©Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at r •. Der...begütert und seit 1060 auch im Besitze der Stadt Villach, wurde 1242 auch die bergrechtliche Hoheit auf... ©Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at hochwertigen...Trias Rhätische Stufe: Kössener Schichten bitum. Dolomite und Mergelschiefer. . • t = von dunkle, i, ...bis weiße, nicht bituminöse Dolomite U n t e r e dunkle bituminöse Dolomite mit Ölschiefern bzw. dunklen |
Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 219-225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763468 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derry, N . H . 0 3 0 4 1 IV S A L Z B U R G (Land Salzburg)...GrossgLoekner S*lzbur* Styrla to JudfnteurR VI CARINTHIA Yugoslavia 220 ROCKS AND MINERALS of the...Badgasteln Hal Golling Mitterberg Salzburg 0 Matflee * ^ l » c h o f shof en Carinthia 0 Zedp^ 0 Schella^Oen... UPPER AUSTRIA ROCKS A N D MINERALS Bischopshofen, S of the above. Miihlbach, Mitterberg. Two largest...in the country, worked since the bronze age. _Mitterberg_-Arsenopyrite Xls (large) (inschist); Hematite; |
Exel, Reinhard (1993) Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs. Eigenverlag R. Exel. p.1-447. |
Book |
© 1993 Eigenverlag Dr. Reinhard Exel, Vienna/Austria: A-1100 Wien, Malborghetgasse 31 Gesamtherstellung:...aus Österreich" (publiziert in der Zeitschrift „Carinthia II"; Hrg.: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für...Schmelzplätze auf der Kelchalm bei Kitzbühel in Tirol, am Mitterberg bei Mühlbach a. Hochkönig im Pongau/Sbg. und... ist Osterreich ab 1919 ein territorial kleines Land geworden, das aber den Anschluß an die wissenschaftlich...wieder den mineralogischen Kenntnisstand in unserem Land, da 22 zahlreiche von den Sammlern getätigte |
Pichler, A. (2009) Bergbau in Westkärnten. Eine Bestandsaufnahme der noch sichtbaren Merkmale der historischen Bergbaue in Westkärnten [Mining in Western Carinthia. An inventory of the still visible features of the historic mines in Western Carinthia]. Carinthia II - Sonderhefte, 1-416 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Stollen des Eisenbergbaues Zauchen/Kreuzeckgruppe. Carinthia II Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Heimatkunde...Bergbaue und deren M ineralparagenese in der „Carinthia II“ sow ie in der Zeitschrift „M ineralienw elt“...öchte ich mich auch bei Prof. H elm ut Prasnik aus Villach für die Beistel lung von Literaturzitaten, die...en, das begehrte M ünz m etall Silber im eigenen Land zu gew innen. Bis w eit in die zweite H älfte des...Silberlagerstätten I = Liesefluss, 2 = Weißen-, _Kreuzen_- und Golbitschbach, 3 = Bad St. Leonhard-Kliening |
Pohl, W., Belocky, R. (1999) Metamorphism and metallogeny in the Eastern Alps. Mineralium Deposita, 34 (5) 614-629 doi:10.1007/s001260050223 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Geologische Bundesanstalt, PO Box 154, A-1031 Wien, Austria ing, although ponded metamorphic ¯uids and mantle...coinciding with the main orogenic phases (Erzberg, Mitterberg, Rabenwald) or which were considered to be late...investigated here (Prochaska 1993; Schendleck and Mitterberg), and, even more recently, data on C- and O-isotopic...(quartz, carbonates) siderite (ankerite) talc (dolomite) Veins Veins Veins Replacement masses Shear zone...Austroalpine tectonic unit, the former copper mine at Mitterberg exploited a quartz-carbonatechalcopyrite vein |
