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(1907) Mineralogical chemistry. Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts, 92. doi:10.1039/ca9079205182 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
-Enclosed in sheets of mica from Lukwengule in the Uruguru Mountains, Morogoro district, are crystals of pitchblende...of the uranyl carbonate for which the name rutherfordine, after E. Rutherford, is proposed (not to be...radioactivity of this pitchblende and of the rutherfordine is about 20% higher than that of pitchblende
Heinrich, E. William (1958) Mineralogy and Geology of Radioactive Raw Materials. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Book
enardite Yellowt greenish yellow Schoepite Rutherfordine Rabbittite Bayleyite Schroeckingerite Uranopilite...uranopilite) and carbonates (liebigite, rabbittite, rutherfordine) are biaxial ( +), as are the oxides vandenbrandeite...Some noteworthy examples are Mt. Lukv1engule, Morogoro, East Africa ( 400 kg reportedly mined); Gordonia...Australia, in Queensland in the Mt. Isa-Cloncurry region disseminated in graywacke and 10 mi northwest of...vandendriesscheite (Frondel, 1956B). CARBON,A TES Rutherfordine Composition. ( UO 2 ) CO3 . Pb, Ca, and Si
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and oblast (Russia). The country...by Mobutu, and is now the Katanga administrative region again. The former Kivu province is now divided...United States or of the Upper Silesian historical region in Poland, where the importance of ore-bearing...Kunlun Mts., near Hotan, Xinjiang Uygur Autom. region, China, also at Fengtien, Taiwan. Green at Ospinskoye...Osenovlakdepo\it,. 1 of Sofija,Vratsa-Jzdremet-, ore region. Bulgaria. Bode - Wittern, 259.1989. Agardi~(YJ