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Oberhansli, R., Bousquet, R., Moinzadeh, H., Moazzen, M., Arvin, M. (2007) THE FIELD OF STABILITY OF BLUE JADEITE: A NEW OCCURRENCE OF JADEITITE AT SORKHAN, IRAN, AS A CASE STUDY. The Canadian Mineralogist, 45 (6) 1501-1509 doi:10.3749/canmin.45.6.1501 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
BLUE JADEITE: A NEW OCCURRENCE OF JADEITITE AT SORKHAN, IRAN, AS A CASE STUDY Roland OBERHÄNSLI§ and Romain...and Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, 76176, Iran Mohssen MOAZZEN Department of Geology, University...University of Tabriz, Tabriz, 51664, Iran Mohsen ARVIN Department of Geology, College of Arts and Sciences...Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, 76176, Iran Abstract A new occurrence of “blue jade” is...within metaultramafic rocks in the Sorkhan area of southeastern Iran. The veins are composed of almost
Angiboust, Samuel, Agard, Philippe, Glodny, Johannes, Omrani, Jafar, Oncken, Onno (2016) Zagros blueschists: Episodic underplating and long-lived cooling of a subduction zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443. 48-58 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.017 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
France Geological Survey of Iran, Meraj Avenue, Azadi Sq., Tehran, Iran a r t i c l e i n f o Article...exposure along the Zagros suture zone in Southern Iran are reported here. These blueschists, now exposed...well-preserved HP–LT assemblages comprising lawsonite, glaucophane, aragonite, omphacite and garnet. P –T –t reconstruction...ophiolites and Mesozoic arc-related magmatic bodies in Iran (modified after Shafaii Moghadam and Stern, 2011)...the accreted material. The Zagros belt in Southern Iran, at the junction between Alpine and Himalayan orogens
Pournamdari, Mohsen, Hashim, Mazlan, Pour, Amin Beiranvand (2014) Application of ASTER and Landsat TM Data for Geological Mapping of Esfandagheh Ophiolite Complex, Southern Iran. Resource Geology, 64 (3) 233-246 doi:10.1111/rge.12038 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mapping of Esfandagheh Ophiolite Complex, Southern Iran Mohsen Pournamdari,1,2 Mazlan Hashim1 and Amin Beiranvand...Malaysia and 2Baft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran Abstract This research developed an approach...Three main ophiolite complexes located in southern Iran were selected for the study. A specialized band...mineralized zones in the Abdashat ophiolite complex, south Iran (Pournamdari & Hashim, 2014). In the previous study...colored mélange, amphibolite, limestone, and glaucophane schist were discriminated in the study area.
Tsujimori, Tatsuki, Harlow, George E. (2012) Petrogenetic relationships between jadeitite and associated high-pressure and low-temperature metamorphic rocks in worldwide jadeitite localities: a review. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24 (2) 371-390 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2193 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and Papua New Guinea), Alpine-Himalayan (Italy, Iran, Greece, and Myanmar), and Caledonian (Russia and...mafic rocks eschweizerbart_xxx R P 14. Sorkhan, Iran N/A Cretaceous? N/A P, R 11. Cyclops Mountain...phengiticmuscovite rock, epidote-paragonite-glaucophane eclogite and rare blueschist. Eclogite recorded...epidoteeclogite facies metamorphism in a relatively low-T glaucophane stability field, and the rock then experienced...pumpellyitebearing jadeitite, lawsonite eclogite, omphacite-glaucophane rocks, and lawsonite blueschist have been described
Shi, Guanghai, Jiang, Neng, Wang, Yuwang, Zhao, Xin, Wang, Xia, Li, Guowu, Ng, Enoch, Cui, Wenyuan (2010) Ba minerals in clinopyroxene rocks from the Myanmar jadeitite area: implications for Ba recycling in subduction zones. European Journal of Mineralogy, 22 (2) 199-214 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2010/0022-1998 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
body and cymrite at Pacheco Pass, in San Benito County, California (Coleman, 1961; Essene, 1967). Banalsite...Kotelnikov, 1991). Jadeitite in the Sorkhan area of south-eastern Iran contains minor amounts of barian...high-pressure rocks such as phengite-bearing glaucophane schists and stilpnomelane-bearing quartzites...eckermannite, magnesiokatophorite, nyböite, glaucophane, richterite and winchite (Shi et al., 2003)....Middle Latin Valley Volcanic Field, Roman Magmatic Province, Central Italy. J. Petrol., 50, 1327–1357. Boari
