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(2023) Mercury. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
essentially mercury, rarely with a little silver or gold. Occurrence: springs. In hydrothermal deposits...terlinguaite, eglestonite, mercurian silver, mercurian gold, pyrite, dolomite, barite, quartz. Distribution:...(Idria), Slovenia. In Germany, at Landsberg, near Obermoschel, _Rhineland_-Palatinate. From Brezina, Czech
(2023) Corderoite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Peak mine, Fairplay district, Nye Co.; and in the Gold Quarry mine, near Carlin, Maggie Creek district...Kyrgyzstan. At Landsberg, near Obermoschel, and from Königsberg, near Wolfstein, _Rhineland_-Palatinate, Germany
(1984, June) Der Aufschluss Vol. 35 (6) Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. Journal (issue)
HEIDTKE . U.: Die Mineralien des Landsberges bei Obermoschel (Pfalz) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der...Juni 1984 Die Mineralien des Landsberges bei Obermoschel (Pfalz) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der...Lebe11sjahres gewidmet Die Quecksilbervererzungen am Landsberg, auch Moschellandsberg genannt, erlangten in erster...Zumindest in bezug auf die Silberamalgame kann der Landsberg als klassische Fundstelle angesprochen werden...schien nach dem Auflassen der Gruben auch für den Landsberg zu gelten . Trotz keineswegs günstiger Prognosen
(1983, July) Emser Hefte Vol. 5 (3) Rainer Bode Verlag Journal (issue)
Jahrhunderts in den Ouecks1lbergruben am Landsberg bei Obermoschel gefunden und 1st heule in der Mineralogischen...Sein besonderes Interesse gilt dabei dem Landsberg bei Obermoschel, wo er als ,,Bergwerkseigentümer'' die...berühmte Grube „ Carolina" besitzt. Zum Thema In Obermoschel, Deutschlands kleinster Stadt, erinnert heute...drei Bergkuppen von Schloßberg, Seelberg und Landsberg. Trotzdem, bei den Mineralienliebhabern in aller...wurden von ihm gefunden, hauptsächlich aus dem Landsberg stammend. Auch sonst stammt der Großteil aller
Massanek, Andreas, Seifert, Christina (2013) German Minerals in the Krügerhaus, A New Permanent Exhibition in Freiberg, Saxony, Germany. Rocks & Minerals, 88 (3) 212-221 doi:10.1080/00357529.2013.777607 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sammlungen Brennhausgasse 14 09599 Freiberg, Germany andreas.massanek@geosamm.tu-freiberg.de Downloaded...Schloss Freudenstein Schlossplatz 4 09599 Freiberg, Germany christina.seifert@geosamm.tu-freiberg.de Figure...New Permanent Exhibition in Freiberg, Saxony, Germany 212 ROCKS & MINERALS N ative silver, in bizarre...mineral localities in just Germany. Figure 3 (above). Krügerhaus in Freiberg, Germany. Detlev Müller photo...Freiberg, Saxony, Germany. Jeff Scovil photo. A Mineralogical Journey through Germany The central part
Hazen, R. M., Golden, J., Downs, R. T., Hystad, G., Grew, E. S., Azzolini, D., Sverjensky, D. A. (2012) Mercury (Hg) mineral evolution: A mineralogical record of supercontinent assembly, changing ocean geochemistry, and the emerging terrestrial biosphere. American Mineralogist, 97 (7) 1013-1042 doi:10.2138/am.2012.3922 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
well as in amalgams with copper, lead, silver, and gold (e.g., Chen et al. 1985). Mercury mineral age and...Oblast Atanassov and Kirov (1973) CA01 Canada Hemlo gold deposit, Marathon, Thunder Bay Dist., Ontario Pan...Lianhecun Au-Hg-(As-Sb) deposit, Western Quinling Gold Belt, Sichuan Prov. Xia et al. (2006) CZ01 Czech...Racha-Lochkhumi-Kvemo Svaneti Region Kekelia et al. (2008) DE01 Germany Alberoda, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge...Förster et al. (2005), DE02 Landsberg Mt., Obermoschel, _Rhineland_-Palatinate Krupp (1984), Krupp et al
Heidtke, Ulrich (1986) Die Minerale der Pfalz. Sonderdruck 3. Pollichia Report (issue)
Donnersberg nur im Friedrichgang gefunden. Am Landsberg erscheint Kupfer als kleine, eingesprengte Plättchen... s, aa , bb, gg - 13 - EI emente Go I d Au Gold fand sich in der Pfalz in erster Linie auf sekundärer...Kaiserbachtal bei Waldharnbach zu erschließen. Das Gold erscheint hier fein dispers verteilt am Kontakt...Gesteinsproben Gold gelöst. Es kann daher nicht ausgeschlossen werden, daß auch freies Gold vorkommt. Beim...ebenfalls Gold gefunden worden sein. Belegmaterial ist nicht bekannt. Schließlich soll Gold im "lindenstollen"
