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Bradshaw, P. M. D. (1975) Conceptual Models in Exploration Geochemistry - The Canadian Cordillera and Canadian Shield - Developments in Economic Geology No. 2. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-444-41314-7.x5001-4 Book
diagrams were drafted by Emma Carrillo of Newmont Mining, Barbara Procher of Amax Exploration and Ray Agnew...Research Limited, Rexdale, Ont. Newmont Mining Corporation of Canada Limited, Toronto, Ont Department of...Most of British Columbia and more than half of the Yukon were repeatedly covered with glacial ice. Evidence...some fringe areas of the Yukon. There is, however, a large area in the Yukon which escaped glaciation...into the United States, and northward into the Yukon. It also extruded through passes in the Rockies
Geyne, A. R., Fries, Carl, Segerstrom, Kenneth, Black, R. F., Wilson, I. F., Johnson, Paul Willard (1970) The Pachuca-Real Del Monte Mining District. Rocks & Minerals, 45 (1) 3-7 doi:10.1080/00357529.1970.11763776 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
THE PACHUCA-REAL DEL MONTE MININC DISTRICT By A. R. GEYNE, CARL FRIES, JR., KENNETH SEGERSTROM, R. F...Willard Johnson The Pachuca-Real del Monte rninmg district has been one of the principal producers of silver...down into the town. The Pachuca-Real del Monte district was discovered probably in 1522, shortly after...The first claim was recorded on April 29, 1552. Mining began early in the 16th century. Pre-Hispanic smelting...accepted as almost historic fact. Early silver mining was limited to extraction of outcrop ores which
Foit, F. F., Ulbricht, M. E. (2001) COMPOSITIONAL VARIATION IN MERCURIAN TETRAHEDRITE TENNANTITE FROM THE EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS OF THE STEENS AND PUEBLO MOUNTAINS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. The Canadian Mineralogist, 39 (3) 819-830 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.39.3.819 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the epithermal deposits of the Steens–Pueblo Mining District of southeastern Oregon. Electron-microprobe...tetrahedrite–tennantite series, argentotennantite, Steens–Pueblo District, Oregon. SOMMAIRE La solution solide tétraédrite–tennantite...série tétraédrite–tennantite, argentotennantite, district de Steens–Pueblo, Oregon. § E-mail address:...The mercury deposits of the Steens–Pueblo Mining District in southeastern Oregon are very unusual in...and pits (over 90 sites) in the Steens–Pueblo District were examined for tetrahedritess mineralization
Ridge, John Drew (1958) Selected Bibliographies of Hydrothermal and Magmatic Mineral Deposits. GSA Memoir 75. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem75 Report (issue)
average geological library in the United States or Canada. A few papers are cited which are not so easily...possible to designate the individual mines of which a district is composed but rather that the geological conditions...conditions from one mine to another within the district are so generally the same that what is said of...continent and country and (in the United States and Canada) by state or province. The 150 bibliographies listed...9, Misc. 4).............. Geological Survey of Canada (Mems. 23, Papers 12, Summ. Repts. 13, Maps 6,
Clark, A. H., Sillitoe, R. H. (1970) Cuprian sphalerite and a probable copper-zinc sulfide, Cachiyuyo de Llampos, Copiapó, Chile. American Mineralogist, 55 (5-6) 1021-1025 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
18, 2C0l. Bovr,n, R. W. (1961) Native zinc at Keno Hill (l an. M iner d., 6, pt. 5, 692-694. Cr-erx, A...(1965) Constitrution of Binory Allolts. fu1g?rrw-Hill Book Co , Inc., New York, 877 p. Goxcuarova, T....percentZn entersthe high-temperature chalcocite-digenite solid solution. The observed solid solubility...several small mines in the Cachiyuyo de Llampos district (-27"6' S.; 7000'W.), near Copiap6, in Atacama...is supported by the National Research Council of Canada. The late Merle Crozier kindly assisted with the
McClenaghan, M. B., Beckett-Brown, C. E., McCurdy, M. W., Casselman, S. (2023) Stream Sediment Indicator Mineral Signatures of the Casino Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Deposit, Yukon, Canada. Economic Geology, 118 (2) Society of Economic Geologists, Inc. 411-431 doi:10.5382/econgeo.4970 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Signatures of the Casino Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Deposit, Yukon, Canada M. B. McClenaghan,1,† C. E. Beckett-Brown,1...2Harquail Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8, Canada School of Earth Sciences...P3E 2C6, Canada 3Yukon Geological Survey, 300 Main Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2B5, Canada Abstract...west-central Yukon, Canada. It is one of the largest porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits in Canada and is hosted...sampling protocols in unglaciated regions of the Yukon and elsewhere globally where porphyry Cu exploration