Harlow, George E., Tsujimori, Tatsuki, Sorensen, Sorena S. (2015) Jadeitites and Plate Tectonics. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43. 105-138 doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-060614-105215 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1951) and Yoder (1950), and in a similar way for glaucophane by Miyashiro & Banno (1958). Yoder was not able...Epidote Ca2 Fe3+ Al2 (SiO4 )3 (OH) — Gln Glaucophane Na2 (Mg3 Al2 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 Amphibole group...porphyroblasts, such as garnet, or for interbanding with glaucophane, phengite, or pumpellyite. Then there is the...(in debate) Protolith age 17 December 2014 Sorkhan, Iran PS , RS Type Syros and Tinos, Cyclades, Greeceh...hydration and dominated by the blue amphibole glaucophane; also the facies, or P-T region, for blueschists
Shi, Guanghai, Lei, Weiyan, He, Huaiyu, Ng, Yi Nok, Liu, Yan, Liu, Yingxin, Yuan, Ye, Kang, Zhijuan, Xie, Gen (2014) Superimposed tectono-metamorphic episodes of Jurassic and Eocene age in the jadeite uplift, Myanmar, as revealed by 40Ar/39Ar dating. Gondwana Research, 26 (2) 464-474 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2013.08.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
low-temperature metamorphism 40 Ar/39Ar geochronology Glaucophane Phengitic muscovite Myanmar jadeite a b s t...contrasting ages of Jurassic (152.4 ± 1.5 Ma of glaucophane from blueschist) and Eocene (44.8 ± 1.1 and 45...using 40Ar/39Ar dating. The Jurassic age of the glaucophane, even older than the forming age of the jadeitite...uplift comprises of metamorphic rocks such as _glaucophane_-schist, together with mica-schist, amphibolite...rocks including phengitic muscovite-bearing _glaucophane_-schist, stilpnomelane-bearing quartzite, phengitic
Hunziker, D., Burg, J.-P., Moulas, E., Reusser, E., Omrani, J. (2017) Formation and preservation of fresh lawsonite: Geothermobarometry of the North Makran Blueschists, southeast Iran. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35 (8) 871-895 doi:10.1111/jmg.12259 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Geothermobarometry of the North Makran Blueschists, southeast Iran D. HUNZIKER1, J.-P. BURG1, E. MOULAS2, E. REUSSER2...Switzerland 3 Geological Survey of Iran, Azadi Square, Meraj Avenue, Teheran, Iran Short Title: Lawsonite-blueschists...North Makran, Iran ABSTRACT A low-grade metamorphic “Coloured Mélange” in North Makran (SE Iran) contains...The low variance blueschist peak assemblage is glaucophane, lawsonite, titanite, jadeite ± phengitic mica...preservation of fresh undecomposed lawsonite in _glaucophane_-bearing rocks. This article has been accepted
(2017) Chapter 13 Jadeitite and other high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Jade Mines Belt, Tawmaw area, Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 48. Geological Society of London. 295-315 doi:10.1144/m48.13 Report (chapter)
schists, garnet–mica schists, graphite schists, glaucophane schists and amphibolites. Jade Mines Belt The...Garnet–mica schist 031/05 Epidote schist 034/05 Glaucophane schist YK1 Chlorite schist Ep + Qz + Ab +...fobarroisite; Fgl, ferroglaucophane; Grt, garnet; Gln, glaucophane; Ilm, ilmanite; Jd, jadeite; Kos, kosmochlor;...2.5 5 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. Epidote schist Glaucophane schist 017 019 030/05 031/05 034/05 035/05...magnesiokataphorite, nyböite, eckermannite, glaucophane, richterite and winchite. The occurrence of nyböite
Harlow, George E., Flores, Kennet E., Marschall, Horst R. (2016) Fluid-mediated mass transfer from a paleosubduction channel to its mantle wedge: Evidence from jadeitite and related rocks from the Guatemala Suture Zone. Lithos, 258. 15-36 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.04.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mélange (SMM) unit includes lawsonite eclogite, _glaucophane_-bearing metabasites, and jadeitite blocks in...eclogite, blueschist-altered eclogite, lawsonitite, _glaucophane_-omphacite rock, garnet-quartz-phengite schist...tectonic blocks in the area SC are omphacite-glaucophane blueschist and epidote-amphibolite. Jadeitite...contain sodic amphiboles like eckermannite and glaucophane but lack any mica (see Shi et al., 2012). This...sources (e.g., Itoigawa-Omi: Miyajima, 1999 and Sorkhan, Iran: Oberhänsli et al., 2007) are very D incomplete