Mutschlechner, Georg (1967) Über den Bergbau im Lungau. Mittheilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, 107. Salzburg. 129-168 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Mittelpunkt des Lungaus. Durch den dazwischen gelegenen Mitterberg wird das zentrale Becken in zwei verschieden...Weinschnabel bezeichneten Linie heute an das Bundes land Kärnten. Bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts gehörte...Abschnitten der Haupttäler durchzogen, die der Mitterberg (1581 m) scheidet. Trotzdem bilden beide Täler...n e r Chr.: Vom Katschbergpaß zum Kareckhaus. Carinthia II, 143. Jahrgang der Gesamtreihe, Seite 124 ff...Gesteinscharakter be stimmt wird. Die hellen Kalke und Dolomite erstrecken sich vom Draugstein (2356 m) im Großarltal |
Oxburgh, E.R. (1968) The Eastern Alps—a geological excursion Guide. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 79 (1) 47 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(68)80024-0 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Gilgen Windows Alps-The Hallein District I . Alps-The Hallein District II . Alps-The Lammertal and Gosau... near Salzburg, the next five on Spittal, in Carinthia, and the last two on Leoben and Vienna respectively...Geologists' Association 1966 Field Meeting in Austria. The form of the orig inal Guide has been retained...Salzburg, five days based on Spittal, in Karnten (Carinthia), one day in Leoben and one in Vienna (Fig. I)...of one of the numerous good tourist guides to Austria. The present Guide is intended for use in conjunction |
Schroll, E. (1990) Die Metallprovinz der Ostalpen im Lichte der Geochemie. Geologische Rundschau, 79 (2) 479-493 doi:10.1007/bf01830640 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
such as the Geochemical Atlas of the Republic of Austria, and isotope investigations, perferably of lead...MgCO3), Cu: 25 Schwarz (Fahlervererzung), 26 Mitterberg/Miihlbach (Gangvererzung mit Kupfer, Kies und...1980). Dazu das Alter der Uranpechblende yon Mitterberg/Miihlbach/Salzburg (nach K~3PeEL, zitiert bei...NIEDERMAYERet al., 1989, scheelitftihrende Marmore und Dolomite nach RAITHet al., 1989 die Spatmagnesite vom Typ...das Feld magnesiumreicher Siderite ,,Wagrein/Mitterberg (Salzburg), Teltschenberg im Salzkammergut/Bad |
O'Brien, William (2015) Prehistoric Copper Mining in Europe: 5500-500 BC. Oxford University Press. |
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including such famous mining centres as the Mitterberg in Austria, Kargaly in Russia, the Great Orme in Wales...research conducted in Austria in the late nineteenth century. The early work at the Mitterberg mines near Salzburg...south-east France 107 Map of Cabrières mine district showing location of Chalcolithic mines, ore treatment...copper mines in Austria 163 Fig. 7.2. Copper veins and Bronze Age mining in the Mitterberg area, Salzburg...mines, Mitterberg 168 Fig. 7.4. Furchenpingen surface mine features in the Mitterberg district 169 |
Pohl, W. (1984) Metallogenetic evolution of the East Alpine Paleozoic basement. Geologische Rundschau, 73 (1) 131-147 doi:10.1007/bf01820364 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Geowissenschaften, Montanuniversit~it, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Geologische Rundschau, 73, 1, 131 - 147, Stuttgart...contain below biostratigraphically dated Silurian dolomite bands of "diabase", quartz-porphyry and pods of...occurrences (HADITSCH 1981), and in the aureole of the Villach granite appear Be-F pegmatites (GOD 1976). Southwards...Greywacke Zone (Schwaz/Tyrol, R6hrerbichl/Kitzbfihel, Mitterberg/Salzburg). In the part of the S o u t h e r n...(Hfittenberg/Carinthia was mined until a few years ago), the specularite mine of Waldenstein/Carinthia (AwAI~ |
Dzulynski, S., Sass-Gustkiewicz, M. (1977) Comments on the genesis of the Eastern-Alpine Zn-Pb deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 12 (2) 219-233 doi:10.1007/bf00206028 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