Evans, T. L., Campbell, F. A., Krouse, H. R. (1968) A reconnaissance study of some western Canadian lead-zinc deposits. Economic Geology, 63 (4) 349-359 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.63.4.349 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Skinneret ol (1959)-Synthetic(Zn,Fe)S Boyle(1965)-Keno Hill (Zn,Fe)S •** 'o i. cell edgesto be lower than...wheresolidstatereactions,particularlythoseinvolvborniteand digenite,take equilibriumpresentin the ore deposits,at...Greenland Southwest US(N Mex, Aril) Joplin Missouri, District Sedimentary Suifide$ fn cont•'•ntolrock$sCoil...similarity of the valuesto thoseof petroleumof western Canada and ocean water sulfate (Fig. 6) strongly suggest...reservoirs as illustrated by Pine Point ore field, Canada: Trans. I.M.M. Sec. B, v. 75, p. B278-285. BOOR•^N
Staude, S., Mordhorst, T., Neumann, R., Prebeck, W., Markl, G. (2010) Compositional variation of the tennantite–tetrahedrite solid-solution series in the Schwarzwald ore district (SW Germany): The role of mineralization processes and fluid source. Mineralogical Magazine, 74 (2) 309-339 doi:10.1180/minmag.2010.074.2.309 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
tetrahedrite solidsolution series in the Schwarzwald ore district (SW Germany): The role of mineralization processes...(‘fahlore’) from 78 locations in the Schwarzwald ore district of SW Germany. Electron microprobe analysis is...fahlore, tennantite, tetrahedrite, Schwarzwald ore district, Black Forest, hydrothermal mineralization. Introduction...for Pb and Ag (Goldenberg and Steuer, 2004), and mining activities continued in medieval and modern times...2004). Geological setting The Schwarzwald ore district (SW Germany) is part of the European Variscan
Marshall, Dan, Anglin, C. D., Mumin, Hamid (2004) Ore Mineral Atlas. Geological Association of Canada, St John's, NL. Book
~"' - ..\, . ~ / Geological Association of Canada g,A Mineral Deposits Divioon . I\ ~ I ORE...the front cover are photomicrographs from the digenite, galena, hematite and molybdenite sections. The...Mauthner. f I: ; It' !I National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data it I~ !I I I!...Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Oivis,on - L'Association geaogiQue du Canada, Division des gites...carolyn Diane (1959-) IV. Geological Association of Canada Mneral Deposits Division QE390.M37 2004 553 C2004-902030-7
Sabina, A. P., Traill, R. J. (1960) Catalogue of x-ray diffraction patterns and specimen mounts on file at the Geological Survey of Canada. Paper 60-4. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
SURVEY OF CANADA Ann P. Sabina and R. J. TraiU Price 50 cents 1960 GEOLOGICAL OF SURVEY CANADA CANADA...SPECIMEN MOUNTS ON FILE AT THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA By Ann P. Sabina and R . J. Traill DEPARTMENT...DEPARTMENT MINES AND OF TECHNICAL SURVE Y S CANADA 85651-1 .. CATALOGUE OF X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERNS...SPECIMEN MOUNTS ON FILE AT THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CF CANADA A reference file of approximately 650 X-ray diffraction...established in the X-ray laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada. Presented in this paper is a list of the patterns
Craig, J.R., Kullerud, G. (1973) The Cu-Zn-S system. Mineralium Deposita, 8 (1) doi:10.1007/bf00203352 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
alteration product of copper bearing minerals. Digenite (Cu9S5) and blue remaining covellite (Cul.09S)...some low temperature ore deposits. Sphalerite, digenite, and/or chalcocite associations are always low...1966); below 154 °C according to KUI~LERUD (1964); digenite Cu9S59' (which forms complete solid solution with...2 MORIMOTOand KOTO(1970) suggest that ironfree digenite is not stable in the Cu--S system below about...containing 0.2 BOYLE, R. W. : Native zinc at Keno Hill. Can. Minwt % Cu in the N u k u n d a m u deposit
Ridge, John D. (1972) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in the Western Hemisphere. GSA Memoir 131. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem131-p1 Report (issue)
ehalatetetetalaiete a\s cisiera uel os YUKON STRERRETORY 2 create Keno. Greenland e ersibre ara.s/0 4 7a(es...323 A. Rifle area, Colorado «0s... 323 B. Uravan District, Colorado 324 Cope tick Rock DIsEEIcL sCoLoradO)...324 DeeGkante District, New sMext Comer. clecetsls cused cists! 0/0 326 E. Shiprock District, Utah—Arizona...Utah—Arizona ....vccccsnens F. Monticello-Moab-Thompsons District, Utah .....secvceee 326 327 ee eeseeee Gig GE...Venezuelan Guayana ..ccceeeee MAPS Western Canada ..... eoeeoeeeeoeeeeoos 548 550 550 556 556
MacIntyre, D.G. (2005) Geological Report on the Hudson Bay Mountain Properties, Aumega Discoveries Ltd. Corporate Document
