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Potassic-ferro-ferri-taramite from

Mbozi complex, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

Locality type: Complex
Species: Potassic-ferro-ferri-taramite
Formula: K(CaNa)(Fe32+Fe23+)(Al2Si6O22)(OH)2
Chemical Analyses:
Oxide wt%: 1SiO238.56 %TiO20.96 %Al2O310.31 %MnO1.91 %FeO18.72 %Fe2O313.12 %MgO1.24 %CaO5.78 %Na2O4.71 %K2O2.73 %H2O+1.66 %F0.3 %Cl0.15 %Total:100.15 %
Sample references: 1 - Brock, P. W. G., Gellatly, D. C., & von Knoebing, O. (1964). Mboziite, a new sodic amphibole end-member. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 33(267), 1057-1065.
Quality for species: Rock forming mineral/non-crystalline/little interest for collectors.(##)
Validity: Valid - Type Locality
Mineral Data: Click here to view Potassic-ferro-ferri-taramite data
Locality Data: Click here to view Mbozi complex, Mbeya Region, Tanzania
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID: 904573
Long-form Identifier: 1:3:904573:6
GUID (UUID V4): b22549e3-fcf2-4c4a-a2e1-059234a027e8
P.W.G.Brock, D.C. Gellatly, and O. Von Knorring(1964):Mboziite, a new sodic amphibole end member. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol 33, pp1057-65.