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Dutrizac, J. E., Jambor, J. L. (2000, January 1st) Jarosites and Their Application in Hydrometallurgy. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 40. Mineralogical Society of America p.405-452. doi:10.2138/rmg.2000.40.8 Report (chapter)
John E. Dutrizac Mining and Mineral Science Laboratories CANMET, Natural Resources Canada 555 Booth Street...Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OG1 John L. Jambor Leslie Research and Consulting 316 Rosehill Wynd...Wynd Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4 INTRODUCTION The alunite supergroup consists of more than...metallurgists. For example, plumbojarosite and argentojarosite at some localities have been, or are, sufficiently...ferruginous ores and in cracks of adjoining rocks.” Argentojarosite was first observed (Schempp 1925) as a secondary
(1952) Annotated bibliography of North American geology, 1950. Bulletin Vol. 985. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b985 Report (volume)
possessions of the United States, the provinces of Canada, and well-known physiographic areas (e. g. Appalachians...Examples of geographic headings are: Alabama, Alberta, Canada, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Mississippi...Mississippi Valley, Nevada, Ontario, United States. Canada and the United States are headings used to index papers...Canada's oil and gas potentialities" is. indexed under Canada and not under each of the provinces discussed...Berkeley, Calif. Canada Dept. Mines and Tech. Surveys, Mines Br., Memo. ser. Canada Department of Mines
Ridgway, J. M. (1983) Silver. Mineral Dossier 25. Mineral Resources Consultative Committee Report (issue)
Bibliography 97 ll,LUSTRATIONS Fig 1 Former silver mining areas and silver occurrences in the United Kingdom...primary silver resources 16 Table 2 Selected EEC mining operations with silver-bearing base metal concentrate...obtained as a by-product or co-product of base metal mining, from ores frequently containing less than 35 g...grades of 860 g per tonne are not uncommon. Mexico, Canada, Peru, USA and Australia together account for 750/o...extremely small (as a by-product of base metal mining), but there is a large silver recovery and refining
(1927) Bibliography of North American geology for 1923-24. Bulletin Vol. 784. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b784 Report (volume)
Geologists: Bulletin, vols. 7, 8. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers: Transactions, vols...Mineralogist, vols. 8, 9. Menasha, Wis. American Mining Congress: Reports of 25th and 26th Annual Conventions...nos. 1-28. San Francisco, Calif. California State Mining Bureau: Bulletin, nos 91-93. San Francisco, Calif...Calif. Canada, Department.of Mines, Mines'Branch: Summary Report for 1922. Ottawa, Ont. Canada, Geological...vols. 37, 38. Ottawa, Ont. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Transactions, vols. 25, 26; Monthly
(1931) Bibliography of North American geology, 1919-1928. Bulletin Vol. 823. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b823 Report (volume)
vols. 3-12. Tulsa, Okla. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Bulletin, nos. 145-156; Technical Publication...1-157; Transactions, vols. 60-76. New York. See also Mining and Metallurgy. American Journal of Science, 4th...vols. 9-17. San Francisco, Calif. California State Mining Bureau: Bulletins 79, 85-101. San Francisco, Calif...Geography, vols. 2, 3 (no. 1). Berkeley, Calif. Canada, Geological Survey: Summary Reports 1917-1927;...vols. 33-42. Ottawa, Ont Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Transactions, vols. 23-30; Monthly
Alpers, C.N., Jambor, J.L., Nordstrom, D.K. - Eds. (2000) Sulfate Minerals. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 40. Mineralogical Society of America Report (volume)
agriculture to reduce alkalinity in soils. At many mining sites, the extraction and processing of coal or...of mineral deposits and of waste materials from mining and mineral processing. This volume compiles and...Sciences University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2 Sergey V. Krivovichev and Peter C. Burns...Ramondo et al. 1991; Sliznev and Solomonik 1996; Hill et al. 1997), density functional theory (DFT) (McKee...equilibrium geometry Lindsay and Gibbs (1988) and Hill et al. (1997) studied the minimum-energy geometries
Laznicka, Peter - Ed. (1985) Empirical Metallogeny: Depositional Environments, Lithologic Associations and Metallic Ores - Phanerozoic Environments, Associations, and Deposits - Developments in Economic Geology No. 19B. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-11844-2 Book
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T2N2, Canada ELSEVIER, Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo...Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt...J ■ I p r e s e n t l i m i t of 1 underground mining ■ ■ 1 1 •H CO CO cd •H cd \ i 4-1 •H c ...Batholith near Arequipa, Toquepala-Cerro Verde district; in the centre, Morococha and in the north, Michiquillay)... 8.5 ppm Ag, 0.7% Zn, 0.3% Pb; Engineering and Mining Journal, November 1984). The Butte ore field contains
Lamey, Carl A. (1966) Metallic and Industrial Mineral Deposits. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Book