dolomites". Mutual visits of Polish geoseientists in Austria, Italy and Yugoslavia and of Austrian geologists...solution-collapse breccias, 224 S. Dzulynski HOST DOLOMITE ~ and M. Sass-Gustkiewicz METASOMATIC ORE Fig...of specimens shown in Fig. 7 and 8. Wetterstein Dolomite, Grube some.of which attain a considerable vertical...overlyihg unmineralized rock Fig. 9. Wetterstein Dolomite partly replaced by sphalerite. Note bedding controlled...the most important ore receptacles in the E-A district. are often covered with internal sediments grading |
(1968) Geological and topographical register. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 79 (1) 125-127 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(68)80025-2 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
fault 57, 59 Wustkogel Series 24, 25, 29 Ramsau Dolomite 17, 55, 63 Reiteralm sheet 18, 61, 63 Riebeckite-gneiss...Lechtal Alps 21 Lieser gorge 96 Maria Schutz 113 Mitterberg 23, 76 Molltal 85, 87 Mondsee 59 Miihlbach 76...Veitsch 112, 113 Vienna 5,13, 15, 16,21,48,114-16 Villach 101, 104, 109 Weissenbach Valley 95-6 Wolfgangsee |
(1962) Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Vol. 1962. Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien |
Report (issue) |
DIETER POSSNIG (ein Schüler von Prof. CLAR) aus Villach, die Entdeckung einer fossilführenden Ammonitenbank...HerzogbachGrabens, des Koflergrabens sowie des _Kreuzen_-Bach- und des Stadelbachgrabens gute Aufschlußverhältnisse...den Wasserkraftkataster des Bundesministeriums für _Land_- und Forstwirtschaft wurden Begehungen im Oberlauf...Kalke, dolomitische Kalke und besonders im N auch Dolomite) keilt nicht, wie das die vorhandenen Karten darstellen...Mitteilung von Prof. H. FLÜGEL (siehe auch Bericht in Carinthia II, 72. Jg., 1962, im Druck) finden sich derartige |
Schroll, E., Schulz, O., Pak, E. (1983) Sulphur isotope distribution in the Pb-Zn-deposit Bleiberg (Carinthia, Austria) Mineralium Deposita, 18 (1) doi:10.1007/bf00206692 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Distribution in the Pb-Zn-Deposit Bleiberg (Carinthia, Austria) E. Schroll, O. Schulz and E. Pak Geotechnisches...Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Austria Von der Blei-Zinklagerst~tte Bleiberg (K~rnten... Maxer Bank ore layers within the Wetterstein Dolomite sequence (Cordevolian), located about 220 m below...was found in the 3rd Cardita mineralization of Mitterberg approximately 20 km W Bleiberg (Schroll and Pak...Blei-Zink-Vererzung von Bleiberg-Kreuth/Kgrnten. Carinthia II 172/92, 49-62 (1982) Kostelka, L.: Neue Mo |
Steiner, Martin, Tropper, Peter, Vavtar, Franz, Kaindl, Reinhard, Krismer, Matthias (2010) Balkanite from the Cu ore deposit Röhrerbühel, Kitzbühel (N-Tyrol, Austria) Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen, 187 (2) 207-215 doi:10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0174 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Cu ore deposit Röhrerbühel, Kitzbühel (N-Tyrol, Austria) Martin Steiner, Peter Tropper, Franz Vavtar, Reinhard...mining district of Schwarzleo near Leogang (Salzburg), ca. 25 km southeast of the mining district Röhrerbühel...HUIJSMANS et al. 2004, MARTINEK & SYDOW 2004) and Mitterberg/Salzburg (HERDITS & LÖCKNER 2004, PAAR 1997,...mining area in the Tyrol, that is, the Cu ore district Röhrerbühel near Kitzbühel. The ore deposits of...Jochberg Unit and the Langeck Unit. The mining district is hosted in the tectonically lowermost unit, |
