
PyroBclerite ; jefferisite, etc. Peiininite. Chloritoid ; Kipidolite ; prochlorite. margarite. Seybertite...the alluvial deposits of thi river Pinto, in the district of Choco, near Popayan, in South America, where...received ita name platina, from plata, silver. In the province of Antioquia, in Brazil, it has been found in...superior hardness. Obs. Occurs with platinum in the province of Choco in South America in the Ural mounIt is...one was discovered by Don Rubin de Celis in the district of Chaco-Gualamba, whose weight was estimated
Dana, Edward Salisbury, Ford, William E. (1922) A Textbook of Mineralogy (3rd ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. Book (edition)
PART IV. DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY It is the province of De506. Scope of Descriptive Mineralogy. scriptive...Bahia, etc. region was that near Diamantina in the province of Minas Geraes; The discovery of diamonds in...largest part of the world's supply comes; Passau district in Bavaria; southern Bohemia; Korea; Madagascar;...at Monroe, Conn.; Brewer's mine, Chesterfield district, S. C.; near Cummins Abundant with silver ores...mountains, eastern Hungary and a less important Alpine district reaching from Carinthia through the Austrian Tyrol^and
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Rapp, George Robert Jr., Weber, Julius (1974) Encyclopedia of Minerals (1st ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Colorado at the Pelican Dives rnine , Silver Plun1e district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...occurrences are found in Chile, Italy , France, Germany, Turkey , and Algeria. BEST REF. IN ENGLISH: Palache, et...California; in sodalitesyenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland; in the liparite lavas of the island...the lapis lazuli mine at Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. It forms the core of a crystal of...gold, galena, and white quartz in the Beresovsk district, Ural Mountains, USSR. Reported from several widely
Bowles, Oliver, Dolbear, Samuel H. - Eds. (1949) Industrial Minerals and Rocks - (Nonmetallics other than Fuels) (2nd ed.) The American Institute of Mining Engineers. Book (edition)
23 8.54 2.70. 96.98 4.31 e 0.20 Turkey: Kalah. .. Gumuch. Samos..... USA. Virginia... Chester...an important scale in United States, Greece, Turkey, in Australia, and Persia and Russia. A deposit...small production is noted from Tanganyika. (Cape Province). During World War II, the Foreign Economic Administration...Kashmir, in the Khasi Hills in Assam, in Rewah Province, and in Hyderabad. Other provinces and native...Tscherkakul, in the Bajan-Aul division of the Pavlodar district. No details of production or methods are available
more or less, under every square mile of the district, where the dip is gentle. Xo account is here taken... or any tendency in winds to move towards the district underlying a full moon. Putting together the two...specimen in the cabinet of Mr. LTke, collected in the District of Columbia. H. venustus, Lee. Ann. Lye. V., p...femur and tibiee in repose. Occurs in Illinois and District of Columbia (Like). Sub-tribe, Saprini. The genera...which is also associated with tourmaline, cyanite chloritoid, ilmenite, rutile, etc. With the oligoclase occurs
(1873) Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 13 Journal (volume)
more or less, under every square mile of the district, where the dip is gentle. Xo account is here taken... or any tendency in winds to move towards the district underlying a full moon. Putting together the two...specimen in the cabinet of Mr. LTke, collected in the District of Columbia. H. venustus, Lee. Ann. Lye. V., p...femur and tibiee in repose. Occurs in Illinois and District of Columbia (Like). Sub-tribe, Saprini. The genera...which is also associated with tourmaline, cyanite chloritoid, ilmenite, rutile, etc. With the oligoclase occurs
Clark, A. M. (1993) Hey's Mineral Index - Mineral Species, Varieties and Synonyms (3rd ed.) Natural History Museum, London. Book (edition)
2.956 A . Z= I . (TL) Ankang County. S haanxi Province, China. Named from locality. Structurally related...of silver. (TL) Benguet mine. Antamok, Mountain Province, Philippine Islands. Named for locality. Material...28'. Z=4. (TL) Grand Reef mine. Aravaipa mining district. Graham Co .. Arizona. USA. Named from locality...analogue of arsenonore ncite-(Ce) from the uranium district of northern Bohem ia. Czechoslovakia. Arsenonorencite-(Nd)...analogue of arsenonorencite-(Ce) from the uranium district of northern Bohemia. Czechoslovakia. 20.4.5 Arsenogoyazitc
Brooke, Henry J., Phillips, William (1852) An Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy (6th ed.) Book (edition)
topaz, spineUe, corundum, <;aruet, &c. ; in the district of Cero do Frio in Minas Genies. in the beds of...Capitania of Qojbz ; ia the Kio Tibagj in the district of 8. Paulo, and in some of the tributaries of...of the Rio Francisco rise, and in the diamond district of Tibagy. black massive variety is A been very...oftheCrowTi jewels of France, found iu the Goleonda district, weighed uiKut in its present state, 136 carats...the provinces of Choco aiiil i^arbacoas in the province of Matto Crrosso, in the Brazils lii the valley
Doelter, C. (1926) Handbuch der Mineralchemie Vol. 3-2 - Zweite Hälfte Enthält : Li, Na, K, Cu, Rb, Ag, Cs, Au, Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Sr, Cd, Ba, Hg, Ra, B, Al, Ga, In, Tl, Metalle der seltenen Erden, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni und Platinmetalle. Theodor Steinkopff, Dresden und Leipzig. Book (volume)
Report on the geology of the Lake Superior land district. Washington 1851, 2 Bde. Eine eingehende Schilderung...Chem. 48, 222 (1849). 88. Von Analuen, Southern District, südliche Goldfelder von New South Wales; anal...Mount Davidson im Berglande der Virginia Range im District Washve in Nevada; anal. At t wo o d, Am. Journ...Sedimente bis zu bedeutenden Tiefen und Bildung von Chloritoid aus tonigen Substanzen. Hebung der Lager und...(1870). 11) R. Daintree, Rep. on the Geol. of the district Ballan, including remarks on the Aye and Origin