REPORT ON THE HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN PROPERTY OMINECA MINING DIVISION WEST CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA NTS 093E/14W...Aumega’s Hudson Bay Mountain property surrounds mining leases that cover the Glacier Gulch deposit. Although...in the property. These mineral tenures surround mining leases and mineral tenures that cover the Glacier...physiographic region of the Province of British Columbia, Canada on National Topographic System map sheet 093L 14W...property (Figure 2). The property is in the Omenica Mining Division. Figure 1. Location of the Hudson Bay
Demir, Yilmaz, Uysal, Ibrahim, Burhan Sadiklar, M., Sipahi, Ferkan (2008) Mineralogy, mineral chemistry, and fluid inclusion investigation of Köstere hydrothermal vein-type deposit (Gümüşhane, NE-Turkey) Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen, 185 (2) 215-232 doi:10.1127/0077-7757/2008/0122 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
at ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd., Vancouver (Canada) using total-digestion Inductively Coupled Plasma-Emission... Covellite, chalcocite, and digenite Covellite, chalcocite, and digenite were rarely observed as a secondary...polymetallic Eskay Creek deposit, British Columbia Canada. – Chem. Erde, Geochem. 66: 307–314. Grenn, T....massive sulfide exploration. – Geol. Assoc. of Canada, Short Course Notes. 12: 51–77. JICA-Japan International...Gümüşhane area, consolidated report, Phase 1. – Metal Mining Agency of Japan, 146 pp. Jonasson, I. R. & Sangster
Berry, L. G., Thompson, R. M. (1962) X-Ray Powder Data for Ore Minerals: the Peacock Atlas. GSA Memoir 85. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem85 Report (issue)
Ontario, Canada and R. M. THOMPSON The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada NEW YORK...and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC); Mines Branch, Ottawa, Canada; E. D. Taylor, Ottawa; Frank...identification of minerals by means of x-rays, Royal Soc. Canada, Trans., 35, [4], 105-113 —— (1947): Indexed...pattern given by gold from the Klondike River, Yukon Cell edge by Owen & Yates (Phil. Mag., 15, 472...4 2496Q (Cu/Ni)—East Gold mine, Bowser River district, Portland Canal area, B.C. Composition close
(1960) Bibliography of North American geology, 1957. Bulletin Vol. 1095. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1095 Report (volume)
I.M.E., Mining Geology Geophysics Div. Ann. Mtg., Min. Br. Abs.-American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical...Metallurgical Engineers, Mining, Geology,. and Geophysics Division Annual Meeting, Mining Branch Abstracts....New York. A.I.M.E. Trans.-American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions...Publications in Geological Sciences. Berkeley, Calif. Canada Geol. Survey Bull. ; Econ. Geology Ser. ; Geophysics...Geophysics Paper; Mem. ; Paper; Prelim. Ser. Map-Canada Geological Survey Bulletin ; Economic Geology Series;
Nokleberg, Warren J., Bundtzen, Thomas K., Dawson, Kenneth M., Eremin, Roman A., Goryachev, Nikolai A., Koch, Richard D., Ratkin, Vladimir V., Rozenblum, Ilya S., Shpikerman, Vladimir I., Frolov, Yuri F., Gorodinsky, Mary E., Melnikov, Vladimir D., Ognyanov, Nikolai V., Petrachenko, Eugene D., Pozdeev, Anany I., Ross, Katherina V., Wood, Douglas H., Grybeck, Donald, Khanchuk, Alexander I., Kovbas, Lidiya I., Nekrasov, Ivan Ya., Sidorov, Anatoly A. (1996) Significant metalliferous and selected non-metalliferous lode deposits and placer districts for the Russian Far East, Alaska, and the Canadian Cordillera. Open-File Report Vol. 1996 (96-513) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr96513a Report (issue)
Format) formats, and the mineral-deposit and placer district tables in dBase 3/4, FileMaker Pro 2.0, and tab-delineated...GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA SIGNIFICANT METALLIFEROUS AND SELECTED NON-METALLIFEROUS...Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks 3-Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver 4-Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan...Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks; '-Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver; 4-Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan;...siegenite, bomite, tennantite. barite, bravoite, digenite. covellite. arsenopyrite and other associated
Morin, James A. - Ed. (1986) Mineral Deposits of Northern Cordillera. Special Volume 37. The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Report (issue)
INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY COPYRIGHT (1986) BY THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY...400, 1130 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2M8 ISBN 0-919086-15-2 PRINTED BY HARPELL'S...symposium held December 5-7, 1983, in Whitehorse, Yukon. Co-sponsored by the Geology Division of CIM, the...Division (MDD) of the Geological Association of Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern...Stratiform, Sediment-hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits in Yukon and Northeastern British Columbia J.G. ABBOT, S
Vaughan, David J. - Ed. (2006) Sulfide Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 61. Mineralogical Society of America Report (volume)