Krupp, R.E. (1989) Paragenesis and conditions of formation of the Moschellandsberg mercury deposit, SW Germany. Mineralium Deposita, 24 (2). 69-76 doi:10.1007/bf00206305 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
formation of the Moschellandsberg mercury deposit, SW Germany R.E. Krupp Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universitfit...Abstract. The Moschellandsberg mercury deposit ( S W Germany) is hosted in a Permo-Carboniferous volcanic caldera...efficiently in such a fluid, but that the solubility of gold is very low. forming most of the top of the Moschellandsberg...Moschellandsberg. The Moschellandsberg deposit (Obermoschel, ca. 80 km WSW of Frankfurt) is one of some twenty...Permo-Carboniferous Saar Nahe basin of southwest Germany (Pfalz district), of which many have been known
Wallace, Terry C., Barton, Mark, Wilson, Wendell E. (1994) Silver & Silver-Bearing Minerals. Rocks & Minerals, 69 (1) 16-38 doi:10.1080/00357529.1994.9925571 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from hundreds of localities worldwide, and unlike gold, silver is quite a reactive element, forming more...to be the third metal widely utilized by humans (gold and copper were the first). The earliest known siIver...The Iliad. In ancient times silver was rarer than gold. This probably reflects the fact that the earliest...in the ancient world, was considerably rarer than gold. Chlorargyrite appears to have been the fvst silver...King Solomon is said to have received shipments of gold and silver from “Tharshish and the Isles,” thought
Jambor, John L., Puziewicz, Jacek (1990) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 75 (9-10) 1209-1215 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Moschelite (HgrJJ: A new mercury mineral from _Landsberg_- Top pegmatite, Custer, South Dakota. The new...at Moschel-Landsberg near = Cl 5.02(4.61-5.35),sum 100.09(98.09-102.00) wto/0, Obermoschel,Federal Republic...Republic of Germany. Small (S€, Pbo to Cuo corresponding orO,no)",nuCl,ou. o, o,)", ro @n, n quantities...cotunnite, ponomarevite, halite, sylvite, and native gold. The specimenswere collectedat temperatures 180-230...Vochtenite* Gold analgam V. Atanasov, I. Iordanov, O. Vitov, A.V. Atanasov (1988) Amalgams of gold in some
(1890) A Community of Readers. Scientific American, 62 (24) 371 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican06141890-371 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Graphic tellurium. A telluride his report: of gold and silver. Smugglers' mine, Cali. Amalgam; ...mercury and gold from being of the city, even in regard to its material inter­ Moschell, Landsberg, ests...development of its citizens in Palatinate, gold, California. Gold (crystallized). intelligence, in...to apply to industrial pur­ Australia. Cal. Germany. Utlllzln: Wast e mean thereby the conquest...even with a boiling tempera­ LflCe gold from ture � ative gold, Vorospatak, Transyl vania; an ever
Bindi, Luca, Keutsch, Frank N., Lepore, Giovanni O. (2018) Structural and chemical study of weishanite, (Au,Ag,Hg), from the Keystone mine, Colorado, USA. Mineralogical Magazine, 82 (5) 1141-1145 doi:10.1180/mgm.2018.113 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
D S : weishanite, crystal structure, gold, silver, mercury, _gold_–silver alloys, amalgam, nomenclature...from a silicified zone in the silver-rich part of a _gold_–silver orebody in the biotite granulite of the Poshan... scheelite, acanthite, native silver and native gold. Li et al. (1984) reported the weishanite formula...with data for synthetic Au3Hg. However, although gold occurs at Sumidouro, mercury minerals are unknown...which is intermediate between that observed for gold and silver (2.8793 and 2.8892 Å, respectively; Suh
(1987, March) Der Aufschluss Vol. 38 (3) Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. Journal (issue)
enthalten können . Sie entstehen hauptsächlich aus _Land_- und Sumpfpflanzen , d ie sich unter Sauerstoffabschluß...nachgedacht. Wahrlich lockere Sitten sind in Stadt und Land eingerissen , Floh-, Trödel und Antikmärkte sind...hnorrer-Kahler. Mi neralog ische Sammlu ngen d. Univ.. Gold schmidtstr 1. 3400 Göt· tin gen. Tele fon 0551 393854...Bergstraße- Od enwald Blatt Südwest . Hessisc hes Land esve rme ssung sa mt TAMM, Michael: MaganerLe...pfälzischen Stahlbergs zählten einst, neben dem Landsberg bei Obermoschel , dem Lemberg an der Nahe und Mörsfeld