Lü, Zeng, Zhang, Lifei, Chen, Zhenyu (2014) Jadeite- and dolomite-bearing coesite eclogite from western Tianshan, NW China. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26 (2) 245-256 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2014/0026-2373 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
quartz, omphacite and titanite, with or without glaucophane. Matrix porphyroblastic albite usually encloses...secondary quartz, lath-like paragonite, rutile and glaucophane. Omphacite is irregularly dispersed within jadeite...barroisite, whereas that included in garnet is glaucophane (Table 1). The Ps content in clinozoisite (Fe3þ/(Fe3þ...blue jadeite: a new occurrence of jadeitite at Sorkhan, Iran, as a case study. Can. Mineral., 45, 1501–1509...400–416. Okay, A.I. (2002): Jadeite-chloritoid-_glaucophane_-lawsonite blueschists in northwest Turkey: unusually
Maresch, Walter V., Grevel, Christiane, Stanek, Klaus Peter, Schertl, Hans-Peter, Carpenter, Michael A. (2012) Multiple growth mechanisms of jadeite in Cuban metabasite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24 (2) 217-235 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2179 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
felty intergrowths of predominantly Al-rich glaucophane and jadeite, the latter with rims and patches...extensive replacement of pyroxene by amphibole. Glaucophane developed rims of magnesiokatophorite and edenite...cite  14 described occurrences. Recent findings in Iran, Cuba and Hispaniola can be added to this still...Ep ¼ epidote, Fe2-Prg ¼ ferropargasite, Gl ¼ glaucophane, Jd ¼ jadeite, Mg-Ktp ¼ magnesiokatophorite,...1250 mm). (c) Microphoto of M591 showing large glaucophane crystal with frayed edges and chlorite þ calcic
Schertl, Hans -Peter, Maresch, Walter V., Stanek, Klaus P., Hertwig, Andreas, Krebs, Martin, Baese, Rauno, Sergeev, Sergey S. (2012) New occurrences of jadeitite, jadeite quartzite and jadeite-lawsonite quartzite in the Dominican Republic, Hispaniola: petrological and geochronological overview. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24 (2) 199-216 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2201 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
found in both suites are omphacite, phengite, glaucophane, epidote, albite, calcite, titanite and zircon...Tsujimori & Harlow, 2012), and an isolated occurrence in Iran without coexisting quartz (Oberhänsli et al., 2007)...sub-parallel to a compositional layering of _glaucophane_-rich and _glaucophane_-poor lithologies. This foliation is...mylonitic shear bands that contain strongly oriented glaucophane needles. Tension gashes between conjugate shear...quartzfree and quartz-bearing suites are phengite, glaucophane, epidote, albite, calcite, titanite and zircon
García-Casco, Antonio, Rodríguez Vega, A., Cárdenas Párraga, J., Iturralde-Vinent, M. A., Lázaro, C., Blanco Quintero, I., Rojas Agramonte, Y., Kröner, A., Núñez Cambra, K., Millán, G., Torres-Roldán, R. L., Carrasquilla, S. (2009) A new jadeitite jade locality (Sierra del Convento, Cuba): first report and some petrological and archeological implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 158 (1) 1-16 doi:10.1007/s00410-008-0367-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
clinozoisite-epidote, apatite, phlogopite, phengite, chlorite, glaucophane, titanite, rutile, zircon, and quartz formed...new jadeitite localities have been documented in Iran (Oberhänsli et al. 2007) and Dominican Republic...facies conditions, with development of retrograde glaucophane and lawsonite. At this stage, new blocks of blueschist...talc-bearing schist, tremolite–actinolite schist, and glaucophane ± lawsonite schist appear associated with jadeitite...clinozoisite-epidote, apatite, phlogopite, phengite, chlorite, glaucophane, titanite, rutile, 123 Contrib Mineral Petrol
Shi, Guanghai, Harlow, George E., Wang, Jing, Wang, Jun, Enoch, N.G., Wang, Xia, Cao, Shu Min, Enyuancui, W. (2012) Mineralogy of jadeitite and related rocks from Myanmar: a review with new data. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24 (2) 345-370 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2190 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
