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Meteoritic Iron from

Famenin meteorite, Famenin County, Hamadan Province, Iran

Locality type: Meteorite Fall Location
Species: 'Meteoritic Iron' (not an IMA approved species)
Comments: Only kamacite is explicitly reported by McCausland et al.,2016.
Validity: Believed Valid
Mineral Data: Click here to view Meteoritic Iron data
Locality Data: Click here to view Famenin meteorite, Famenin County, Hamadan Province, Iran
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID: 951952
Long-form Identifier: 1:3:951952:7
GUID (UUID V4): c0e2c159-2b7f-4e23-b804-c99d499b912c
McCausland, P.J.A., Flemming, R.L., Mazur, M.J., Umoh, J., Holdsworth, D.W., Wengenroth, J. (2016) Famenin, Iran Ordinary Chondrite 2015 Fall: Non-Destructive Analysis. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. www.lpi.usra.edu (2020) http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=62545