Wellmer, F.-W., Berner, U. (1997) Factors useful for predicting future mineral-commodity supply trends. Geologische Rundschau, 86 (2) 311-321 doi:10.1007/s005310050142 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Geosciences and Natural Resources, 30631 Hannover, Germany Concerning the classification of reserves, no...of the deposits of copper, lead, zinc, silver and gold, and determined the percentage of the total metal...Fig. 3 Fluorspar production of Upper Palatia, Germany. (Data courtesy of K. Weiss) suggests that the...for fluorspar production of the Upper Palatia (Germany; data courtesy of K. Weiss). Hubbert (1969) used...different mining districts. For example, the Canadian gold mining industry suggests an optimal rate of advancement
Hatira, N., Perthuisot, V., Rouvier, H. (1990) Les min�raux � Cu, Sb, Ag, Hg des minerais de Pb-Zn de Sakiet Koucha (diapir de Sakiet Sidi Youssef, Tunisie septentrionale) Mineralium Deposita, 25 (2) doi:10.1007/bf00208853 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ag-Hg sont rares. On en a signal6 notamment 5` _Obermoschel_ (Allemagne; Seeliger et Mficke 1972), 5` Skellefte...Geochemistry Internat. 9:495-504 (1973) Nysten, P.: Gold in the volcanogenic mercury-rich sulfide deposits...1,2 Hg 0,8 and schachnerite Ag 1,1 Hg 0,9 von Landsberg bei Obermerschel. Plafz. Neues Jahrb. Miner. Abh
(1890) Proposed Amendments to the Patent Laws. Scientific American, 62 (24) 370-371 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican06141890-370 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ghatti, being the subject of a paper by C. F. of gold and silver. Smugglers' mine, Cali. Amalgam; his...mercury and gold from Henry, is said by him to produce a mucilage of bland Palatinate, Germany. Lace and...Moschell, Landsberg, ests, than the continued development of its citizens in gold, California. Gold (crystallized)...soluble in water, even with a boiling tempera­ LflCe gold from ture The residue increases considerably in...power to apply to industrial pur­ Australia. � ative gold, Vorospatak, Transyl vania; an ever. A 1:3 mucilage
Clark, A. M., Tandy, P. C. (1990) Thirty-sixth list of new mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine, 54 (377) 661-671 doi:10.1180/minmag.1990.054.377.24 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the lower adit of the Johann mine, Wittichen, Germany. Ideal formula CaMg(AsO4)OH.5H20. Monoclinic, space...anhedral grains in drill core samples from the Hemlo gold deposit, Hemlo, Ontario. Ideal formula (As,Sb)2(Ti...plates on cinnabar at the Moschel-Landsberg mines, Obermoschel, Germany. Formula HgzIe; the iodine analogue...'Griine Au' mine, 15 km south of Siegen, Westfalen, Germany. Formula CuNi(Bi,Sb)S3. Orthorhombic, space group...bismutoferrite at the Neuhilfe mine, Schneeberg, East Germany. Formula Bi2Fe- (PO4)O2(OH)2. Monochnlc, C2/c,
(1949, November) The Earth Science Digest Vol. 4 (4) Earth Science Publishing Company Journal (issue)
Joliet Jr. College Godehard Lenzen, Hamburg, Germany (Geologic Education) THE EARTH SCIENCE DIGEST is...Norris and Fran Hogg of Toronto and Dr. H. E. Landsberg of Pennsylvania State College. There is hope,...development and use of the nation’s water, mineral and land resources. “All too many people”, he says, “do not...is pictured here over the waste sludge piles of gold mines in the Union of South Africa. physical methods...evidence of any former land bridges across the main ocean basins. If there were land bridges, they must have
Archibald, S.M., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E. (2001) The stability of Au-chloride complexes in water vapor at elevated temperatures and pressures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65 (23) 4413-4423 doi:10.1016/s0016-7037(01)00730-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
form June 19, 2001) Abstract—The solubility of gold in liquid-undersaturated HCl-bearing water vapor...of these experiments show that the solubility of gold in the vapor phase is significant and increases...and fH2O. This behavior of gold is attributed to formation of hydrated _gold_– chloride gas species, interpreted...interpreted to have a _gold_– chlorine ratio of 1:1 and a hydration number varying from 5 at 300°C to 3 at...73 ⫾ 0.66 at 340°C, and ⫺18.74 ⫾ 0.43 at 360°C. Gold solubility in the vapor was retrograde, i.e., it