shiguanghai@263.net.cn; shigh@cugb.edu.cn 3 Guangdong Province Material Testing Center, Guangzhou 510080, PR...nyböite, eckermannite, magnesiokatophorite, glaucophane, richterite, winchite, analcime, natrolite, thomsonite-Ca...Celsian Chromite Cymrite Diopside Eckermannite Glaucophane Grossular Hyalophane Ilmenite Jadeite Kosmochlor...adjacent to the mélange include phengitebearing glaucophane schists and stilpnomelane-bearing quartzites...sides) of amphiboles, such as eckermannite and glaucophane (dark gray to blue-black) or actinolite (dark
Qi, Min, Xiang, Hua, Zhong, Zeng-Qiu, Qiu, Hua-Ning, Wang, Hao, Sun, Xi-Lin, Xu, Bin (2013) 40Ar/39Ar geochronology constraints on the formation age of Myanmar jadeitite. Lithos, 162. 107-114 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.12.012 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
various kinds of amphibole, including sodic glaucophane, nyböite, and eckermannite and sodic–calcic...pressure, the third stages of eckermannite, glaucophane and winchite were formed. Moreover, Shi et al...jadeite: a new occurrence of jadeitite from Sorkhan, Iran, as a case study. The Canadian Mineralogist
NISHIYAMA, Tadao, MORI, Yasushi, SHIGENO, Miki (2017) Jadeitites and associated metasomatic rocks from serpentinite mélanges in the Nishisonogi unit, Nagasaki Metamorphic Complex, western Kyushu, Japan: a review. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 112 (5) 197-216 doi:10.2465/jmps.170322 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
as determined by 40Ar/39Ar method applied to glaucophane and phengite. Some jadeitite blocks show lithological...estimated to be 95–90 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar dating of glaucophane and phengite (Faure et al., 1988). Earlier workers...facies metamorphism based on common occurrence of glaucophane + epidote. The Amakusa–Takahama metamorphic rocks...amphiboles are katophorite that rarely includes glaucophane (Figs. 11B and 11C). Small omphacite inclusions...schists is also shown (modified from Moribe, 2013). IR, Iran; MNV, Monviso complex, Italian Alps; NMM, Northern
Tsujimori, T., Ernst, W.G. (2014) Lawsonite blueschists and lawsonite eclogites as proxies for palaeo-subduction zone processes: a review. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32 (5) 437-454 doi:10.1111/jmg.12057 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
eclogitization. INTRODUCTION Blueschists and _glaucophane_-bearing low-temperature eclogites have been documented...covers a wide P–T range and overlaps that of glaucophane (Fig. 1a). Lawsonite-bearing metamorphic rocks...lawsonite-bearing mineral assemblages without glaucophane (sensu lato) can exist in lawsonite blueschist...limits of lawsonite [Lws]- (red bold lines) and glaucophane [Gln]-bearing (lavender lines) equilibria and...metabasites, lawsonite typically occurs with chlorite, glaucophane (sensu lato), and Na- and/or Ca-Na pyroxene (Fig
Ao, A., Bhowmik, S. K. (2014) Cold subduction of the Neotethys: the metamorphic record from finely banded lawsonite and epidote blueschists and associated metabasalts of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, India. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32 (8) 829-860 doi:10.1111/jmg.12096 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
chlorite + titanite + quartz in LBS and lawsonite + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane  epidote  omphacite (XJd =...from omphacite and lawsonite-absent, epidote + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane + chlorite + phengite + titanite...chlorite + glaucophane to lawsonite + albite + high-Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.7 a.p.f.u.) + glaucophane + epidote...which are surrounded by successive layers of glaucophane schist, glaucophanite and GS. Based on prograde...alternate layers of phengite + glaucophane + epidote and glaucophane + epidote is transected by albite-bearing
Yui, Tzen-Fu, Fukoyama, Mayuko, Iizuka, Yoshiyuki, Wu, Chao-Ming, Wu, Tsai-Way, Liou, J.G., Grove, Marty (2013) Is Myanmar jadeitite of Jurassic age? A result from incompletely recrystallized inherited zircon. Lithos, 160. 268-282 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.12.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Burma) can be divided into the Western province and the Eastern province, separated by the Sagaing fault (Fig...The Western province is also named as the Burma microplate, whereas the Eastern province is part of the...onshore along the western margin of the Western province (the Burma microplate) marks the presently active...subduction system (Mitchell, 1993). The Eastern province of Myanmar is composed of the Paleozoic Mogok...prominent metamorphic belts within the Western province (Fig. 1). These three metamorphic belts, from