Prochaska, W., Pohl, W., Belocky, R., Kucha, H. (1995) Tertiary metallogenesis in the Eastern Alps: the Waldenstein hematite deposit (Austria) Geologische Rundschau, 84 (4) doi:10.1007/bf00240571 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Eastern Alps: the Waldenstein hematite deposit (Austria) Abstract The specularite deposit at Waldenstein...determined by fluid inclusion trict in Eastern Carinthia, comprising a number of sistudies (20-30% NaC1...convincingly demonstrated that A-8700 Leoben, Austria the siderite deposit at Hiittenberg is surrounded...Alpidic metamorFig. 1 Simplified geological map of Austria showing the position of the Waldenstein hematite...Genser 1990). The Waldenstein-Hattenberg iron ore district is spatially and genetically associated with these |
(1983) NEW MINERAL NAMES. American Mineralogist, 68 (9-10) 1038-1041 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
found as blue, spherulitic aggregateson masstve dolomite, associated with hematite, lollingite, pharmacolite...The name is for the Arhbar mine in the Bou-Azzer district. A.P. Microprobe analyses from Vuonnemiok, Khibina...euhedral, hexagonalgrains up to LasambaHill, Kwale district, southof Voi, Kenya, and is found 50 rr.m.It is...0003-004x/83/09I 0-1040$0.50 NEW MINERAL NAMES Salzburg, Austria, indicated the presenceof a number of previously...= = 104,g -brosia Lake (New Mexico, USA) and Mitterberg (Salzburg, primitive cell with a 5.43,b 4.87 |
Bechstädt, T. (1975) Lead-zinc ores dependent on cyclic sedimentation. Mineralium Deposita, 10 (3) 234-248 doi:10.1007/bf00207140 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
(Wetterstein-Limestone of Bleiberg-Kreuth, Carinthia, Austria) T. BECHSTXDT Munich, F.R.G. Lagoonal sediments...most of these have been known for a long time. In Austria, at the moment only the deposit of Bleiberg-Kreuth...(rock-in-between) and an upper, 10-20 cm thick milky-white dolomite layer (HoLLEa 1936). In Bleiberg this sequence...lOOkm I Sappaaa o Raib[ Me~ica Fig. 1. Map of Austria with an idealized stratigraphic section of the..."marls" (BecHSTXDT 1973) shows a predominance of dolomite (74-85 %), the total carbonate content goes from |
Kralik, M. (1983) Interpretation of K?Ar and Rb?Sr data from fine fractions of weakly metamorphosed shales and carbonate rocks at the base of the northern calcareous Alps (Salzburg, Austria). TMPM Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 32 (1). 49-67 doi:10.1007/bf01081544 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
the lnstitut fiir GeoLogic, Universit~it Wien, Austria Interpretation of K-Ar and Rb-Sr Data from Fine...Base of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Salzburg, Austria) M. Kralik With 10 Figures Received February 23...from horizons of the Calcareous Alps, Salzburg, Austria. Minerals presenting the fine fractions are more...layers paragonite/ muscovite, chlorite, calcite, dolomite, quartz and chloritoid. With the exception of...discordancy. The E-W trending Cu-vein-deposit of Mitterberg cuts through the grey L. Paleozoic phyllites |
Rojkovič, I., Novotny, L., Háber, M. (1993) Stratiform and vein U, Mo and Cu mineralization in the Novoveská Huta area, CSFR. Mineralium Deposita, 28 (1) 58-65 doi:10.1007/bf00199010 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
mineralization in France, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, CSFR and Romania. Deposits occur largely...Digenite Wittichenite Uraninite U-Ti oxides Fe-dolomite Uraninite Molybdenite Pyrite U-Ti oxides Chalcopyrite...Boulangerite Apatite Xenotime Monazite Tourmaline Fe-dolomite Siderite Calcite Thor, (~ 110-120 (Dol) 110-120...Marcasite Clausthalite U-Ti oxides Montroseite Fe-dolomite Quartz Graphite Quartz - carbonate - chalcopyrite...Hematite Pyrite Chalcopyrite Tetrahedrite Bornite Fe-dolomite Quartz K-feldspar Muskovite Chlorite Pyrophylite |