Emeritus of Geology The Ohio State University McGraw-Hill Book Company New York St. Louis San Francisco Toronto...Industrial Mineral Deposits Copyright© 1966 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United................. .... . Production and reserves. Canada. Soviet Union. Africa. United States. Other countries... . . Production. Europe. Asia. Africa. Mexico. Canada. United States. Barile and Witherite, Fluorite...expansion, not only in the United States, but a lso in Canada and Australia. The gold rush to California that
Laznicka, Peter - Ed. (1985) Phanerozoic Environments, Associations and Deposits - Developments in Economic Geology No. 19A. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-11843-0 Book
University Man. R3T2N2, of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada ELSEVIER, Amsterdam - Oxford - New Y o r k - T...Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52,...u n d e r g r o u n d 1 of QJ · · u , Ό mining 1 1 IL··I _ l ~ U C > cd rH cd 3 1 "1...Batholith near Arequipa, Toquepala-Cerro Verde district; in the centre, Morococha and in the north, Michiquillay)... 8.5 ppm Ag, 0.7% Zn, 0.3% Pb; Engineering and Mining Journal, November 1984). The Butte ore field contains
Blackburn, William H., Dennen, William H. (1997) Encyclopedia of Mineral Names - Special Publication No. 1. The Canadian Mineralogist, Ottawa. Book
Mineralogical Association of Canada Association minéraiogique du Canada 1 Credits for photographs...Courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada Hilaire, Quebec / Photo by Claire Dufour Printing...Association of Canada P.O. Box 78087 Meriline Postal Outlet 1460 Merivale Road Ottawa, Ontario Canada Diopside...the Canadian K2E 1Bl Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada e-mail: canmin.mac.ottawa@sympatico.ca Drawings...publisher. Printed in Canada Copyright © 1997 Mineralogical Association of Canada ISBN 0-921294-45-x Minerals
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
Australia Nelson Canada 1120 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario MIK 5G4, Canada 16 15 14 13 12 11...greenish-white. Kipawa River, Timiskaming Co., Quebec, Canada. H= 5.5, Djjj= 2.902, D(,= 2.887, VlllD 18. Gittins...white. Cadesky Vein, Hi-Ho mine. Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. H=3.5, Djj4= 10.0, D(,= 10.12, IIG 02. Ramdohr...Mn5(Si04)2(0H)2, E Mon. Translucent bright/greyish pink. Bold Hill, Alleghany Co., North Carolina, USA. H= 5.5, Djj4=4...Corp. mine, Walton (S), Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. H= 2.5, Djjj= 1.97, D(,= 2.006, VIC 02. Jambor
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Australia Nelson Canada 1120 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario MIK 5G4, Canada GQiefd4 Gi 1S ie...Menezes Les Presmyk Wallace Mann National Museum of Canada Martin Jensen Michael P. Cooper Mark Rogers Marshall...Mineralogical Association of Canada. Clay Mineralogy, by R. E. Grim (McGraw-Hill, 1968). Crystal Chemical...Colorado at the Pelican Dives mine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...County, and in the Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia; Czechoslovakia;
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Australia Nelson Canada I 120 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario MIK 5G4, Canada 4I-1'-lq 16 15 ...Presmyk MA = Wallace Mann MC National Museum of Canada MJ Martin Jensen ~ """ . MP Michael P. Cooper MR... Journal of the J\1ineralogical Association of Canada. Clay Mineralogy, by R. E. Grim (NlcGrav1-H ill...Colorado at the Pelican Dives m.ine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...County, and in the Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia; Czechoslovakia;
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation or any part of this...Ercit: Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Richard C. Erd: U.S.G.S., Menlo Park, California...M. J. Buerger (1958), The Powder Method, McGraw Hill, New York. (B) Bunn, C. W. (1961), Chemical Crystallography...INFORMATION The United States, from east to west Canada Mexico Central America and the Caribbean Greenland...Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming WA WV WI WY Provinces, Canada AB Alberta BC British Columbia NF Labrador (part
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
dept. (departement), dept. (departamento), dist. (district). Less common terms are not abbreviated, e.g....USA, UK, and the provinces Ontario and Quebec in Canada, generally well known to readers. However, the...Rare-with scorodite in U-bearing lignite in the Caves Hill and Slim Buttes areas, both Harding Co .. South...exocontact, e.g. at Drahonfn, Smrcek, and on Zd'ar hill, near Ruda nad Moravou, all Moravia, Czech Rep....As.At Franklin.Sus ex co.. NewJersey.in the Gold Hill
Embrey, Peter G., Fuller, John P. - Eds. (1980) A Manual of New Mineral Names 1892-1978. British Museum (Natural History), London. Book
infringement of the copyright claimed by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. for G E English’s work Descriptive...fine blue sodalite quarried at Bancroft, Ontario, Canada, for use as an ornamental stone. Named alomite...23rd List Amargosite. J. Melhase, 1926. Engin. Mining Journ.-Press, New York, vol. 121, p. 841. Tradename... 39 (part 3), p. 3326 (Ammoniumsyngenit). A. E. Hill and N. S. Yanick, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1935...4th List Antamokite. A. D. Alvir, 1928. Engin. & Mining Journ. New York, 1928, vol. 125, p. 616; Amer.