Bhowmik, S. K., Ao, A. (2016) Subduction initiation in the Neo-Tethys: constraints from counterclockwiseP-Tpaths in amphibolite rocks of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, India. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34 (1) 17-44 doi:10.1111/jmg.12169 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
gneissic banding with alternating layers of glaucophane + epidote + © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd NAGALAND...pervasive foliation is demarcated by oriented glaucophane (Fig. 3c), magnesiokatophorite, barroisite, phengite...inclusions of a texturally early variety of glaucophane (glaucophane1) (Fig. 3i). There are two generations...matrix foliation (Figs 3g & S1b). Matrix folial glaucophane and coronal glaucophane2 both contain inclusions...actinolite and titanite1 (Fig. 4c), as in sample 23. Glaucophane, which is a minor constituent of the rock, occurs
Rajkakati, M., Bhowmik, S.K., Ao, A., Ireland, T.R., Avila, J., Clarke, G.L., Bhandari, A., Aitchison, J.C. (2019) Thermal history of Early Jurassic eclogite facies metamorphism in the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, NE India: New insights into pre-Cretaceous subduction channel tectonics within the Neo-Tethys. Lithos, 346. 105166 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105166 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of phengite (~31%), barroisite (Fig. 3c) and glaucophane (collectively ~22%), and chlorite (~8%), with...magnesio-kataphoritic composition, sphene, AC minor glaucophane, phengite, epidote and rutile and accessory zircon...stage is indicated by foliated, fine-grained glaucophane (glaucophane1), epidote (epidote1), sphene (sphene1)... j–k); (c) a late generation of idioblastic glaucophane (glaucophane2) and sphene (sphene2) that form...sodic amphiboles in the Nagaland eclogites are glaucophane (Fig. 6f). In the binary NaB AC vs. (Al+Fe3+)VI
(2017) Chapter 31 The pre-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Myanmar. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 48. Geological Society of London. 687-712 doi:10.1144/m48.31 Report (chapter)
Bannert et al. (2011) report the occurrence of glaucophane schists together with jadeitite. In the centre...In addition to jadeitite this belt includes glaucophane schists and other high-pressure/low-temperature...temperatures, including eclogite, garnet–mica schists, glaucophane schists, amphibolite schists, epidote schists...obtained Ar/Ar ages of 152 Ma (Late Jurassic) on glaucophane schists. They interpret this age as indicating...2016). Later Eocene and Oligocene ages from glaucophane and phengite would be due to later thermal events
Flores, Kennet E., Martens, Uwe C., Harlow, George E., Brueckner, Hannes K., Pearson, Norman J. (2013) Jadeitite formed during subduction: In situ zircon geochronology constraints from two different tectonic events within the Guatemala Suture Zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 371. 67-81 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.015 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Chl—chlorite, Czo—clinozoisite, Fsp—feldspar, Gln— glaucophane, Grt—garnet, Hm—hematite, Jd—jadeite, Ky—kyanite...jadeite: a new occurrence of jadeitite from Sorkhan, Iran, as a case study. Can. Mineral. 45, 1501–1509...and retrograde P–T paths of the late Paleozoic glaucophane eclogite from the Renge metamorphic belt, Hida...Matsumoto, K., 2006. P–T pseudosection of a _glaucophane_-epidote eclogite from Omi serpentinite melange
Chen, An-Xia, Li, Yuan-Hong, Chen, Yi, Yu, Hui-Min, Huang, Fang (2020) Silicon isotope composition of subduction zone fluids as recorded by jadeitites from Myanmar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175 (1) doi:10.1007/s00410-019-1645-8 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mélange, and other metamorphic rocks, such as glaucophane schist, mica schist, amphibolite, quartzite,...blue jadeite: a new occurrence of jadeitite at Sorkhan, Iran, as a case study. Can Mineral 45(6):1501–1509