Hauptmann, Andreas (2020) Archaeometallurgy – Materials Science Aspects. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50367-3 |
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smelting sites and metal workshops in a mining district in certain periods. This book focuses on ores...processing workshop of Khirbat al-Hamra in the ore district of Faynan by Levy et al. (2002) show the complexity...defined hydrothermal veins, such as at the Mitterberg (Austria) or in the Harz Mountains (Germany)? Do the...the host rocks consist of soft sandstone, dolomite or shales, such as the Timna and Faynan copper deposits...Siegerland area, and the copper ores at the Mitterberg (Austria), the numerous polymetallic veins of the |
(1950) Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Vol. 1950. Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien |
Journal (volume) |
Ramingstein Lafatsch—Vomp Hohe Gleirsch Ahrnspitze Mitterberg_—_Kreuzen Meiselding Arzwaldgraben— Guggenbach Achselalpe...Bearbeitung: Ubersichtsbegehungen: Kupfer Mitterberg Untersulzbach Großfragant Röhrerbühel Schwaz...Übergang von Magnesit zu Breunerit von der Koralpe, 6 Dolomite von Rottenmann—Lassing bei Wolfsbergs, 1' Schiefer...V i l l g r a t e n , T e s s e n b e r g und Mitterberg. Die im Herbst 1949 vorgenommenen lagerstättenkundlichen... Villgraten und auf die Bleierzvorkommen von Mitterberg. Die Besichtigung des Bergbaues von Panzendorf |
Tropper, P., Krismer, M., Goldenberg, G. (2017) Recent and ancient Copper Production in the Lower Inn Valley. An Overview of prehistoric Mining and primary Copper Metallurgy in the Brixlegg Mining District. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 163. |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
composition (LUTZ, 2016). During this time period the Mitterberg mining area in Salzburg near Bischofshofen rose...rose to become the largest mining district in the Eastern Alps (Stöllner et al., 2006). Large scale mining...could be investigated and documented in the mining district of Brixlegg-Zimmermoos (Moosschrofen, Schwarzenberg...GOLDENBERG 2015). The easternmost part of the fahlore district Schwaz-Brixlegg namely the Moosschrofen, the Schwarzenbergmoos...tetrahedrite-tennantite and occurs in the Devonian Schwaz Dolomite which is part of the Paleozoic Greywacke Zone |
Shepherd, R. (1980) Prehistoric Mining and Allied Industries. Academic Press. |
Book |
Bones from Archaeological Sites R. E. CHAPLIN Land Snails in Archaeology J. G. EVANS Methods of Physical...sea levels and the land after the weight of ice had gone. Around 8000 xc the land bridge between the...mining, copper ore was worked by adits as at Mitterberg, Austria, whereas older mines used shafis as at Rudna... 18 PREHISTORIC MINING AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Austria also used adits, Unfortunately there are no records...side support in both copper and salt mines in Austria and there is much evidence for this. A layman |
Shepherd, R. (1980) Prehistoric Mining and Allied Industries. Academic Press. |
Book |
Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites R. E. CHAPLIN Land Snails in Archaeology J. G. EVANS Methods of Physical...sea levels and the land after the weight of ice had gone. Around 8000 bc the land bridge between the...mining, copper ore was worked by adits as at Mitterberg, Austria, whereas older mines used shafts as at Rudna... 18 PREHISTORIC MINING AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Austria also used adits. Unfortunately there are no records...side support in both copper and salt mines in Austria and there is much evidence for this. A layman, |