beyond areas related to geological applications. The mining of sulfide ores, to satisfy ever increasing world...(AMD) where the sulfides are the waste products of mining, has the capacity to damage or destroy vegetation...to Ore and Environmental Mineralogy. Min Assoc Canada Short Course, Vol. 27, 421 pp. Cotter-Howells J...Geochemistry of Sulfide Minewastes. Mineral Assoc Canada Short Course Handbook, Vol. 22 Jambor JL, Vaughan...Microscopic Studies of Ore Minerals. Mineral Assoc Canada Short Course, Vol.17 Jambor JL, Blowes DW, Ritchie
Sabina, A P (2003) Rocks and minerals for the collector: Kirkland Lake - Rouyn-Noranda - Val-d'Or, Ontario and Quebec. Miscellaneous report 77. Geological Survey of Canada Report (volume)
MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 77 Kirkland Lake – Rouyn-Noranda...Quebec Ann P. Sabina 2003 Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 77 ROCKS AND MINERALS FOR...in Right of Canada, 2003 Catalogue No. M41-8/77E ISBN 0-660-19062-1 Available in Canada from Geological...Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 3303-33rd Street N.W. Calgary...for reference in selected public libraries across Canada Cette publication est aussi disponible en français
Schroeter, T.G. - Ed. (1996) Porphyry deposits of the northwestern Cordillera of North America. Special Volume 46. The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Report (volume)
Columbia, Canada Published for the Geological Society of CIM as VOLUME 46 by the OF MINING, METALLURGY...PETROLEUM COPYRIGHT © 1995 BY CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING, METALLURGY AND PETROLEUM Suite 1210, 3400 de Maisonneuve...Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3Z 3B8 ISBN 0-919086-56-X PRINTED BY HARPELL’S...PRESS COOPERATIVE Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada Preface CIM Special Volume 46 is organized into...regional overviews of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, and Alaska; Part B — porphyry copper (+ Au+Mo)
(1965) Bibliography of North American geology, 1961. Bulletin Vol. 1197. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1197 Report (volume)
Institute Review. Agricultural Institute of Canada. Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Alaska Dept. Health and Welfare Water-Hydrol...Petroleum Resources Annual Report. Victoria, B.C., Canada. Bull. Marine Sci. Gulf and Caribbean-Bulletin...Water Resources Center Report. Berkeley, Calif. Canada Defence Research Board, Directorate Sci. Inf. Services...Report. Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Canada Dept. Mines and Tech. Surveys Geog. Br. Mem.--Canada Department of Mines...Geographical Branch Memoir. Ottawa, Ont., Canada. VIII Canada Dept. Mines and Tech. Surveys Mineral Resources
(1965) Bibliography of North American geology, 1950-1959. Bulletin Vol. 1195. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1195_2 Report (volume)
13. British Columbia ores, zoning: Geology in Canada: Hume, G. S., Gunning, H. G., 5. California, southern...the future: Just, E. ing: Burwell, E. B., Jr., 4. Mining geology, retrospect and Index fossils: Stephenson...United Alaska, evaluation of soil and States and Canada: Levorsen, permafrost conditions: Frost, A. I....Ordovician: Bowen, O. E., Jr. , 5. Clark, T. H., 10. Canada, arctic, physiography, Rocks, minerals, and man:...Hagar, L. L., 11. D. J. Rocky Mtn. geosyncline in Canada: Colorado Plateau: Wengerd, Warren; P. S., 4. S
(1970) Bibliography of North American geology, 1966. Bulletin Vol. 1266. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1266 Report (volume)
Quebec, Division des Pecheries. Quebec, Quebec, Canada. Adv. Sci. - The Advancement of Science. of Science...Department of Geology Bulletin. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Albertan Geographer - The Albertan Geographer...Geography, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Am. Antiquity- American Antiquity. Society for...Arctic Institute of North America. Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Washington, D. C. Arctic Inst. North America Tech...Tech. Paper Paper. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Arctic Institute of North America Technical Arizona Acad
Sabina, Ann P. (2015) Rocks and minerals for the collector : Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; South Shore, Nova Scotia. Popular Geoscience 97. Geological Survey of Canada doi:10.4095/293933 Report (issue)
MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR Geological Survey of Canada Popular Geoscience 97 Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick...career in mineralogy at the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) in 1952, working in the new field of mineral...which covers 14 regions of Canada, from Newfoundland and Labrador to the _Yukon_-Alaska border. She discovered...treasurer for the Mineralogical Association of Canada. After her retirement in the late 1990s, Ann continued...shortly before her death. Geological Survey of Canada Popular Geoscience 97 ROCKS AND MINERALS FOR THE