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Rapp, George Robert Jr., Weber, Julius (1974) Encyclopedia of Minerals (1st ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Department of Mineralogy Royal Ontario Museum.Toronto. Canada ~VANNOSTRAND REINHOLD COMPANY ~ NEW YORK CINCINNATI...New York, N.Y. 10001 Published simultaneously in Canada by Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd. 15 14 13 12 11 10...TENNANTITE, Dresser quarry, Walton, Nova Scotia, Canada (13, column 2). .. ' FOREWORD In its descriptive...Mineralogist, Journal of the Mineralogical Association of Canada. "Calculated X-ray Powder Patterns for Silicate...Memoir 122. "Clay Mineralogy," by R. E. Grim (McGraw-Hill, 1968). "Crystal Data: Determinative Tables," Third
Frye, Keith (1981) The Encyclopedia of Mineralogy. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co., Stroudsburg, PA. Book
Dantestrasse 50, GFR. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Proceedings, 1898-, Clunis Ross...National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 120 Bd. Canada ety, The Ohio State University...Association of Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Department of Mineralogy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C6. Carnegie...Journal of the Clay Minerals Society, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, England, UK. Compass, 1920-, Sigma...Geological Association of Canada, Proceedings, 1947-, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Geological Institute, Bulletin
Ramdohr, Paul (1969) The Ore Minerals and their Intergrowths. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1174pp. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-10027-x Book
BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W. 1 Pergamon...Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon...deposits, can only be considered to some extent. Mining selects, if possible, deposits which are not complicated...Pullman, Washington G. S. D I S L E R , Toronto, Canada A. B. EDWARDS, Parkside, Australia (f) G. M. F...FRIEDRICH, Aachen, Germany H . FROHBERG, Toronto, Canada R. L A GANZA, North Adelaide, S. Australia W. F
Clark, A. M. (1993) Hey's Mineral Index - Mineral Species, Varieties and Synonyms (3rd ed.) Natural History Museum, London. Book (edition)
Absitc. var. of brannerite. A .W.G. Whittle ( 1 954) Mining Rev. S. Austral. Dept. Mines no. 9 (for 1 952)...eastern provinces of Canada. including Nova Scotia. (TL) Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. Canada. Acadiolitc, syn...Villedicu Township. Temiscaming County, Quebec. Canada. Named for S.O. Agrel l. Agricolite. syn. of eulytine...asphaltite group. From (TL) Albert Mine. New Brunswick. Canada. Albiclase. syn. of oligoclase-albite. A.N. Winchell...25-54 on symh. ma1erial]. (TL) Cobalt. Ontario. Canada. Named from Mt..oC 'another' and argenlmn. •silver·
(1996) Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, & Related Terms (2nd ed.) U.S. Bureau of Mines. Book (edition)
Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, & Related Terms Compiled and edited by the Staff of the U.S. Bureau of...Graham, Director FOREWORD The need for a revised mining dictionary is obvious when one considers the technological...that have occurred since the Bureau's previous mining dictionaries were published. The Bureau had pioneered...the Mining and Minerals Industry," and continuing to the 1968 publication "A Dictionary of Mining, Minerals...Minerals, and Related Terms." To develop a modern mining dictionary, the U.S. Bureau of Mines initiated