(2022) Mineralogical Almanac Vol. 27 (2) Journal (issue)
established Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold. After graduating from the institute in 1935, he...cessful name MORION . It was a Russian acronym for _gold_-telluride mineralization in the Northern section...Tymyauz, not onl} tungsten and molybdenum, but also gold, Together with his assistants, first of all his...(SilbennintL, 1928a). In the gravel dumps lefl afler gold mi ning during pre\ iou-, yea , the ,c- matter...next Mineralientage (Mineral show) in Munich, Germany, yet prior to the Show opening and many resold
(1834) Vermischte Notizen. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 107. 573-576 doi:10.1002/andp.18341073603 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
und wcclche wesentlich folgende sind. Das reine Gold, zu Draht ausgczogen, hat Zuni Gewichte seines ...Fufs. Das englische Munzgold (welches 0,917 reines Gold wid 0,083 Kupfer enthalt) hat zum Gewicht seines...gleich grofse und gleich dicke Scheiben von Silber, Gold, Kupfer und Stahl auf einen hnrteu Tisch, so findet...in J o h n M a d o x ’ s Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt etc. London 1834, aufgefundeuc Notiz. Es...having a billet of wood round its neck and on it: Landsberg in Prussia 1822.a - -
Pracejus, Berhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (1st ed.) Elsevier. Book (edition)
Silicides Copper I/A.01-10 4 Silver I/A.01-20 6 Gold I/A.01-40 8 Auricupride I/A.01-50 10 Amalgam I/A...Alloys and Alloy-like Compounds, with Copper, Silver, Gold and Nickel Algodonite II/A.01-10 Domeykite II/A...Tellurium < 1:1, Tellurides with Copper, Silver and Gold Linnaeite II/D.01-20 320 Polydymite II/D.01-30 322...Affiliation/Address Luzerner Str. 10-12, D-12205 Berlin, Germany – Freie Universität Berlin, FB Geowissenschaften...Mineralogie, Malteserstr. 74-100, D-12249 Berlin, Germany Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Dr. Frank
Hurtig, Nicole C., Williams-Jones, Anthony E. (2014) An experimental study of the transport of gold through hydration of AuCl in aqueous vapour and vapour-like fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 127. 305-325 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.029 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
com/locate/gca An experimental study of the transport of gold through hydration of AuCl in aqueous vapour and...2013; available online 1 December 2013 Abstract Gold solubility and speciation in low density H2O–HCl...titanium autoclaves. Concentrations of total dissolved gold in the experimental condensates ranged from 0.9...297 bar. The hydrated gold monochloride species (AuCl(H2O)y) is the dominant gold species under the experimental...experimental conditions. Gold solubility increases with increasing water vapour pressure and can be expressed
Long, Keith R., Singer, Donald A. (2001) A simplified economic filter for open-pit mining and heap-leach recovery of copper in the United States. Open-File Report 2001-218. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr01218 Report (issue)
critical task in all phases of mineral supply, from _land_-use management to mine development. This study evaluates...developed simplified economic filters for open-pit gold mining and underground mining of massive sulfide...molybdenum as a byproduct in a separate concentrate. Gold and silver are common byproducts in copper concentrates...structure in the copper industry. Tilton and Landsberg (1997) show that increases of labor productivity...provide any models for estimating exploration and land acquisition costs or reclamation and other mine
Henley, R.W. (1973) Solubility of gold in hydrothermal chloride solutions. Chemical Geology, 11 (2) 73-87 doi:10.1016/0009-2541(73)90044-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands SOLUBILITY OF GOLD IN HYDROTHERMAL CHLORIDE SOLUTIONS R.W. HENLEY...Solubility of gold in hydrothermal chloride solutions. Chem. Geol., 11 : 73- 87. The solubility of gold has been...inferred range for the formation of "hypothermal" gold deposits. The solutions were buffered with respect...in the solution equilibria. It is suggested that gold and other metals may be transported to the site...may take place at lower temperatures where ionic gold chloride or sulfide species dominate the chemistry